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New Infrared Tech Will Let Firemen See Through Flames - 0 views

    This article is about a new infrared technology that will let firemen see through flames. This was a new study in Italy and researchers have created a system that cuts through smoke with infrared lasers. The lasers bounce off of anything such as people and go back through an imager to show the firefighters a 3D view of everything around them. The current infrared camera monitors that firefighters use can easily be blinded by thick smoke and flames because they have a lens that must zoom in on light. The new system will let firefighters see them in holograph form. This product still has to be refined but once it is it can help save many lives. This is an example of security because many more people will be more secure and safe when this product comes out.
Sarah Karam

Hasbro reinvents Lazer Tag for the smartphone generation - 1 views

    this article is about using your Apple iPhone or iTouch as an add-on to a new Hasbro Nerf Laser Tag game. i think its pretty genius using your iPhone or iTouch as your own screen, but i also think that they should be other types of laser tag "guns"
    This article is about how you can plug in your iphone or ipod to plastic guns and play laser tag. You can get the app and it shows you where you hit your friend, what level you are etc. I think its good for this generation because teens these days enjoy playing shooting games and almost everyone loves lazer tag. I believe this is a great game that's coming out because I know I would want to play it, and its something fun to do with all your friends.  

New $443 3D scanner on sale: "Looks awesome. Shoots lasers." | Ars Technica - 0 views

    This article is about a new 3D scanner. So far this scanner has created high levels of interest and is only selling for $450 Canadian compared to the NextEngine scanner that currently sells for $3000. There were two people that created this scanner and hoped to raise $81 000 but so far have already raised $228 000. The pair said that they built this scanner in mind for anyone who had a 3D printer. They said that is less complicated machinery and  doesn't have the same amount of moving parts that a 3D printer has. This scanner can scan objects up to a 5-inch diameter and a 9.75-inch height. On average it takes 3 minutes to scan an object.  This is an affordable way to get a 3D scanner aimed at the hobbyist and the consumer market. I think that this is a cool new product that many people will use and enjoy.

How the sun may protect us from future asteroid collisions - 0 views

    This article is basically about physcist developing a system in witch they use the suns energy to destroy or redirect asteroids from space. The earth at this period of time can easily be destroyed but a random asteroid from outer space. Asteroids are roughly the size of five football flieds long. The earth has recently dodged two asteroid threats on its own but may not be so lucky in the future. This is why Physicists Philip Lubin of University of California, Santa Barbara and Gary Hughes of California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo started working on the DE-STAR proposal a year ago. Directed Energy Solar Targeting of Asteroids, an exploRation (DE-STAR). This system will use the suns solar energy to power a laser beam that can be used to shoot to destroy or redirect future asteroids that have been predicted to come and are a threat to human survival. For example asteroid 2012 DA14-a medium sized, 150 ft (50 m) rock weighing 143,000 tons-was closing in on us. They knew that it would miss us too, by 17,200 miles (27,700 km
Ira Garcia

DARPA's 'Avatar project' aims to give soldiers surrogate robots, make James Cameron pro... - 0 views

  • h a semi-autonomous bi-pedal machine and allow it to act as the soldier's surrogate." DARPA isn't talking about simple remote control rigs, either -- these 'bots are being designed to clear rooms, and facilitate sentry control and combat casualty recovery. The new budget also sets aside $4.1 million to design laser countermeasures to protect military weapons, well, lasers -- ensuring that the future's robot soldiers will be nigh indestructible when they rebel against their human hosts. IEEE Wired 150 Leave A Comment
    I guess in the future, wars won't be called "bloody" anymore because these guys, namely DARPA, are creating robots that would take the place of human soldiers. With the use of complicated interfaces and algorithms, they are aiming to enable these robotic avatars to effectively partner with their respective human soldiers. Amazing but at the same time scary because the more technological advances in weaponry means the more destructive the war will be. Another thing is they are trying to make these soldiers indestructible as possible. What if those robots start a rebellion or something? Just saying.
Ira Garcia

A Blind Man Is Driving This Car - 0 views

    This article is about a car that can be driven by blind people. Google's self-driving car has now completed 200,000 miles of computer led driving. They got a test subject, which is Steve, who is 95% blind. So in the video, a member of Google and Steve went on a driving test to see the capabilities of this new prototype. It uses cameras and lasers to detect is there is anything around it. Overall, the car looked liked it was being driven by a normal person.
Mary lou Paningbatan

Man Turns Random Tech Into Musical Instruments [VIDEO] - 0 views

    Musician Mikael Mutti uses engineer electronics and gaming controllers to create instruments and new sounds. This video was made using the controllers in the video-including a Rock band Guitar/ iPad hybrid, Japanese office telephone, a Wii remote and a Beamz laser motion sensor. Using a bluetooth and USB, Mikael plugs two controllers into his laptop and creates the video music using Reason and Pro Tools. Isn't it just weird how you can make different sounds and instruments out of electronics and game controllers?!
codrin gherghel

Check Out Zynga's Amazing New Campus | TechCrunch - 0 views

    Along with the Launch of Mafia Wars 2, Zynga has managed to get a new 270,000 square feet of space in San Fran. The place was decorated by some guy called the "Minister of Cool", who led internal Zynga teams focused on intergrating unique lighting, interior design and functionality. This includes a laser tube doorway, random dog bowls, and many other weird things.

The Super-Powerful Long-Lasting Smartphone Battery Has Just Been Invented - Maybe - Rea... - 0 views

    This article is about an article in a journal that stated researchers claim to have created a lithium ion microbattery with power densities up to 2000 times more powerful than comparable batteries. This article also talks about how technology is getting smaller but batteries are still big.  This University of Illinois team has created a super small and thin battery that can be recharged 1000 times faster than today's batteries.  the battery work by a chemical reaction inside the battery that causes the anode to release electrons. When the battery is "on" these electrons flow from the anode to the cathode thus provide far greater power density (output) and simultaneously support much faster charging. This team now just needs to achieve a commercially viable - and safe - battery breakthrough soon and then it could potentially be ready for the market..
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