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Contents contributed and discussions participated by grajnam0540


You Could Control Google Glass With a Wink - 0 views

    This article is about the new Google Glass and how you now may be able to take a picture just by winking. The code for this function was dug up by Redditor Fodawim who found some variables with variations on the name EYE_GESTURE_WINK. The wink function can be turned off but if if is not than the user can take a picture just by winking. Google Glass already has a sensor on the inside but can possibly be used to watch your eye. The only other problem is that the sensor will be able to tell the difference from a blink and a wink. This new function on Google Glass will violate a lot of peoples privacy since the user can take a picture of anyone at anytime without that person even knowing.  I think that  this possible function on Google Glass is very creative.

The Super-Powerful Long-Lasting Smartphone Battery Has Just Been Invented - Maybe - Rea... - 0 views

    This article is about an article in a journal that stated researchers claim to have created a lithium ion microbattery with power densities up to 2000 times more powerful than comparable batteries. This article also talks about how technology is getting smaller but batteries are still big.  This University of Illinois team has created a super small and thin battery that can be recharged 1000 times faster than today's batteries.  the battery work by a chemical reaction inside the battery that causes the anode to release electrons. When the battery is "on" these electrons flow from the anode to the cathode thus provide far greater power density (output) and simultaneously support much faster charging. This team now just needs to achieve a commercially viable - and safe - battery breakthrough soon and then it could potentially be ready for the market..

New $443 3D scanner on sale: "Looks awesome. Shoots lasers." | Ars Technica - 0 views

    This article is about a new 3D scanner. So far this scanner has created high levels of interest and is only selling for $450 Canadian compared to the NextEngine scanner that currently sells for $3000. There were two people that created this scanner and hoped to raise $81 000 but so far have already raised $228 000. The pair said that they built this scanner in mind for anyone who had a 3D printer. They said that is less complicated machinery and  doesn't have the same amount of moving parts that a 3D printer has. This scanner can scan objects up to a 5-inch diameter and a 9.75-inch height. On average it takes 3 minutes to scan an object.  This is an affordable way to get a 3D scanner aimed at the hobbyist and the consumer market. I think that this is a cool new product that many people will use and enjoy.

The Next World-Changing Supermaterial Is Grown, Not Made - 0 views

    This article is about a new super-material that is very strong, super light and eats greenhouse gases. The material is made just from algae. Many scientists are saying that this nanocellulose  is a "wonder material" and can possibly become the raw material for sustainable production of biofuels and many other products. While producing the nanocellulose  the algae will absorb carbon dioxide and also is an abundant and inexpensive resource. Some people believe that this material will one day be used for super-light body armor and for replacement organs for transplants. In the beginning of production nanocellulose involved huge breeding tanks of bacteria which required food but recent advancements have helped groom new blue-green algae, which unlike normal bacteria, can make its own food from the sun, and devour greenhouse gases in the process. Nanocellulose research has been decades in the making and well worth it for the new discoveries scientists have found. I think that this is a very interesting new type of material and will one day be used to help many people.

Recyclable organic solar cells: a clean fuel future made possible by trees - 0 views

    This article is about a new recyclable solar cell. This new cell is made using plant-derived substrates. This is known as cellulose nanocrystal substrates (or CNC). These solar cells benefit from being truly disposable and by eliminating the waste that results from the use of alternative materials like petroleum or glass. These cells are not only transparent enough to allow light to pass into an embedded semiconductor. These cells dissolve in water which makes them recyclable. The only downside to this new cell is that it will not be available in the near future and the cells can only yield a 2.7-percent conversion efficiency rate while the normal cells can reach 10 percent. At least we now know that a clean fuel ear is well within reach. I think that this new cell is very cool because we have never seen anything like it before and will help us reduce a lot of waste when it is ready.

Businesses only employing non-smokers in growing trend | CTV News - 0 views

    This article talks about some businesses that now only hire non-smokers. This article states that this is the new trend among North American employees. This new hiring practice has slashed in half the cost of employee health benefits compared to five or six years ago which means that businesses will save a lot of money. Smokers cost more money, miss more workdays and have more health problems which is why businesses don't like to hire them. Some people think that they shouldn't be excluded as long as they do their job and isn't going to help them end their addiction. This article relates to the tag economics because it doesn't allow non-smokers to work therefore limiting the amount of people that would apply for a job. This is a downside because if not many people apply for a job and if some of those applicants were smokers, less people would be able to take up that occupation.

Google's location-aware pocket tour guide app Field Trip comes to iOS - The Next Web - 0 views

    This article is about a location-aware Field Trip tour guide app for iOS. You can now download it from the apple app store. Previously, the app was only available for Android, arriving back in September 2012. Field Trip runs in the background on your phone, triangulating position via cell phone towers, and only notifies you when "get close to something interesting." This can include anything local businesses, historical facts, landmarks, art, or culture.You select the local feeds you like and the information pops up on your phone automatically as you move about. You can discover thousands of interesting places/experiences that fall under the following categories: Architecture, Historic Places & Events, Lifestyle, Offers & Deals, Food Drinks & Fun, Movie Locations, Outdoor Art and Obscure Places of Interest around you. Field Trip can detect when you're driving and automatically "talk" about interesting places and experience around you. I think that this is a cool app and should be used while you go on trips so that you can see all the places around you and choose where you want to go. 

New Infrared Tech Will Let Firemen See Through Flames - 0 views

    This article is about a new infrared technology that will let firemen see through flames. This was a new study in Italy and researchers have created a system that cuts through smoke with infrared lasers. The lasers bounce off of anything such as people and go back through an imager to show the firefighters a 3D view of everything around them. The current infrared camera monitors that firefighters use can easily be blinded by thick smoke and flames because they have a lens that must zoom in on light. The new system will let firefighters see them in holograph form. This product still has to be refined but once it is it can help save many lives. This is an example of security because many more people will be more secure and safe when this product comes out.

This Billboard Produces Drinkable Water Out Of Thin Air - 0 views

    This article is about the capital of Peru which is the second largest capital in the world located in a desert. It rarely rains which means that many residents are forced to get their water from dirty wells. The good thing is that the humidity there is 98% so the local University designed a billboard that's able to harvest the moisture in the air and turn it into potable water. The University teamed up with with an add agency to create the billboard. A series of five tanks located at the top of the tower can store up to 96 liters of water at any given time, and the liquid reserves are accessible from a single faucet located at the base of the billboard.  The water vapor is being pulled directly from the air and further processed by a filtration system. The water is guaranteed to be clean enough for drinking all year round. I think that this is a great invention and should be used in many other places around the world with a high humidity. This article relates to the selected tag of Environment because even though it doesn't damage the environment it is a renewable resource and will only benefit us in the future.They get the water vapor from the air and change it into water from the environment. 

Why Smartphone, Laptop, and Airplane Batteries Explode - 0 views

    The article i chose is about why Smartphone, Laptop, and Airplane batteries can explode. These batteries are lithium-ion batteries and are less expensive and more energy dense than than regular batteries which is why many people use them. These batteries don't just short circuit, they explode into flames and the batteries explosive tendencies are the result of a process known as thermal runaway. This means that the increasing temp. causes the system to get hotter which increases the temp. and so on. The causes of this are short circuits, temperatures exceeding 60 degrees C, repeated overcharging, or unauthorized modifications to the case. This occurs very rarely but just to be on the safe side all you have to do is make sure you don't repeatably overcharge, and replace the batteries every 36 months or so to avoid pushing a worn cell to hard.  This relates to the selected tag economics because some companies such as apple took out 1.8 million iBook and PowerBook battery packs after just nine reports of overheating. It also relates to Portable Computing because your computer can overheat and be damaged forever.   

How Common Are Meteor Strikes? - 0 views

    This article is about meteors and how often they land on Earth. On Thursday Feb. 14/13 a meteorite fell to Earth in Russia overnight and so far 500 people have been injured. space rocks enter Earth's atmosphere all the time but most burn up before it can reach Earth's surface. A mineralogist at the University of Muenster in Germany, said that there are typically five to ten meteorite strikes around Earth per year but most we do not hear about or see because the Earth is about 70% water and most land there. This article relates to the Environment tag because even though it is very rare to see a meteorite hit Earth they can change the landscape and even the sometimes life. An example of this is with the dinosaurs or creating a crater hole which can later turn into a lake.

Black Hornet: The $195,000 Spy Plane That Fits in the Palm of Your Hand - 0 views

    This article is about a new spy plane that costs $195,000 and fits in the palm of your hand. Now the British soldiers will be a bit safer thanks to this little plane and it flies nearly silently. Prox Dynamics of Norway designed this little plane and it is only 4 inches long and 1 inch tall. This plane can provide videos to the soldiers hand from up to 1000 meters away. It has been used in Afghanistan since August of 2012 and has impressed so far. It is also very hard so see or hear. This article relates to the selected tag because it impacts the lives of both the locals and the military. It affects the locals because they do not have much privacy and security anymore due to this new spy plane. This is unethical and illegal because people want their privacy and if people are spying on them daily they are not secure. Even though it is unethical to do this I think that it would be much safer for most people to use this new plane. The only thing I do not understand is why the plane costs so much and if they will be able to reduce the price.  

Ecommerce Sales Topped $1 Trillion Worldwide in 2012 - 0 views

    this is my first bookmark
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