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Lynn Bui

Exclusive: Apple, Macs hit by hackers who targeted Facebook | Reuters - 0 views

    This article is about how Apple was hacked on Tuesday February the 19th, 2013. Basically, unknown hackers infected some Apple workers computers when they visited a website for software developers This website had been infected with malicious software that was designed to target Mac computers. Some people are saying that the malware could have originated from China, but there is no proof. Some of the malware was distributed through a site aimed at iPhone developers. It might still be infecting visitors who haven't disabled Java in their browser. F-Secure a security firm wrote that the hackers might have been trying to get access to codes for apps on smartphones which would allow them to infect millions of app users. Hackers recently found out a sophisticated way to attack Macs by exploiting a flaw in Adobe Systems Inc's Flash software. What I find very interesting is that the breaches described by Apple mark the highest-profile cyber-attacks to date on businesses running Mac computers. This shows that we should make an effort to protect our information especially since one of the largest technology companies has been breached. With cyber security attacks on the rise, we should all be aware and careful of the sites that we are visiting. Apple workers simply visited a website for software developers and became infected with the virus. The hackers are breaking many laws by hacking Apple, Apple intents to find the hackers with the help of the police.
Victor Hugo Rodrigues Carvalho

Privacy is Non-negotiable: Tell congress to oppose CISPA 2.0 | Demand Progress - 0 views

           Last year american congress introduced CISPA (Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act). Although this act  speaks of protection it does quite the opposite. With this act almost all privacy on the internet will disappear. Despite many people opposing this bill last year a new version of this bill has been released this year. This CISPA 2.0 would grant immunity to private companies who can share your data with other companies, private agencies, and the government. This means that your private information and cybersecurity is virtually non-existent and can be shared with anyone. At the end of the article it tells people how they can fight against this bill. Although this bill is for the united states, Canada has attempted to pass a bill like it in the past and I personally do not want any bills of this sort to pass legislature.
anthony garisto

Cyberwar Imperative: We Need A Next-Generation Internet - ReadWrite - 0 views

    With people becoming more tech savvy, the security and firewalls of major websites and servers are becoming just obstacles to hackers looking for valuable information these websites contain.  Michael Tchong suggests that we need a new internet, one built from the ground up. He says that China is far more advanced with technology and internet security than that of the United States and Canada. Some suggestions that Michael Tchong has made for this new internet is making the internet so secure that to hack it, you will need to be a genius with alot of time on your hands. He proposes that there should be a next-generation eye-recognition technology using a computer or mobile camera. This will help sites like Facebook and LinkedIn in their endless battle against identity fraud. Also he thinks that it should only be accessed by Americans for obvious reasons that the Chinese and other known hacking countries would try and destroy the new internet.  
Stephanie Bortolin

Social Bicycles Will Run on AT&T's Wireless Network - 0 views

    This article tells us about how riding a bike in the city will soon be easier than ever courtesy of two wheels and AT&T's wireless network for many big cities across the US. The bicycles will have built-in GPS using AT&T's wireless network to make the basic part of public bicycle renting possible-making sure they don't get stolen or abandoned in some unknown place. Also, smartphone users will be able to use an app to locate Social Bicycle racks nearby, as well as reserve bikes and unlock them from racks. Riders will then be capable to bike around the city and return the Social Bicycle at any rack located in the city. You can also rent a bicycle by using the smartphone app to reserve one. The app will automatically send your personalized pin to the rack, which will unlock the bicycle, checking out the bicycle in your name. It also has a cool feature where you can use the app to track stats like calories burned, emissions reduced, and dollars saved. There isn't any information yet on how much the bike rentals will cost. Social Bicycles will hit more cities at the beginning of 2013.
Anthony Mirabile

Twitter Boosts Class Participation and Writing Skills Among Students : Counsel & Heal - 1 views

    As a social generation, we use various online 'social networks' to connect with others and share information (e.g. photos, text, videos.) But has anyone ever considered integrating one of these networks into a scholastic environment? This is exactly what Assistant professor of education at Michigan State University, Christina Greenhow has found in a recent study. While most say that social networks like Twitter are poisoning the minds of our youth, destroying their grammar and face-to-face skills, Greenhow finds that using Twitter in her class has allowed for more engaged students proven to attain higher grades. By integrating Twitter into some of the class' exercises, Greenhow was able to contextualize the material into something the students could relate to, "The students get more engaged because they feel it is connected to something real, that it's not just learning for the sake of learning." Twitter; something bored students would initially hide from teachers in class is now seeing some valid and practical applications in the classroom. This article relates to the tag "eLifestyle" because teachers are constantly trying to integrate web-based teaching into their classrooms in this constantly evolving technological age. This relates to ICS20 because we are one of the classes in the school on the forefront of technology, integrating web services such as Codeacademy, Diigo and even Twitter to enhance our learning experience. This article is not meant to give students excuses to wander off to Twitter during class, but to show teachers the validity in using a web-based social network to improve their teaching methods in the classroom.
    Love this post. I've been thinking about this stuff for a while, as in - how do I work twitter into class activity? Any ideas?
Daniel Le

Zuckerberg Predicts We'll All Be Sharing 1,000 Times as Much Crap 10 Years From Now - 0 views

    From the time social networking rose sharply in popularity, everyone has been sharing their lives to the Internet through pictures and statuses. Since then, users' news feed has been filled with things they really don't care about. Whether it be someone telling the world what kind of cereal they are eating or posting a celebrity's quote even though they have no idea what the quote means. Facebook's co-founder Mark Zuckerberg says that the amount of pointless garbage we see now will increase 1000 times more in the next 10 years. Yes that's right, more pictures of people making duck faces and statuses giving every detail of someone's life. This ties in with eLifestyle because even if we don't want to admit it, logging on to social networking sites to see what pointless information people are posting is a part of most of our daily lives. This daily ritual is good for giving us something to do to pass the time. However, our constant obsession is sometime placed before our education by people spending too much time checking on what their friends are doing therefore depriving them of the time to finish homework. I think Mark Zuckerberg's claim that the rate of sharing will increase dramatically is highly unlikely because once the amount of sharing reaches a certain point, social networking users might be fed up and quit using it because any posts that actually seem intelligent will be drowned out by other more dull posts. I personally don't like meaningless statuses like how someone just bought an apple at No Frills, which is part of the reason why I lost interest in social networking sites.
Dragos Penelea

How to Crack a Wi-Fi Network's WPA Password with Reaver - 1 views

    This post is on cracking Wi-Fi WPA passwords with "Reaver." Many people know that cracking a WEP password is fairly easy, so they use the more bulletproof WPA security protocol. Reaver is a program that exploits a security hole in wireless routers and can crack most routers' passwords with relative ease. First off, you will need the BackTrack 5 Live DVD. Download the Live DVD from BackTrack's download page and burn it to a DVD. Next, you need a computer with Wi-Fi and a DVD drive. Lastly, you need a nearby WPA-secured Wi-Fi Network. Using four steps you can hack into a WPA Wi-Fi Network. Step 1: Boot into BackTrack, Step 2: Install Reaver, Step 3: Gather the Router's information, and Step 4: Crack the WPA password to the Wi-Fi Network. Now I will explain how you can protect against Reaver attacks. Since the vulnerability lies in the implementation of WPS, your network should be safe if you can simply turn off WPS (or, even better, if your router doesn't support it in the first place), however Reaver may still be able to crack your password, even with WPS manually turned off. You could also set up MAC address filtering on your router (which only allows specifically whitelisted devices to connect to your network), but a sufficiently savvy hacker could detect the MAC address of a whitelisted device and use MAC address spoofing to imitate that computer. The good news is that there is a way to surely protect against Reaver. You can get the open-source router firmware DD-WRT installed on your router. Reaver has been tested on routers with this firmware and it was not able to crack the password. As it turns out, DD-WRT does not support WPS, so there's yet another reason to love the free router-booster.
Adrian Ma

'Jesus' and 'Ninja' Infiltrate List of Worst Passwords | TechnoBuffalo - 0 views

    According to SplashData, a new list of "Worst Passwords of 2012" has been published and some of the new worst passwords include "jesus", "ninja", "welcome", and more. SplashData gets their information based on files containing millions of stolen passwords posted online by hackers. These are perhaps the worst passwords that can ever be used when protecting your account. The best passwords contain at least eight characters and uses a combination of numbers, letters, and even symbols. "password" remains the most used, but worst password ever. For some of my less important accounts, I too also have use the password "password".
Jason Strassler

Best Processor for Gaming - 1 views

    This article is of interest to me because it explains what the best processor is for gaming. I have always loved playing video games and I am constantly on the computer but now I can do both. Learning about which processor is best for gaming is important and significant for someone who wants to play video games on the computer. Choosing the right processor is key to have the best gaming experience possible. This starts from choosing a processor that is in your price range, has powerful graphic features, but can also fulfill your needs of playing fast, at a high performance, and without it taking too much space on your hard drive. Overall, I have a better understanding about gaming on the computer and I hope to use this information to start to game on the computer in the most efficient and fastest way to play.
jose valenzuela

Google+ Rolls Out New Look - 0 views

    this article is about Google + improving their look, on the site making it easier to navigate and to get information.  Google+ will now offer profile pages that will include bigger photos, a la Facebook's Timeline, and feature a chat list that puts friends front and center on your page.
Jizelle Pineda

38% of Children on Facebook Are Younger Than 12 - 0 views

    This article is about how 38% of children on Facebook are younger than 12 years old. I found this to be really shocking! Even though there are privacy settings for Facebook, you still have to be careful with the people you talk to. Another thing i found surprising was that 74% of parents are worried about their children's safety, yet they still let their children on Facebook. There are many things that parents have to look out for when their children are on Facebook. Including sexual predators and cyber bullying. Even though parents say they are concerned it doesn't show in the stats when there are 6 year olds on Facebook.  
    This article talks about how 38% of children on Facebook are younger than 12! There is an age restriction on Facebook, you must be at least over 13 to have an account. This shows how the generations have really evolved. Children under the age of 6 already have Facebook accounts! All parents are concerned about their children's safety but by allowing them to be on Facebook at an early age might be in more risk. Children can have sexual predators, expose too much information, talk to strangers and many more. I think that parents shouldn't be exposing their children to networking site at such an early age.
Jason Strassler

The best apps for iPads and Android tablet devices - iPhone app article - Bra... - 0 views

    This article names and describes four of the best and most popular apps to download for your iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and any other Android tablet device. This is useful to many people's lives, including my own, because when I first get a new handheld device, the first thing that people want to know is the best and most useful apps to download and what better way to inform people of popular apps then by reading this article. This is also important economically because people don't want to waste time and more importantly money by trying out apps that aren't really good nor useful to them. This will get their Android or iPad experience off to a bad start and this is not what Apple as a company wants their consumers to think so negatively about their products. This way, by reading this page, society and myself can identify what may be of interest to us varying from Netflix all the way to a cool racing game. A variety of possibilities of apps are available but the next step is to identify what are the best and most significant apps that will be of use to each individual when the intended time is ready for use.
Jason Strassler

iPad 3 Release Date 2012: Right Time to Sell Your iPad 2 ? - International Business Times - 0 views

    It just seemed like yesterday that the iPad 2 was released but now it's been confirmed that the iPad 3, the newest edition of the iPad in technology, is in the process of creation and has officially released onto the market. The iPad 3 officially made it's first appearance on March 7th, when Apple introduced it's newest creation to the world at a media event in San Francisco. This notable information is relatable not only to our course, but also to society, and our world because it truly demonstrates how our world is constantly evolving and developing with new gadgets and technology being produced and used at our every use everyday. As consumers, we should also be aware that once the iPad 3 makes its way onto the market, the value our iPads and iPad 2s will significally drop, so it is advised that if you are interested in making a purchase and investment towards the iPad 3, to make a extra couple hundred dollars, try selling your older iPads while they are still valuable and worth an acceptable amount of money. Overall, tablets and iPads have definitely taken our world by storm as they have made a huge impact both economically and socially and Apple hopes to continue to make more and more designs and productions to further the success and effectiveness of their products. 
Jihae Jeon

StartNinja Silences Your Mac's Startup Sound with the Flip of a Switch - 0 views

    This article is very interesting and informative to people who has mac. Many students bring mac to school for projects and homework and it is embarrassing for many students for their laptop to make sound in the middle of class. Many of them find it difficult to silence up because of its long, drawn out process but with this program called start ninja, it becomes very easy to silence up the mac with just one click. I think this is very helpful because i have this problem too and i bring my laptop often to the library and it is very embarrassing for my laptop to make sound in the middle of silence and it must be very annoying for other people around me too.   This program is free for any people who has mac and this is great for many people who can't afford to buy program.
Alyssa Ayade

Benefits of Backing up Your Hard Drive | Computer Specialist - 0 views

    This article gives the reader helpful information and the benefits to backing up your computer/hard drive. Without doing so, in the state of some kind of malfunction on your computer, you could be in a situation where all your files have been deleted and there is no way to get them back because there was no back up. This article appealed to me because I learned the hard way from a while back when my laptop had been infected with a virus which deleted every single program I had (even iTunes). 
jonathan molloy

Google Social is Exploding Online! - 0 views

    Google plus is not only able to compete with Facebook, but actually do well. With a 95% profit margin it doesn't look like their stopping any time soon. This is interesting as it asks the question, should we rely on one company or organization for all our information, networking, communications and social media without giving that company too much power that they could eventually control or monitor us.
jonathan molloy

google privacy act - 0 views

    Google is now saving all information and google searches, youtube, emails and even will be able to see any of your chats through gmail or google chat. this is another shocking video of peoples internet privacy being one step closer to be taken from us. the government knowing everything you do and making a profile on you is not just a scary future scenario, but a a real life situation.
Ira Garcia

How To Crack the Passcode of Any iOS Device - 0 views

    You think your iPhone or Android phone is safe from hackers just because of a passcode lock? Well, the Swedish security firm Micro Systemation just developed a cracking program that is called "XRY" that can hack into any, I repeat, any passcode of any mobile device. It works by first jailbreaking the phone to expose security flaws in the OS, then proceeds to brute-force the default four-digit pin, which only has 10,000 possible combinations to begin with. This all happens in under two minutes. Once the device has been unlocked, they can get any information they want- from logs contacts and even DELETED items.
    It's a shame that this only works by jailbreaking the phone... This could have been... Useful.
Jason Strassler

Privacy alert - The CIA wants to spy on you through your TV - 1 views

    This article notifies the world that the CIA wants to spy on you through your TV and has the means just to do so. Anytime you download a movie from Netflix to your television or turn on a Internet-based radio, you could be alerting people who you don't want or need watching you. The CIA organization will not need to plant bugs in homes or other places to spy on individuals because of coming advances in computer and Internet technology. Just by people purchasing and using new apps and various "connected" devices, people will essentially be bugging their own homes. The CIA agency and others will be able to "read" these and other gadgets from outside places to monitor via the Internet and perhaps even with radio waves outside your home. This is astonishing information and what makes it even more surprising is it can get worse, it the sense that everything, not just electronics, will be controlled by an app or chip, and will ultimately be viewed and seen by outside sources. This is a scary idea that can be put to action and that fact that we won't even be secure and safe in our homes because there may always be someone watching us and viewing what we are doing. I understand technology is helping us in our everyday lives, but I feel this is too far and the government is now using there means of advancing technology against society. They have the power and resources to possibly monitor and maybe to control what we go on the Internet or what we watch on TV and this will alter our once safe and comfortable environment to have the freedom to use technology how we like in our home.
jose valenzuela

IBM's Big Data Challenge: A Telescope That Generates More Data Than the Whole Internet - 0 views

    This article is about the company IBM. There's a massive telescope on the drawing board that hasn't even started construction yet, but when it's finished in 2024, it'll generate more data in a single day than the entire Internet. For scientists to ensure they'll be able to handle all that raw information, they need to start working on new computing technologies now. the project is called DOME
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