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How important is social media in political campaigns? - Edmonton | - 0 views

    Social media has been playing a huge role in our everyday live so its no surprise that it also plays a big part in campaigning. I read this article about the importance of social media in political campaigns I now understand the impact. In the article Patricia Misutka was saying that it is very difficult to win a campaign without social media. The social media tool is very important because it allows you to reach out to the people and get immediate responses. Now rather than going from house to house and calling and polling people you can see responses to things like platform and policy ideas much quicker and with more accuracy. Another very important reason for campaigning with social media is important for reaching younger people who may not watch the news or read newspapers. Social media is a necessary tool in campaigning but it is not sufficient and will never replace face-to-face interactions with voters.
    This article is about how social media has become a very big part of our lives and how it is important for government candidates to have social media because so many people are already on it. The article uses Edmonton as example. The most famous candidates in Edmonton has social media accounts but the least famous ones don't. The article talks about how candidates need social media accounts and you need to be constantly updating since so many people have it. Having social media even when you are in politics are very important. Many people can connect with you if you are on social media. They would know you better and become more well know if you are on social media. Election campaigns are more effective if you have a social media account because people who followed you would constantly get campaign updates and would re-tweet it. That means more people would know you and you would have a higher chance of winning the election.
Melissa Yu

The 10 Types of Social Media Addicts [INFOGRAPHIC] - 0 views

    Social media has exploded over the years and become a huge part of all of our lives. From facebook to twitter, from instagram to tumblr, everywhere we look there's some kind of social media being thrust in front of us. It has appeared so often that we have grown used to it. It's not unusual when someone stops to update their twitter or upload a picture of their lunch to instagram. There's that sense of excitement when your phone buzzes to tell you that you've been retweeted or your post has been liked. Social media has become part of our lifestyle and it's a great benefit to have. It allows you to keep in contact with relatives and friends and stay updated on the lives of those around you, but have we started to become too reliant on this advantage. This article had provided a look at various social media addicts, like 'the liker' and 'the constant checker' and despite the humorous aspect to it, you can still see a slightly more serious question behind it. This article brings to light an issue that we all knew existed, but never really paid much attention to. It had referred to the different types of reliance's on social media as addictions. It's a strong word to describe what most might usually think of as just small habits or pastimes, but maybe addiction is the right word to use. This post not only highlights the different types of social media addicts, but it also tells us the 'symptoms' and downfalls that can come out of each one and it raises some fair points. It draws attention to the fact that the addiction to social media can not only annoy those around us, but also hurt yourself and waste your valuable time. I mean, it becomes very hard to concentrate on the work at hand as soon as your phone or computer buzzes to tell you that someone has mentioned you in their tweet. Social media makes procrastinating so much easier, not that we wouldn't find our ways to without it. This article is just proof that the world around usis growing, especially the cyber world
Nicole Trezzi

How Social Media Is Changing Politics, From Wendy Davis To Anthony Weiner - 0 views

    Social media has slowly become part of everyone's daily lives. Whether twitter or facebook, social media has shaped our society and has formed a strong bond between people from all over the world. Social media is so powerful that it has also affected politics in nations. The public has a new way of sharing their voice and opinion to the world in political processes. Thanks to social media, Wendy Davis was able to hold a filibuster for 12 hours voting against abortion clinics. Online viewers of the live stream were able to see when the session ended and when the vote was cast. Clay Shirky, a social media theorist, explained that the idea of the live stream played a role in the legislative process and that this phenomenon is not restricted to just the USA. Other political movements, such as the Arab Spring, and the protests in Turkey have also been influenced by social media. I personally think that social media playing a role in politics is a great idea. It allows people who believe they don't have a voice speak their mind and be heard by other supporters of the cause. Social media is everywhere so it was bound at one point to have an influence on things such as politics.
thomas genga

Parties turn to social media to connect with voters - Politics | IOL News | - 0 views

    This article talks about how in recent years, politicians have been reaching out to young voters through social media. In recent years, social media has become a major part of many young peoples lives, and the fact that politicians have caught on and have started to campaign online is a smart move in my opinion. With politicians on popular social media sites, young voters will be exposed to politics a lot more. Not only will this idea motivate a lot of young people to vote, this will also make them feel more connected to their politicians on a personal level. This article also says that in 2011 Barack Obama used Facebook to his advantage as one example of how much social media can effect modern day elections. this just goes to show how much one can do with the help of social media.
Holly Di Bart

Can you Survive Without Social Media for Two Weeks? [CHALLENGE] - 0 views

    This article is about whether or not you could last 2 weeks without social media. In our society today social media has become a major part of our lives. I think that many people would have trouble going 2 weeks without their favorite sites. Now mashable has a challenge for anyone who wants to join to see if they can last 2 weeks without social media. 
David Korus

Using Social Media in Political Campaigns - 0 views

    Social media and politics, tie together very well. The reason for this is that many candidates use social media websites promote their political campaign. Many different sites allow people to different things such as twitter to give out short messages, and youtube to post short or long videos to promote their campaign. Since most young adults are more on the social media rather that reading the newspaper, will be more aware of the political campaign. Also i believe it would be easier for people in politics to communicate with each other.
James Zabbal

March 1 Updates on Ukraine Crisis - - 0 views

    Social media is used in everyone's daily lives. Whether it be sending a tweet, posting something on Facebook, blogging on tumblr, or posting a picture on instagram, we are all involved in social media in someway. This article is about how the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, has declared war on Ukraine and has sent thousands of Russian troops to invade parts of Ukraine. President Obama spoke with Vladimir Putin, and made in clear that what he is doing is violating Ukraine's sovereignty and that this would have a negative impact on Russia. . On the weekend, Russian troops surrounded the borders of Crimea because the President of Russia said that he wants to protect the Russian citizens that live there. I think that what Vladimir Putin is doing isn't good at all because it could lead to a second cold war. Social media has played a big role in this war crisis because all over the internet there are tweets about whats happening, pictures of people getting hurt, videos of the Russians surrounding Crimea and other parts of Ukraine, and different Facebook groups that support the Russians and the Ukrainians. I think that social media helps a lot in situations like this because it makes the world aware of whats happening and that something should be done to stop this.
Justin Gomez

California allows minors to delete social media posts, with 'erase' law | Fox News - 0 views

    California passes a bill that allows children under 18 to delete any posts that they may regret in the future. Some people, such as James Steyer, agree with this idea and say that it is a way to put "privacy in the hands of kids, teenagers and the parents, not under the control of an anonymous tech company," however big social media networks who already lets everyone delete their posted items which make people complain about this new law. This also is a burden to some social media networks due to the problem of having to find the people who live in California. This relates to my tag because it is a bill passed by the government for children in social messaging systems, so it includes both politics and politics. My thoughts on this are the same as the people arguing against this, because there is no point in creating a bill only for people under 18 when almost all social media networks can do this for all ages. < SORRY SIR I FORGOT TO SHARE THIS TO THE GROUP LAST WEEK!!!!

How Social Media Has Changed Politics: It's Not Just Tactics - The Social Media Monthly - 0 views

    This article shows that social media has definitely affected the way politics work and the way that politics advertise. Its clear that social media has an effect in everything. Politics recently, have started to abuse the fact that everyone is on social networks. By advertising on them, they are able to gain a lot of followers and support. Obama specifically, has gained most of his popularity from internet memes. These memes are very comedic and is probably a main cause of his popularity.

Social media privacy being taught at high school - Technology & Science - CBC News - 0 views

    Think you're privacy settings in your social network accounts work? Think again. hundreds of third party applications may have gained access to your Facebook account, some of them are ones you never knew you installed.. This is what Leslie Canteris was shocked about when Sisler high school in Winnipeg had an exercise about online privacy. These third party apps can take anything from your Facebook account. Many Canadian students don't understand how to protect their privacy. They don't want to be tracked, but have no clue to avoid it. in fact, kids spend more time changing their privacy settings on their social networks more than adults. People should not use their real names when playing online games, and come up with tough passwords that are hard for outsiders to crack. I applaud Sisler high school for teaching their students about social media privacy. I think that more high schools should talk to its students about this issue since social media is a huge part of many peoples daily lives.
Joey Ma

When Parents Take Back Facebook - 0 views

    What started out as a minor distraction is now an issue that parents are beginning to take notice of. Popular electronics are becoming more than just a form of entertainment, it is also believed to negatively affect a child's mental development. Since kids these days are relatively less active due to technology, this problem also affects the kids social skills, education, and physical health. Social networking sites such as Facebook are also a problem because parents worry that their kids may be too young to have an account on Facebook, Twitter, etc. and therefore, post inappropriate pictures or see posts that others post that is not suitable for kids.  Jim Steyer, the Common Sense Media founder, help parents better understand the new media by providing a review of video games, movies etc. This way, parents can gain insight  on the newest and popular video games, movies etc. The Common Sense Media website also provides suggestions on how to deal with children and teenagers when it comes to being too addicted to mobile technology. There is another popular method that is simple: ban you kid from using Facebook.
Justin Hernandez

3 Habits For Managing Your Social Media Footprint - 0 views

    Many of us people keep social networking as a daily part in our lives. Apparently, we can end up putting a social media footprint. This article shows us three habits to manage this footprint; to make sure that we don't put our too much of our thoughts and private lives out to the world. We know that a huge social media footprint can end up getting us judged by others. This has to do with privacy and security because we can go off on what we post on facebook and twitter and share many private things, but we need to remember that the internet has a lot of memory and can keep those posts and private things for a long time. This also relates with eLifestyle because as we have access to these different social networks we share a lot of thoughts and other things out on the internet and it can have a negative or positive effect on us.
jose valenzuela

Email Is More Popular Than Social Media [STUDY] - 0 views

    this article is about how email after the years is still popular, and is more popular then social media. It also shows the percent of how much internet one country uses. it also talks about how Google and Facebook want to replace the email system, and are trying to make the next evolution of email
Walter White

How Governments Are Using Social Media for Better & for Worse - 0 views

    The article I am sharing is about how worldwide governments are beginning to pay more attention on social media and using it for better and for worse. I chose to share this article because as time continues, life is becoming more and more technology based. It is interesting to see how the government now sees social media as a way to reach younger people and help boost their campaign strengths. The Canadian government along with the US government are now more involved in our online actions. This worries me though because it feels that the government is watching us, and monitoring our actions which makes me feel insecure which is why I found this article interesting.
Lynn Bui

Tweet Music - 0 views

    This article is about how Twitter has introduced a music service to it's 200 million users. Twitter recently bought We Are Hunted,which is a service that recommends music based on social media, changed the service, and incorporated it into Twitter. This music service gives the user suggestions for songs to listen to. It does this by scanning the service's posts for music references. After signing up, a user is sent to a page with many charts of artists and songs. The #NowPlaying list/hashtag collects songs that have appeared in Twitter posts among the people that a user follows.Other lists/hashtags show what music is popular everywhere on Twitter. Artists' accounts highlight the music they follow, allowing their followers to see the type of music they listen to. This new services influences our lives in a positive way because now we as users are exposed to different types of music that we may not know existed. Also, we could share our music and show the world what songs that we like and which we don't. This service influences our lives in a negative way because some people may not like a certain type of music, and may find a certain type of musician offensive. For example an anti- feminist group found Rick Ross an offensive spokesperson for Reebok because of his songs. If a person in politics decided he/she liked Rick Ross's music and shared it on Twitter, this may spark an uproar with the media and this anti-feminist group
anna karbasi

Ecommerce Sales Topped $1 Trillion Worldwide in 2012 - 0 views

  • Ecommerce Sales Topped $1 Trillion Worldwide in 2012 1.4k Shares
  • Share Tweet What's This? Seth Fiegerman2 hours ago Ecommerce is now a trillion-dollar industry.
  • ales will grow at a slightly lower rate of 12.2% in 2013 to $409 billion. Asia-Pacific sales, on the other hand, will grow by 30% to $433 billion.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • growth in North America and the Asia-Pacific region, according to a new report from eMarketer. North America sales increased 13.9%
    this is my first bookmark
  • ...5 more comments...
    this is my first bookmark
    this is my first bookmark
    This is my first bookmark
    This is my first bookmark 
    First bookmark.
    this is my first bookmark
    my first bookmark
dylan fernandes

How Social Media Strategy Influences Political Campaigns | Sprout Social - 0 views

  • Presidential election, when the Obama campaign took to the web to draw out the young vote. According to research by
    "From tweets and Facebook updates to YouTube videos and petitions, social media has become a power tool not only for official campaign teams but also for supporters."
Serena Zaccagnini

Why Obama Needs Social Media to Win in 2012 - 0 views

    Why is it that President Barack Obama needs social media if he hopes to be re-elected next year? In 2008, 66% of his voters were 29 and younger, who are so invested in their social networking. So why not try it again? Without their support, he can pretty much kiss his presidency goodbye. Without them, he has no second term, so it is in his best interest to get online.
Spider Man

New Xbox requires an always-on connection to block used games, says report | The Verge - 0 views

            It is being reported that the newest Xbox console will have online DRM (Digital Restrictions Management). DRM is technology that puts restrictions on media such as software, games, music, etc. that limits how the buyer is able to use and share the media that he or she bought. This means that the Xbox will always need to have an active internet connection to be able to use the games that you buy, even if the game itself does not require internet connection. The point of this is to prevent to prevent the resale of used games. However, this will mean that people can not share games with eachother, play if the internet goes out or they they do not have the internet at all. This will increase the sale of new games giving the companies more profits. However, this may backfire on Microsoft, as many gamers may not purchase the new console as a form of boycott, reducing Microsoft's profit until the DRM is removed. 
    This is a very great report, keep up the great work Spider Man
    Uncle Ben would be proud
Joshua Soosaithasan

Facebook's Never Had A Big User Data Breach, But May Never Recover When It Does | TechC... - 0 views

    This article talks about the problems Facebook could have if it were to be breached by a hacker. Facebook is one of the biggest social networking websites to date and is the biggest holder of personal information, and yet they have been able to keep this information safe from hackers. Comparing to Twitter who had 250,000 accounts accessed by hackers, Facebook has done a remarkable job to keep our information safe, and although they have been able to do so for now, eventually they will have to face the problems of hackers. When you look at Facebook over other social networking sites like Twitter and Tumblr, there is a big difference when it comes to privacy and security. Twitter, for instance, is a more public social networking site with the odd soul that locks their account from the public. Facebook has privacy by default, which means Facebook has a lot more to lose if they were to get hacked. The physical damage that would pertain to us would include some of our photos and messages might be stolen, and the worst that could happen would pertain to credit card information, but Facebook would jump on and respond to these problems with password changes and other stuff. The real damage that would hit Facebook hard would be the psychological damage, and it would nearly destroy them. When something big happens in our society, the media jumps on this and will twist the truth in the story to give us, the viewers, the best story that will manipulate us into thinking an entire wrong. Facebook would be all over the media, whether it be on the radio, on the internet, on the news or in newsprint. The world would know about what happened, and fear would sweep across the globe.  People would start asking questions about what is safe on Facebook and if it is safe at all. Facebook already has a problem with people not being sure if everything is safe on Facebook, and this would just ruin everything for Facebook. No matter how much Facebook tries to keep its network safe, i
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