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James Zabbal

March 1 Updates on Ukraine Crisis - - 0 views

    Social media is used in everyone's daily lives. Whether it be sending a tweet, posting something on Facebook, blogging on tumblr, or posting a picture on instagram, we are all involved in social media in someway. This article is about how the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, has declared war on Ukraine and has sent thousands of Russian troops to invade parts of Ukraine. President Obama spoke with Vladimir Putin, and made in clear that what he is doing is violating Ukraine's sovereignty and that this would have a negative impact on Russia. . On the weekend, Russian troops surrounded the borders of Crimea because the President of Russia said that he wants to protect the Russian citizens that live there. I think that what Vladimir Putin is doing isn't good at all because it could lead to a second cold war. Social media has played a big role in this war crisis because all over the internet there are tweets about whats happening, pictures of people getting hurt, videos of the Russians surrounding Crimea and other parts of Ukraine, and different Facebook groups that support the Russians and the Ukrainians. I think that social media helps a lot in situations like this because it makes the world aware of whats happening and that something should be done to stop this.

Russia blocks Ukrainian protest websites and social media | The Daily Caller - 0 views

    The title explains. It's Russia instigating the attack like always! This time on Ukraine. So, instead of letting Russians freely figuring out the state of affairs of their own country and Ukraine by the internet -a widely used resource-, they decide to censor matters related to it. Particularly, Ukranian protest group websites. It's currently unknown why Russia is organizing this attack on Ukraine. Land? (greedy bastards) Rebuilding the USSR? Who knows. I wouldn't call this a crisis just yet, as the USA hasn't made any major moves except a warning to Russia to respect Ukraine's sovereignty. I am totally against internet censorship in all respects, to be honest, so to me Russia is acting ridiculous. A person's right to information is pretty much broken, and that is where the line is drawn for me. Although, I am sure Putin thinks hardly of his citizen's well being, so this is not surprising for Russia.

Ukrainian hackers claim takedown of NATO Web sites | Security & Privacy - CNET News - 0 views

    This week, pro-russian hacking groups have said that they have took down many of NATO's websites. The group that claimed attack was Cyber Berkut a hactivist group. The type of attack was a DDOS attack (distributed-denial of service). The attacks came when Ukraine decided if its Crimea region was to join Russia. The Russian government has also ordered ISP's (internet service providers) to block certain anti-Putin websites. I believe this hacking is just a less violent form of Ukraine vs Russia. I still do not believe why Pro-Russian hackers would interfere with a referendum that would actually co-inside with their very own beliefs.
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