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Denilya Barrett

Lesson 1-PLE Creation - ETC-647-Network Learnng Unit - 0 views

    • Denilya Barrett
      You may need to explain to them how to follow someone on Twitter.
Barbara Miroballi

Ms. Barrett's Class - 1 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question I: ONLE Please justify why your unit integrating ONLE, not just distributed learning (DL) or online learning environments (OLE). Be sure to distinguish ONLE from DL and ONLE. Provide the examples from your unit to justify your responses.
    • Denilya Barrett
      Well, I tried to make it collaborative, to let the students build knowledge together. They are able to work together and learn from each other using tools like Google Docs, the message board, the wiki, and Storybird. There does stll need to be a great deal of control over what and how they're learning, though, since they are young children, not just small-sized adults.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question II: Social Tagging Architecture Please discuss what you social tagging architecture is. How do you design and develop it.
    • Denilya Barrett
      Delicious is out of the question since it's blocked by my district. So is Diigo. Figuring out what a key word is... is actually a difficult skill for my fourth graders. We're still working on figuring out what words to type into google to actually get what you're searching for. However, They will be using key words for the Storybird lesson as part of the pulishing phase they have to type in a summary and then a list of key words that are used by others when they search for stories. It is a very simple introduction to tagging.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question III: Evaluations Discuss how do you know your integrated ONLE instructional strategies effective? Remember assessing content is different from assessing instructional strategies. Your assessment must be capable to assess content, delivery technology, and instructional strategies.
    • Denilya Barrett
      I wont know if it's effective until I do it with my class. Any number of unexpected problems could occur. Part of how I'll know if it's effective is when I measure the amount of time and confusion these tools cause as compared to the amount of time spent in the computer lab. If it is not an effective use of my very limited time (i.e. it's moving along very slowly and only a fraction of my class understands what to do) then it's time to teach the content in a different way.
  • ...8 more annotations...
    • Monica Ulich
      I love Google Docs for the "cloud" computing strategy.
    • Denilya Barrett
      Yeah, but it's a complete disaster. I don't have the time and energy to monitor every kid who thinks it's funny to play around on that.
    • Monica Ulich
      I forgot about phpBB. Great tool for a discussion board. You mentioned that you controlled the login for your students because of the maturity level. Do you have the same problem in class?
    • Denilya Barrett
      I controlled the login because my kids are 9-10 years old and tend to be more open with their information then they should be and bots/spammers sometimes try to sign up and post absolutely inappropriate things. As for their maturity... they act their age. It's a bit easier in class to see it happening and stop it immediately though.
    • Monica Ulich
      You did an excellent job grouping the unit together. I liked the incorporation of an existing tool. I use MyITlab, and this is a well developed (and do-able) plan.
    • Denilya Barrett
      The tools I can choose from are kind of limited (short of paying a per-student rate for something nice a protected) so, I went with things that I can install and manage myself. I think it's do-able as well :) I'll see.
    • Barbara Miroballi
      I like the way you divide the grade up to include technology.
    • Denilya Barrett
      That's because I have to give them a technology grade every quarter. Elementary school, you know, we grade on everything. They have three reading grades on the report card, three writing grades, 5 math grades, 5 conduct grades... etc. Everything is broken down into little peices.
    • Barbara Miroballi
      I really like this program for plants.
    • Denilya Barrett
      Yes :) It's a great page! Very informative.
  • You will be reading The Great Plant Esacape. The information is broken down into "cases." Each case has different assignments.
    • Barbara Miroballi
      Is there a place where you could state the technology objectives for this unit?
    • Denilya Barrett
      I could, but no one will look at them or care except in this class. The technology objectives are simply to be able to use Google Docs, the Wiki, the message board, and Storybird. That's it. By use, I don't mean anything complicated. This quarter their technology grade is based on being able to post at least one message to the message board and publishing one story in Storybird. They have 45 mintues of computer lab time a week. They don't get a lot done in that time.
    • Barbara Miroballi
      I don't see where the rubrics for evaluation are. Do you use them?
    • Denilya Barrett
      Rarely. There are times when I find them somewhat helpful but my kids pay little attention to them and there are so many assignments each day that making 5-6 rubrics per day is just not going to happen. I did make some for the project proposal.
    This is part of my evaluation for Denilya.
Chih-Hsiung Tu

Health and the Media - home - 0 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question I: ONLE Please justify why your unit integrating ONLE, not just distributed learning (DL) or online learning environments (OLE). Be sure to distinguish ONLE from DL and ONLE. Provide the examples from your unit to justify your responses.
    • Barbara Miroballi
      This unit is ONLE because it is in Wiki format and is available to the student after the course is finished. The ONLE is a learning environment that is not controlled within a content managed system. It offers more flexibility with content management by the student as well as the instructor. The student has more control of his/her learning. The student has the ability to create and edit their content in collaboration with their peers. The teacher puts in the assignments and criteria and the student has the expectations of meeting the criteria. In this unit the student's have the assignment of creating content pages in the wiki page and letting their partners know via twitter. The big assignment is the PLE at the end of the unit which is created in iGoogle another potential ONLE.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question II: Social Tagging Architecture Please discuss what you social tagging architecture is. How do you design and develop it.
    • Barbara Miroballi
      I determined the social tagging architecture by course, year, semester, lesson and content. By putting the year and semester, it helps keep each semester/year categorized. When the students reference content they can use the tags to determine when it was created. The design should take into consideration of how the information is being used and referenced or transmitted. The following are the tags used for my unit: Twitter hashtag: #HealthMediasp2012L1 Delicious tags: Health+Media,Spring 2012+Lesson1 Lesson 2: Twitter hashtag: #HealthMediasp2012L2 Delicious tag: HealthandMedia+sp2012+Lesson2+ContentPage Lesson 3: Twitter hashtag: #HealthMediaSp2012L3 Delicious tag: HealthandMedia+sp2012+Lesson3+casestudy Lesson 4: Delicious tag: HealthandMedia+sp2012+Lesson4+PLE
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question III: Evaluations Discuss how do you know your integrated ONLE instructional strategies effective? Remember assessing content is different from assessing instructional strategies. Your assessment must be capable to assess content, delivery technology, and instructional strategies.
    • Barbara Miroballi
      I will know my strategies are effective by the quality of the content the students create and the integration and competence with the use of the Web2.0 tools and the PLE tools introduced. I have rubrics that are comprehensive and cover the all the key components of the assignments including integration and competence of using the technology. I also have a final course evaluation required to be completed that specifically asks how well the students perceive their ability of using the technology introduced in this course. The students are required to use Twitter and Delicious bookmarking throughout this course, by monitoring their posts and tagging, I will be able to determine with the rubric the level of comprehension the student is displaying. If I see there is a definite lack or no response, then I will council that student and mentor and help with integration.

Definition of strategic planning; what it is, and what it is not - 2 views

    Strategic Planning

Interactive Fall 2011 - ETC647 Group - 7 views

    • Monica Ulich
      Hi Barb, I saw that you listed delicious as a delivery, but I did not see where you have the students create a "stack" or add links.
    • Barbara Miroballi
      Monica, They will add their to the Delicous site and tag them with the class tags.
  • Graff, Roman
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Be sure to post your contirbutions ASAP.
  • UGS, Sharing
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Be more specific! How UGC is integrated? Remember UGC is more than just creating content. Sharing? Social sharing? How?
  • ...33 more annotations...
  • Network Instructional strategies:
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Very interesting and thorough!
  • Remix,  
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      How is this integrated? Be more specific.
    • Max Atwell
      I feel that my lesson contains a good example of the ONLE/PLE, remix instructional strategy because part of the assignment is to create an online learning resource to explain dental articulators. To do this I would plan to encourage participants to locate videos and other media relating to this topic on YouTube or other social media to link to or embed to help explain and demonstrate the concepts they are presenting.
  • Widget/Gadget/Embedded Linkage
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Could you elaborate it on how you may integrate this?
    • Max Atwell
      I would encourage participants to insert links into their WetPaint pages to contain VoiceThreads. I could go further to encourage participants to consider inserting RSS feeds or other linkage into their WetPaint pages that could in turn be followed in their PLE.
    • johnacedo
      I find voicethreads very effective. I also like your plan about incorporating the RSS feeds on their PLE. Communication is what makes mobile learning so effective.
  • community-community interaction
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      How is community-community interaciton integrated? Be sure to have good understanding on C-C interaction.
    • Denilya Barrett
      Your example was ETC647 Lesson Content Development becomes required reading for upcoming semester students," which is what they are doing when they read/add information to the previous groups work (the previous group being from the previous year), isn't it?
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      So how is this integrated in the example that you provide? Could you help us to understand?
    • Denilya Barrett
      The first group (year) would create a debategraph on a writing topic (for example "should students have to wear uniforms to school") that gives the advantages/disadvantages of uniforms and links to related articles and information, then they would write their persuasive essay. The next year could return to that same debategraph (it's a very good opener for persuasive writing, everyone has an opinion) and read the information and research then add their own ideas and research links to the debate graph and/or expand on the ideas written by the previous year. Then, write their own essays.
  •  Community-Community Interaction;
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      How is this integrated into your instrucitons? Elaborate it. Be more specific.
    • Aric Bilas
      Students will have access to previous year wiki pages via Delicious tags.  They will use the previous versions to guide their own outputs.  When they are finished, their Delicious tags/links will be added to the stack for future students to use as well.
  • Mobile
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      How would this work? Please elboarate it
  • Share,
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Social sharing? How? In what way?
    • Dan Ciernia
      Sharing edit notes, thoughts and suggestions between collaborators through google docs, live, synbchronous interaction through google+.
  • to be shared with current classmates and will be shared with future students.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      How? It looks like that you intend to integrate community-community integration; however, C-C interaction was not identified as your instructional strategy.
  • Network collaboration,
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      In what way? Elaborate it!
  • UGC, Participatory web, Infoviz
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      In what way, UGC is integrated? Ealborate it. Be sure to have good understanding on UGC. It is more than just creating content. InfoViz. In what way? Remember, InfoViz is more than just just visual effect.
    • Dan Ciernia
      Laurel, will students be able to merge their content with each others creations to create a master compilation document vehicle? This may support the UGC aspect of your lesson.
    • Laurel Griffiths
      Dan, yes is very collaborative! One student can start writing a story and another can contribute and so on.
  • Students create a wiki to teach future students how to solve equations. 
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      It looks like you integrate community-community interaction; however, it is not listed as your instrucitonal strategy.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Looks like UGC as well?! Right?
    • Sammi Lindstrom
      I accidentally left off community-community interaction. I did list UGC. I have corrected the error.
  • Previuos class wiki will be available as a resource. 
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Required to read by the future students? If yes, why? If not, why not?
    • Sammi Lindstrom
      It is required reading for future students to begin a discussion on the various approaches to solving equations.
  • Network collaboration,
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      How is it integrated? Collaborative Prezi?
  • UCG, Participatory web
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      How is UGC integrated? Remeember UGC is more than just creating content.
  • they will comment on each other's sites.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      How? Be more specific. Required? If yes, what are the expectations? If not, why not?
    • Monica Ulich
      Students will use the comment feature in Google Sites to leave comments on other student's pages. Students will say what they liked about the page, or what could be improved. Students are required to leave comments on at least two different pages.
  • Community-Community Interaction
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please elbaorate it how it is integrated?
    • Barbara Miroballi
      MOnica, I really like the way you pulled all the strategies and together.
    • Monica Ulich
      Thanks I really liked doing this project with the students. now I also can share these with next semesters students as well.
    • Sammi Lindstrom
      Will each group be focusing on one approach to solving systems or all methods?
    • Aric Bilas
      Sammi, absolutely.  I envisioned a jigsaw-like activity where each group focuses on a particular method.  There would be at least 4 groups:  Graphing, Substitution, Linear Combination, Applications.  Depending on the level of the class, Systems of Inequalities could be done here as well, although it may be too difficult of a concept to have the students present.
    • Denilya Barrett
      I love that STorybird link! I saw it on here last week and signed my whole class up and they love using it. It's a lot of fun.
    • Laurel Griffiths
      Yeah I have used with a group of students too and its so much fun!! Students love creating their own stories and then being able to see them created!
    • johnacedo
      In my Western Composers project the network instructional strategies I chose were sharing and UGS. I found that using Wall Wish gives the students a free form to find teacher instructions, share their projects, collect responses, and pose questions and comments on other projects. I find this to be sharing at its best, collaboratively. The strategy I chose was UGC. I find that when students have to generate the content it does two things, one gives them ownership of the learning, freedom to create. And secondly, pride in the work they accomplish, the final project. In this case they will create an information sound track that provides composer and musical general information and identify musical characteristic examples in realtime overlaying on the musical work. They are not only creating, but sharing it with the class community generating questions, responses, and comments
    • Todd Luther
      Nicole, Is Twitter the only tool used for the discussions?
    • Todd Luther
      So I am not an Audacity user, but the students will be able to record some music from a specific composer, then add commentary over that track?
    • johnacedo
      Yes, it is great! The students import the original musical work, then they can record their voices creating additional tracks to add and place where they want in the song. When they are done it will fuse them together and create one sound file. There are a lot of possibilities.
  • modules
    • Max Atwell
      Barb, How do you deliver your module to your students? If it can be delivered via Wiki it would be a great preparation for your student to work in a Wiki if they are new to it. 
  • Rubrics
  • Rubrics
  • Rubrics
  • Rubrics to evaluate delivery technology
  • Rubrics to evaluate delivery technology
  • Rubrics
  • Rubrics
  • Rubrics
    • Max Atwell
      Monica do you supply your students with the rubric early in the process to help guide them? 
  • Prezi to create an online presentation
    • Denilya Barrett
      Have you used Google Sites at all? Is it nice? I'm kind of old-school in that I prefer creating websites in Textpad by typing out the html, but I get that students may not be so inclined. However, I'm not really a fan of Frontpage (such messy code) so I tend to avoid it... an alternative would be nice.
Barbara Miroballi

Expository Fall 2011 - ETC647 Group - 0 views

    • Monica Ulich
      Dan, I like this activity. Only I would say it is more active because you have them "create" stacks. Good lesson.
    • Dan Ciernia
      Monica, the creation of stacks is an activity to get the learners use to working with stacks as they have not done so before. I agree that this activity would make this "active" in nature. I could change this to having the learners look at pre-created stacks by others to gain understanding of stacks.
    • Barbara Miroballi
      Dan, Will the learners post their stacks in a site to be shared?
    • johnacedo
      I think sharing the stacks would make this a stronger component. Great suggestion1
Nicole Conrad

Expository-Fall 2011 - ETC677 - 0 views

    • Nicole Conrad
      Have you created this animated multiple choice quiz? I'd like to see it! What age group is it aimed to?
    • Nicole Conrad
      How will you be sure that the students watched the information and understand it?
Nicole Conrad

Active-Fall 2011 - ETC677 - 0 views

    • Nicole Conrad
      What sort of web quest would the students do? I'm guessing some sort of discovery of eating food from fast food locations and tracking, is that on the correct path?
Nicole Conrad

Interactive-Fall 2011 - ETC677 - 0 views

    • Nicole Conrad
      What types of events would you want the students to writea about? The first thing that came to mind for me was Oregon Trail, where they write almost a fictional event with the day to day life about the journey. Would you want something like that or something more accurate that dealt with events that were occuring at the time?

susanastreneetc647 [licensed for non-commercial use only] / Introduction - 0 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question I: Aligned Connectivism Principles Please discuss three most important strategies of ONLE/PLE in your unit, identify what aligned Connectivism principle(s) are, and discuss the assessments you integrate. Remember ONLE/PLE strategies are not your contents or "technologies," such as wiki, blog etc. It is the integrated soft technologies. If you don't remember Connectivism principles, please review our Lesson 1 readings. Hint: be sure to include four components of technology integrations: Content; Technology; Instructional Strategies; Assessment. This strategy should go beyond Constructivist instructional strategy and focus on ONLE/PLE/Connectivism design.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question I: Aligned Connectivism Principles Please discuss three most important strategies of ONLE/PLE in your unit, identify what aligned Connectivism principle(s) are, and discuss the assessments you integrate. Remember ONLE/PLE strategies are not your contents or "technologies," such as wiki, blog etc. It is the integrated soft technologies. If you don't remember Connectivism principles, please review our Lesson 1 readings. Hint: be sure to include four components of technology integrations: Content; Technology; Instructional Strategies; Assessment. This strategy should go beyond Constructivist instructional strategy and focus on ONLE/PLE/Connectivism design.
    • susan astrene
      Through the use of discussion boards, blogs and wiki comments students are able to share their knowledge with others and build and revise their own knowledge. The blog, and discussion forums provide learners with a safe environment where they can post not only the information that they have learned but the questions that they still have. The assessments included in this unit are rubrics and peer evaluations. The rubrics provide the students will clear expectations for what should be included in their project and the peer evaluations provide the students with the opportunity to learn from eachother.
    ETC647 Fall 2010 Units
    Unit Title: Foods For Life (2nd Grade Unit) This unit provided a lot of fun while learning through activities and links. All content is organized and connected via an instructor developed Wiki. Content is appropriate for the targeted audiences - yes it is appropriate for 2nd grade level, possible problems with reading ability levels, however, Kids Healthy link read the articles for me. This is a good link for assistive technology and diverse learning styles. This unit has videos, blogs, and rubrics to guide the learner through the learning process. 1. The syllabus is incomplete; it only goes up to the 2nd week. 2. Presentation on right navigation bar is misspelled Susan used user generated content sites, such as to create a concept map about the Food Pyramid. 1. How does the student turn in the Webspiration concept map? 2. A variety of technologies were integrated effectively and appropriately such as: a. TeacherTube b. VoiceThread Food Pyramid Presentation (YouTube) 1. This unit provided several opportunities for blogging and reflection. 2. This unit provided several rubrics.
Nancy Mitchell

Technology and Recycling - 0 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question I: ONLE Please justify why your unit integrating ONLE, not just distributed learning (DL) or online learning environments (OLE). Be sure to distinguish ONLE from DL and OLE. Provide the examples from your unit to justify your responses.
    • veronica_ramos
      Learning occurs in many different ways. I felt that when students post and learn from each other through discussion board, they can discuss and create different kinds of idea interacting through the discussion board. Interacting and creating a timeline togther helps them plan and come up with deadline dates as well.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question II: Key Instructional Strategies Please discuss how you integrate the required ONLE instructional strategies (Social network, social tagging, participatory web, UGC, and Community-Community interaction).
    • veronica_ramos
      Community Community: Students will read and decided what kind of recycle participation is important. Students will post this on the igoogle discussion board in their own group. They also have to decided within their group what leaders they want and what exactly each position will do.. UGC: Students are creating their own definitions of what is important and what we need to change at school to save the earth. Participatory Web: Students are creating a presentation at the end and also using a blog to reflect on ideas.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question III: Evaluations Discuss how do you know your integrated ONLE instructional strategies effective? Remember assessing content is different from assessing instructional strategies.
    • veronica_ramos
      My evaluations will be based on their postings on the discussion board. Seeing that each group member is posting and answering the questions will be evaluated. Also blog reflections, Dipity timeline, the igoogle document needed to show that they wrote a letter to the city, and last, the presentation at the end that is due.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The purpose
    • Nancy Mitchell
      From Nancy Mitchell Author's Name: Veronica Ramos Unit Title: Technology and Recycling Provide feedback to the author for each of the following unit components. Be comprehensive on your feedback/comments. "Good job! Well done" types of feedback/comments are NOT acceptable. Content: Content that supports organizational learning network environments. Areas: * Content is appropriate for the targeted audiences. Feedback Comments: I am curious about the age group of the students working through this unit because one assignment talks about sending a request to the city of Avondale to help get the school recycling program underway, but they are only provided with a link for help, and no rubric or teacher feedback before submitting the email. ONLE Instructional Strategies: Integrate Constructivism instructional strategies and activities or other relevant strategies and activities to support the unit. ONLE Instructional Strategies Areas: * Integrate multiple ONLE instructional strategies in additional to constructivist instructional strategies. * Focus on "network" instructional strategies, not just "online (distributed)" instructional technologies. Feedback Comments: Students have the opportunity to use Dipity, Google docs, email, and Blogger to participate in the unit. This supports the integration of several instructional strategies including learner-learner interaction, learner-interface interaction, online group collaboration, reflection, and student publishing. Students are networking with the city and school community through this project. ONLE Technologies: Web 2.0 tools, social media, and/or network media. Areas: * All ONLE technologies integrate effectively & appropriately? * Focus on "network" technologies, not just "online" technologies. Feedback Comments: Students use Dipity to develop a timeline together, create and share a blog, and watch several videos to understand their tasks,
Chih-Hsiung Tu

James and the Giant Peach - Home - 0 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question I: ONLE Please justify why your unit integrating ONLE, not just distributed learning (DL) or online learning environments (OLE). Be sure to distinguish ONLE from DL and OLE. Provide the examples from your unit to justify your responses.
    • Emily Stewart
      The James and the GIANT Peach unit integrates ONLE, because my kiddos are constantly engaged and connected with each other. Students are required to read each other's posts and comment, as well as post links to Blogs. Students are engaged in participatory web and a hefty NLE. Students also participate in many WEB 2.0 features such as bubl, timetoast, class blog, Google Docs, Voicthread, and Glogster.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question II: Key Instructional Strategies Please discuss how you integrate the required ONLE instructional strategies (Social network, social tagging, participatory web, UGC, and Community-Community interaction).
    • Emily Stewart
      Students must read each other's posts and tag in Delicious, as well as post their work to our classroom blog (links, Glog, Google Form.) Students must also comment on each other's voicethread messages. Social Networking is a bit difficult for 8 year olds, due to age restrictions...but blogging and voicethreading prove to be helpful in this process.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question III: Evaluations Discuss how do you know your integrated ONLE instructional strategies effective? Remember assessing content is different from assessing instructional strategies.
    • Emily Stewart
      If students are successful in using the ONLE strategies, and getting their point across about the literature, then they will prove to be successful. I know, what my students know about this novel, since we have been participating in group discussions for a few weeks. Now having them apply this learning in a different format will prove if the instructional strategies are successful with this age group, or should be revised/scaffolded a bit more.
Suzanne Brazzell

Cgmscowen - home - 1 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question I: ONLE Please justify why your unit integrating ONLE, not just distributed learning (DL) or online learning environments (OLE). Be sure to distinguish ONLE from DL and OLE. Provide the examples from your unit to justify your responses.
    • Christine Cowen
       One of the classes I teach is Journalism.  This is as class that can only benefit from collaboration.  Using an ONLE for this would be helpful for many reasons, not the least of which is conserving resources (paper, toner, etc.).  By using a wiki, the students can easily contribute to each other's work.  Normally in a writing class, students would create something on paper and interact only with the instructor.  Using ONLE, students can interact and learn from each other.  The unit I am proposing is the first unit students will complete in the class.  
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question II: Key Instructional Strategies Please discuss how you integrate the required ONLE instructional strategies (Social network, social tagging, participatory web, UGC, and Community-Community interaction).
    • Christine Cowen
      Community Community:  Students will create criteria for determining whether a news story is "important".  Students will post this on the Classroom Wiki to have it available for future classes.  It is unclear whether or not future classes could interact back as they may be at a different school by then. UGC:  Students are creating their own definitions of what is newsworthy.  They are generating their own content in this way. Participatory Web:  Students are creating a wiki together.  They will be interacting with each other and the wiki.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question III: Evaluations Discuss how do you know your integrated ONLE instructional strategies effective? Remember assessing content is different from assessing instructional strategies.
    • Christine Cowen
      I think you can really tell if your strategy is effective by how well the class proceeds.  If the students are constantly lost and haven't been using the tools provided appropriately, then your strategy does not work.  For my particular lesson, I would know that it was effective if the students take part in discussions and successfully complete their assignments.  The bottom line of any strategy should be to facilitate the learning of the content.  So, it stands to reason that if they get the content and complete the project, the strategy has worked.
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • Suzanne Brazzell
      Comprehensive Objectives
Chih-Hsiung Tu

Wells Technology - 1 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question I: ONLE Please justify why your unit integrating ONLE, not just distributed learning (DL) or online learning environments (OLE). Be sure to distinguish ONLE from DL and OLE. Provide the examples from your unit to justify your responses.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question II: Key Instructional Strategies Please discuss how you integrate the required ONLE instructional strategies (Social network, social tagging, participatory web, UGC, and Community-Community interaction).
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question III: Evaluations Discuss how do you know your integrated ONLE instructional strategies effective? Remember assessing content is different from assessing instructional strategies.
Teri Henderson

Blackboard Learning System - 0 views

    • Teri Henderson
      Very interesting use of the Literature Circles. I especially like that you incorporated that the students, working in groups collaboratively, wrote a letter to the author based on 6 traits, and that there will be a follow-up video conference should the author accept. Brilliant! It expands the students' world. Well designed unit.
Chih-Hsiung Tu

GameLayerUnit - home - 0 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question I: ONLE Please justify why your unit integrating ONLE, not just distributed learning (DL) or online learning environments (OLE). Be sure to distinguish ONLE from DL and OLE. Provide the examples from your unit to justify your responses.
    • Jennifer Werner
      This unit integrates ONLE practices throuhg the group collaboration, class wiki's, community interaction and the group blogs. These tools allow the students to collaborate with other in a much more complete way then in a DL or OLE set up. This type of ONLE also allows the students to feel like they are part of learning community and just a class for credit or training.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question II: Key Instructional Strategies Please discuss how you integrate the required ONLE instructional strategies (Social network, social tagging, participatory web, UGC, and Community-Community interaction).
    • Jennifer Werner
      To include the ONLE stratgies such as community to community interaction the students use adobe buzzword to comment on the postings of last semester. Paticipatory web is used in the webwuest lesson not only are the students using the web to create a representation of thier comprehension ofthe topic they are also creating apresentation to teach thier classmates of thier personal learning connections.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question III: Evaluations Discuss how do you know your integrated ONLE instructional strategies effective? Remember assessing content is different from assessing instructional strategies.
    • Jennifer Werner
      The instructional stratagies will be shown effective by the the way that students respond to the reflections of past classes, and create class content. As the quality and comprehension of the material is present in the students producable material it wil also support the ONLE stratgies and thier effectiveness.
Jennifer Werner

Accessibility in Your Design - Accessibility in Your Design - 0 views

    • Jennifer Werner
      Content: Content that supports organizational learning network environments. Areas: Content is appropriate for the targeted audiences. Feedback Comments: This is a very thorough unit. I like how you describe ways the students will benefit more from doing these assignment in this format verses paper and pencil. ONLE Instructional Strategies: Integrate Constructivism instructional strategies and activities or other relevant strategies and activities to support the unit. ONLE Instructional Strategies Areas: Integrate multiple ONLE instructional strategies in additional to constructivist instructional strategies. Focus on "network" instructional strategies, not just "online (distributed)" instructional technologies. Feedback Comments: The ONLE strategies are well defined and diverse. There are many strategies and I could see how you could reach many different types of learners with many of these strategies. ONLE Technologies: Web 2.0 tools, social media, and/or network media. Areas: All ONLE technologies integrate effectively & appropriately? Focus on "network" technologies, not just "online" technologies. Feedback Comments: There are many web 2.0 technologies that you use in our lessons. Edmodo is an interesting tool. Are the students comfortable with using it? Evaluations: Evaluate the goals and objectives of at least one lesson. Perform a pilot test on one lesson by asking a targeted audience of three and/or your classmates. Area to evaluate: Evaluation methods (Projects, Reflections, Peer evaluations, Collaborative evaluations, Presenations…etc.) Evaluation instruments (Rubrics, criteria, checklist, survey…etc.) All goals, objectives, activities are measured? All content, ONLE instructional strategies, and technologies are evaluated? Note: Often, students only evaluate content and missing evaluations on instructional strategies and technologies. Feedback Comments: Your assessments are clear and concise. I like
Jennifer Werner

Literary Elements - 0 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question I: ONLE Please justify why your unit integrating ONLE, not just distributed learning (DL) or online learning environments (OLE). Be sure to distinguish ONLE from DL and OLE. Provide the examples from your unit to justify your responses.
    • Suzanne Brazzell
      The difference between NLEs and PLEs (Personal Learning Environments), OLEs (Online Learning Environments), ONLEs (Open Network Learning Environments), and OLNs (Online or Open Learning Networks).  NLEs, ONLEs, and OLN are much the same. While PLEs and OLEs may be a different concept. Online Learning Environments, for most of us formal learners has been based around course management system (CMS or LMS). These systems have been secure and only available during semester months for communication, publication, and collaboration and where only students and faculty assigned to the course had access to. It was a recreation of the traditional face-to-face class that we were all so familiar with growing up instead of a collaborative learning environment that Web 2.0 has allowed for us to participate in. One solution to the problems of CMSs was the personal learning environment (PLE). PLE helps to manage information, create content, and connect with others. An example of PLE is iGoogle. The NLE would be a bridge or connection between the two mediums: CMSs and PLEs.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question II: Key Instructional Strategies Please discuss how you integrate the required ONLE instructional strategies (Social network, social tagging, participatory web, UGC, and Community-Community interaction).
    • Suzanne Brazzell
      I integrated discussion via a wiki, sharing content through creating a web and sharing content and tagging utilizing Dippity. This was my main struggle in this assignment because not all of the strategies you had listed are appropriate for my grade level. Not only that but I tried to be realistic on what they could do in our district. While NAU might be forward thinking enough to utilize and have access to multiple web tools most districts do not. 
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question III: Evaluations Discuss how do you know your integrated ONLE instructional strategies effective? Remember assessing content is different from assessing instructional strategies.
    • Suzanne Brazzell
      The way I would know if my strategies were effective were the connections that they students made. The discussion content would be interactive. Basically the reason for utilizing an ONLE is for the students to gain higher order learning skills. Therefore even though we aren't looking at assessing content if they students are taking the content to places where they couldn't of on their own then you know that they have achieved the goals that an online network learning can provide. 
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    • Jennifer Werner
      By Jennifer Werner Content: Content that supports organizational learning network environments. Areas: Content is appropriate for the targeted audiences. Feedback Comments: This unit is geared towards 2nd grade learners. The wiki is very well designed but could be set up to be more kid friendly. Allow the website to guide the students so that there is not as much training that needs to be done by you. ONLE Instructional Strategies: Integrate Constructivism instructional strategies and activities or other relevant strategies and activities to support the unit. ONLE Instructional Strategies Areas: Integrate multiple ONLE instructional strategies in additional to constructivist instructional strategies. Focus on "network" instructional strategies, not just "online (distributed)" instructional technologies. Feedback Comments: It is obvious that you are using ONLE Strategies in your lessons I was not able to see them outlined in your sections about which ones you were using per section. This might be useful to put in to help teachers who might be searching for ideas for those strategies. ONLE Technologies: Web 2.0 tools, social media, and/or network media. Areas: All ONLE technologies integrate effectively & appropriately? Focus on "network" technologies, not just "online" technologies. Feedback Comments: The use of dippity, online books and webspireation are all very inventive tools for the students use. It might be easier for the students of this age to create their web in kidspiration and then upload to webspiration since this is a more kid friendly program. Evaluations: Evaluate the goals and objectives of at least one lesson. Perform a pilot test on one lesson by asking a targeted audience of three and/or your classmates. Area to evaluate: Evaluation methods (Projects, Reflections, Peer evaluations, Collaborative evaluations, Presentations…etc.) Evaluation instruments (Rubrics, criteria, checklist, survey…etc.) All
Jennifer Werner

CON21 Networking - 0 views

    • Jennifer Werner
      From Jennifer Werner Unit Title: Training Site For Career &Technical Education Provide feedback to the author for each of the following unit components. Be comprehensive on your feedback/comments. "Good job! Well done" types of feedback/comments are NOT acceptable. Content: Content that supports organizational learning network environments. Areas: Content is appropriate for the targeted audiences. Feedback Comments: The content is geared towards ETC professionals and is appropriate for learners who have a general working knowledge of web 2.0 technology ONLE Instructional Strategies: Integrate Constructivism instructional strategies and activities or other relevant strategies and activities to support the unit. ONLE Instructional Strategies Areas: Integrate multiple ONLE instructional strategies in additional to constructivist instructional strategies. Focus on "network" instructional strategies, not just "online (distributed)" instructional technologies. Feedback Comments: You ONLE Strategies are well laid out in your wet paint wiki pages. I think that for ease of use it might be beneficial for you to post these strategies in your lesson outline or lesson overviews on your google site. By doing this someone could use the search feature on the google site to look for a specific strategy. ONLE Technologies: Web 2.0 tools, social media, and/or network media. Areas: All ONLE technologies integrate effectively & appropriately? Focus on "network" technologies, not just "online" technologies. Feedback Comments: You used blogs, wikis, video creation, and various other web 2.0 tools throughout your lessons. Will the learners in your class have a required pre-requisite to know hoe to use these tools or will you provide more tutorials on the resource page upon class request? Evaluations: Evaluate the goals and objectives of at least one lesson. Perform a pilot test on one lesson by asking a targeted audience of three and/o
Teri Henderson

Voicethread as Digital Portfolio - Voicethread Digital Portfolio - 0 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question III: Evaluations Discuss how do you know your integrated ONLE instructional strategies effective? Remember assessing content is different from assessing instructional strategies.
    • kavitasmehta
      I am replying to common question 1 : ONLE Learning happens in many different ways. And Different approaches and personal skills are needed to learn effectively in today's society. This unit is an attempt to integrate leaning with web 2.0 tools like Voice thread, blogs. A collaborative effort to showcase student learning in the student lead conferences to the peers and parents.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question II: Key Instructional Strategies Please discuss how you integrate the required ONLE instructional strategies (Social network, social tagging, participatory web, UGC, and Community-Community interaction).
    • kavitasmehta
      I used participatory web to engage learners in contributing their concepts maps of what does it sound like and what does it looks like on Google docs. And interactions of parent-student and community-community were planned as part of the unit. Students have created some remix online contents which they would be able to share with the parents and community. Students will do social networking with Friends, Fans, and Following on blog.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question III: Evaluations Discuss how do you know your integrated ONLE instructional strategies effective? Remember assessing content is different from assessing instructional strategies.
    • kavitasmehta
      I would be able to evaluate through their concept maps on the Google docs. Also they would be using the blog to reflect and share. Students will follow the checklist to organize and complete their assignments. The social networking through blog and voice thread and sharing and reflection would help me understand their learning. Some tools they would be using for the first time to work on this project and completion would be the success of the unit.
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    • Courtney Lewis
      Is there some way for the teacher to ensure that students also address areas where they might struggle so the parents are aware?
    • kavitasmehta
      Its student led conferences and they are going to lead the conversation with their suceess and what more they would like to learn and need help with.
    • Teri Henderson
      Kavita, If you have yet to implement this idea of a VoiceThread Portfolio for the students to share with their parents, I would like to know how it goes. Did the students enjoy creating the portfolios? Did the parents learn more about what their children studied and did it feel more personal? So, if you already did this with them and they led the conferences, I would like to know more. If you are yet to do this, if you remember, please drop me a line. Thanks.
    I liked using voicethread for a learning portfolio. It really does work with all the modalities. I also like giving students a communication outlet like a blog to collaborate and work together. You used great voice when giving directions or instruction. I could tell you were leading the students towards what you wanted them to know.
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