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Laura Randolph-Technology Rich Classrooms - 1 views

Thank you! I wanted to make something that is practical for teachers who are wanting to learn some technology integration in a comfortable environment.

Teri Henderson

Endangered Species - 2 views

Thank you, Wendy. I am glad that you like it. I had fun creating the site and actually would like to expand it as I have so many more resources than I have put into it. There will be follow up less...

ETC 647 Science Technology Conservation

started by Teri Henderson on 06 May 11 no follow-up yet
Aric Bilas

Enhancing Higher Education - 2 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question I: ONLE Please justify why your unit integrating ONLE, not just distributed learning (DL) or online learning environments (OLE). Be sure to distinguish ONLE from DL and ONLE. Provide the examples from your unit to justify your responses.
    • Roman Graff
      The unit developed was one of compounding lessons that required synchronous and asynchronous interaction. While the tools introduced as part of the workshop were all Web 2.0, thus accessible as part of a DL or OLE, the intent of the workshop was to demonstrate them as functioning in concert with one another. In that respect, neither DL nor OLE couldn't operate in the same way given the frequent and high level of collaboration amongst workshop participants and the facilitator.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question II: Social Tagging Architecture Please discuss what you social tagging architecture is. How do you design and develop it.
    • Roman Graff
      The social tagging architecture I've incorporate is rather limited. Admittedly, it's also woefully underdeveloped in the unit as well. The unit is intended for higher ed faculty and I wanted to provide a sufficient breadth of the tools that they might be able to incorporate into their respective classrooms without overwhelming them. This is especially the case in the context of the other collaborative tools that were introduced throughout the unit. That said, social tagging is limited to Delicious. It's introduced in the unit as a means of recording and sharing resources. Throughout the unit participants are expected to continually add to the their individual and the workshop library. Eventually, as subsequent workshops are facilitated, these original resources would provide a foundation from which other participants might draw from and add to.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question III: Evaluations Discuss how do you know your integrated ONLE instructional strategies effective? Remember assessing content is different from assessing instructional strategies. Your assessment must be capable to assess content, delivery technology, and instructional strategies.
    • Roman Graff
      In review, my assessment was focused on the artifacts workshop participants produced rather than measuring the strategies that facilitated artifact development. Rubrics were provided for both the group collaborative document and online discussion. For the latter, there was slightly more awareness of measuring instructional strategy assessment than just simply the product. As a whole the unit included such strategies as: UGC, Participatory Web, social sharing (to a limited degree as previously admitted), Community-Community. Unfortunately, the Community-Community element could only have been developed after several workshops had been delivered, leaving that element un-assessable for the time being. UGC and participatory web, as instructional strategies, might have been more appropriately measured through reflection elements, like online journaling, survey, and peer review.
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    • Dan Ciernia
      Roman presents content and activities that are based in web 2.0 tools. The focus of the workshop is to introduce and prepare instructors to integrate web 2.0 tools with existing CMS. The activities presented should provide a base to expand from.
    • Dan Ciernia
      Roman presents content and activities that are based in web 2.0 tools. The focus of the workshop is to introduce and prepare instructors to integrate web 2.0 tools with existing CMS. The activities presented should provide a base to expand from.
    • Dan Ciernia
      Collaboration is focused on document creation tools, tagging, sharing. Collaborative work is an integral part of this workshop. The participants are connected and required to work together in the aspects of this workshop.
    • Dan Ciernia
      Web 2.0 tool chest presented is vast and facilitate networked learning. The learners are provided a few choices in tools to accomplish the same task.
    • Dan Ciernia
      Evaluations are conducted by instructor review of created content and participation which will demonstrate an understanding of required and expected learning in this workshop.
    • Dan Ciernia
      Nice use of embedding links (video, audio, graphics, tutorials, etc.). This workshop provides the base for understanding of web 2.0 tools and PLE that will allow learners to continue to build upon this base of understanding.
    • Aric Bilas
      Great job!  The unit is well laid-out and described.  How will you be integrating the discussion tool?  I see a rubric but am not sure how they will communicate.  Will it be through the Comment feature in Google Sites or something external?

Definition of strategic planning; what it is, and what it is not - 2 views

    Strategic Planning
Barbara Miroballi

Ms. Barrett's Class - 1 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question I: ONLE Please justify why your unit integrating ONLE, not just distributed learning (DL) or online learning environments (OLE). Be sure to distinguish ONLE from DL and ONLE. Provide the examples from your unit to justify your responses.
    • Denilya Barrett
      Well, I tried to make it collaborative, to let the students build knowledge together. They are able to work together and learn from each other using tools like Google Docs, the message board, the wiki, and Storybird. There does stll need to be a great deal of control over what and how they're learning, though, since they are young children, not just small-sized adults.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question II: Social Tagging Architecture Please discuss what you social tagging architecture is. How do you design and develop it.
    • Denilya Barrett
      Delicious is out of the question since it's blocked by my district. So is Diigo. Figuring out what a key word is... is actually a difficult skill for my fourth graders. We're still working on figuring out what words to type into google to actually get what you're searching for. However, They will be using key words for the Storybird lesson as part of the pulishing phase they have to type in a summary and then a list of key words that are used by others when they search for stories. It is a very simple introduction to tagging.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question III: Evaluations Discuss how do you know your integrated ONLE instructional strategies effective? Remember assessing content is different from assessing instructional strategies. Your assessment must be capable to assess content, delivery technology, and instructional strategies.
    • Denilya Barrett
      I wont know if it's effective until I do it with my class. Any number of unexpected problems could occur. Part of how I'll know if it's effective is when I measure the amount of time and confusion these tools cause as compared to the amount of time spent in the computer lab. If it is not an effective use of my very limited time (i.e. it's moving along very slowly and only a fraction of my class understands what to do) then it's time to teach the content in a different way.
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    • Monica Ulich
      I love Google Docs for the "cloud" computing strategy.
    • Denilya Barrett
      Yeah, but it's a complete disaster. I don't have the time and energy to monitor every kid who thinks it's funny to play around on that.
    • Monica Ulich
      I forgot about phpBB. Great tool for a discussion board. You mentioned that you controlled the login for your students because of the maturity level. Do you have the same problem in class?
    • Denilya Barrett
      I controlled the login because my kids are 9-10 years old and tend to be more open with their information then they should be and bots/spammers sometimes try to sign up and post absolutely inappropriate things. As for their maturity... they act their age. It's a bit easier in class to see it happening and stop it immediately though.
    • Monica Ulich
      You did an excellent job grouping the unit together. I liked the incorporation of an existing tool. I use MyITlab, and this is a well developed (and do-able) plan.
    • Denilya Barrett
      The tools I can choose from are kind of limited (short of paying a per-student rate for something nice a protected) so, I went with things that I can install and manage myself. I think it's do-able as well :) I'll see.
    • Barbara Miroballi
      I like the way you divide the grade up to include technology.
    • Denilya Barrett
      That's because I have to give them a technology grade every quarter. Elementary school, you know, we grade on everything. They have three reading grades on the report card, three writing grades, 5 math grades, 5 conduct grades... etc. Everything is broken down into little peices.
    • Barbara Miroballi
      I really like this program for plants.
    • Denilya Barrett
      Yes :) It's a great page! Very informative.
  • You will be reading The Great Plant Esacape. The information is broken down into "cases." Each case has different assignments.
    • Barbara Miroballi
      Is there a place where you could state the technology objectives for this unit?
    • Denilya Barrett
      I could, but no one will look at them or care except in this class. The technology objectives are simply to be able to use Google Docs, the Wiki, the message board, and Storybird. That's it. By use, I don't mean anything complicated. This quarter their technology grade is based on being able to post at least one message to the message board and publishing one story in Storybird. They have 45 mintues of computer lab time a week. They don't get a lot done in that time.
    • Barbara Miroballi
      I don't see where the rubrics for evaluation are. Do you use them?
    • Denilya Barrett
      Rarely. There are times when I find them somewhat helpful but my kids pay little attention to them and there are so many assignments each day that making 5-6 rubrics per day is just not going to happen. I did make some for the project proposal.
    This is part of my evaluation for Denilya.
Sarah Gagliardi

ETC647 Unit presentation - Google Docs - 1 views

    • Sarah Gagliardi
      Tools within the classroom are constantly changing; therefore, having the teachers research and learn a tool prior to implementation makes for success use within the classroom and student success.
Sarah Gagliardi

ETC647 Unit presentation - Google Docs - 1 views

    • Sarah Gagliardi
    • Kirsten Harder
      Teachers will be encouraged to utilize the iPad for the research in order to become more familiar with it; however, this would not be required.
Denilya Barrett

ETC-647-Network Learnng Unit - 1 views

    • Denilya Barrett
      What is the age group of the students? That significantly impacts how well I think this will work...
    • Denilya Barrett
      How will you know if students learned about more then their own state and the few they review? Is the goal to learn about all the states? Because I generally don't learn much by listening to presentations... I can't be alone in that.
    • Denilya Barrett
      You could have them look at their state/capitols with Google Earth :) Perhaps compare and contrast the geography of several states or something.
Max Atwell

Module 2 - ONLE's & PLE's for HRP Faculty - 1 views

  • Be on the lookout for an email from me inviting you to join the PCCHRP Diigo Group. Please accept the information and onto Diigo. You will be able to tell if your Diigo account is working correctly because you will see a highlight and a note on this page. Once you have succeeded with this step, your assignment is to search the web for three professional sites and then create an annotation on the page to be shared with the rest of the class.
Eldon Ferguson

classifying-amphibians - Webquest Presentations - 1 views

  • upload
    • Eldon Ferguson
      Great for Community-to-Community interaction, as students will be able to reflect on work from previous years. Excellent idea!
Chih-Hsiung Tu

Wells Technology - 1 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question I: ONLE Please justify why your unit integrating ONLE, not just distributed learning (DL) or online learning environments (OLE). Be sure to distinguish ONLE from DL and OLE. Provide the examples from your unit to justify your responses.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question II: Key Instructional Strategies Please discuss how you integrate the required ONLE instructional strategies (Social network, social tagging, participatory web, UGC, and Community-Community interaction).
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question III: Evaluations Discuss how do you know your integrated ONLE instructional strategies effective? Remember assessing content is different from assessing instructional strategies.
Nicole Conrad

Nicole's Unit Plan - 1 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question I: ONLE Please justify why your unit integrating ONLE, not just distributed learning (DL) or online learning environments (OLE). Be sure to distinguish ONLE from DL and ONLE. Provide the examples from your unit to justify your responses.
    • Nicole Conrad
      I feel that my unit was ONLE because it makes the students create their learning environment and explore different possibilities instead of being limited to one general location where all material is located in a central location. There are a variety of tools utilized that are not otherwise always connected.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question II: Social Tagging Architecture Please discuss what you social tagging architecture is. How do you design and develop it.
    • Nicole Conrad
      My social tagging architecture was modeled after the tagging architecture that was utilized in this course. Students were asked to tag within their individual Delicious accounts and use a similar structure. I made up a course code and the students were asked to use that at the beginning and then a descriptor for the remaining structure, for example: EDU123+State Facts+Fall 2011
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question III: Evaluations Discuss how do you know your integrated ONLE instructional strategies effective? Remember assessing content is different from assessing instructional strategies. Your assessment must be capable to assess content, delivery technology, and instructional strategies.
    • Nicole Conrad
      I believe that I will consider my instructional strategies effective if my students are capable of completing the tasks properly with little or no questions/confusions. If my strategies are effective my students will be successful. There was a lot that went into creating the lesson and my students should be able to fairly easily understand the material at hand.
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    • Dan Ciernia
      The content is appropriate for the early learner audience. Nicole does a nice job of keeping the learning elements and tools visual and interactive to retain the attention and enhance the experience of this level of learner.
    • Dan Ciernia
      Nicole has integrated web 2.0 tools sharing, organization, create content, social networking - as she explains in her presentation, the design of her lesson is to connect learners, instructor in their activities to share and collaborate as they learn from each other and themselves.
    • Dan Ciernia
      The web 2.0 tools that Nicole integrates into this lesson network her learners with each other, the instructor and additional communities. The tools she chose for this lesson are learner level appropriate now and as they advance. The tools provide a base for communication, interaction, exploration and collaboration.
    • Dan Ciernia
      Measurement/assessment tools seem a bit vague, although it appears Nicole does not include peer review, but instructor review - which seems appropriate at this learner level.
    • Dan Ciernia
      Great presentation on Elluminate and the Lesson Wiki! Well designed. Excellent work Nicole!
    I feel that my unit was ONLE because it makes the students create their learning environment and explore different possibilities instead of being limited to one general location where all material is located in a central location. There are a variety of tools utilized that are not otherwise always connected.
    My social tagging architecture was modeled after the tagging architecture that was utilized in this course. Students were asked to tag within their individual Delicious accounts and use a similar structure. I made up a course code and the students were asked to use that at the beginning and then a descriptor for the remaining structure, for example: EDU123+State Facts+Fall 2011
    I believe that I will consider my instructional strategies effective if my students are capable of completing the tasks properly with little or no questions/confusions. If my strategies are effective my students will be successful. There was a lot that went into creating the lesson and my students should be able to fairly easily understand the material at hand.
Denilya Barrett

Wikispaces - 1 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question I: ONLE Please justify why your unit integrating ONLE, not just distributed learning (DL) or online learning environments (OLE). Be sure to distinguish ONLE from DL and ONLE. Provide the examples from your unit to justify your responses.
    • Dan Ciernia
      Chih, This lesson is built upon the ONLE strategies of sharing (PICLP and PICs tagged sources and data), collaboration (team contributes to and co-authors lesson plan and script through google docs) partipative web (Synchornous meetings through Google+, Asynchronous communication through Gmail), user generated content (co-authored Lesson Plan and Script for People In Crisis training which will be utilized and updated by subsequent training teams in ongoing training and education). Using these web 2.0 tools provides an interactive, 24/7 environment that far exceeds a simple delivery system.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question II: Social Tagging Architecture Please discuss what you social tagging architecture is. How do you design and develop it.
    • Dan Ciernia
      Chih, the social tagging architecture is built with two tags PICLP (Lesson Plan related sources and data and PICS script related sources and data). This architecture is simple, but clear in identifying and organizing the elements used in developing these two lesson deliverables (Lesson Plan and Script) for use by team colleagues.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Question III: Evaluations Discuss how do you know your integrated ONLE instructional strategies effective? Remember assessing content is different from assessing instructional strategies. Your assessment must be capable to assess content, delivery technology, and instructional strategies.
    • Dan Ciernia
      Chih, The deliverables in this lesson (Lesson Plan and Script) are created throught the participation and contribution for team colleagues by using the web 2.0 tools introduced in this lesson. Your question does shed light on recognizing the participant accountability aspect that I did not place enough focus on and that is the individual effort, I have the focus on the team, not the individual. In this lesson and the audience this lesson is targeted to the collaborators will hold each other accountable throughout the process.
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    • Max Atwell
      Outstanding unit Dan! I would like to hear how this goes when you impliment it next year.
    • Dan Ciernia
      Thanks Max, I'll keep you in the loop when the lesson goes live.
    • Aric Bilas
      This looks like a great unit to bring different areas of law enforcement together! Great job.
    • Dan Ciernia
      Thanks Aric, this lesson will provide new tools to various units of law enforcement to connect at new levels.
    • Denilya Barrett
      Good Job :) I think it could use a discussion or examples at the beginning of how it will be useful for the students. Less of a general "it's good for collaboration" and more a "here are some specific examples of how you could use this to make your job/life better, so pay attention to class!"
    • Denilya Barrett
      ...not that it isn't a good introduction. As a student, I just like having examples so I know what I'm getting into and how it's actually going to be useful...
    • Dan Ciernia
      Denilya, you point out some very good points regarding the introduction. The learners that this lesson is designed for want to get from "A" to "B" on the shortest route, they already have a pretty good idea of what they are getting into (content speaking) . The learners expect that any training they receive will make their job/life better.
Erin Rain

Reading Step V - 1 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question I: ONLE Please justify why your unit integrating ONLE, not just distributed learning (DL) or online learning environments (OLE). Be sure to distinguish ONLE from DL and OLE. Provide the examples from your unit to justify your responses.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question II: Key Instructional Strategies Please discuss how you integrate the required ONLE instructional strategies (Social network, social tagging, participatory web, UGC, and Community-Community interaction).
    • Ruth Creek
      I have implemented UGC with having the students create vocabulary flashcards that they will share with one another, and that will become part of the course content for later students (UGC). I am trying to develop a social network between students by the end of the semester through group work and discussions, bookmarking and commenting through Diigo (whiich is also UGC as it becomes part of the course content), and Blogging, By the end of the semester the students will also use Facebook to comment on reading selections or suggest readingbegin establishing their own community. I also implemented some Game strategies, particularly with the flashcards to motivate groups to work together collaborative toward a common goal.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question III: Evaluations Discuss how do you know your integrated ONLE instructional strategies effective? Remember assessing content is different from assessing instructional strategies.
    • Ruth Creek
      The only way to really assess the effectiveness of my strategies is summative, through student interaction and feedback. I plan to use the group discussions, blogs and Diigo comments to monitor progress, as well as F2F conversations and a survey at the end of the course. This course is also part of a multi-course scaffolding of creating self-directed and community learners (not learner-instructor focused) who are able to succeed online and in creating their own PLE. The retention of student knowledge and understanding in successive courses will also act as a summative evaluation.
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    • Erin Rain
      Content: Content was appropriate for your students. This will help them in their future organization for vocabulary studying, etc.
    • Erin Rain
      ONLE Instructional Strategies: Flashcards are UGC and Par, since students will be required to read others' in future classes. You used network learning, bookmarking with Diigo. I didn't see any RSS or tagging.
    • Erin Rain
      ONLE Technologies: Great technologies! Blog, Diigo, flashcard generator, Google Sites and more! They are used effectively for your students.
    • Erin Rain
      Evaluations: Will evaluate each other on flashcards and use rubric for evaluating work. They seem to match your expectations. I didn't see any goals or objectives listed, just directions.
    • Erin Rain
      Additional Comments: Great unit! I was a little confused about the direction of the unit, between the units, lessons, vocabulary lists, vocabulary lessons, blogs, etc. Wasn't sure where to start or go next, so I just skipped around and got the idea of all the assignments. Perhaps create a page with all instructions and then links to the other pages? Overall, great use of instructional strategies and technologies! This will definitely benefit your students.
    The course cannot just jump in and become an ONLE or integrate a PLE because the students don't have the technological skills. The first few lessons work on developing the skills that they need, and begin the networking process through creating flashcards, first for themselves, then with an team mate, and then with a group. The flashcards then become the content for future courses. The student discussions are implemented in the third lesson which focuses on Cultural Diversity, a topic that my culturally diverse students can relate to and would be more willing to share experiences with one another. The intent here is to help create a Learning Community of students with similar abilities, similar experiences who will begin to work more with one another and rely less on the instructor. (learner-learner construction of knowledge is very important for Andragogical teaching).

CONHI Faculty Learning Community - Exploring the fun side of teaching and learning exce... - 1 views

shared by anonymous on 08 Dec 10 - No Cached
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question I: Aligned Connectivism Principles Please discuss three most important strategies of ONLE/PLE in your unit, identify what aligned Connectivism principle(s) are, and discuss the assessments you integrate. Remember ONLE/PLE strategies are not your contents or "technologies," such as wiki, blog etc. It is the integrated soft technologies. If you don't remember Connectivism principles, please review our Lesson 1 readings. Hint: be sure to include four components of technology integrations: Content; Technology; Instructional Strategies; Assessment. This strategy should go beyond Constructivist instructional strategy and focus on ONLE/PLE/Connectivism design.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question II: UGC Instructional Designs Do you have instructional UGC design in your unit? If yes, why? If no, why not? If you do, be sure to include the discussions covering four components of integrations (technology, instructional strategy, and assessment). Be sure to use Connectivism theory to justify your arguments.
    • Kelly Nightengale
      The content provided is appropriate for the targeted audiences. I love how the events page is set up and can be accessed on the home page. The workshops, webinars, and clinics are numerous and offer variety so everyone can find something they are interested in learning. The members can RSVP to events directly from that page or watch archived events to learn. Multiple NLE instructional strategies are utilized. These include- Linkage Design, UGC, Community-Community Interaction, Agg, Mashup, social content sharing, Remix, RSS, Participatory web, folksonomy, social networking, mobile learning, and cloud computing. Network was the focus! Multiple web 2.0 tools utilized- twitter, voicethread, and blog. Social media is integrated- facebook. I have not joined facebook yet but this unit seems to me it would be like a facebook for CONHI. The focus was on network and all of the technologies were integrated effectively and appropriately. There were no defined lessons, however, this unit fit all of the criteria about creating a NLE. I have struggled with how to create units for the adult coworkers I work. It is difficult "making" them go through lessons like they were in school. This unit has opened my eyes on how to incorporate my learning with facilitating my coworkers learning. The evaluation methods are weak. Most of this has to do with the learning environment itself. It is not set up as traditional lessons which make it harder for evaluation. The checklist is a great way to assess the NLE's utilization, however, learning isn't measured (again due to the adult environment this is set up for). Also, the instructional strategies and technologies are not evaluated. I would just create another checklist for members to complete regarding the instructional strategies and technologies to help evaluate their effectiveness. It doesn't look as if the goals and objectives are directly measured. Even though this environment doesn't necessarily call for it, a survey
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    • pattirose55
      Content Feedback Comments: The content is appropriate for the target audience of adults and faculty. Having access to events, videos, forum, etc. from the home page (tabs or sidebar) is very convenient. I didn't see any specific lessons; therefore, the unit appears to be more of a framework or guideline for online collaborative learning. * NLE Instructional Strategies Feedback Comments: The unit is basically self-directed and self-paced somewhat (instructed to logon twice a week for 15 minutes). It contains social bookmarking, collaborative learning, RSS feeds, and cloud computing. Interactions include learner-to-learner (discussions), learner-to-instructor (voice threads), and learner-to-content (videos). * NLE Technologies Feedback Comments: Utilized Ning (social website), RSS feeds (Twitter feed of "What's Happening at ASU"), Delicious bookmarks, discussion forum, Blogger, calendar/events (allowing RSVP), voice threads, chat, and videos. Google Sites, Google Docs, and concept mapping tools (Webspiration, DropMind, and Cmap) were all mentioned as possible options for teaching and learning at ASU. Evaluations Feedback Comments: No specific measurement of learning or evaluation of instructional strategies and technologies. Without specific lessons, evaluation is difficult. Surveys or questionnaires would be appropriate for an adult audience Additional Comments: I don't care for the entering of personal information like birthday, gender, and zip code to wait for approval to enter the site; however, I liked the personal touch of being welcomed to the site by name. The "Getting Started" orientation page and the customization options of "My PLE" are great! Overall, the unit is comprehensive with both NLE technologies and instructional strategies to teach the necessary concept of collaborative learning online. My resources and tool options were available for the student.
    • pattirose55
      Content Feedback Comments: The content is appropriate for the target audience of adults and faculty. Having access to events, videos, forum, etc. from the home page (tabs or sidebar) is very convenient. I didn't see any specific lessons; therefore, the unit appears to be more of a framework or guideline for online collaborative learning. * NLE Instructional Strategies Feedback Comments: The unit is basically self-directed and self-paced somewhat (instructed to logon twice a week for 15 minutes). It contains social bookmarking, collaborative learning, RSS feeds, and cloud computing. Interactions include learner-to-learner (discussions), learner-to-instructor (voice threads), and learner-to-content (videos). * NLE Technologies Feedback Comments: Utilized Ning (social website), RSS feeds (Twitter feed of "What's Happening at ASU"), Delicious bookmarks, discussion forum, Blogger, calendar/events (allowing RSVP), voice threads, chat, and videos. Google Sites, Google Docs, and concept mapping tools (Webspiration, DropMind, and Cmap) were all mentioned as possible options for teaching and learning at ASU. Evaluations Feedback Comments: No specific measurement of learning or evaluation of instructional strategies and technologies. Without specific lessons, evaluation is difficult. Surveys or questionnaires would be appropriate for an adult audience Additional Comments: I don't care for the entering of personal information like birthday, gender, and zip code to wait for approval to enter the site; however, I liked the personal touch of being welcomed to the site by name. The "Getting Started" orientation page and the customization options of "My PLE" are great! Overall, the unit is comprehensive with both NLE technologies and instructional strategies to teach the necessary concept of collaborative learning online. My resources and tool options were available for the student.
    • Ashley Romanoski
      Content: Your content is very well organized and appropriately meets the needs of your audience of faculty members. You have provided an online network learning environment. NLE Instructional Strategies: You integrated numerous NLE strategies such as Linkage Design, UGC, Agg, Mashup, Social Content Sharing, RSS, Par, Folk, and Network. This allows your faculty members to effectively interact and learn from one another. NLE Technologies: Your Web 2.0 tools were nicely integrated into your unit. You included Twitter, VoiceThread, Blogger, Delicious, RSS feeds, and Facebook. Evaluations: The way your unit was designed it does not appear that traditional lessons are available as they would not appropriately meet the needs of your audience. In your goals you included a checklist of expectations for participants as a means for evaluation. This should be a very effective method, but I did not find it on your site. Was it there or is the checklist something faculty members would receive ahead of time? Also, you might want to include a survey to evaluate your instructional strategies and technologies. Great job Jinnette! Your unit was very cohesive, and it appears that it will work effectively as a way for faculty members to communicate with each other. Thanks for sharing!

Home - investigatecareers's JimdoPage! - 1 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question I: Aligned Connectivism Principles Please discuss three most important strategies of ONLE/PLE in your unit, identify what aligned Connectivism principle(s) are, and discuss the assessments you integrate. Remember ONLE/PLE strategies are not your contents or "technologies," such as wiki, blog etc. It is the integrated soft technologies. If you don't remember Connectivism principles, please review our Lesson 1 readings. Hint: be sure to include four components of technology integrations: Content; Technology; Instructional Strategies; Assessment. This strategy should go beyond Constructivist instructional strategy and focus on ONLE/PLE/Connectivism design.
    • Jennifer Starchman
      The thee most important strategies of ONLE/PLE in my unit are user generated content, social sharing, and participatory web. By creating content the students will form personal learning connections and extensions that will then be shared and assessed by the other learners. By incorporating these sharing and creating activities into the lessons the learners are no longer given static material to work with and learn from. The activities are tied together and work in harmony to elicit reponses and connections from the students.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question II: UGC Instructional Designs Do you have instructional UGC design in your unit? If yes, why? If no, why not? If you do, be sure to include the discussions covering four components of integrations (technology, instructional strategy, and assessment). Be sure to use Connectivism theory to justify your arguments.
    • Jennifer Starchman
      Yes there is instructional user generated content within my unit. The reason that I have user generated content is that students can learn just as much if not more from each other. Websites and wikis allow students to generate content instantaneously and also provides peer review opporitunities. The more connections that the students can make to the learning and to other student's the better the more resilient that knowledge will be.
    • pattirose55
      Nice simple graphics. I like that you included website examples in the sidebar (What your website could look like), as well as the non-college options for employment (Lesson 3). Overall, the unit is well organized and includes both NLE technologies and instructional strategies to teach high school seniors about career opportunities and better prepare them for the workplace. The flow and functionality of the three lessons works well together. Students should come away with a lot of useful knowledge.
    • pattirose55
      Content Feedback Comments: The unit content of career possibilities, job requirements, and available resources is appropriate for the intended audience (high school seniors). NLE Instructional Strategies Feedback Comments: The unit is self-directed. It contains inquiry-based learning (Internet research), wiki content development (UGC), reflection, and social networking. Interactions include learner-to-learner (discussions), learner-to-content (career websites), and learner-to-instructor (calendar entries). NLE Technologies Feedback Comments: Utilized Jimdo website, Twitter, various career websites, Blogger, Google Docs, Elluminate, Delicious, class wiki posts, and Google Calendar. Evaluations Feedback Comments: Lesson 1 "Create an Informative Web Page" has a Rubric for Career Development and a peer review; however, I didn't see any evaluations for Lessons 2 and 3.
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • Ashley Romanoski
      The content presented about careers and future education options is very appropriate for the intended audience of high school seniors. NLE instructional strategies are present through Par, UGC, and CC. These strategies work together to support student learning. Many NLE technologies such as Delicious, Google Documents, Google Calendar, blogging, and Twitter are implemented in this unit. These Web 2.0 tools create a learning environment for students to work successfully. The use of peer review for lesson 1's product as well as the feedback in lesson 2 allows students to collaborate with one another and extend their ideas. The rubric for lesson 1 provides students the opportunity to be aware of expectations ahead of time, and then it effectively evaluates the final product. I did not see an instrument of evaluation for lesson 2 or 3. Be sure to include an instrument to measure the instructional strategies and technologies you are using. Overall, great job! The topic is very relevant and important to your target audience. If you plan on using this in the future, I would add more details as well as additional evaluation methods for the other lessons. Thanks for sharing!
    • Jennifer Starchman
      Thank you for your feedback!
    ETC647 Fall 2010 Units

ETC647 NLE Home - ETC647 NLE - 1 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question I: Aligned Connectivism Principles Please discuss three most important strategies of ONLE/PLE in your unit, identify what aligned Connectivism principle(s) are, and discuss the assessments you integrate. Remember ONLE/PLE strategies are not your contents or "technologies," such as wiki, blog etc. It is the integrated soft technologies. If you don't remember Connectivism principles, please review our Lesson 1 readings. Hint: be sure to include four components of technology integrations: Content; Technology; Instructional Strategies; Assessment. This strategy should go beyond Constructivist instructional strategy and focus on ONLE/PLE/Connectivism design.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question II: UGC Instructional Designs Do you have instructional UGC design in your unit? If yes, why? If no, why not? If you do, be sure to include the discussions covering four components of integrations (technology, instructional strategy, and assessment). Be sure to use Connectivism theory to justify your arguments.
    • esthermitchellnau
      A very difficult topic that was address effectively throughout this unit. Great job!
    ETC647 Fall 2010 Units
    Audrey Nagel's Unit on The Holocaust at (Hyperlink on unit lists sent me to a different site (BrownsGuide2Wetpaint) but when I typed in web address on unit list I came to this site - which explains the multiple postings to be sure this evaluation is aligned to Audrey's unit.) Content: The content provided in the unit on the Holocaust is appropriate for the targeted audiences. NLE Strategies: The unit uses multiple NLE instructional strategies include Community-Community Interaction, social content sharing, and Participatory web. NLE Technologies: The unit used multiple web 2.0 tools including vpicethread, twitter, delicious, and discussions. Evaluations: The unit fits all of the criteria about creating a NLE. There is grading criteria with each lesson. Additional Comments:Nice unit and enjoyed looking through it. The unit appropriately geared for students focusing on the Holocaust. The technologies integrated throughout the unit is effective not too advanced in nature for students to effective use with this unit. Nice unit!!
Denilya Barrett

Peer Evaluation - Algebra Community Learning Project - 1 views

    • Denilya Barrett
      I don't think that being late on any deadlines is "meets," although that could just be me. Being respectful enough of group members to keep to the deadlines that they have to keep to is just the basics. Working ahead of schedule and doing extra work is exceeding. I'm just saying, imagain a class where many of the students were late on their deadlines... would that really be meeting expectations?
    • Aric Bilas
      The "deadline" is actually 2 days before the lesson is suppose to be taught.  If they miss the deadline of 2 days early, but still have the page completed prior to the lesson day, they have met the requirements of the assignment. Getting a "meets" score still requires them to have the assignment done prior to the lesson.

ETC 647 Intro to Computers - 1 views

shared by anonymous on 07 Dec 10 - No Cached
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question I: Aligned Connectivism Principles Please discuss three most important strategies of ONLE/PLE in your unit, identify what aligned Connectivism principle(s) are, and discuss the assessments you integrate. Remember ONLE/PLE strategies are not your contents or "technologies," such as wiki, blog etc. It is the integrated soft technologies. If you don't remember Connectivism principles, please review our Lesson 1 readings. Hint: be sure to include four components of technology integrations: Content; Technology; Instructional Strategies; Assessment. This strategy should go beyond Constructivist instructional strategy and focus on ONLE/PLE/Connectivism design.
    • Pat Agrait
      a) Lesson Plan #1 - Develop computer vocabulary with a collage of pictures in Google Sites. Indicate part name, learners research for the pictures and definition of each part and adds their info to the appropriate web page. One table cell for each student Instructional strategies: User Generated Content (UGC) Activity: Online research (Refer to vocabulary list in Appendix C) Technology: Google Sites Dimension: Asynchronous Assessment: Each student contributes to each web page a picture and a definition, thereby building an online dictionary. b) Lesson Plan #2 - Watch videos - Dissecting a computer & Upgrading Ram: The students are asked to rate the videos and tag the video to share. Instructional strategies: Face-to-Face Enhancement - Connect to relevant human learning resources, social tagging and social content sharing strategies. Activity: Watch YouTube videos Technology: Internet -, Dimension: Synchronous or Asynchronous Assessment: Each student will rate the videos and tag the video to share a) b) Upgrading Ram: c) - 1) Your team will create a concept map with the computer in the center connected to 4-core concepts: input, output, hardware, software. Add as many items as you can in each category and link their connections to each other. 2) Save concept map as Word doc, upload to Google Docs and label it Team#-Webspiration. Share with your instructor ( 3) Add Google Doc link to your Delicious account - Tag: intotocomp+team#+Webspiration 4) Students will get extra credit points if they can add to another group's concept map. Instructional strategies: Learner-learner interaction/User Generated Content (UGC) Activity: Content Mapping Technology: Onli
    • Pat Agrait
      Lesson Plan #1 - Develop computer vocabulary with a collage of pictures in Google Sites. Indicate part name, learners research for the pictures and definition of each part and adds their info to the appropriate web page. One table cell for each student Instructional strategies: User Generated Content (UGC) Activity: Online research (Refer to vocabulary list in Appendix C) Technology: Google Sites Dimension: Asynchronous Assessment: Each student contributes to each web page a picture and a definition, thereby building an online dictionary. Lesson Plan #2 - Watch videos - Dissecting a computer & Upgrading Ram: The students are asked to rate the videos and tag the video to share. Instructional strategies: Face-to-Face Enhancement - Connect to relevant human learning resources, social tagging and social content sharing strategies. Activity: Watch YouTube videos Technology: Internet -, Dimension: Synchronous or Asynchronous Assessment: Each student will rate the videos and tag the video to share a) b) Upgrading Ram: Lesson Plan #3 - - 1) Your team will create a concept map with the computer in the center connected to 4-core concepts: input, output, hardware, software. Add as many items as you can in each category and link their connections to each other. 2) Save concept map as Word doc, upload to Google Docs and label it Team#-Webspiration. Share with your instructor ( 3) Add Google Doc link to your Delicious account - Tag: intotocomp+team#+Webspiration 4) Students will get extra credit points if they can add to another group's concept map. Instructional strategies: Learner-learner interaction/User Generated Content (UGC) Activity: Content Mapping Technolo
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question II: UGC Instructional Designs Do you have instructional UGC design in your unit? If yes, why? If no, why not? If you do, be sure to include the discussions covering four components of integrations (technology, instructional strategy, and assessment). Be sure to use Connectivism theory to justify your arguments.
    • Pat Agrait
      Lesson plan #1 employs the Online Inquiry Based Learning in User Generated Content (UGC), a Connectivism instructional strategy. According to the Ohio Department of Education (2010) research department, technology plays an important role in inquiry-based teaching. Computers and the Internet provide students access to information and the ability to manage multiple and complex sources; they also enhance students' interest, motivation and engagement in active learning and content development. Technology further aids inquiry projects by allowing students to make connections between the classroom and the "real world," as well as produce high-quality presentations of their results. Learners may also work at their own pace and complete the project from home if necessary. a) Lesson Plan #1 - Develop computer vocabulary with a collage of pictures in Google Sites. Indicate part name, learners research for the pictures and definition of each part and adds their info to the appropriate web page. One table cell for each student Instructional strategies: User Generated Content (UGC) Activity: Online research (Refer to vocabulary list in Appendix C) Technology: Google Sites Dimension: Asynchronous Assessment: Each student contributes to each web page a picture and a definition, thereby building an online dictionary. The instructional design strategies incorporated into this unit were based on the Principles of Connectivism & Instructional Strategies (Siemens, 2005): ● Learning and knowledge rests in the diversity of opinions ● Learning is a process of connecting specialized nodes or information sources ● Ability to see connections between fields, ideas, and concepts as a core skill ● Decision-making and choosing what to learn and the meaning of incoming information References Ohio Department of Education, Research. (2010). Using effective instructional strategies: inquiry-based teaching. C
    • pattirose55
      Content Feedback Comments: Computer vocabulary, PC components, PC upgrading, and PC purchasing are all appropriate and related topics for students, parents, teachers, and co-workers; however, age and/or grade level could be an issue due to concept, vocabulary, reading level, and dexterity. * NLE Instructional Strategies Feedback Comments: The unit is self-directed and self-paced. It contains active learning, reflection, project-based learning, Wiki content development (UGC), discovery learning, and inquiry-based learning. Interactions include learner-to-learner (collaborative) and learner-to-content (videos). * NLE Technologies Feedback Comments: Utilized Google Sites, Google Docs, Webspiration, Delicious, and Blogger, as well as Microsoft Word and Excel. Various websites were also accessed for tests, flashcards, and games (matching and Who Wants to Be a Computer Genius). Evaluations Feedback Comments: Unit included pretest, post-test, vocabulary quiz, completed worksheets, rubrics, and peer evaluation form. Lesson Plan #1 develops computer vocabulary by completing a collage of pictures and respective definitions in Google Sites based on a rubric (Appendix C). Additional Comments: Textual layout wasn't what I had expected. "Unit Content Outline" section basically contains the course/unit (or syllabus). Font styles, sizes, and colors are different in places and were rather distracting. On one screen a sentence or two are unreadable (whited out). At first I thought it was done for emphasis but that didn't pan out. I noticed some grammatical and spelling errors. Overall, the unit is very comprehensive with both NLE technologies and instructional strategies to teach necessary concepts. I liked that a substitute lesson plan (an online crossword puzzle) was included.
    ETC647 Fall 2010 Units

A Door in the Wall Learning Unit Home - The Door in the Wall Learning Unit - 1 views

    • Kelly Nightengale
      Great content. A Door in the Wall literary text supports organized learning network environments and is appropriate for the targeted audience of 6th graders. This unit integrated linkage design, UCG, community-community, participatory web, infoviz, and cc. The activities focus on network instructional strategies to enhance learning. The students are working together to understand the literary text and the elements of a plot. Web 2.0 tools utilized in this unit are blogging, Wordle, wiki discussions, and VoiceThread. They are integrated effectively and appropriately. These networked technologies will enhance learning by students "bouncing" ideas off one another. The rubric was great but only covered the content. Although content needs to be evaluated, so does the instructional strategies and technologies. Overall, great job Ashley!
    • Ashley Romanoski
      Do you think a survey of the students would be a good way to evaluate the strategies and technologies? I wasn't sure.
    • Ashley Romanoski
      Thanks for your feedback! :)
    • Kelly Nightengale
      Yes, I think a survey would be the easiest way- that is what I did. Evaluating the strategies and technologies is difficult and the survey assessment seems to be the easiest way to measure the effectivness of the strategies and technologies.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question I: Aligned Connectivism Principles Please discuss three most important strategies of ONLE/PLE in your unit, identify what aligned Connectivism principle(s) are, and discuss the assessments you integrate. Remember ONLE/PLE strategies are not your contents or "technologies," such as wiki, blog etc. It is the integrated soft technologies. If you don't remember Connectivism principles, please review our Lesson 1 readings. Hint: be sure to include four components of technology integrations: Content; Technology; Instructional Strategies; Assessment. This strategy should go beyond Constructivist instructional strategy and focus on ONLE/PLE/Connectivism design.
    • Ashley Romanoski
      Content: Questioning Literary Text Technology: Voice Thread Instructional Strategies: Learner-Learner, Learner-Instructor, Collaboration Assessment: Rubric This unit relies heavily on collaboration between students to build knowledge. It also requires students to be reflective about what they have been reading. Students must also create a visual representation of the new knowledge they have gained.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question II: UGC Instructional Designs Do you have instructional UGC design in your unit? If yes, why? If no, why not? If you do, be sure to include the discussions covering four components of integrations (technology, instructional strategy, and assessment). Be sure to use Connectivism theory to justify your arguments.
    • Ashley Romanoski
      This unit does include UGC design to allow for shared knowledge among different groups of students. Students will create a Voice Thread with their own questions and responses about the story. This activity allows for learner-learner interaction which will be assessed with a rubric. This can be saved and shared for future classes. The Wordles created could also be used to share knowledge with future classes. The wordle is learner-content interaction and will also be assessed with a rubric.
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • esthermitchellnau
      A specifically focused unit with effective technology integrations. I definately think this unit can be easily added to a sixth grade curriculum. Nice job!
    • Ashley Romanoski
      Thank you!
    ETC647 Fall 2010 Units
    I liked that you had your goals layed out the way you did on a separate page but yet you also refer to them within the activities. The different web 2.0 tools that you use for students to learn from are beneficial and effective. I think students will learn a lot from your unit, especially with wordle!
    Ashley Romanoski's Unit Door in the Wall Learning Unit (Hyperlink on unit list sent me to a different site ( but when I typed in web address on unit list I came to this site.) Content: The content provided in the unit on literacy is appropriate for the targeted audience of sixth grad students. NLE Strategies: The unit uses multiple NLE instructional strategies include Community-Community Interaction, UCG, Infoviz, and Participatory web. NLE Technologies: The unit used multiple web 2.0 tools including blogging, wiki, wordle, and voicethread. Evaluations: The unit has a rubric but I could not find any other evaluation tool for content but this could be easily accommodated for with adding a few additional assessments. Additional Comments: Very nice unit! I can see this unit used with the sixth grade students at my school with a few adjustments.
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