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Christophe Gauthier - 0 views

  • supports most common file types: Documents: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, pdf, wpd, odt, ods, odp Images: png, jpg, gif, tiff, psd, bmp, eps, ai Text: txt, rtf, cs
    pour encapsuler n'importe quel document office sur une page Web
Christophe Deschamps

Open-Source Spying - 0 views

  • The spy agencies were saddled with technology that might have seemed cutting edge in 1995.
  • Theoretically, the intelligence world ought to revolve around information sharing. If F.B.I. agents discover that Al Qaeda fund-raising is going on in Brooklyn, C.I.A. agents in Europe ought to be able to know that instantly.
  • Analysts also did not worry about anything other than their corners of the world.
  • ...57 more annotations...
  • When the Orange Revolution erupted in Ukraine in late 2004, Burton went to Technorati, a search engine that scours the “blogosphere,” to find the most authoritative blog postings on the subject. Within minutes, he had found sites with insightful commentary from American expatriates who were talking to locals in Kiev and on-the-fly debates among political analysts over what it meant. Because he and his fellow spies were stuck with outdated technology, they had no comparable way to cooperate — to find colleagues with common interests and brainstorm online.
  • Indeed, throughout the intelligence community, spies are beginning to wonder why their technology has fallen so far behind — and talk among themselves about how to catch up. Some of the country’s most senior intelligence thinkers have joined the discussion, and surprisingly, many of them believe the answer may lie in the interactive tools the world’s teenagers are using to pass around YouTube videos and bicker online about their favorite bands.
  • perhaps, they argue, it’ s time to try something radically different. Could blogs and wikis prevent the next 9/11?
  • during the cold war, threats formed slowly. The Soviet Union was a ponderous bureaucracy that moved at the glacial speed of the five-year plan. Analysts studied the emergence of new tanks and missiles, pieces of hardware that took years to develop.
  • Writing reports was thus a leisurely affair, taking weeks or months; thousands of copies were printed up and distributed via interoffice mail. If an analyst’s report impressed his superiors, they’d pass it on to their superiors, and they to theirs — until, if the analyst was very lucky, it landed eventually in the president’s inner circle.
  • The F.B.I. terminals were connected to one another — but not to the computers at any other agency, and vice versa.
  • If an analyst requested information from another agency, that request traveled through elaborate formal channels. The walls between the agencies were partly a matter of law.
  • Islamist terrorists, as 9/11 proved, behaved utterly unlike the Soviet Union. They were rapid-moving, transnational and cellular.
  • To disrupt these new plots, some intelligence officials concluded, American agents and analysts would need to cooperate just as fluidly — trading tips quickly among agents and agencies. Following the usual chain of command could be fatal. “To fight a network like Al Qaeda, you need to behave like a network,” John Arquilla,
  • This control over the flow of information, as the 9/11 Commission noted in its final report, was a crucial reason American intelligence agencies failed to prevent those attacks. All the clues were there — Al Qaeda associates studying aviation in Arizona, the flight student Zacarias Moussaoui arrested in Minnesota, surveillance of a Qaeda plotting session in Malaysia — but none of the agents knew about the existence of the other evidence. The report concluded that the agencies failed to “connect the dots.”
  • Spies, Andrus theorized, could take advantage of these rapid, self-organizing effects. If analysts and agents were encouraged to post personal blogs and wikis on Intelink — linking to their favorite analyst reports or the news bulletins they considered important — then mob intelligence would take over.
  • Pieces of intel would receive attention merely because other analysts found them interesting. This grass-roots process, Andrus argued, suited the modern intelligence challenge of sifting through thousands of disparate clues: if a fact or observation struck a chord with enough analysts, it would snowball into popularity, no matter what their supervisors thought.
  • What most impressed Andrus was Wikipedia’s self-governing nature. No central editor decreed what subjects would be covered. Individuals simply wrote pages on subjects that interested them — and then like-minded readers would add new facts or fix errors.
  • He pointed out that the best Internet search engines, including Google, all use “link analysis” to measure the authority of documents.
  • Each agency had databases to amass intelligence, but because of the air gap, other agencies could not easily search them. The divisions were partly because of turf battles and partly because of legal restrictions — but they were also technological.
  • This, Burton pointed out, is precisely the problem with Intelink. It has no links, no social information to help sort out which intel is significant and which isn’t. When an analyst’s report is posted online, it does not include links to other reports, even ones it cites.
  • “Analytical puzzles, like terror plots, are often too piecemeal for individual brains to put together. Having our documents aware of each other would be like hooking several brains up in a line, so that each one knows what the others know, making the puzzle much easier to solve.”
  • With Andrus and Burton’s vision in mind, you can almost imagine how 9/11 might have played out differently. In Phoenix, the F.B.I. agent Kenneth Williams might have blogged his memo noting that Al Qaeda members were engaging in flight-training activity. The agents observing a Qaeda planning conference in Malaysia could have mentioned the attendance of a Saudi named Khalid al-Midhar; another agent might have added that he held a multi-entry American visa. The F.B.I. agents who snared Zacarias Moussaoui in Minnesota might have written about their arrest of a flight student with violent tendencies. Other agents and analysts who were regular readers of these blogs would have found the material interesting, linked to it, pointed out connections or perhaps entered snippets of it into a wiki page discussing this new trend of young men from the Middle East enrolling in pilot training.
    • Christophe Deschamps
      Peut-être un peu idyllique?
  • “The 16 intelligence organizations of the U.S. are without peer. They are the best in the world. The trick is, are they collectively the best?”
  • in a system like this, as Andrus’s theory goes, the dots are inexorably drawn together. “Once the intelligence community has a robust and mature wiki and blog knowledge-sharing Web space,”
  • From now on, Meyerrose said, each agency would have to build new systems using cheaper, off-the-shelf software so they all would be compatible. But bureaucratic obstacles were just a part of the problem Meyerrose faced. He was also up against something deeper in the DNA of the intelligence services. “We’ve had this ‘need to know’ culture for years,” Meyerrose said. “Well, we need to move to a ‘need to share’ philosophy.”
  • In the fall of 2005, they joined forces with C.I.A. wiki experts to build a prototype of something called Intellipedia, a wiki that any intelligence employee with classified clearance could read and contribute to.
  • By the late summer, Fingar decided the Intellipedia experiment was sufficiently successful that he would embark on an even more high-profile project: using Intellipedia to produce a “national intelligence estimate” for Nigeria. An N.I.E. is an authoritative snapshot of what the intelligence community thinks about a particular state — and a guide for foreign and military policy.
  • But it will also, Fingar hopes, attract contributions from other intelligence employees who have expertise Fingar isn’t yet aware of — an analyst who served in the Peace Corps in Nigeria, or a staff member who has recently traveled there.
  • In the traditional method of producing an intelligence estimate, Fingar said, he would call every agency and ask to borrow their Africa expert for a week or two of meetings. “And they’d say: ‘Well, I only got one guy who can spell Nigeria, and he’s traveling. So you lose.’ ” In contrast, a wiki will “change the rules of who can play,” Fingar said, since far-flung analysts and agents around the world could contribute, day or night.
  • Intelink allows any agency to publish a Web page, or put a document or a database online, secure in the knowledge that while other agents and analysts can access it, the outside world cannot.
  • Rasmussen notes that though there is often strong disagreement and debate on Intellipedia, it has not yet succumbed to the sort of vandalism that often plagues Wikipedia pages, including the posting of outright lies. This is partly because, unlike with Wikipedia, Intellipedia contributors are not anonymous. Whatever an analyst writes on Intellipedia can be traced to him. “If you demonstrate you’ve got something to contribute, hey, the expectation is you’re a valued member,” Fingar said. “You demonstrate you’re an idiot, that becomes known, too.”
  • So why hasn’t Intelink given young analysts instant access to all secrets from every agency? Because each agency’s databases, and the messages flowing through their internal pipelines, are not automatically put onto Intelink. Agency supervisors must actively decide what data they will publish on the network — and their levels of openness vary.
  • It would focus on spotting and predicting possible avian-flu outbreaks and function as part of a larger portal on the subject to collect information from hundreds of sources around the world, inside and outside of the intelligence agencies.
  • Operational information — like details of a current covert action — is rarely posted, usually because supervisors fear that a leak could jeopardize a delicate mission.
  • “See, these people would never have been talking before, and we certainly wouldn’t have heard about it if they did,” the assistant said. By September, the site had become so loaded with information and discussion that Rear Adm. Arthur Lawrence, a top official in the health department, told Meyerrose it had become the government’s most crucial resource on avian flu.
  • Intelink has grown to the point that it contains thousands of agency sites and several hundred databases. Analysts at the various agencies generate 50,000 official reports a year, many of which are posted to the network. The volume of material online is such that analysts now face a new problem: data overload. Even if they suspect good information might exist on Intelink, it is often impossible to find it. The system is poorly indexed, and its internal search tools perform like the pre-Google search engines of the ’90s.“
  • But Meyerrose insists that the future of spying will be revolutionized as much by these small-bore projects as by billion-dollar high-tech systems. Indeed, he says that overly ambitious projects often result in expensive disasters, the way the F.B.I.’s $170 million attempt to overhaul its case-handling software died in 2005 after the software became so complex that the F.B.I. despaired of ever fixing the bugs and shelved it. In contrast, the blog software took only a day or two to get running. “We need to think big, start small and scale fast,” Meyerrose said.
  • But the agency’s officials trained only small groups of perhaps five analysts a month. After they finished their training, those analysts would go online, excited, and start their blogs. But they’d quickly realize no one else was reading their posts aside from the four other people they’d gone through the training with. They’d get bored and quit blogging, just as the next trainees came online.
  • This presents a secrecy paradox. The Unclassified Intellipedia will have the biggest readership and thus will grow the most rapidly; but if it’s devoid of truly sensitive secrets, will it be of any use?
  • Many in the intelligence agencies suspect not. Indeed, they often refuse to input sensitive intel into their own private, secure databases; they do not trust even their own colleagues, inside their own agencies, to keep their secrets safe.
  • These are legitimate concerns. After the F.B.I. agent Robert Hanssen was arrested for selling the identities of undercover agents to Russia, it turned out he had found their names by trawling through records on the case-support system.
  • “When you have a source, you go to extraordinary lengths to protect their identities,” I. C. Smith, a 25-year veteran of the bureau, told me. “So agents never trusted the system, and rightly so.”
  • What the agencies needed was a way to take the thousands of disparate, unorganized pieces of intel they generate every day and somehow divine which are the most important.
  • A spy blogosphere, even carefully secured against intruders, might be fundamentally incompatible with the goal of keeping secrets. And the converse is also true: blogs and wikis are unlikely to thrive in an environment where people are guarded about sharing information. Social software doesn’t work if people aren’t social.
  • the C.I.A. set up a competition, later taken over by the D.N.I., called the Galileo Awards: any employee at any intelligence agency could submit an essay describing a new idea to improve information sharing, and the best ones would win a prize.
  • The first essay selected was by Calvin Andrus, chief technology officer of the Center for Mission Innovation at the C.I.A. In his essay, “The Wiki and the Blog: Toward a Complex Adaptive Intelligence Community,”
  • For the intelligence agencies to benefit from “social software,” he said, they need to persuade thousands of employees to begin blogging and creating wikis all at once. And that requires a cultural sea change: persuading analysts, who for years have survived by holding their cards tightly to their chests, to begin openly showing their hands online.
    • Christophe Deschamps
      Un point essentiel. Il faut commencer petit technologiquement et grand humainement!
  • Indeed, Meyerrose’s office is building three completely separate versions of Intellipedia for each of the three levels of secrecy: Top Secret, Secret and Unclassified. Each will be placed on a data network configured so that only people with the correct level of clearance can see them — and these networks are tightly controlled, so sensitive information typed into the Top Secret Intellipedia cannot accidentally leak into the Unclassified one.
  • The chat room was unencrypted and unsecured, so anyone could drop in and read the postings or mouth off. That way, Meyerrose figured, he’d be more likely to get drop-ins by engineers from small, scrappy start-up software firms who might have brilliant ideas but no other way to get an audience with intelligence chiefs. The chat room provoked howls of outrage. “People were like, ‘Hold it, can’t the Chinese and North Koreans listen in?’ ” Meyerrose told me. “And, sure, they could. But we weren’t going to be discussing state secrets. And the benefits of openness outweigh the risks.”
  • Fingar says that more value can be generated by analysts sharing bits of “open source” information — the nonclassified material in the broad world, like foreign newspapers, newsletters and blogs. It used to be that on-the-ground spies were the only ones who knew what was going on in a foreign country. But now the average citizen sitting in her living room can peer into the debates, news and lives of people in Iran. “If you want to know what the terrorists’ long-term plans are, the best thing is to read their propaganda — the stuff out there on the Internet,”
  • Beat cops in Indiana might be as likely to uncover evidence of a terror plot as undercover C.I.A. agents in Pakistan. Fiery sermons printed on pamphlets in the U.K. might be the most valuable tool in figuring out who’s raising money for a possible future London bombing. The most valuable spy system is one that can quickly assemble disparate pieces that are already lying around — information gathered by doctors, aid workers, police officers or security guards at corporations.
  • The premise of spy-blogging is that a million connected amateurs will always be smarter than a few experts collected in an elite star chamber; that Wikipedia will always move more quickly than the Encyclopaedia Britannica; that the country’s thousand-odd political bloggers will always spot news trends more quickly than slow-moving journalists in the mainstream media.
  • In three meetings a day, the officials assess all the intel that has risen to their attention — and they jointly decide what the nation’s most serious threats are.
  • The grass roots, they’ve found, are good at collecting threats but not necessarily at analyzing them. If a lot of low-level analysts are pointing to the same inaccurate posting, that doesn’t make it any less wrong.
  • Without the knowledge that comes from long experience, he added, a fledgling analyst or spy cannot know what is important or not. The counterterrorism center, he said, should decide which threats warrant attention.
  • Many of the officials at the very top, like Fingar, Meyerrose and their colleagues at the office of the director of national intelligence, are intrigued by the potential of a freewheeling, smart-mobbing intelligence community. The newest, youngest analysts are in favor of it, too. The resistance comes from the “iron majors” — career officers who occupy the enormous middle bureaucracy of the spy agencies. They might find the idea of an empowered grass roots to be foolhardy; they might also worry that it threatens their turf.
  • The normal case for social software is failure,” Shirky said. And because Intellipedia is now a high-profile experiment with many skeptics, its failure could permanently doom these sorts of collaborative spy endeavors.
  • It might be difficult to measure contributions to a wiki; if a brilliant piece of analysis emerges from the mob, who gets credit for it?
  • “A C.I.A. officer’s career is advanced by producing reports,”
  • Though D.N.I. officials say they have direct procurement authority over technology for all the agencies, there’s no evidence yet that Meyerrose will be able to make a serious impact on the eight spy agencies in the Department of Defense, which has its own annual $38 billion intelligence budget — the lion’s share of all the money the government spends on spying.
  • if the spies do not join the rest of the world, they risk growing to resemble the rigid, unchanging bureaucracy that they once confronted during the cold war.
    Article du NY Times qui décrit en détail le projet Intellipedia, avantages, inconvénients,.... Très intéressant pour l'étude de cas de déploiement d'un projet 2.0. les risques et écueils ne sont pas oubliés. D'autant plus utile que c'est sans doute l'un des plus anciens projets de grande envergure de ce type actuellement. 10 pages.
Eric Salviac

Google se rapproche des entreprises et de... Microsoft - 0 views

  • Google de son côté est particulier actif ses derniers temps sur le marchés des applications d'entreprise. Parmi les annonces de ces derniers jours, on peut citer Google Apps Sync for Microsoft Outlook, Google Wave, une nouvelle version de sa Google Search Appliance sans oublier Fusion Tables qui n'est encore qu'un outil expérimental, mais qui pourrait bousculer le domaine des bases de données.
  • « La division entreprise est l'un des trois axes stratégiques de Google parmi les outils de recherches (search), les liens publicitaires et commerciaux (ads) et la suite applicative bureautique Web 2.0 en mode SAAS (apps) »
  • Contrairement aux éditeurs traditionnels, Google a une phase de développement de produits qui s'appuie largement sur les utilisateurs. Il peut donc proposer des versions beta accessibles en libre service auprès de développements, sans trop se soucier de l'intérêt commercial de ces nouveaux outils.
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • Fusion Tables est encore un produit expérimental destiné à intégrer des données issues de sources différentes et de formats différents dans une même table et de fournir des fonctions de collaboration, de requêtes, de visualisation et de publication sur le Web. Fusion Tables est plutôt destinée aux très grands volumes de données.
  • Cette semaine, Google dévoilait Google Apps Sync for Microsoft Outlook, un outil permettant de synchroniser leurs courriers, calendrier et carnets d'adresse entre Exchange/Outlook et Gmail. Cet outil fait suite à un autre qui permet de faire à peu près la même chose sur la téléphonie mobile. Cet outil qui est proposé comme un plug in est disponible pour les utilisateurs des versions payantes de Google Apps, à savoir les versions Premier et Education Edition.
  • Quel est l'intérêt de cette offre ? Tout simplement que beaucoup d'utilisateurs préfèrent ou sont déjà habitués à l'interface d'Outlook.
  • Le plug-in est pour l'instant disponible uniquement en anglais, il est compatible avec Outlook 2007, Windows XP SP3 et Vista.
  • Google Apps est commercialisé à 50 dollars par utilisateur et par an. Google aurait quelque 500 000 utilisateurs payants de Google Apps Premier Edition (Soit un chiffre d'affaires en base annuel de 25 M$ en abonnement).
  •  D'autres fournisseurs comme IBM, Oracle, Novell et Sun reconnaissent que le support natif d'Outlook est le meilleur moyen de lutter contre Exchange (l'utilisateur final ne se soucie pas de savoir quel est le serveur de messagerie mis en œuvre par l'entreprise) »
  • Google positionne son plug-in comme un outil permettant aux entreprises d'effectuer une migration d'Exchange vers Gmail plutôt que comme une combinaison permanente
  • Google Wave n'est pas encore un Tsunami Parallèlement à cette offre tactique qu'est Google Apps Sync for Microsoft Outlook, Google a montré avec Google Wave ce que pourrait être un outil de messagerie et collaboration dans les années à venir.
  • Google Wave intègre plusieurs fonctionnalités en général distribuées dans différentes solutions, à savoir les messageries électronique et instantanée, collaboration en temps réel et traitement de document à plusieurs (une sorte de Wiki en plus perfectionné).
  • « Avec Wave, Google veut changer fondamentalement la manière avec laquelle les utilisateurs/internautes (internausateurs ou utilisanautes) communiquent en transformant le Web en un système de collaboration temps réel intégré »
  • Google Wave ne concurrencera pas Lotus Notes, Microsoft Exchange ou Office SharePoint Server avant 5 à 10 ans
  • Une nouvelle version de Google Search Appliance
  • Conçues selon une architecture dynamique, plusieurs GSA, même distantes, peuvent fonctionner en parallèle
  • La GSA 6.0 offre des options de personnalisation pour l'administration, la sécurité, les paramètres de classements des documents... Elle inclut ce que l'on appelle des fonctions de recherche dites sociales, c'est-à-dire issues des suggestions des utilisateurs.
    Google ne renonce pas à promouvoir ses applications en entreprise en adoptant une stratégie de conquête en douceur en s'appuyant à la fois sur l'existant et les utilisateurs.
Christelle Gamache

Des tutoriels sur le Web 2.0 et les réseau sociaux - 0 views

    Les espaces numériques des bibliothèques ont pour mission de favoriser l'accès du grand public aux nouvelles technologies. Quels que soient l'âge et le niveau des utilisateurs, des ateliers et des rendez-vous individuels sont mis au point par les responsables tout au long de l'année. Le Centre de Ressources des EPN (Espaces Publics Numériques) de Wallonie nous signale une belle initiative de leurs collègues des Espaces Publics Numériques de la Bibliothèque Municipale de Lyon. En effet, ces derniers ont publié des tutoriels sur le Web 2.0 et les réseaux sociaux. Disponibles gratuitement au format PDF, ces documents sont destinés à sensibiliser et former le grand public sur les nouveaux outils du Net.
Eric Delcroix

L'IAB standardise les indicateurs-clés des médias sociaux | Médias sociaux - 0 views

    Depuis le temps que l'on en parle, l'IAB se décide enfin à publier un document officiel sur les indicateurs-clés spécifiques aux médias sociaux (blogs,
Christophe Deschamps

Intellipedia suffers midlife crisis - 0 views

  • The problem? The growth of the collective intelligence site so far largely has been fueled by early adopters and enthusiasts, according to Rasmussen. About all those who would have joined and shared their knowledge on the social networking site have already done so. If the intelligence agencies want to get further gains from the site, they need to incorporate it into their own formal decision making process, he contended. Until that happens, the social networking aspect of Intellipedia is "just a marginal revolution," he said.
  • Established in 2005, Intellipedia, now managed by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence,  has approximately 100,000 user accounts. Open to anyone with a government e-mail account, it has social bookmarking tool, a document repository, a home page for each user, and collaboration spaces.
  • For true change to occur, other agencies must use Intellipedia as their official conduit, at least for some functions, Rasmussen said. Otherwise, it is just creating additional work for contributors.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Another problem is that managers may not worry that their employees would not be comfortable contributing information to a social-networking tool. Rasmussen said he talked with one executive who said employees may not want to contribute personal items to their home page.
  • " 'Are you kidding?' " Rasmussen responded. "This is work. We force people to do stuff [they don't want to do] all the time — we make people come in sober and wear clothes. In certain cases top-down may not work, but in certain cases it does."
  • Contributors need to learn to accept "an agency-neutral non-ownership" stance to their articles, he said.
  • "If you bring too many locks into an overly cautious culture, that's all you get: locks," Rasmussen said. He also mentioned that mashups remain to be too difficult for non-programmers to create, and social networks continue to be held, presumably unfairly, by higher standards than other technologies.
    Intelipedia, le réseau social des agences de renseignement US mis en place en 2005, connaît quelques difficultés. Intéressant retour d'expérience sur un projet 2.0 déjà ancien.
Yan Thoinet

» Nine ideas for IT managers considering Enterprise 2.0 | Enterprise Web 2.0 ... - 1 views

  • In addition to Web 2.0 itself however, we have two more important enterprise software trends: Office 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0, coined by Ismael Ghalimi and Andrew McAfee respectively.  Office 2.0 represents the increasing use of browser-based software in the office, while Enterprise 2.0 is more Web 2.0-ish in that it specifically describes the use of freeform, emergent, social software to conduct collaboration and share knowledge.
  • Specifically this means the fact that corporate information tends to be non-shared by default, that the easiest productivity tools to use are the ones that have very little collaboration built-in, and that the information that does exist is often impossible to find and is often structured in some formal, centrally controlled way.
    • Yan Thoinet
      Very true.
  • Certainly, increased transparency, some loss of control over information flow, and outright abuse of low-barrier Intranet publishing tools gives enterprise IT and business leaders pause for thought.
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • And while some of it must remain under strict control, particularly in public companies, much of it is unnessarily — and usually to a fault — hidden, unreused, and unexploited.
    • Yan Thoinet
      Unexploited sources. Action: Implement a Wiki so as to share and keep up to date this wealth of information e.g. manuals, meeting agenda, minutes of meeting. This would act as the memory of the enterprise
  • Explain the reasoning behind retaining more knowledge, in making it public, searchable, and organizing it via tagging.  Describe the benefits of being able to access much fresher and more up-to-date information elsewhere in the organization because their colleagues are managing more of their projects, tasks, and other work via social tools. 
  • Provide useful templates for common activities and reference material such as projects, tasks, resource management, policies, procedures, standards, and so on.  You still have to keep template layouts and template usage simple; excessive structure tends to kill the golden goose of contributions quickly.  But a little basic structure goes a long way and prevents contributors from having to figure out how to structure all the white space and provide a simple layer of consistency.
  • The enterprise has not caught up, largely because most enterprise information doesn't allow a hyperlink structure, and links aren't encouraged very much when it does
  • setting up blog and wiki directories as well as good enterprise search based on link ranking (which is what Google does to make the right information come up in the first few pages of search results.) 
  • Provide your own search engine in the tools only if you must.
  • Create an internal Wikipedia that contains a seperate copy of all Intranet content and let users edit away.
  • This boils down to having some form of moderation, either human or automated, to ensure that the level of discourse remains at some bare minimimum acceptable standard. 
  • A high-profile executive sponsor that obviously uses the tools can also help in a big way.
  • Triggering an Enterprise 2.0 ecosystem quickly is likely an early activity driver.  This can mean a lot of things but the link structure of Web tools allows information to quickly flow, circulate, and mesh together.  You can leverage this in a almost infinite number of ways to drive user activity, interesting content, create awareness of what the company is "thinking", and more.  For example, create a blog for every employee in the company and mail the link to them with instructions on how to use it. >  Create a social bookmarking site for the enterprise where everyone can see what is being bookmarked by everyone else that day. >  Create an internal Wikipedia that contains a seperate copy of all Intranet content and let users edit away. >  The possibilities are endless and provide a much greater number of "entry points" where people can get started with these tools.
  • The problems will be with the business culture, not the technology. 
  • For example, create a blog for every employee in the company and mail the link to them with instructions on how to use it. 
  • Create a social bookmarking site for the enterprise where everyone can see what is being bookmarked by everyone else that day.
  • , the real issue, day in and day out, with getting Enterprise 2.0 to take off is to educate, evangelize, demonstrate, and most importantly, evolve the interface and structure of your tools until you pick the right formula that resonates with your audience.
  • Allowing the output of SQL queries to be inserted into wikis when they load, calling Web services or using Flash badges that access data resources can turn Enterprise 2.0 tools from pure knowledge management into actual hybrids of software and data
  • And the reverse should be true as well, getting data back out into traditional tools including Office documents, PDFs, and XML must be easy to inspire trust and lower barriers to use.
Yan Thoinet

)i( interstices - Les nouvelles technologies, que nous apportent-elles ? - 0 views

  • Les nouvelles technologies, que nous apportent-elles ?
  • Les nouvelles technologies, que nous apportent-elles ? > 06/01/06 Dans cette conférence, Michel Serres aborde les nouvelles technologies sous un angle original, en questionnant ce qu'elles apportent de nouveau. Michel Serres passe tout d'abord en revue ce qui ne lui paraît pas nouveau, avant de détailler les aspects où selon lui réside la nouveauté : le rapport à l'espace, la question du droit, l'externalisation des fonctions cognitives. Ces réflexions le conduisent à définir un exo-darwinisme, et à montrer que dans le développement humain, chaque perte a permis de gagner une nouvelle fonction. À la fin de son exposé, d'une durée d'une heure environ, Michel Serres répond pendant une quarantaine de minutes aux questions de l'auditoire. Voir la présentation de 1 h 38 mn en XML/SMIL. Pour visionner le document, utiliser RealPlayer. Voir la vidéo non chapitrée au format Real (utiliser RealPlayer). Écouter la conférence en MP3. Cette conférence de Michel Serres, enregistrée à l'École Polytechnique le 1er décembre 2005, fait partie du cycle Culture Web, coordonné par Serge Abiteboul, dans le cadre des Thématiques INRIA. Elle a été organisée par Serge Abiteboul et Gilles Dowek.
Yan Thoinet

Technologie: Le Wiki, le tableau blanc de l'intelligence collective - 0 views

  • Un Wiki est un outil de travail collaboratif permettant à n'importe quel internaute armé d'un fureteur Internet de créer ou de modifier à volonté une page Web
  • le Wiki est l'outil idéal pour stimuler la créativité d'un groupe et partager des connaissances.
  • la seule métaphore pour décrire le Wiki qui vient en tête à ces deux internautes est celle du tableau blanc.
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  • un Wiki est un outil de travail collaboratif permettant à n'importe quel internaute armé d'un fureteur Internet de créer ou de modifier à volonté une page Web, et ce, sans qu'il lui soit nécessaire d'apprendre un quelconque langage de programmation.
  • l'utilisation d'un Wiki se décline en quatre grands enjeux: le Wiki est incitatif, «sa vertu d'incitation à la participation est la première clause de son cahier des charges». Il est aussi délibératif, en proposant «une forme d'approfondissement du consensus virtuel [...] faisant partie de son attractivité et donc de son caractère incitatif». Le Wiki doit être instructif, en ce sens que la collaboration directe ou différée de ses contributeurs est synthétisée en un ensemble de ressources centrées sur l'objet qui les motive. Et enfin, il est expressif, c'est-à-dire qu'il est «l'expression d'un collectif, d'un ensemble d'individus présentant au moins une attente commune
  • Toutes les versions restent cependant accessibles, tandis que l'historique des modifications peut être consulté en tout temps
  • L'encyclopédie Wikipédia est d'ailleurs conçue sur ce mode de publication.
  • on constate dans la réalité que ce genre de choses arrive fort peu souvent. D'expliquer Marc Laporte, «puisque n'importe qui peut détruire une page, ou est le défi qui est la marque de commerce des hackers?
  • Or, bien que l'application Wiki la plus connue soit l'encyclopédie Wikipédia, des centres de recherche, des «think tank» et des gestionnaires de projets commencent à implanter des Wiki en entreprise.
  • l'implantation d'un Wiki en entreprise responsabilisait ses utilisateurs.
  • «Aborder un Wiki demande toutefois de revoir ses processus de réflexion. Installer un Wiki en entreprise en voulant enchâsser ses membres dans une structure rigide est inévitablement voué à l'échec.»
  • Par exemple, un Wiki pourra être utilisé pour le développement de projets en petites équipes,
  • Le principe est simple: il s'agit d'un modèle coopératif de rédaction de documents. Concrètement, n'importe quel visiteur a la possibilité de modifier la page qu'il est en train de lire. Les modifications sont ensuite enregistrées, et toutes les versions historiques restent accessibles [comme dans un logiciel de gestion de versions]. Ainsi, un premier auteur rédige un article, un second le complète, puis un visiteur en corrige d'éventuelles erreurs qu'il aura remarquées en naviguant sur le site.»
Yan Thoinet

émergenceweb : blogue » Blog Archive » Pourquoi bloguer ? Pour se souvenir ! - 0 views

  • Comment intégrer les nouvelles générations en entreprises et surtout comment créer à leur intention une mémoire d’entreprise ? J’ai fait de nombreux billets sur mon blogue, au cours des derniers mois, pour expliquer mes réflexions sur la mémoire d’entreprise. Pour la créer, neuf pré-requis : Bâtir les savoirs (multiplication des wikis) Communiquer les savoirs (aggrégation de blogues)* Identifier les savoirs (mise en relation) Localiser les savoirs (géo-localisation) Récupérer les savoirs (Peer-to-peer avec les retraités) Documenter les savoirs (Carnets de vie)* Gérer les savoirs (Les entrepôts de données)* Rechercher les savoirs (tagging, recherche sémantique) Transmettre les savoirs (vLearning)
  • le wiki, les blogues d’entreprise sont des espaces individuels de communication et de partage, qui permettent de regrouper (ou agréger) et mettre en valeur les expertises internes.
  • les blogues sont clairement définis comme un lieu particulier où l’on trouve des groupes d’expertise, des lieux d’échanges et de communication sur des sujets très précis et pertinents à la mission et aux objectifs d’affaires de l’entreprise.
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  • mélanger (mashup) deux technologies du Web 2.0, soit le blogue et les fils de presse Web, que l’on nomme habituellement flux RSS (pour Really Simple Syndication), et ainsi de créer un mini-portail personnalisé de blogues d’expertise, selon l’unité, la division, le service.
  • Faites la transposition de Netvibes en entreprise… Il est donc facile de concevoir, par exemple, une agrégation de blogues d’experts en vins à la SAQ, de conseillers en rénovation chez Rona ou d’experts en efficacité énergétique à Hydro-Québec !
  • Pour toutes sortes de raisons, bonnes ou mauvaises, on craint que cette « liberté d’opinion » mette en danger l’image, la sécurité, la réputation et les avantages concurrentiels.
  • Il n’est pas rare de voir des employés d’entreprises ou de sociétés publiques tenir leur propre blogue professionnel. Pourquoi ne pas utiliser ces forces vives pour la construction d’une expertise collective interne
  • À l’interne, on a donc mis ces produits à bon usage. Résultat : 26 000 blogues individuels, 20 000 wikis regroupant 100 000 participants… et un réseau social appelé BluePages qui «réseaute» plus de 400 000 personnes ! Tous les employés peuvent bloguer et «podcaster». Pour éviter les débordements, personne n’est autorisé à rester anonyme dans l’intranet et l’entreprise s’attend à ce que chacun respecte un code de conduite spécifique.
  • Et, en plus de déclencher le partage de connaissance et d’expertise, les agrégations de blogues, ou fermes de blogues, comme certains les nomment, permettent l’articulation et l’organisation des idées, développent et maintiennent les expertises, humanisent l’entreprise, génèrent la communication et favorisent l’appartenance à l’entreprise.
  • dans la majorité des sondages internes effectués par les entreprises sur la satisfaction des employés, la question de la non-reconnaissance de l’expertise et des réalisations des employés revient toujours
  • Combien de fois entend-on la réflexion suivante en entreprise : « Mon expertise n’est pas reconnue. Ils préfèrent écouter un consultant externe » ? Les blogues d’expertise constituent une des réponses à cette question.
Yan Thoinet

Documation 2008 - 12 et 13 mars 2008 - CNIT Paris, La Défense - 0 views

  • Le salon DOCUMATION, dont la 14ème édition se tiendra les 12 et 13 mars prochains au CNIT de Paris la Défense représente cette année encore, l'occasion unique de rencontrer tous les acteurs du marché de la gestion de contenu et du document, découvrir de nouvelles applications, participer à des conférences gratuites à forte valeur ajoutée, se former et faire de la prospective dans le cadre du congrès !
Christophe Deschamps

Darwin offre un engin de veille à l'entreprise 2.0 - Darwin Discovery Engine ... - 0 views

  • “Une approche plus fidèle au Web 2.0 serait en mesure de livrer ces faits dans leur contexte, avec en prime des accroches qui attirent l’attention et permettant à l’utilisateur de creuser certains aspects de son choix”.
  • L’introduction des outils de Web 2.0 dans l’entreprise augmentent le risque de perte par l’isolation des informations dans les différents silos de stockage, surtout si ces nouveaux outils ne sont pas connectés entre eux et avec le reste. Darwin offre la possibilité de percevoir l'émergence des relations entre les différents contenus à travers l'ensemble des outils utilisés.
  • Grâce à son Scan Cloud™ Darwin rend la valeur du contenu de l’Entreprise 2.0 visible et mesurable (Veille et Evaluation). Non seulement vous pouvez voir les relations entre les éléments reliés entre eux dans un nuage de mots, mais aussi ces liens se rafraîchissent à mesure que vous vous déplacez dans le nuage. Cette propriété dynamique permet aux utilisateurs de voir les corrélations qui existent à travers les contenus de l'entreprise 2.0 (Découverte et Partage)
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  • Darwin cherche à faire émerger les thèmes corrélés entre eux issus d’un environnement chaotique en se basant sur la mesure de corrélation vue dans la théorie du chaos. Ainsi, Darwin s'éloigne clairement des systèmes de classification par vote ou popularité actuellement utilisés par nombreux moteurs de recherche et aggregateurs de contenu pour ordonner leur résultats.
  • Darwin n’est pas un engin de remplacement des technologies entreprise 2.0, tableaux de bord, et autre outils de management des documents. Il est conçu pour compléter et renforcer ces technologies en rendant plus visible le savoir tacite enfermé dans leurs systèmes.
  • C’est une application internet (Scan Cloud™) ou cela peut aussi devenir une solution customisée grâce à l'accès API offert. Cela fonctionne sur un serveur Web avec des services et base de données qui corrèlent les différentes sources Web 2.0.
cecilia marie

Virus Protection Software - 1 views

My files are often lost if not corrupted in my disk drive, and sadly, those where important documents. Sometimes, I fail to backup all my files, that is why, by the time it is corrupted, I am left ...

virus protection

started by cecilia marie on 09 Sep 11 no follow-up yet
cecilia marie

Remote PC Support: Convenient and Fast - 1 views

I was visiting my grandparents in the country one day. They own a personal computer at their house which they usually use for making important documents. One one of our visits, I used it to check m...

remote pc support

started by cecilia marie on 04 Nov 11 no follow-up yet
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