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Coal-fired power plants provide close to 80% of China's electricity - 1 views

    This article is about China's way of conducting energy in their country. This explain how much and how long China will be the main user of energy. The government in China relieves this and now bring it to the attention in meeting.
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    Its amazing to think that coal is is responsible for 80% of Chinas energy source. This results in China paying 2 billion a year.
    China definitely needs to take another look at how they control some parts of the country. I agree with Ivan, it's costing the country so much unnecessary financial farm it's crazy. Great read.
    I can't believe it is costing so much for them to use the coal. I wonder if this is why the cities always look so polluted and foggy? Very interesting article!

Sustainability in aged care - 3 views

    This article expains ways caregiving facilitys can be more eco-friendly. With the installation of solar panels to save energy. The website also talks about how to construct a buliding to store heat and reduce heat all year-round with out air conditioning.
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    This was a interesting article changing the way indoor environment is seem like a weird way to do thing but the way it is explained seems like it helps. Like using the light self brightens the ceiling and also keeps less heat in the room by changing the direction of the glare.
    this article interested me because my mom is in the medical field and it discusses how places can be more Eco friendly and beneficial to the earth. This article brings up several ways that buildings can be more Eco by using lighting that self's adjust therefore using less energy and less heat because they wont be on 24/7.
    While reading this article I have realized many companies have been going the Eco- friendly route. On the way to work I saw the VA hospital have solar panels on the overheads in the parking lot. I also see a lot of churches installing solar panels.
    I love the comments made in this article. I agree with the author when she states that people have to look at the solar panels as part of the system on the building and not as something added on.

Debunking sustainable food myths - 0 views

    The article explains the food myths in Canada. He describes numerous ways to become sustainable with food.

Five Myths About Sustainability - 0 views

    The author describes myths that businesses have about sustainability. He states that it is something that will not go away.

The Eight Biggest Myths About Sustainability in Business - 0 views

    In this article, the author explains the myths that companies believe about sustainability. He shows how they are not actually true.

Top 10 Myths about Sustainability - 0 views

    What is sustainability. How it relates to the environment and us. What people do to the earth itself. How it effects the air we breathe.

Goal 7: Environmental Sustainability - 0 views

    The environment in different areas and how the livelihood take care of their environment. The styles and places about the environment. The factors of environmental issues.

Top 10 Sustainability Myths - 0 views

    These top 10 myths explain more about sustainability

The Myths of Sustainable Consumption - 0 views

    this article is about concepts and ideas for myths on sustainability

The seven myths of sustainability - 0 views

    This article explains myths of sustainability for countries and societies

sustainability in urban environment - 0 views

    To begin, this website supports and funds stability for cities across the nation. The overall goal is to benefit urban communities. This includes jobs, homes, food, ect. The CNT supports and takes care of the urban cities that demand help.
    This site is on how urban cities depend on stability, to maintain sustainability. Sustainability creates the jobs, builds homes for the community as well. The website helps to fund the urban cities so that they can maintain there community.

Energy - 0 views

    We use energy for everything. We use energy to treat our water , grow our food, produces and to go to place to place. In general we want our community to develop more diverse, reliable, and cleaner sources of energy; to reduce energy usage; and to improve efficiency.
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    As you said and the article says energy is so important to us to keep life going. Creating a better source of energy would be a big advancement to help this cause. It is great that other cities are taking action to make a change.
    This article explains the importance of energy greatly, and the fact there is more to energy than "keeping the lights on". Energy needs to be sustainable for the future generations needs of energy, the need for energy won't go away.
    I tried to see what was important on this article but it wasn't very easy for me personally to grasp. I see that you 3 did find the point of the sustainability with electricity. I find it funny that we are always leaving lights on when we leave a room and think nothing of it until we are told it will save us money or that we are wasting something we really take for granted.
    This article states that sustainability and energy interconnect in many ways. I agree with Dominique we use energy for everything we do, but hopefully we don't take advantage of the resources we have now and end up leaving are future heirs high and dry.

The Dark Side of the 'Green' City - 0 views

    This article talks about global warming in Arizona and that do to heat heat rising in Arizona it is in a way lower property value. This article reminds me of the myth sustainability is about the environment.
    Global warming, depending on who you talk to, is a myth or a fact. People love the fact that they can own some property in a southwestern state such as Arizona, and flock here during the cold winter months. With that being said, the heat is something that drives away potential buyers every year.

Initiatives and Sustainability - 0 views

    This website is great due to the fact that it has multiple ways of connecting sustainability to the american people and showing how american's can due simple stuff to make a substantial difference.

What Does Sustainable Food Mean? - 0 views

    This article gives a whole new look to what sustainability is and how it is defined when it comes to things such as groceries, and sustainable practices to use.

Six Surprising Sustainability Facts - 0 views

    I like this article because it takes a dynamic look at some unknown sustainability issues and gives a new perspective on sustainability itself.

McDonalds definition of sustainablity. - 2 views

    The McDonalds corpooration is moving to produce more sustainable beef, but didnt give an actual defintion at first. They worked with a Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (GRSB) to come up with a definition which is "stable, safe employment for at least the minimum wage where applicable" and institute "where applicable, third-party validation of practices by all members of the value chain."
    Its was interesting to read this article especially after reading the in class article that we read. It is nice to see a different said of the story and see that McDonald's is trying to help sustainability.

Sustainable Livestock Husbandry - 0 views

    Learn how sustainable farms raise healthy animals using practices that benefit the environment and bolster local economies.
    Like that it is talking about feeding animal the food that they normally would eat and they are grass feed making it more beneficial for the animal and the taste of what the animals are going to be used for better and more nutritious.
    This is an interesting article to learn what is behind our meat. It is great that they are actually fed what they normally would, and that they don't deprive them of that.

sea rising on west coast - 0 views

    This article talks about how the sea levels on the west coast keep rising and what having a little of sustainability will do to help the speed of the ocean rising,

Government and Sustainability - 0 views

    This site explains what the governments role is in helping sustainability. The government has gradually minimizing pollution imposed by industry. It also reminds us, the citizens to take our own role in supporting the government.
    Good idea of using the image of the government to support sustainability for the people to look at them and follow. Using the government to help companies do better in reducing pollutions.
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