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Salvatore (Sal) Becker

Freedom of religion - New World Encyclopedia - 0 views

    An explanation of what freedom of religion means. It also provides some history about religion.
    Alatavista (Original) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 10, 1948, defines freedom of religion and belief as follows: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes the freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance. (Article 18) (Paraphrased) In 1948 the United Nations General Assembly clearly stated in Article 108 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: that every person has the right to their freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This extends to a community as well as the individual and encompasses practice, teaching, worship, and observance.
Jessica Ledford

Sex Education in America : NPR - 0 views

    Based off of statistics the issue is not whether or not sex education is appropriate in schools, but what kind of sex education should be taught. A portion of parents prefer that schools only teach their children strictly about abstinence. Other parents prefer that the school teach a program referred to as "abstinence-plus", which educates students on birth control and abstinence.
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    The debate over whether to have sex education in American schools. This article touches on the right ages to teach sex ed. This article is mainly onesided against teaching sex ed in schools at all.
    The long constant debate about sex education in schools has come to a halt. For the most part students, parents, and principals are satisfied with the topics being taught, however a low percent think only certain topics should be discussed.
    Looks like a popular article.

The Case for Teaching The Bible - 0 views

    This article is a two sided of opinion of a very concerning topic to many Americans today. Should we teach our children the bible in school? There are schools such as in Georgia that are for the first time allowing funds to be allocated to teaching high school classes the Old and New Testaments. The students say that there are many different reasons for them to take the classes, believers or not. It seems to be a rising trend proving that more and more students enjoy these classes. I am determined to answer my own question. If our founding fathers put our country in place basing it from morals and values found within God and His word, the Bible, who are we to take it away?
Joe Del Pozzo

Sex Education In Schools - 0 views

    Should we teach sex education in schools? When should it start? What are the aims of the those who are teaching it? What attitudes of beliefs are in conflict? Should both school and parents be held responsible for teaching this to our children? We need to ask ourselves these questions.
Christina Cram

Arizona Bill Would Likely Prohibit Teachers And Professors From Teaching Any Book With ... - 0 views

    This new bill highly reduces some of the old classic books that could be used in reading classes. It also suggest that teachers private lives can be observed for anything that is considered a violation of new federal standards.
Briana Dooda

Carnal knowledge: The sex ed debate - 0 views

    This article debates the tyoe of sex education that should be taught in schools. Should kids only recieve the message of abstinance only? Also taking into consideration of how realistic that is...Or should we be teaching a comprehensive sex education class that covers sexually transmitted diseases, contraception, and Abstinence? Young people are exposed more and more and are confronted with the idea and practice of sex. I think its more realistic to teach more than just abstinence.
Yanet Vega

Schools should teach religion - 0 views

    When religion and school is linked, we have many opinions regarding that issue. If religion is taught at school and teachers have a better understanding of the many different religions and important concepts of religion, then we can get a better understanding and have a better relationships with others that have a different religion.

Sex education lessons will start at the age of seven in new Government curriculum - 0 views

    There is a school that is teaching children as young a five years old about sexual matters. It is a "staged" program, meaning it is taught in stages. For instance, stage one would be for ages 5-7 years of age. Stage two would be from ages 8-11 and so on. What the article explained is that there is a level of education that is required to be taught. This was put in place by the national curriculum. There are certain subjects and areas our children have to be taught within the school system. Where does it say that this involves sexual intercourse? The children would start from age five learning about the body and life cycles and by age seven would be learning about intercourse. Many parents are outraged and looking for ways to meet this concerning issue head on. Parents are feeling that this type of teaching can lead their children to be faced with feelings they are not old enough to deal with responsibly. Other parents feel that school should be a pressure free place for their children.The bottom line is that schools have the right to decide what is taught within the nation curriculum's guidelines.It is up to parents to find out exactly what is being taught to their children and decide from there.


    This website includes definitions and explanations of religious intolerance. It also adds what other religious communities teach about tolerance or intolerance.  It also has links to go in deeper into the subject.
Alisa Cooper

A Research Guide for Students - 4 views

    The goal of this site is to provide all the necessary tools for students to conduct research and to present their findings. Site provides a Quick Click to Search Engines, annotated Research, Writing, and Style Guides (MLA, APA, Chicago, Turabian, CGOS, CBE, Harvard), and Worlds of Knowledge housing some of the best education Web sites in a Virtual Library arranged by the Dewey Decimal Classification System.
Dean Stewart

Dreamers coming out! - 0 views

    In this article, the author explain the process these dreamers go through as they start to realize that their home is not really their offical home. And what they have to go through to live out their dreams here in the US, the way they believe it is.
Alisa Cooper

Arizona Bible Courses: Lawmaker Introduces Bill To Teach Bible Elective In Public Schools - 0 views

    Leave it to Arizona to come up with something like this.
Nadine Borwege

Censorship and Book Banning in America - 0 views

    This article breaks down why drugs should not be legalized. One of the main issues being that they are illegal and harmful and that's why they are illegal already. The government is looking out for you and some people should learn when to say "no". This gives 10 nicely detailed facts on why it should not be legalized and it is very informative.
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    Everyday books are being banned from school because a particular parent did not like a topic in the book or a certain word. In this case the article discusses an 11th grade class reading the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and a mother called up demanding they stop reading it because she did not want her son reading the "N" word. At what point where do we draw the line at censorship in school and just let the kids learn?
    I teach an online Banned Books class at GCC - ENH295. Good stuff.
    That sounds really interesting. I'll have to look into it. Never knew the school had that class.
Yanet Vega

*|MC:SUBJECT|* - 0 views

    This Program is designed to educated students on the health risk and prevention that can happen if not educated on sex. The program that has been applied to many schools have showed a lower teen pregnancy among the students that have been in the programs. Education is the only way we can teach students to take care of them self's.
Katie Waite

Common Core Standards for Mathematics, Arizona - 0 views

    This is the new academic standard for Academics K-12 in the AZ. Many schools are switching over to the Common Core principle for teaching. This is simply a resource page to find out about Common Core.

The right to spank your child or not...... - 0 views

    This article was a perfect example of equally divided opinions of this topic. The doctors say it is damaging causing depression and anxiety later on in life. The doctors are also saying that it will teach your child to react to situations in their lives with the same anger and resentment. On the other hand there are parents that live and breath everyday with their children. There has to be a middle ground for discipline. A great deal of interviewed mothers felt it was a necessary discipline tool while there were maybe a handful that felt it could be damaging. There is one question I am looking to have answered. Why is there such a gap between what doctors say and what parents practice?
Colleen Harrington

Why drinking age should be lowered: Dr. Ruth Engs - 1 views

    The legal drinking age for the U.S. should be lowered if the situation is being supervised in certain environments. Many drink underage to "rebel" against society norms so lowering the age would not call for such rebellion. Binge drinking would not take place if environment is being supervised.
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    The legal drinking age is currently twenty-one. If we were to lower this age limit, the author states " young adults allowed to drink in controlled environments such as restaurants, taverns, pubs and official school and university functions. In these situations responsible drinking could be taught through role modeling and educational programs".
    Should the legal drinking age in the US be lowered to 18? Articulates that young adults should be allowed to drink in a controlled environment.
    I agree and don't think it is any different than teaching young adults how to have safe sex if they choose to have sex. If someone is going to choose to drink at 18, 19, or 20 or 40 for that matter they should be held responsibile for their actions at any age. Why do the laws say purport that a person is an adult at age 18, can drive at age 16, but can't drink until 21? I think it's hypocritical to say someone is an adult at age 18 BUT, you can't drink until your 21.
Stephanie Savage

Public Schools: Sex in the Classroom - 0 views

    Sex education has become the most hotly debated topic in American elementary education. this article discusses the use of public schools being the right place to teach children about sex. It also talks about the right time to discuss sex education with a child.
Katie Waite

5 Reasons the Common Core Is Ruining Childhood - 5 views

    The article goes over many of the issues that parents, teachers, and children are having with common core. Parents are noticing children having an increased stressed level which they attribute to common core. In the authors opinion, teachers are required to follow a script, for fear of job loss. Some programs have also been cut from school like PE and Music.
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    I don't think the common core is good. Kids at the age of 6 should not be stressed. The programs that have been cut were actually a good way for kids to engage and explore in what they are really interested in for the future time.
    No six year old or any child should be stressed out about school until at least high school. The core is defiantly not a good thing to have for any education.
    the fact that schools have to cut programs just to support this "teaching style/ criteria" is insane. Music and gym and various other activities are ways for kids to get out of the cultural norm of academia and express themselves. I cant even imagine what my school would of been like without those things.

Alternative Education - 2 views

    Alternative education, also known as non-traditional education or educational alternative, describes a number of approaches to teaching and learning other than traditional publicly- or privately-run schools. These approaches can be applied to all students of all ages, from infancy to adulthood, and all levels of education.
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    Alternative education is very beneficial because people have different methods of learning but i dont think that they are being publicized enough for people to think about trying.
    I do think alternative learning is very important. Not everyone learns the same. But at the same time I don't really agree with homeschooling for a child's whole life. Yes homeschooling may be necessary sometimes but I am a strong believer of social interaction and think it is very important.
    I think it is really cool that they are coming up with multiple forms of education. It makes it so much easier to learn, and it takes some of the anxiety out of the learning process when you can find the best way that fits your learning needs.
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