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Tasha McNutt

Liver Transplant - 0 views

    This article was interesting to me, because I tried and was rejected as a living donorfor my dad. I was told I could donate to someone else, but because of his disease, they would not perfrom a transplant on him.
Nadine Borwege

Future human evolution: eugenics in the twenty-first century - 0 views

    In order for a scientist in genetic engineering to end sufferings from children and adults they would have to continuously breed out the non-desired trait. Meaning this would take many years of a long and tedious process. In other words if you wanted the odds at 0.01 you would need to breed the trait out through 90 generations. To have a one in one million chance it would take 900 generations. That is not the desired time the scientist were hoping for as well as the population. This book is 136 pages so i did only give an exert from a paragraph that really stuck out to me.
Brandon Charette

The Issue is Freedom, Not Soft Drinks - 5 views

    The subject of the child obesity epidemic has been high in the last 4 years. Did the government have to right to force what is or isnt allowed to be served, sold, and purchased on school campuses? This artical has it all explained pretty well.
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    Jonathan S. Tobin is a well know Journalist who has won over 50 journalism awards and has had his articles posted in papers such as the NY Times and USA Today talks about how the governments is slowing taking away our freedom. The fact that the government feels they have the right to to tell us what we can or can not eat is amazing to me. To ban soda just because it is bad for you is unreal. If Americans chose to dink soda then that is their choice and they have to deal with the consequences. 
    Mayor Bloomberg(New York) banned all sugared soft drinks in containers over 16 ounces, because they are thought to be the main cause of obesity. People are outraged, not because they can't have soft drinks, but because a grown adult should be able to make their own decisions.
    New York City Mayor Bloomberg struck what he claims is another blow for the cause of public health yesterday by announcing a ban on the sale of all sugared drinks in containers that measure larger than 16 ounce servings. Although sugared drinks may cause weight gain, we as Americans should have the choice to drink as much as we want.
    I agree that it should be an individuals right to choose what they consume or do not consume. There needs to be more education as to how drinking soda in excess effects the body. The child obesity issue is getting out of control as children spend a lot of time using electronic devices rather than going outside to play. I also think that because of fast paced lifestyles and both parents having to work to support the family, children consume more convenience foods/drinks. I think the responsibility is on the individual to make healthy choices not for government to infringe on our personal rights.
    "... medical costs of the illnesses caused by drinking, eating and smoking are affected in one way or another by the public and that gives government the right to regulate and/or ban such items." I get why they are doing it, I really do. This is a personal freedom I think we should regulate ourselves. This article does have good points. I get sometimes we do need help, but why not attack the big soda companies as well.
    New York City Mayor is trying to ban sugar drinks that are larger than 16 ounces because it is one of the main causes of obesity. People argue that although they agree with the fact that soft drinks are indeed unhealthy, the government should protect the freedom of the people.
    taking away the drinks are going too far but the idea is right, obesity is a huge problem in the US and although it is an argument of freedom to eat, drink etc whatever you may please but when it comes to health that is a whole differnt concern.
Brittany Aguirre

Facial Recognition Technology Raises Privacy Issues - 1 views

    Many business are using new technology such as biometric finger scans and facial recognition to make sure employees are free of criminal history and are allowed to have computer access. People are concerned about the privacy issues that go along with facial recognition. Once the business gets a facial scan they can look up other personal information such as phone numbers, social network accounts, and home address.
    I had a friend once that worked for a hardware store. He told me that the place had a camera by the front door with facial recognition. He was told that was so that they knew if ex-employees came back into the store. I'm not sure what they had to worry about, and I thought that was very unusual.
Donette Fincher

Google: don't expect privacy when sending to Gmail - 0 views

    Google is under intense scrutiny after it's role in the National Security Association scandal that involving mass surveillance of U.S. Citizens. In a recent court filing, Google asserts non gmail users sending emails to Gmail accounts can't expect any privacy when sending the email correspondence. Google scans the email using an electronic program to target ads to the end user. Non gmail users can expect their personal and/ or professional email correspondence to be intercepted and read before being delivered to the gmail end user.
    I'm not sure if there's any place at all where you can expect privacy when sending e-mail. That just reminded me of my work. Every day when you see the login screen, it reminds you that with our system, you don't have any reasonable expectation of privacy. I wonder how many people even read that.
Donette Fincher

Fifth Grader's Right to Distribute Christmas Invitations at School Upheld - 0 views

    The U.S. Court of Appeals upheld a fifth graders right to distribute invitations to her church's Christmas party. The school had banned the student from distributing the invitations citing the invitations contained religious materials. The court's decision was based on the First Amendment's right to free speech.
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    This is wrong. Children just want to have fun and celebrate holidays together. I feel like holding children back from celebrating what they believe in can make them feel ashamed in their beliefs. This reminds me of how in most schools, kids aren't even allowed to bring in home made snacks for birthdays and its disturbing.
    Children just know it's a party and that the picture on the card is pretty. What if the invitation had a Jewish or Medieval Norse design would they have gone after it the same way. Was it only because the party was for his church. This is just silly.
    Yes, invitations should not play a role in school policies. Taking the freedom of creativity from the child would be a dishonor to their freedom.
    I find that the student should be able to hand out invitations to a Christmas party as long as she isn't putting down other students beliefs or religious views why should this innocent act be banned?
    I agree that student's should be able to learn of and encourage the religious beliefs of their classmates. How do we expect to raise well rounded individuals if we raise them to treat religion with such a hush hush attitude?
    Being in a public school system, no religion should be enforced at all. These were Christmas invitations, inviting the students to a church event imposing the Christian belief system. This could have been done outside of school or elsewhere. This situation would only be okay if it was conducted in a private religious school, where public money does not fund the institution.
Alexandria Miles

'Gunfight: The Battle over the Right to Bear Arms in America' by Adam Winkler - 0 views

    This article is about a journalist reaction to a writer's book about Gun Rights.
    I agree that with allowing everyone to carry a gun we endanger others and I believe there should be me test and screening before we can carry guns. .
    I find this article interesting because it informs the reader that gun control has been such a debated topic for decades now. Also what is more interesting is that depending on the situation people are hesitate to allow the second amendment to pass during tough times like during the panthers era or the wild west.This article just makes you think why is there pendulum for strict gun restriction in one decade and no strict gun control in this decade. For instance, because of the sandy hook elementary shooting are we more afraid of this situation to happen again so we keep our guns tighter in our pockets or do we allow the government to handle this for us?
Leilani Metteba

Issues of Personal Freedom Raised by Vibrators, Marijuana, and Guns - 0 views

    This topic just caught my attention because it sounds silly to me that there's actually a law against vibrators. Vibrators are not only meant for sexual reasons, but also for medical reasons, as stated in the article. A good argument was made on how it is ironic that guns are legal, yet a vibrator isn't legal in the state of Alabama;. Also, it raises a good question on what people are charged with if they possess a vibrator while passing through the state.
Ana Ortiz Palacios

Panhandling Law Violates Free Speech - 0 views

    I'm just amazed that they use any excuse to try and remove the "unwanted" from view instead of looking for a way to help them.
    I recently saw a news special on Panhandling and all their nasty tricks and to me the most shocking thing was that some/most of them aren't even homeless they consider this a "job". However, the worst part is some of them much more than the average fast food workers. So yes I completely agree with the article that panhandling should be illegal!
Leilani Metteba

We Shall Remain: The Navajo - 0 views

    I thought that this was a great article to post because it explains just how important personal freedom is to my tribe. Personal freedom is something that means so much to everyone as an individual, but when it is taken away, it becomes something that you strive for and cherish. When I read this article it made me realize just how thankful I should be to have my freedom and knowing how hard it was for my ancestors to fight for,when we had different people fighting for our land.
Erika Gorostieta Rojas

Abortion Freedom - 3 views

    as part of our personal freedoms women should be allowed to have an abortion, or as many as they want.Many American believe abortion freedom is as important as the right to free speech, and the right to vote.
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    I don't believe that, why should a woman be allowed numerous abortions? These women need to take precautionary measures so they don't end up in the same situation.
    I believe abortion is a personal freedom. Why is it anybody else's business of what YOU decide what to do with YOUR body? Don't get me wrong, I do not necessarily think that someone should do it, but it is not my choice. It is theirs. It's kind of like gay marriages - if it is not a problem in your everyday life, then don't worry about it! Also, people always protest it until they are put into the situation - it's scary and life changing and some people are just not ready for that kind of responsibility. To be honest, and as bad as this sounds, I rather allow abortions to be done if the individual knows for a fact that they can't take care of the child.
    Abortion has always been a tough topic and I still have yet to decide on a solid answer. When you hear of women getting raped and pregnant its hard to tell them that they should have the baby. That would probably be the only case in which I believe abortion would be some what okay. On one side I believe it is a woman's right to do as she pleases with her own body, but at the same time she's not only making a decision for herself but also for what could be a baby. Your stopping a human from having a chance at life. I understand that some women may not be ready to take on such a responsibility but I would rather support adoption over abortion. As far as numerous abortions go, I think that if a women would ever need more than one then she should probably take a sex education class.
    The freedom for a women to choose to have an abortion is her personal freedom its should remain her and only hers. This freedom has been allowed to women by the scarifice of thousands of women before us.
    This topic is a difficult one to discuss. I feel as if birth and pregnancy is a miracle and its such a beautiful thing. Women able to be pregnant should be proud and feel blessed as some women aren't as grateful. I feel as if their is no excuse to take an infants life for the mothers fault. The only time i feel that there should be a debate about it is if the woman was raped.
    The right for a women to get an abortion or even several abortions is ultimately one of her personal freedoms. There are many different scenarios that happen that lead to an abortion and who are we to questions anyone about to get one? Its a woman's private decision and freedom and should be left that way.
Leilani Metteba

Voices on Human Gene Patents: It's Time to Free Our Genes - 1 views

    this article is about how myriad genetics has a patent on our DNA. I always thought that my body was my own, including the very thing that makes me the unique individual that I am today.This article is arguing that there should not be a patent put on our DNA because of the cost and the ability to get second opinions on what could be life saving. If we can't even have the personal freedom to say what is ours on our own body, than what is personal freedom anyway? This is a really interesting topic!
Jessica Espinoza

Shootings by Agents Increase Border Tensions - 1 views

    Due to the heighted security on the border patrol, there has been numerous amounts of innocent people killed. Due to the tension, patrol officers are shooting and killing people who aren't trying to come over to the United States.
    This makes me sad. Was it really necessary for that boy to be shot so many times? I understand that border patrol officers have an important job to do and they have the right to defend themselves when rocks are being thrown at them, but to shoot someone 11 times? According to the article the boy was shot 7 times in the back, more than likely while attempting to flee. I do not understand why a man who has his hands restrained behind his back would need to be tazered. These actions are not reasonable or necessary.

Drinking & Driving - 0 views

    This article was full of statistics proving that no one should get behind the wheel of a vehicle after consuming alcohol. There are laws that are trying to be passed to mark the vehicle in some way or revoke your license. We all know that the punishment come gradually but could it change these mind blowing statistics if we put the revoking law in effect for a first time offender? We are talking about the lives of innocent people. Very interesting. it gives me something to consider.

When is the right age to leave your child home alone? - 0 views

    As a parent we are all faced with the big question of, "When is my child old enough to be left alone?" There are laws of course that are put in place to help protect children from such instances as neglect. But, what if you are like me and happen to have a very responsible 11 year old? This article is a brief overview of things to consider before you leave your child(ren) home alone. There are also great tips that will assist you with setting up healthy scenarios. This type of practice helps set the feeling of safety for parents and children alike.
Destini Boorman

How to Prepare for the End of Social Security - 1 views

    With the recent government announcement that the Social Security trust fund is set to run out in 2037, four years earlier than previous estimates, many young workers are asking themselves: Why am I paying into a system that might not be there for me when I retire?

Freedom in the 50 States 2013 | How It's Calculated - 0 views

    on this site (Freedom in the 50 States Index). they covers a lot of different personal freedom issues. like Personal freedom, Victimless Crime Freedom, Gun Control Freedom , Tobacco Freedom , Alcohol Freedom , Marriage Freedom , Marijuana and Salvia Freedom, Gambling Freedom , Education Policy, Civil Liberties , Travel Freedom, Asset Forfeiture Freedom , and Campaign Finance Freedom. it's a great site if you had no idea what to pick, like me.
Garrett Canepa

Obamacare Facts - 0 views

    Highlights some of the more important parts of Obama Care. SHows the pros and cons and some of the legal dealings of it
    Obama care is somewhat of a bittersweet law. The ones who could not afford health insurance can now afford it but the ones who already had health insurance have to pay more? makes no sense to me but it is helping the country i guess.

Twelve freedoms you have now lost - JSOnline - 2 views

    This article gives one woman's opinion on some of the personal freedoms that she feels have been taken away from us. This article talks about everything from the Patriot Act to voting rights in minimal detail. It should just be a jumping off article to get ideas flowing.
    This article gives one woman's opinion on some of the personal freedoms that she feels have been taken away from us. This article talks about everything from the Patriot Act to voting rights in minimal detail. It should just be a jumping off article to get ideas flowing.
    Depending on how people interpret laws, they might believe that they might have lost them but some other people are still satisfied by the fact that they still have some rights. I really like how she expressed her opinion and it really got me thinking onto how our rights might change in the future.

NSA's Spying On Metadata Violates Our Freedom of Association - 2 views

    Is it important to us that our government looks at our Metadata? The government work's hard to Prove that our privacy is safe however they take liberties when it comes to private Phone Communications. The information they gather is much larger then we think.
    If they "need" to look at our metadata it makes me wonder what they're doing with all our information.
    In this day and age this is to be expected, the government is all about control, and when it comes to phone calls or even the internet they will do their best to control these places. Not siding with the government Im just stating their poor reasonings for doing this.
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