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Will There Be a Backlash Against Technology? | Dr. Jim Taylor - 0 views

    This article talks about the Law of Unintended Consequences. The internet has existed for less than 20 years and now it is apart of everyone's daily lives. It happened so fast, and has such a huge impact its hard to tell if it is a good thing or if it is actually harming us. Now more people are stepping back and really looking at the impact it is having, and realizing that in some ways it isolates us rather than brings us together as a society.

Abortion Freedom - 3 views

    as part of our personal freedoms women should be allowed to have an abortion, or as many as they want.Many American believe abortion freedom is as important as the right to free speech, and the right to vote.
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    I don't believe that, why should a woman be allowed numerous abortions? These women need to take precautionary measures so they don't end up in the same situation.
    I believe abortion is a personal freedom. Why is it anybody else's business of what YOU decide what to do with YOUR body? Don't get me wrong, I do not necessarily think that someone should do it, but it is not my choice. It is theirs. It's kind of like gay marriages - if it is not a problem in your everyday life, then don't worry about it! Also, people always protest it until they are put into the situation - it's scary and life changing and some people are just not ready for that kind of responsibility. To be honest, and as bad as this sounds, I rather allow abortions to be done if the individual knows for a fact that they can't take care of the child.
    Abortion has always been a tough topic and I still have yet to decide on a solid answer. When you hear of women getting raped and pregnant its hard to tell them that they should have the baby. That would probably be the only case in which I believe abortion would be some what okay. On one side I believe it is a woman's right to do as she pleases with her own body, but at the same time she's not only making a decision for herself but also for what could be a baby. Your stopping a human from having a chance at life. I understand that some women may not be ready to take on such a responsibility but I would rather support adoption over abortion. As far as numerous abortions go, I think that if a women would ever need more than one then she should probably take a sex education class.
    The freedom for a women to choose to have an abortion is her personal freedom its should remain her and only hers. This freedom has been allowed to women by the scarifice of thousands of women before us.
    This topic is a difficult one to discuss. I feel as if birth and pregnancy is a miracle and its such a beautiful thing. Women able to be pregnant should be proud and feel blessed as some women aren't as grateful. I feel as if their is no excuse to take an infants life for the mothers fault. The only time i feel that there should be a debate about it is if the woman was raped.
    The right for a women to get an abortion or even several abortions is ultimately one of her personal freedoms. There are many different scenarios that happen that lead to an abortion and who are we to questions anyone about to get one? Its a woman's private decision and freedom and should be left that way.

Oregon's Law Withstands the Test of Time - 2 views

    This article talks about Oregon's Death with Dignity Act passed in 1997. It reviews your personal freedom to die at a time & place of your choice if your facing a terminal illness.
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    This is a great article. I believe that a person who is facing a fatal debilitating illness should be able to die peacefully and with as much dignity as possible. It should be a personal choice how, where and with whom you die.
    I agree that this is a good article. I wrote a paper last year on this topic. Its very interesting and there are many articles that describe the pros and cons. I also believe it is a right to be able to die when a person is in such pain and bad health.
    Very good article and very forward thinking. It's good to see states are taking an interest and putting legislation into place to protect a terminally ill person's right to die with diginity.
    This content of this article gives me mixed feelings. I agree mostly on the side of helping miserable suffering people end their lives without pain. On the other hand i feel bad for families that would have to be going through this and it almost makes me feel like the person tired of living might be slightly selfish? At the same time, there are some terribly painful illness' that no one should have to go through.
    The article was different and to the point. Choices of an individual that is suffering from his or her own terminal illness should have their choice on what they want to do in their final days.
    I think this is an awesome article, and a very important law. I would cautiously compare it to the living will statement of "Do not resuscitate." Last wishes should always be respected regardless of what anyone else may think. As long as it is within the bounds of compassion and humanity I find nothing wrong with choosing how one wants to exit life.
    This article was very interesting and I have to say I agree with the right to be able to choose the time and place you will die. The way your life ends (if you can control it) is a very civil and peaceful freedom we should all be allowed to take advantage of.
    This was a good article, but I have to agree with Alexis, I have mixed feelings as well. I personally don't agree with assisted suicide. To me, suicide is suicide, and I feel that people should die in the natural way.
    This is surprising to see in the way that it has been kept underground and has had successful results. Although it is not surprising that many terminally ill patients would opt for this.
    This article is a tough one. I agree with everything everyone is saying, but initially it is about the person who is suffering. If one of my family members were suffering with an illness that unfortunately ended with an early death and they were in horrible pain, I would rather tem be at peace and end their suffering if it is what they wanted.

Mandatory Vaccination Battle Heats Up in California - 2 views

    If Bill AB2019 is enacted into law, it will become mandatory to vaccinate children even when if the mom or dad says otherwise.
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    This is one of those issues that I have trouble keeping cool about. It once again shows me how other people want to take over raising the children from the parents. I have chosen it vaccinate my children but if other parents chose not to I feel that is their choice as parents.
    I think it shouldn't be mandatory for parents to vaccinate their children. Every parent has their beliefs and doubts when it comes to medications.
    I understand that children's health is at risk but most parents accept vaccinations for their children. This means that a majority of the population has protection against these diseases and an outbreak is unlikely to happen even for those children who are not vaccinated. Ultimately, it should be the parents' decision whether or not they want vaccinations for their children.
    a parent should always have a say in what medically happens to their child. what if they are allergic to the vaccine or other issues
    I think it is absurd and over steps the bounds of a parents decision in proper rearing of a child. I myself had no vaccinations up until I worked for a hospital before I was 20. At that point it was mandatory that I have the injections or find another place of employment. It was my choice then and I do appreciate my parents leaving it up to me to decide what is put into my body. With all the recent cross contamination's and impure batches I can understand the concern of giving a small child these shots.
    I think agree with destini, if we have talking about personal freedoms in all of these assignment then the individual should get to choose what they want to do. If a parent does it for them, then it was never a choice in the first place.
    Young children can not make the decision themselves. That right is the given the parents that conceived them.

Legalizing may help control the use of marijuana, maybe? - 1 views

    This article talks about how marijuana has increased by teenagers and talks about passing the law would help regulate the use of marijuana. Talks about some states that already have legalization and how they dont have as many habitual abusers.
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    Medical Marijuana has been studied to fight cancer cells and make those in too much pain to be comfortable. Why shouldn't this be legal? Plus, kids on the street on going to use it anyway, why not be able to control it? It would be easier to moderate that way.
    This article talks about medical marijuana an how it helps with cancer patients. It talks about how kids on the street are able to get it no matter if it is legal or not so why not make it legal.
    In this article, the author explain how if legalizing marijuana or cannabis, you benefit those with medical needs. Not only that, but it will allow the government to better controls it from the youth. Also proposes that it is better than other things the youth tries out, like alcohol, and cocaine.

Prostitution -- Should prostitution be legal? - 3 views

shared by tinazamarron on 02 Sep 11 - Cached
    This article is split half and half. They have proven a lot of legit reasons as to why prostitution should be legalized, but many people feel so strongly against it at the same time.
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    I think prostitution should be illegal because then it would only further the spread of STIs and end up causeing a lot more problems in the future.
    It's definitely a touchy subject with both pros and cons. If it was legal they could regulate it with certain standards that brothels have to uphold. On the other hand, someone's body should not be for sale. If it was legalized then more questions would rise like should prostitution rings be legalized as well. And no matter what happens people will still continue to do it under the table (no pun intended) because they don't want to follow the regulations.
    First, nice one Phebs. Now when it comes to this it should definetly be illegal, because it only leads to more problems.
    I think it should remain illegal because it could lead to legalization of pimping and prostitution rings. The dirtbags who are willing to sell women for their bodies deserve to rot in jail. Even if prostitution became legal there would still be jerkoffs who won't want to follow the state regulated standards put in place.

30 Things You Should Not Share On Social Media - 2 views

    It explains what people should share. Peiople workout and show off their bodies on instagram, facebook etc is it too much or are they just proud of their body changes
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    It explains what people should share. Peiople workout and show off their bodies on instagram, facebook etc is it too much or are they just proud of their body changes
    It has happened in many cases, where people get raped because of the pictures that they post so i would suggest that everybody thinks twice about what they post before they do.
    There is a new show on MTV about a killer who finds his victims on a social media/dating app.While this takes it to an extreme it's ideas are not far fetched.
    I would think this is common sense, only post what you feel like you wouldn't mind everyone seeing, that includes your boss, teacher,etc...
    When posting anything on social media you have to accept the fact that everyone and anyone will and can see it. Also, there's no going back! Once it's out there it will most likely always be out there.
    Social has become a little too invasive. I enjoy social networking but sometimes it is way more information than I want to know about someone.

Euthanasia: A Global Issue - 1 views

    This article talks about whether or not terminally ill, suffering people should have the right to choose to end their own life in a painless manner, like we do with animals, or even how we use it with the death penalty in some states. It talks about it as a Global issue. It gives you the history on the issue. It gives you the whole ethical debate on the issue.

Where is Gay Marriage Legal? - 0 views

    This is an interesting site for those who wish to discuss gay marriage, it lists the countries around the world where gay unions are currently recognized. It also list US. It also includes the month and year.
    This is an interesting site for those who wish to discuss gay marriage, it lists the countries around the world where gay unions are currently recognized. It also list US. It also includes the month and year.

Religion: Freedom of 'worship' or 'religion'? Again. | Daily Republic - 1 views

    "After all, the HHS mandate recognizes the conscience rights of a religious employer only if it has the "inculcation of religious values as its purpose," ''primarily employs persons who share its religious tenets" and "primarily serves persons who share its religious tenets.""

abortion - 0 views

    The abortionc law may not be the killer, but it contributes to the problem. Although most women have those rights to make decisions for them selves now, it is happening more than ever before. They are living with these deep secrets but talk about it as though it was a piece of cake. I know they must feel bad. The abortion law is not safe either.

The Issue is Freedom, Not Soft Drinks - 5 views

    The subject of the child obesity epidemic has been high in the last 4 years. Did the government have to right to force what is or isnt allowed to be served, sold, and purchased on school campuses? This artical has it all explained pretty well.
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    Jonathan S. Tobin is a well know Journalist who has won over 50 journalism awards and has had his articles posted in papers such as the NY Times and USA Today talks about how the governments is slowing taking away our freedom. The fact that the government feels they have the right to to tell us what we can or can not eat is amazing to me. To ban soda just because it is bad for you is unreal. If Americans chose to dink soda then that is their choice and they have to deal with the consequences. 
    Mayor Bloomberg(New York) banned all sugared soft drinks in containers over 16 ounces, because they are thought to be the main cause of obesity. People are outraged, not because they can't have soft drinks, but because a grown adult should be able to make their own decisions.
    New York City Mayor Bloomberg struck what he claims is another blow for the cause of public health yesterday by announcing a ban on the sale of all sugared drinks in containers that measure larger than 16 ounce servings. Although sugared drinks may cause weight gain, we as Americans should have the choice to drink as much as we want.
    I agree that it should be an individuals right to choose what they consume or do not consume. There needs to be more education as to how drinking soda in excess effects the body. The child obesity issue is getting out of control as children spend a lot of time using electronic devices rather than going outside to play. I also think that because of fast paced lifestyles and both parents having to work to support the family, children consume more convenience foods/drinks. I think the responsibility is on the individual to make healthy choices not for government to infringe on our personal rights.
    "... medical costs of the illnesses caused by drinking, eating and smoking are affected in one way or another by the public and that gives government the right to regulate and/or ban such items." I get why they are doing it, I really do. This is a personal freedom I think we should regulate ourselves. This article does have good points. I get sometimes we do need help, but why not attack the big soda companies as well.
    New York City Mayor is trying to ban sugar drinks that are larger than 16 ounces because it is one of the main causes of obesity. People argue that although they agree with the fact that soft drinks are indeed unhealthy, the government should protect the freedom of the people.
    taking away the drinks are going too far but the idea is right, obesity is a huge problem in the US and although it is an argument of freedom to eat, drink etc whatever you may please but when it comes to health that is a whole differnt concern.

School Choice - 0 views

    This article is based on school choice. To choose a school for your child based on your living location. How empowering the parent to choice would be more beneficial.
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    This is an interesting subject. The overall education of the student is most important. But the fact that a student is limited to one school because of their location or parents' financial situation isn't all that fair, so it would be nice for parents to be able to use funding for their student to go to the school of their choice (public or private).
    I understand why you have to go to school close to where you live especially if you don't have much money. A child needs a reliable eduction and if the parent lives to far and doesn't have much money it will make it hard on the parent and child to go to school. My dad is a High school teacher a Central High school here in Phoenix and has to deal with a lot. He finds that the students who live further away with less money tend to drop out or fail class due to not being able to afford bus passes or gas money. It truly is a sad thing but I believe going to school close to your home is best way to go in the long run.
    It is very important in the present day for children to get a good education and the child should not have to suffer a poor education because of where they live. If the parents can not afford to live in a neighborhood with the top performance schools they should still be able to send their child to a good school and even if it means the child has to take the bus or car pool.
    Although many people live in districts that have the funding for an excellent staff that is required to create a good learning environment, there are some parents that do not have that luxury. Being at a good school is what ultimately gets students out of the 'poverty cycle' or not. If a student does live in a bad neighborhood and has the possibility of attending a better neighborhood even if it is a bus ride or drive away it should be up to them ultimately if they want to make that change and commute for the better learning environment.

Bringing back the night: the fight against light pollution | Environment | - 3 views

    Discussions about light pollution and how it affects the environment and natural processes. Begins by discussing France's new policy to combat light pollution. Affluence is related to increased light pollution in developing and modernized societies. Methods to maintain lighting demands while combating inefficient uses are discussed. The harms of light pollution are discussed in relation to wildlife.
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    I didn't know light affected any way in pollution. I knew it wasted energy and it was bad, but not that it could affect our health. It is good that France has this new policy to help reduce light pollution.
    It is very interesting to think that light affects air pollution. I defiantly would have never thought it was an issue.
    I would have never thought this was an actual issue? I am glad i read this article and i am now more informed on this issue. I had no idea light affected pollution.

Death Penalty - 0 views

    This website is about the pros and cons of the death penalty. It also gives information on the background of the issue.
    Basically in a nutshell this article gives you the pros and cons of whether the death penalty should be banned. it gives 14 examples of why the death penalty should be banned and about 9 reasons why it shouldn't. seems the 14 reason why is should has a jump on the why it shouldn't.

Supreme Court mostly rejects Arizona immigration law; gov says 'heart' remains - 1 views

    Arizona Law - Illegal immigration is still in controversy on how Law Enforcement will conduct proper immigration stauts checks. Having the proper procedures in place can elimanate other legal matters concerning racing profiling.
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    I understand that Arizona is just trying to stop immigration but some of the laws and rules taking place are making it seem like it is allowed to racial profile. Though that may not be the case. People are thinking that if you look Mexican then the police can pull you over but I reality there most likely not going to do that. If you get pulled over for speeding and then for some reason the cop thinks you could be illegal then he can ask for paper work. I get that the law seems racial, but Arizonans should not care so much if your a citizen and have nothing to hide.
    Arizona immigration laws have consistently supported racial profiling and make it difficult for legal Latinos to avoid being harassed, interrogated and detained unlawfully. State laws should be fair and adhere with constitutional freedoms afforded all citizens. If you're an American citizen, you're afforded the same rights as other citizens and should not be detained unlawfully because you "look like an immigrant". This is where Arizona crosses the line with it's immigration laws.
    I understand how these immigration laws here in Arizona can make people feel, however i feel like if i have nothing to hide whats the problem. I still don't like the fact that it makes it so easy for police to racial profile because its almost insulting to get pulled over for no reason except skin color. I have seen cops pull people over just for skin color, especially in the northern part of Arizona and its wrong.

Arizona's Other Crazy New Law - 1 views

    In an attempt to preserve all that they believe is great about a free and just America, Arizona has opened US culture to two words that previously were the exclusive province of Nazi Germany and the communist bloc: "Papers, please."
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    In an attempt to preserve all that they believe is great about a free and just America, Arizona has opened US culture to two words that previously were the exclusive province of Nazi Germany and the communist bloc: "Papers, please."
    This is crazy its about how the copscan arrest you on the spot if you can't prove your citizenship status. Further more it states that if you buy a gun made in Arizona you don't have to register it.
    The weapon of choose becomes their Constitution right to bear arms. Perhaps that prospect will make police a little more concerned about who they round up on the streets. We doubt it. Weapon's instructors in Arizona feel cheated by the state's law makers as they are killing their business.
    It is wrong to be stopped by patrol just because you don't seem to look like you're from the US. As for the weapons not having to be licensed also defeats the purpose. I think anyone who owns a concealed weapon should be trained on how to use it, and with that you have to own a license.
    I defiantly disagree with both of these laws. I don't think it is right that a cop can pull someone over just to make sure they are legal. I also think in order to be allowed to handle a gun people should go through safety classes.
    I think there should be a little more added to both these laws. If you want to search someone regardless of race, gender, religion or whatever you should need probable cause. Also I think if you are going to handle any type of weapon you should have some background with weapons handling; maybe off free weapons safety classes at public ranges?

U.S. reiterates freedom of expression, awaits implementation of Twitter censure policy ... - 0 views

    THe US government reiterates the importance of freedom of expression as well as the freedom of internet through the Twitter censor policy. While many see it as a bad move, many also see it as a good move to help make freedom of expression fair for all users. Until the policy takes effect, the government cannot see how it works, and decide how to take action, if at all.

The Twitter Blackout: Tweeters protest by refusing to tweet -Freedom of Speech - 0 views

    While many are protesting Twitter's new censorship attempt, they are not seeing that it will actually help preserve freedom of speech in the US rather than censor it. The only countries that would be held to the certain censorships are ones that request it per religious, historical, or cultural reasons. So, freedom of speech on Twitter will be opened up in the US rather than restricted by the international growth.

'Sister Wives' family to challenge bigamy law - Entertainment - Reality TV - - 0 views

    The famous reality TV show 'Sister Wives' is using their show to not only educate America about their religious lifestyle, but to help fight to let it be legal once again. Polygamy was outlawed in the 1890s, but it is still practiced today by many Mormon families. The religious practice has to be carefully done in secret for the fear of being convicted. The author states that Mormons just want to freely practice their faith and be left alone about it without legal consequences.
    I watched the first season of Sister Wives on Netflix, and, without voicing my personal opinions on the subject, I was really surprised that people are still practicing polygamy.
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