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Hans De Keulenaer

Harnessing Back EMF to create free energy? - 0 views

  • nventor who stumbled upon a way of making electric induction motors work, at the very least, more efficiently
  • . At most, he believes he's figured out a way to manipulate magnetic fields so that instead of slowing down a generator (according to Lenz's law in physics) it speeds it up. In fact, it gets caught in a positive feedback loop, resulting in a dramatic acceleration without any change to power input.
    Is this for real?
    would like some comments from other team members.
    apparently, there is some ground here, even if not many people can explain it. anyway, this could mean a good breakthrough on improving the efficiency of a motor, particularly big motors...

    I guess this one remains in the category 'harebrained' until proven otherwise.
Hans De Keulenaer

Promaxum Technology News » Turbine could generate electricity each time you f... - 0 views

  • This one’s been swirling around for a tick, but Leviathan Energy’s brilliant new turbine is just too good to pass up. Showcased at the Cleantech Forum in California, this contraption would reportedly generate power from the downward movement of water through pipes in a municipal system. In other words, there’s potential to conjure up energy from simply flushing one’s toilet. Of course, there’s nothing revolutionary about yet another hydroelectric generator, but using such a device to grab power from such a dirty place takes things to a whole ‘nother level.
    Well Benoit's idea of rainwater turbines may still be harebrained, but at least he's not the only one. And it could also be used for drainwater turbines.
Colin Bennett

Renewable Energy Tech Uses Rain - Piezoelectric - 0 views

  • In the 21st century we have seen numerous ways to create alternative energies. Some are much more popular than others (Eco Football), but throughout the thought process there seems to be a unique pattern in the sources of renewable energy, most of which are inspired by mother nature. Piezoelectric is a science that produces energy as an object is bent, deformed, or stressed. According to Groovy Green “Scientists at the CEA/Leti-Minatec in Grenoble are looking at this technology as a way to harness the vibrations caused by falling raindrops. According to the article, the system works with raindrops ranging in diameter from 1 to 5 mm, and simulations show that it’s possible to recover up to 12 milliwatts from one of the larger ‘downpour’ drops
    Another apparent harebrained idea. Wouldn't it be more economic to capture rain and run it through a hydro turbine?
Hans De Keulenaer

Japanese firm wants to transform the Moon into a giant solar power plant - 1 views

  • The Shimizu Corporation, a Japanese construction firm, has recently proposed a plan to harness solar energy on a larger scale than almost any previously proposed concept. Their ambitious plan involves building a belt of solar cells around the Moon’s 6,800-mile (11,000-kilometer) equator, converting the electricity to powerful microwaves and lasers to be beamed at Earth, and finally converting the beams back to electricity at terrestrial power stations. The Luna Ring concept, the company says, could meet the entire world's energy needs.
Hans De Keulenaer

Scientists Fabricate Room Temperature Superconducting Material - 0 views

  • A new breakthrough superconducting material fabricated by a Canadian-German team has been made out of a silicon-hydrogen compound and does not require cooling. The implications of the discovery are enormous and could transform the way people live by cutting power usage from everything from refrigeration to cell phones.
Hans De Keulenaer

YouTube - Space Based Solar Power - Alternative Energy Solution - 0 views

  • FACT: There aren't enough resources on this planet to sustain continued human growth and increasing quality of life.FACT: If we want to avoid catastrophic war, suffering, and global shortages of energy, we need to start looking to space seriously for solutions.Space Based Solar Power is the first step.
Glycon Garcia

Solar Collector Could Change Asphalt Roads Into Renewable Energy Source - 0 views

    Great idea to use existing investment in roads. I hope this one is big.
Peter Fleming

Moon Mined for Earth's Alternative Fuel? - 1 views

  • "Just 40 tons of this stuff has enough potential energy to meet the total U.S. electricity demand for a year." Does this mean we will be mining the moon for Helium-3 any time soon to fuel the earth? Probably not, since the cost to extract Helium-3 from the moon would be enormous and it would require "hundreds of millions of tons of soil" to "be processed to extract a ton of helium-3".
    • Peter Fleming
      Seems a long way off. I can't see it working before tipping points if we don't use the money for viables.
    Mining for helium-3 on the moon is being considered as another alternate fuel source.
Hans De Keulenaer

Black Sun Journal » 40-Year-Old Solar House Heats and Cools Without Electricity - 0 views

  • Forty years ago, Harold Hay, 98, invented a simple, inexpensive way to heat and cool a home using the sun’s rays, but without the panels and wiring that come with conventional solar energy systems. He’s been pushing for its adoption ever since, trying to find footing in each of the solar industry’s last three boom-and-bust cycles. Yet, despite the merits of his pioneering technology, the energy establishment has shown only fleeting interest.
Colin Bennett

The Oil Drum | Alternative Wind Power Experiments - SkySails and Airborne Wind Turbines - 0 views

  • Wind power is currently the fastest growing renewable energy source (in terms of capacity - solar has a faster percentage growth rate), and looks like remaining so into the next decade. While most attention is focussed on the mainstream approach of generating power using large wind turbines - both onshore and, as Jerome recently looked at, offshore - there are a wide range of alternatives being considered for harvesting energy from the winds. In this post I'll look at 2 approaches that have received some attention in the press recently - attaching kite sails to ships and airborne wind turbines
    To be explored after we've fully exploited energy efficiency's potential, and all the onshore and offshore technologies we can think off. But the market will take care of this automatically, unless the EU comes up with the idea of a kite directive ...
Sergio Ferreira

Power from Space - 0 views

  • ollecting solar power in space, where it is available 24/7 and is not attenuated by atmosphere or clouds, remains one of my favorite long-term energy solutions, on a par with nuclear fusion
    In the spectrum of the simplest solutions (turning lights off) and the most complex (fusion), you've categorised this solution at the right end of the spectrum
Hans De Keulenaer

Technology Review: Mining the Moon - 0 views

  • At the 21st century's start, few would have predicted that by 2007, a second race for the moon would be under way.
Hans De Keulenaer

An Off-Grid Vertical Farm for Downtown Seattle | EcoGeek | Building, September, Written... - 0 views

  • Vertical urban agriculture offers a potential silver BB in this domain ... with a new concept from Seattle offering one of the most integrated and interesting approaches that I've seen to date.
Hans De Keulenaer

Space Elevator: Science Fiction or Global Warming Cure? - PC World - 0 views

  • A space elevator would essentially be a long rope made of nanomaterials, stretching from Earth to a counterweight at geosynchronous altitude, about 22,000 miles (35,406 kilometers) above Earth's surface. Special craft, like elevator cars, would travel along the ribbon, carrying people and goods into space in a matter of days.
Hans De Keulenaer | FT Energy Source | Solar energy from space, anyone? - 0 views

  • Something about this reminds us of Desertec: ambitious, expensive (though not in the same league as the €400bn Desertec), and with a bunch of big name vendors involved (apparently - there is no sign of it on either Mitsubishi’s or IHI’s websites). It’s also a long way off and far from certain.
  • The 1GW station would involve four square kilometres of solar panels. It’s estimated to be about 2,000bn yen ($21bn) and 30 years away, and it would have to become much, much cheaper to get out there:
Hans De Keulenaer | FT Energy Source | The sobering news about geoengineering - 0 views

  • The diagram below displays affordability and effectiveness (the top right-hand label should read ‘High effectiveness/high affordability’, not ‘low affordability’). And yes, on these measures alone, stratospheric aerosols - one of the more dramatic proposals - do pretty well:
Hans De Keulenaer

Ecotality Life » Harnessing Lightning To Power Cities - 0 views

  • One of the more intriguing examples was from an inventor named Steve LeRoy who has developed a system to harness energy from lightning bolts.
Colin Bennett

Geoengineering could dim lights on solar power - environment - 23 April 2009 - New Scie... - 0 views

    PUMPING aerosol particles into the atmosphere to create a sunshade could take a heavier toll on solar power generation than expected. For every 1 per cent of the sun's rays deflected into space, the average output of solar systems that rely on direct sunlight would drop by 4 to 5 per cent, says Daniel Murphy at the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Boulder, Colorado. Geoengineers propose scattering 1 to 2 per cent of sunlight.
Colin Bennett

Large-scale storage of wind energy using compressed nitrogen and old pipeline... - 0 views

  • The basic idea is that specially designed hydraulic wind turbines are used to compress nitrogen into existing gas or oil pipeline infrastructure, some of it unused throughout North America. Several hundred, even thousand, kilometres of pipeline could be filled with nitrogen and kept under pressure, in effect becoming a kind of massive nitrogen battery for wind. When electricity needs to be generated anywhere along the pipeline, the nitrogen gas is released and expands to turn a turbine that generates electricity. Wind, under this setup, suddenly becomes dispatchable and has baseload characteristics. Also, the pipeline eliminates the need for transmission lines.
Hans De Keulenaer

Interview of Brad Edwards - Space Elevator Expert by Sander Olson - 0 views

  • Here is the Brad Edwards interview. Dr. Edwards received his PhD in physics in 1990, and worked at Los Alamos National Lab for 11 years. After leaving Los Alamos, Dr. Edwards has dedicated his career to researching and developing the space elevator concept. All of his research indicates that the space elevator concept is valid and feasible. He currently heads a company called Black Line Ascension, which is actively promoting the space elevator concept. He has published several books on the space elevator, including The Space Elevator: A Revolutionary Earth-to-Space Transport System, and Leaving the Planet by Space Elevator.
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