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John Lucyk

ASSIGNMENT - 6 views

Luckytoday Hands on Activity FDOE Educator Certification ________________________________________ Certificate Lookup * Apply and Check Status The purpose of Florida educator certification is t...

started by John Lucyk on 29 Jan 16 no follow-up yet
John Lucyk


Procedural Safeguards for Exceptional Students Who Are Gifted 6A-6.03313 Procedural Safeguards for Exceptional Students who are Gifted. Providing parents with information regarding their rights und...

started by John Lucyk on 29 Jan 16 no follow-up yet

Ben's Guide: Grades K-2 - 0 views

    I have used this in the classroom before and think that it has some great information on historical events put in terms younger children will understand.
    I know other people have posted Ben's Guide, but here's the K-2 section of the web site, which includes games and activities, as well as additional links and resources for the students. I particularly like the subtopic about "My Neighborhood," as it is relevant to what I will be teaching my students in my own classroom and I love supplemental material!
    Ben's Guide to US Government, K-2.  Includes sub topics relevant to the grade I teach, including "Your Neighborhood."  Website also includes games and activities, lots of visuals and videos, and also additional resources and websites for the students to explore.
Erin Wasson

Interesting Research Article - Transformative Learning Experience: Aim Higher, Gain More - 1 views

    This research article provides an overview of how transformative learning experiences can be created through instructional design.  The aim is to use instruction to make learning more experiential, personally relevant and transformative to students.  The authors explain a framework for providing transformative learning experiences, including several indicators that fall into the categories of developing personal meaning, competence with the subject and relationships.  The authors also present guidelines for designing these experiences, including applying design fundamentals, crafting the learning experience and teaching and facilitating to inspire learning. A quick, but worth while read! Wilson, B. G., & Parrish, P. (2011). Transformative learning experience: Aim higher, gain more. Educational Technology, 51 (2), 10-15.

Florida Choices - 0 views

    FL DOE website for high school, college and career planning. Useful for students middle school and through college/post secondary as well as parents and teachers, it includes interest surveys, career information including salary and job growth data and much more.
John Lucyk

Wendy Bray Teacher at UCF - 1 views

shared by John Lucyk on 29 Jan 16 - No Cached
    How to Leverage the Potential of Mathematical Errors Author(s): Wendy S. Bray Source: Teaching Children Mathematics, Vol. 19, No. 7 (March 2013), pp. 424-431 Published by: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Stable URL: Accessed: 29-01-2016 05:23 UTC Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact This content do 3 on Fri, 29 Jan 2016 05:23:09 UTC 3 on Fri, 29 Jan 201 ll use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 424 March 2013 * teaching children mathematics | Vol. 19, No. 7 Copyright © 2013 The National CounTcilhoisf TceoanchteenrstodfoMwanthleomadateicds,fIrnocm. w1w3w2..n1c7tm0..1or9g3. .A7ll3rigohntsFrreis, 2016 05:23:09 UTC This material may not be copied or distributed electronicaAllylloruisneasnuy bojtehecrt ftoormJSatTwOithRouTt ewrrmittsenapnedrmCisosniodnitfiroomnsNCTM. x to Leverage the Potential of Mathematical EIncorporrating arfocus oon students'rmistakses into your instruction can advance their understanding. By Wendy S. Bray elling children that they can learn from their mistakes is common practice. Yet research indicates that many teachers in the United States limit public attention to errors during math- ematics lessons (Bray 2011; Santagata 2005). Some believe that drawing attention to errors publicly may embarrass error m
Meghan Starling

50 Education Technology Tools Every Teacher Should Know About | Edudemic - 0 views

    This website is a compiled a list of some of the tech tools, including some that are becoming increasingly popular and widely used, that should be part of any teacher's tech tool arsenal this year, whether for their own personal use or as educational aids in the classroom. These resources are categorized under four categories: Social Learning, Learning, Lesson Planning and Tools, and Useful Tools. The "Social Learning" section includes tools that use social media to help students learn and teachers connect. Tools listed under "Learning" includes educational resources to help teachers make lessons fun, interesting and more effective. "Lesson Planning and Tools" provides teachers with tech tools to pull together lessons and design amazing and memorable student projects. Last but not least, "Useful Tools" can help teachers stay connected, organized, and increase the ease of building multimedia lessons and learning tools.
    An extensive list of links and explanations for updating your class with new technologies.
Araceli Matos

Factmonster - 0 views

shared by Araceli Matos on 12 Nov 11 - Cached
    From Information Please, this website helps young students with research. Categories include people, science, sports, math, games and quizzes, and more.
    This is a kid friendly site. It is a multi - subject site that students can gather information or play learning games. The subjects include world news, U.S., people, sports, math and money, science and a homework helper. There was information on how to write a biography under the people subject.
Victoria Ahmetaj

Virtual Reality in the Classroom - 1 views

  • With the incorporation of nursing informatics into the curriculum, faculty must be creative in devising methods that include a global perspective on the use of available resources. Added to this changing dynamic is the lack of clinical space for students, while at the same time, nursing professors are being challenged to develop new methods for providing real-life clinical experiences for students.
  • Most students have a desire to expand their universe and use virtual learning.
  • Baker, Wentz, and Woods (2009) investigated the use of SL using a qualitative method with a cohort of students (n = 9) in a psychology class. Results showed that students were generally positive about the experience. Considerations for further implementation would include the fact that these students mentioned convenience of attending class in SL, having the text version of the lecture available, and being able to interact with the instructor and other students in real time. Barriers included a slow response time from their computers, needing time to practice navigating and using the tools in SL, and technical difficulties. Research in this area remains scant and it is an area which needs active investigation.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Billings and Kowalski (2009) report that virtual worlds are authentic and safe for students. They note that the educators can develop standard scenarios and control the learning environment by their own presence. Virtual worlds can also provide clinical experiences without disrupting the work flow of clinical agencies.
    Virtual Reality and Nursing School
Roxanne Goodling

Welcome to Digital Teaching and Learning - 0 views

    Tool-based software, including web-based tools, can make a substantial contribution to the success of Personalized Learning Environments in today's learning environments. The Tools section of DTL contains information on tools that educators have found to be effective. The Resources section of DTL includes all kinds of digital content, including Open Educational Resources, that educators have found to be effective.

About Internet 4 Classrooms - 0 views

  • Icons used on our site include:
  • National Handwriting Day - 1/23 National Puzzle Day - 1/29 FDR's Birthday - 1/20/1882
  • sound included Adobe Acrobat document up to a higher grade added recently something on another i4c page down to a lower grade
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Use Guided Access on Your Apple Device Make Flash Cards from Google Spreadsheets Do You Use Google Spreadsheets in Your Classroom?
    Easy to navigate site for multiple grade levels and topics
leslie009 - An Open Marketplace for Original Lesson Plans and Other Teach... - 3 views

    Everyone you must check out this site. If you want to create and sell your products for education or buy them, this is the perfect site. I am in the process of creating some things now. Cool stuff check it out!
  • ...3 more comments...
    160,000 free and priced teacher-created materials for download including lesson plans, unit plans, novel studies, worksheets, printables, PowerPoint Presentations, quizzes, exams, workbooks, projects and more. Buy and sell used classroom resources.
    A great site for activities, centers, units, and ideas for all grades. They have things for free as well!!!!
    TeachersPayTeachers. $. Make sure to check out the free section!
    Because no one likes reinventing the wheel. This is a great resource to find free and reasonably priced resources for the classroom made by current teachers. A personal favorite that should be looked up is The Science Penguin!
  • -- 1,000,000+ free and priced teaching resources created by teachers for instant download including lesson plans, unit plans, novel
Cindy Hanks

Videos, Common Core Resources And Lesson Plans For Teachers: Teaching Channel - 0 views

    Short video lesson ideas that cover a variety of classroom techniques, including technology.
Meghan Starling

MediaShift . How Twitter is Reinventing Collaboration Among Educators | PBS - 0 views

    Speaking of Online Presence/Identity as a Teacher... an interesting article about collaboration through Twitter within the Educational Field. Includes groups that may be of interest for you to join, a list of Twitter hashtags in Education, and profiles of Educators you might want to follow.

Education World: iPad App Review: Atlas by Collins - 0 views

    iPad App Review: Atlas by Collins Students encounter seven interactive globes arranged by theme. Themes include Energy, Communications, Population, Environment, Political, Physical and Satellite.

Future Trends in Educational Technology - 0 views

    The topic of future trends in technology for schools involves an incredible amount of inherent change, especially in reference to technology capabilities. This site is an introduction to many of the aspects of technology change that will impact education in the next few years. The goal of the site is to give administrators a glimpse into the rich technology resources available on the Web. Using this site for "just-in-time" references to issues that all administrators will or are currently facing, will assist districts in managing change through research and understanding.  Some current pivotal issues include a clear understanding of possible affects of technology tools will have on learning styles, facilities planning, student achievement, budgeting, and teacher preparation.
Beth Downing

StudyJams - 0 views

    Good parent resource for those who may as for additional materials outside of school! Includes math and science for grades 3 and up.
Hasnaa Ameur

Microsoft Lesson Plans for Teachers - 0 views

    Microsoft resources for educators including lesson plans for a variety of topics and all grades.
Kelvin Thompson

Welcome to TBR Mobilization & Emerging Technology | TBR Emerging Technology and Mobiliz... - 0 views

    The Tennessee Board of Regents sponsors a project in "Mobilization & Emerging Technology" including the "Mobile Apps Resource Bank." Tens of thousands of mobile apps are categorized by educational function. Know a great app that isn't in the resource bank? You can add it for consideration/peer review!
Ariana Santiago

Education World: Project-Based Learning: Free Web-Based Tools - 0 views

    This article highlights several free online resources that can be used to enhance project-based learning for students. Resources such as Google Docs and Dropbox may be widely known already in this class, but others include LiveMinutes, ShowMe, and GimmeBar. I found this on Education World via the publisher companion site to our textbook.
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