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Digital Storytelling: Extending the Potential for Struggling Writers - 0 views

    What it means to be literate has broadened to not only include traditional literacies, reading and writing print text for example, but also to reflect the needs of students living and learning in a digital world.

Rubrics and Rubric Makers - 0 views

    A great site of rubric maker tools, very informative one, recommended .
    Links to tools for creating rubrics in a variety of subjects, including some that can be used for undergraduate level work, such as team work assessments and writing rubrics.

How to Create Rubrics - 1 views

    This link leads to a pdf that breaks down the process of creating a rubric including how to create task descriptions, scales, dimensions, and descriptions.It also shares the four stages in constructing a rubric.

Intel® Teach Elements - 1 views

    Intel® Teachhelps K-12 teachers of all subjects engage students with digital learning, including digital content, Web 2.0, social networking, and online tools and resources. Intel Teach professional development empowers teachers to integrate technology effectively into their existing curriculum, focusing on their students' problem solving, critical thinking, and collaboration, which are precisely the skills required in the high tech, networked society in which we live.
MP DeVelder

Teachers Pay Teachers - 2 views

    Teacher pay teacher is a wonderful site of both free and paid resources for teachers. Easy to use and current on the Florida standards
  • -- 1,700,000+ free and priced teaching resources created by teachers for instant download including lesson plans, interactive
  • -- 1,900,000+ free and priced teaching resources created by teachers for instant download
MP DeVelder

Super Teacher Worksheets - Thousands of Printable Activities - 0 views

    Printable worksheets and activities for teachers, parents, tutors, and home school families. Subjects include math, reading, writing, science, social studies, spelling and more. Some content is free, but subscription is required for full access.

Digital Storytelling Resources - 3 views

    Creative ideas with digital storytelling
  • ...1 more comment...
    This website tells you everything you need to know about Digital Storytelling. It even addresses how to relate digital storytelling activity to the common core standards. Use this site for classroom ideas, assessment, various resources, books, and samples.
    Digital storytelling is one way for students and teachers to share their knowledge. This page includes links to support the use of digital storytelling for both teaching and learning. If you find a link that is not working, please let me know the title and I will fix it.And, if you have another great digital storytelling site to share, let me know as well!
    A support page for the presentation Digital Storytelling

Education World: Teacher tools & templates - including the Venn Diagram and more! - 0 views

    This page has multiple templates for classroom use. You can download, edit and print as needed. Free!

Common Core in Action: Screencasting in the Fourth Grade Math Classroom - 0 views

    Monica Burns Author & Speaker, ADE , Founder of When it comes to solving word problems in the math classroom, children should be able to explain their thinking. This includes identifying the strategies they used and the thought process behind their decisions.
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