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Web 2.0 Search Engine - 0 views

    With all of the new "apps" and programs in Web 2.0, this is a great one-stop-shop to locate different applications in the different genres. I like this because of all of the different options in each category.
Tameika Fraser

Online presentation creation in PowerPoint Web App - 0 views

    Use PowerPoint Web App to create an online PowerPoint presentation that you can work on or deliver from anywhere and easily share with others. If you have a Microsoft account like Xbox Live or Hotmail, you can start right now by signing in to SkyDrive and giving the presentation a name.

Integrating Technology and Pedagogy: Web Instruction and Seven Principles of Undergradu... - 2 views

    Pedagogical research on Web-based learning and instruction has not kept pace with the proliferation of Web-based courses offered by colleges and universities. Consequently, we encourage the application of the "Seven Principles of Good Practice in Undergraduate Education" (American Association of Higher Education, 1987) to guide the design and implementation of Web-based courses.
Tameika Fraser

Scratch - 4 views

    Scratch is a programming language that makes it easy to create your own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art -- and share your creations on the web. Individuals can download the Scratch software and create their own projects, or explore projects that other individuals created on the web.
  • ...2 more comments...
    Pretty cool software. I was just recently introduced it it. :)
    Thanks for finding this my niece and nephew will love this they love to be on the computer. This way they can but it will be educational. ;-)
    Thank you, this is a really awesome site!
    Scratch is a programming language that makes it easy to create your own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art -- and share your creations on the web. As young people create and share Scratch projects, they learn important mathematical and computational ideas, while also learning to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively.
Cynthia Cunningham

The 100 Best Web 2.0 Classroom Tools Chosen By You | Edudemic - 0 views

    Title says it all. Amazing.
Roxanne Goodling

WebList - The place to find the best web lists on the web - 0 views

shared by Roxanne Goodling on 22 Nov 11 - Cached
    Create a list of anything and everything web 2.0 and share with friends
Meghan Starling

The 100 Best Web 2.0 Classroom Tools Chosen By You | Edudemic - 0 views

    Links to and explainations of 102 of the best-voted Web 2.0 tools to use in the classroom. Check out everything from "Study Hall App" to "Dropbox" to "Wordle" and "Animoto." A consolidated resource to add new technologies to your classrrom in one easy list. Check some out and check some off!

The 10 Best Web Tools For Flipped Classrooms | Edudemic - 1 views

    Here's a useful list of the best web tools for flipped classrooms, complete with what each tool is and how teachers are using it right now!
Christi DiSturco

What Is Web 3.0, Really, and What Does It Mean for Education? | EdTech Magazine - 1 views

  • In the old days, it really mattered what went on your résumé or what degrees you had. But increasingly, people are measured by the footprint they leave on the Internet.
  • That whole notion of portfolio-based credentialing — you're showing your actual work — is a big part of how social media affects education. Schools need to say, "Our output isn't just the transcripts; it's a body of work."
    In the old days, it really mattered what went on your résumé or what degrees you had. But increasingly, people are measured by the footprint they leave on the Internet.That whole notion of portfolio-based credentialing - you're showing your actual work - is a big part of how social media affects education. Schools need to say, "Our output isn't just the transcripts; it's a body of work."
Dayla Nolis - Best Practices in Florida's Colleges - 0 views

    The Best Practice Web site provides information to help college leaders develop innovative solutions to challenges which face their institutions. The Web site may be utilized to learn about new techniques, improve processes, create new programs, make current programs more effective and enhance outreach. This site also offers an opportunity for users to access information on successful programs/strategies and share knowledge. Information regarding exemplary programs within Florida's College system may be submitted to the Division by following the link "Submit Best Practice" below.

The Best Interactive Web Tools for Educators | Edudemic - 1 views

    Teachers are using intuitive programs & websites that are easy to learn. These web tool can save you the hassles that you may not realize you've tolerated.

The 31 Educational Web Tools Every Teacher Should Know about - 1 views

    This list features some interesting web tools for teachers keen on integrating technology into their instruction and work routine.

Discovery Education Web2014 : Home - 0 views

    Tools, tech tips and safety for Web 2.0

KidsClick! Web Search - 1 views

shared by hollyschwieg on 19 Jan 13 - Cached
    The site provides a Dewey Decimal Search for kids where they are able to click on an area and the find links related to the particular subject they are looking for. This could be helpful for a Media teacher to incorporate into his/her class.
  • ...1 more comment...
    Website created by librarians for kids to use to search a great variety of topics. It is kid friendly, colorful, and very easy to use.
    HOME KidsClick! is a web search site designed for kids by librarians - with kid-friendly results! This site is easy to use for kids and teachers. It has a wealth of information for nearly every subject in easy to understand concepts and terms.
    A web search site designed for kids by librarians
Meghan Starling

Using digital tools to make a difference SmartBlogs - 0 views

    This is a quick, neat article to inform you about how kids are using technology to make a difference in the world--mainly by drawing attention to a cause through the web. Check it out.
Mark Ophaug

Quia - Quia Web - 0 views

    I have been using this for about 4 years now to quiz, test, and provide activities for my students online. The subscription is worth it and it's a fast, easy, and Paper-Saving way to add some online flavor to your classes. Use this username and password to get an idea of how it can be used. Username: gglenda760 Password: cook28
Tameika Fraser

Boundless - 0 views

    Free web-based textbooks created from online educational content. Boundless provides an interactive notebook, flash cards, quizzes, study guides, notes, etc...
Tameika Fraser

The National Library of Virtual Manipulatives - 0 views

    A library of uniquely interactive, web-based virtual manipulatives or concept tutorials, mostly in the form of Java applets, for mathematics instruction (K-12 emphasis).
Tameika Fraser

Symbaloo blog - 0 views

    A Personal Learning Environment that organizes and shares the best of the web with your students.
Kristin Valenti

Web 2.0 Research Tools - A Quick Guide - 0 views

    • Kristin Valenti
      Great use of Diigo
  • Using Sticky Notes First, click the‘Comment’button and choose‘Add a floatingsticky note to thispage’. STEP 7 Next, place your stickynote everywhere youlike on the page.Now, you can write acomment on your stickynote. You also can makeyour note private or youcan share it with public oryour group.You also can add a stickynote on the text you havehighlighted.
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