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STEM Network - ISTE - 0 views

    The STEM Network's purpose is to connect science, technology, engineering and math educators to discuss, explore and share best practices and research in STEM teaching and student learning through the use of technology.

6 ways to improve PD in STEM for every grade level | eSchool News - 1 views

    Florida counties fund STEM professional development for teachers.

NEA - Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM) - 0 views

    great resource for STEM teachers

STEM Teacher Toolkit - 0 views

    One great way to incorporate technology in the classroom is to have a focus on STEM learning. FLDOE provides a "teacher toolkit"for grades k-5 with resources to help incorporate STEM into standard based instruction. Including direct links to online learning activities.

Hacking STEM: Introducing Hands-on Hacks for Your Classroom - 4 views

    To engage the leaders of tomorrow, teachers need access to the right materials today. These materials need to be easily obtainable, affordable and reflect the academic standards that bring real-world scenarios into the classroom. Microsoft has created Hacking STEM, a monthly resource devoted to helping teachers modernize their current STEM curriculum through inquiry and project-based lesson plans, aligned to middle-school academic standards.

Curriculum & Instruction / STEM Bowl - 0 views

shared by aciappi on 31 Jan 15 - No Cached
    STEM stands for the integration of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. The elementary schools in Lake County participate in an annual STEM Bowl Competition. During the competition students from each team work collaboratively to answer Mathematics and Science questions. These questions culminate in a final STEM problem based performance activity.

STEM Programs at UCF - 0 views

    UCF Looking forward with STEM
Tameika Fraser

PBS Teachers | STEM Education Resource Center - 0 views

    Awesome resource I found on FLDOE. PBS Teachers provides PreK-12 educational resources and activities for educators tied to PBS programming and correlated to local and national standards and professional development opportunities delivered online. It has free webinars, free professional development training modules, videos, and much more.

Mobile education rolls out in school district | Web | Kentucky New Era - 0 views

    High-tech bus allows for travelling STEM instruction.

Op-Ed: Computer Science Education Must Extend Beyond 1 Week | STEM Solutions | US News - 0 views

    Great opinion piece about why one week of computer science education is not enough.
Erin Wasson

Videos, Common Core Resources And Lesson Plans For Teachers: Teaching Channel - 1 views

    Teacher videos, resources and lesson plans. Discover great ideas and strategies to use as a teacher with this collection of videos covering Math, Science, English, History and more.
    This is the Teaching Channel's website filled with educator resources.  I have found several Science lab ideas from this site.  Many resources are standards based and grounded in STEM research, but there are resources for all subject areas.  There are also videos available that show lessons in practice.  

Low-Income and Minority Students Needed in STEM Pipeline - 0 views

    Great article about how stem programs still are not available to low income students

NASA Education - 0 views

shared by azmunch on 08 Sep 11 - Cached
Brian Glasby liked it
    This website provides a great deal of valuable information for both educators and students pertaining to NASA and Space in general. Lesson plans for K-12, free supplemental teaching materials, educational TV schedules and professional development workshop information is all available for educators on this site. For students, this website has interactive games, videos and printable activities for grades kindergarten through 12th grade. I have used materials and ideas from this cite many times, and find it very useful and easy to incorporate into any lesson.
    Free STEM curriculum for educators

60 STEAM Apps - 2 views

    Using a tablet to explore STEAM concepts is a natural pairing as kids drag, draw and create they learn more about technology and the world around them. That's why we gathered 60 of our favorite apps for teaching STEAM in the classroom, with recommendations for every grade level. Read on to get our list!

Florida Engineering Society: K-12 Website - 1 views

    Tried and tested projects, programs and presentations! The resources are divided by grade level. Choose the appropriate audience to view the resources available.
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