ICT in my Classroom - 1 views
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- tbarrett on What my class thought of our Google Docs project
- Ben Margolin on What my class thought of our Google Docs project
- mrkp on What my class thought of our Google Docs project
- What my class thought of our Google Docs project | ICT in my Classroom on Peer feedback using the chat feature in Google Presentations
- Daniel Needlestone on Missing Connections
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indicommons» Blog Archive » Flickr Commons Power-Feeds - 0 views
Top 5 Search Tools for Finding Flickr Images for Use in Education - 2 views
teachingtechnology.suite101.com/...kr-images-for-use-in-educationdigital pictures teaching learning technology tools search engines education strategies 5 top
shared by David Wetzel on 13 Aug 10 - Cached
The top five search tools for finding Flickr images are designed to help teachers and students locate just the right image for use in any subject area and project. Without these tools finding the right image on this image hosting site is often an impossible, or at least a tedious, task. The value of this site is its ability to provide digital pictures which are often impossible for a teacher to obtain any other way. Like everything else on the internet, trying to find something is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. This where the top five search tools become valuable resources for teachers and students trying to find images comes into play. These search engines are specifically designed to search the more than three billion pictures on the Flickr hosting site.
Seminario. Aprendizaje basado en proyectos - 7 views
Cómo puedo utilizar el Podcast y las herramientas con audio e imágenes para promover el aprendizaje de la lengua meta? ACTIVIDADES DEL CUARTO DÍA Martes 24 de abril de 2007 En esta sesión vamos a ver los siguientes temas: Tema 1. Herramientas con audio y con audio e imágenes Actividad 1.1 Consultar ligas de Slidestory y Podomatic Actividad 1.2 Presentación con Slidestory Actividad 1.3 Grabación con Podomatic Actividad 1.4 Colocar liga de la actividad en el Blog Actividad 1.5 Visitar actividades de compañeros y dejar comentario en el Blog Tema 1. Herramientas con audio y con audio e imágenes ¿Cómo puedo utilizar las herramientas con audio y con audio e imágenes para promover el aprendizaje de contenidos curriculares? Objetivo: Los participantes serán capaces de: Identificar las actividades idóneas utilizando herramientas de audio y de audio e imágenes. Identificar las características que debe tener un producto de calidad utilizando podcast o slidestory. Diseñar una actividad de manera individual o en parejas utilizando Slidestory.com o Podomatic.com Seleccionar y redactar una propuesta de trabajo para sus alumnos en la que, mediante slidestory, o un podcast elaboren un producto que dé cuenta de su conocimiento sobre un tema asignado. Introducción La socialización de la información ha sido posible gracias al desarrollo de herramientas digitales beta que permiten al usuario compartir con cualquier usuario de Internet sus ideas mediante el uso de imágenes, audio y video. Para su adecuado funcionamiento, estos medios requieren del uso de banda ancha. Afortunadamente, cada vez es más común este tipo de conectividad. Las aplicaciones de estas herramientas en el contexto educativo invitan al docente a poner en juego su destreza y creatividad. En esta sesión trabajarás con una de las dos herramientas, slidestory o podcast. Actividad 1.1. Consulta las siguientes ligas para que explores algunos eje
compfight / a flickr™ search tool - 0 views
Spell with flickr - 23 views
Twitter & Flickr in 5 Minutes - 0 views
21CTools » Flickr - 0 views
Flickr tools | mentalaxis - 0 views
Flickr: The Commons - 0 views
Keyboard Shortcuts for Our Favorite Social Networking Sites - 0 views
If you frequent popular social networking websites like Twitter, Facebook and Flickr, using keyboard shortcuts can make your web browsing experience even easier. We've found some useful shortcuts you may not have known about. Find out how to speedily navigate your favorite social networking sites like a pro, after the jump.
Bookr - Online filpbook - 0 views
Make an online book with text and photos from flickr with animated page turns. Search for photos by username or tag. http://ictmagic.wikispaces.com/ICT+&+Web+Tools
Photo Gallery - 0 views
A simple photo search of flickr sorted by attributes, such as 'zigzag' and 'spiral.' http://ictmagic.wikispaces.com/Photos+%26+Images
Flickr: The eduserv digital identities workshop 2009 Pool - 0 views
Interesting Snippets - a set on Flickr - 0 views
This is my personal dumping ground for various cool quotes, the odd stat, as slides to talk around when describing how things are changing online and in media & communications generally. They're in no particular order. I create them as much for fun as anything as I'm fascinated by this whole field. If you hover your mouse over the set pics it'll bring up the name of the file, so you can see what it's about without having to click into it. When I add new slides they go to the start to make them easier to spot.
http://teachfactory.com/ - 0 views
Krissy Venosdale (https://twitter.com/KTVee) has amassed a superb collection of images and posters for the classroom on her blog and Flickr steam. Also find great ideas and resources for your classroom, especially for teachers of gifted and talented classes. http://ictmagic.wikispaces.com/Displays+%26+Posters
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