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Ihering Alcoforado

How to use a Concept Map to organize and comprehend information | - 19 views

    Introduction to Concept Mapping Used as a learning and teaching technique, concept mapping visually illustrates the relationships between concepts and ideas. Often represented in circles or boxes, concepts are linked by words and phrases that explain the connection between the ideas, helping students organize and structure their thoughts to further understand information and discover new relationships. Most concept maps represent a hierarchical structure, with the overall, broad concept first with connected sub-topics, more specific concepts, following. Concept Map Example Definition of a Concept Map A concept map is a type of graphic organizer used to help students organize and represent knowledge of a subject. Concept maps begin with a main idea (or concept) and then branch out to show how that main idea can be broken down into specific topics. Benefits of Concept Mapping Concept mapping serves several purposes for learners: Helping students brainstorm and generate new ideas Encouraging students to discover new concepts and the propositions that connect them Allowing students to more clearly communicate ideas, thoughts and information Helping students integrate new concepts with older concepts Enabling students to gain enhanced knowledge of any topic and evaluate the information How to Build a Concept Map Concept maps are typically hierarchical, with the subordinate concepts stemming from the main concept or idea. This type of graphic organizer however, always allows change and new concepts to be added. The Rubber Sheet Analogy states that concept positions on a map can continuously change, while always maintaining the same relationship with the other ideas on the map. Start with a main idea, topic, or issue to focus on. A helpful way to determine the context of your concept map is to choose a focus question-something that needs to be solved or a conclusion that needs to be reached. Once a topic or question is
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10 Memorable Quotes From President APJ Abdul Kalam for Students - 0 views

    Look out the collection of best inspirational quotes, motivational quotes, motivational thoughts, Inspirational ideas, sayings, and inspiring life quotes about dreams, happiness, strength and success from the Ex-President of India - Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam (Born in 1931).
Erik Keith

Salute to Teachers - 16 views

    The GLOBE Program ( is taking this opportunity to salute teachers everywhere----for all of the things you do----for inspiring your students and cultivating the love of learning. Teachers are the backbone of our educational system. They encourage, inspire and challenge us to reach new heights and dream without boundaries. The GLOBE Program Office in Boulder, Colorado produced this video for teachers everywhere. We encourage you to watch it, send it to your fellow (or favorite) teachers, school administrators, friends and family members. Encourage them to share it with their network as well so that everyone may pause for a moment and truly appreciate the teachers who made a difference in their lives.
    Salute to Teachers Video
    Does this video include private, charter, online teachers or those who belong to a teacher's union?
Nigel Coutts

AAMT Why Maths? - Inspiration beyond the classroom - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    This week I spent three days in Brisbane attending the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers' national conference. The theme of the conference was "Why Maths?" and along with 500 other mathematicians, we looked to find inspiring answers to this provocative question beyond the classroom. Here are my key takeaways from this event. 
Ihering Alcoforado

Digitisation Perspectives - Review | Subject Centre for Information and Computer Sciences - 2 views

    Book Reviews Book title: Digitisation Perspectives Type: book Author: Ruth Rikowski Year: 2010 Edition: 1st ISBN: 9460912982 Publisher: Sense Publishers Publisher's Description: This book examines various views and perspectives on digitisation. As Simon Tanner, Director Digital Consultancy, King's College London says in the Foreword: "Digitisation has become a cultural, scholastic, economic and political imperative and raises many issues for our consideration." Furthermore, that the book: "...seeks to address and answer some of the big questions of digitisation... It succeeds on many levels..." There are 22 contributors in the book, all experts in their fields. The book is divided into six parts: Part 1: 'Background and Overview to Digitisation and Digital Libraries' Part 2: 'Digitisation and Higher Education' Part 3: 'Digitisation and Inequalities' Part 4: 'Digital Libraries, Reference Services and Citation Indexing' Part 5: 'Digitisation of Rare, Valued and Scholarly Works' Part 6: 'Futuristic Developments of Digitisation' Topics covered include electronic theses, search engine technology, digitisation in Africa, citation indexing, reference services, the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition, new media and scholarly publishing. The final chapter explores virtual libraries, and poses some interesting questions for possible futures. The book will be of particular interest to information professionals, educators, librarians, academics and I.T. and knowledge experts. Ruth Rikowski concludes by indicating that: "...hopefully, the book will provide a source of inspiration for further research, leading to some more effective ways to proceed with the digitisation process. Also, that it will be possible to do this within a framework that can be used for good rather than ill, and for the benefit of many." Reviewer: Eric Jukes (Formerly of College of Haringey, Enfield and North East London) Book Rating: 5/5 Buy this book from Amazon  Review Summary
Graham Atttwell

About us - 1 views

    icould is a free, inspirational resource, offering an insight into real career stories told by real people, delivered through a website that will contain a core of between 1000 and 3000 stories accessible to young people, on film, online - these stories will be wide ranging, covering a whole spectrum of experiences, occupations and career and education pathways across all sectors of work. Its purpose is to inspire young people to think differently about their futures, by giving them a vivid insight into the working lives of real people in real jobs
Alexis Krysten

ICT in my Classroom - 1 views

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      Nigel Coutts

      Suggested Readings to Inspire Teaching - 0 views

        With the end of the year approaching and holidays looming for some now is the ideal time to share some suggestions for books and papers to read. A great book can provide the inspiration required to begin the new year positively and this list includes some of my favourites from 2015.
      Martin Burrett

      Made with code - 0 views

        A site from Google with resources, projects & inspirational videos to encourage students to code. Projects include programming wearables, making a yeti dance and mixing music.

      Happy Mothers Day Inspirational Sayings Messages For 2016 - 0 views

        Mothers Day Greeting Happy Mothers Day Greetings mothers day poems mothers day poem mother poem happy mothers day poems mothers day ecard Happy mothers day ecards Mother's Day Ecards Mothers Day Ecards Mothers Day Sms Happy Mothers Day Sms
      Nigel Coutts

      Tinkering with Old Technology - The Learner's Way - 0 views

        As technology evolves and its inner workings increasingly disappear from view, replaced with solid-state parts hidden by glass, aluminium and plastic, our understanding of what makes the world operate is similarly impeded. When machinery from just a few decades ago is viewed a world of moving parts, linkages, cogs and levers is revealed. These mechanical objects contain an inherent beauty and inspire curiosity in ways that modern devices with their pristine surfaces and simplified design language do not. Opportunities to explore devices from the past open our eyes and lead us to new questions of how our devices function, how machines do the jobs we need them to do and how engineers solve problems.
      Martin Burrett

      TEDEducation - 0 views

        TED is a superb, inspirational organisation that hosts some of the best speakers of our time on a range of fascinating topics. Now TED has a set of amazing videos to use in your classroom to astound your students.
      Martin Burrett

      QikPad - Instant Collaboration Tool - 0 views

        One of a host of Etherpad inspired collaborative notepads, but with a few little extra features, like being able to make a link to a read only page.
      Martin Burrett

      Four Maths Operations - 0 views

        A nice iPod inspired maths operations game. Practise multiplication, division, subtract and addition.
      Ihering Alcoforado

      Nairobi 2010 Conference Reoprt - 5 views

        Nairobi 2010 Conference Reoprt  Climate Change and Natural Resource Use in Eastern Africa: Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation Report of the 3rd Scientific Conference of the Ecological Society for Eastern Africa (ESEA) and co-hosted with the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) at Multimedia University College, Nairobi, 19 - 21 May 2010 By Nicholas Oguge, Caroline Lumosi, Teddy Odindo, Joseph Ngondi and Philista Malaki October 4, 2010 Summary While the Earth's climate has changed throughout history, the current warming trend has been of particular concern because most of it is human-induced and proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented.  One of the greatest concerns of this global warming is climate variability and change.  The risks associated with climate change add to development challenges such as food and water insecurity. Although climate change is only one of the many drivers negatively affecting biodiversity and ecosystem services, it certainly exacerbates the other factors such as land degradation and unsustainable natural resource use. There is general concern on the accelerating deterioration of the human environment and natural resources. This would widen poverty levels confronting eastern African countries and threaten gains made towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Thus, the Ecological Society for Eastern African organised its 3rd annual scientific conference with a theme addressing this global challenge.  The idea was to bring together researchers, policy makers and the general public together to discuss the climate change phenomena, its impacts, mitigation strategies and adaptation measures with regard to natural resource use in Eastern Africa. In order to address above issues and to reach out to a wider audience, we designed the conference strategically on three tiers:   1. Plenary talks: to provide policy information and direction, science on climate change, ecological and socio-economic effects, how to commun
      Martin Burrett

      DIY - 0 views

      shared by Martin Burrett on 05 Jun 12 - No Cached
        I love this site. This site provides a safe online space for children to upload their art, craft and design creations to share with the whole world. For teachers, it is a great place to find inspiration for your own class projects.
      Martin Burrett

      Quipio - 0 views

      shared by Martin Burrett on 15 Aug 13 - No Cached
        Make inspiring, informative or just plain fun digital posters with this easy to use Apple app. Enter your search term to find a suitable photo, add your text and publish to the world. Download the app at
      John Onwuegbu

      Google Fiber: The Projected Future | Questechie - 5 views

        Google Fiber is perhaps inspiring other ISPs to lessen the broadband gap. Or, as put on DSLReports the goal is to "…light a fire under the pampered behinds of incumbent broadband operators."
      •  Most quality online stores.New Solution for home gym, cool skateboard, Monsterbeats headphone and much more on the real bargain. Highly recommended.This is one of the trusted online store in the world. View now
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