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Ihering Alcoforado

SOCIAL BOOKMARKS - 500 Social Networking Sites - 0 views

    over 500 social networking sites that can bookmarks Social Services that can "Manage Bookmarks" Social bookmarking is a way for Internet users to store, organize, share and search bookmarks of web pages. In a social bookmarking system, users save links to web pages that they want to remember and/or share. These bookmarks are usually public, but depending on the service's features, may be saved privately, shared only with specific people or groups, shared only inside certain networks, or another combination of publicness and privateness. The allowed people can usually view these bookmarks chronologically, by category or tags, via a search engine, or even randomly. Most social bookmark services encourage users to organize their bookmarks with informal tags instead of the traditional browser-based system of folders, although some services feature categories/folders or a combination of folders and tags. They also enable viewing bookmarks associated with a chosen tag, and include information about the number of users who have bookmarked them. Some social bookmarking services also draw inferences from the relationship of tags to create clusters of tags or bookmarks. Many social bookmarking services provide web feeds for their lists of bookmarks, including lists organized by tags. This allows subscribers to become aware of new bookmarks as they are saved, shared, and tagged by other users. As these services have matured and grown more popular, they have added extra features such as ratings and comments on bookmarks, the ability to import and export bookmarks from browsers, emailing of bookmarks, web annotation, and groups or other social network features.[1]
Ihering Alcoforado

Online Bookmarks and Favorites - StartAid - 0 views

    What is StartAid StartAid is a Social Bookmarking site. Startaid give you the ability to make a custom homepage where you can have all your Bookmarks at your finger tips. With Startaid you can you Category and/or Tag filing systems. Startaid has a powerful Ajax interface to help make the managing of your bookmarks fast and easy. Here are some of the Features of Startaid: - Online Bookmark Manager - Discover New Bookmarks - Design your own Personal Homepage - Access your bookmarks from anywhere Online - You can use Tags and/or Categories - Set Tags, Categories or Bookmarks as private - Comment and discuss Bookmarks with members - Share Groups for controled bookmark sharing - Send boomkarks to friends and members - Bookmark a link with a single click - Bookmarklets for easy bookmarking - Thumbnail images of all your bookmarks - Dynamic Search box for most search platforms - Import all your existing bookmarks Enjoy!
Gianto Widianto

Best Practices - 0 views

  • the first great thing about Diigo is that your bookmarks follow you wherever you go.
  • the first great thing about Diigo is that your bookmarks follow you wherever you go.
  • the first great thing about Diigo is that your bookmarks follow you wherever you go.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • the first great thing about Diigo is that your bookmarks follow you wherever you go.
  • social bookmarking
  • social bookmarking
Dianne Rees

ZaidLearn: Buzzing with Social Curation Tools! - 12 views

    Social curation tools (includes some bookmarking tools)

I Will Do 60 Top Social Media Bookmarking Manually - 0 views

    I Will Do 60 Top Social Media Bookmarking Manually, please visit this link and hire me
Dianne Rees

Top 50 Social Bookmarking sites for Sharing, Organizing, Searching, and Managing Bookma... - 10 views

    Of course, Diigo's the best :)
Wytze Koopal

diigo help - 8 views

    Diigo: Collect and Highlight, Then Remember Diigo aims to dramatically improve your online productivity. Building upon the strengths of award-winning Diigo V4, widely regarded as one of the best and most popular social bookmarking, web annotation, collaborative research services, Diigo V5.0 has added additional data types (screenshots, pictures, notes, etc) and platform support, such as Chrome, Android, iPad, iPhone, etc. With Version 5.0, Diigo moves one step further towards its vision of providing the best cloud-based personal information management (PIM) service
Vanessa Vaile

MOOC - The Resurgence of Community in Online Learning - 0 views

    • Vanessa Vaile
      or other social bookmarking, feed reader, aggregator. the main purpose is collect/collate, tag or label, annotate (time permitting) and curate
  • Feeding Forward - We want participants to share their work with other people in the course, and with the world at large
  • Sharing is and will always be their choice.
  • ...31 more annotations...
  • even more importantly, it helps others see the learning process, and not just the polished final result.
  • The Purpose of a MOOC
  • Coursera, for example, may want to support learning, but it is also a company that wants to make money at the same time
  • Organizations offer MOOCs in order to serve other objectives.
  • MOOCs serve numerous purposes, both to those who offer MOOCs, those who provide services, and those who register for or in some way ‘take’ a MOOC.
  • The original MOOC offered by George Siemens and myself had a very simple purpose at first: to explain ourselves.
  • there are different senses of learning
  • creating an open online course designed in such a way as to support a large (or even massive) learning community.
  • The MOOC as Community
  • Although we learn what we learn from personal experience, we usually learn what we learn from other people. Consequently, learning is a social activity, whether we immerse ourselves into what Etienne Wenger called a community of practice (Wenger, Communities of Practice: Learning, meaning and identity, 1999), learn what Michael Polanyi called tacit knowledge (Polanyi, 1962), and be able to complete, as Thomas Kuhn famously summarized, the problems at the end of the chapter. (Kuhn, 1962)
  • So online communities form around offline activities
  • With today’s focus on MOOCs and social networking sites (such as Facebook and Google+) the discussion of community per se has faded to the background.
  • Online educators will find themselves building interest based communities whether they intend to do this or not
  • Learning in the community of practice takes the form of what might be called ‘peer-to-peer professional development activities’
  • The MOOC is for us a device created in order to connect these distributed voices together, not to create community, not to create culture, but to create a place where community and culture can flourish,
  • The peer community by contrast almost by definition cannot be formed over the internet
  • created through proximity
  • online communities depend on a topic or area of interest
  • Community Access Points
  • This was a project that did more than merely provide internet access, it created a common location for people interesting in technology and computers (and blogs and Facebook)
  • The MOOCs George Siemens and I have designed and developed were explicitly designed to support participation from a mosaic of cultures.
  • It is worth noting that theorists of both professional and social networks speak of one’s interactions within the community as a process of building, or creating, one’s own identity.
  • danah boyd, studying the social community, writes, “The dynamics of identity production play out visibly on MySpace. Profiles are digital bodies, public displays of identity where people can explore impression management.
  • ecause imagery can be staged, it is often difficult to tell if photos are a representation of behaviors or a re-presentation of them
  • In both of these we are seeing aspects of the same phenomenon. To learn is not to acquire or to accumulate, but rather, to develop or to grow. The process of learning is a process of becoming, a process of developing one’s own self.
  • We have defined three domains of learning: the individual learner, the online community, and the peer community.
  • Recent discussions of MOOCs have focused almost exclusively on the online community, with almost no discussion of the individual learner, and no discussion peer community. But to my mind over time all three elements will be seen to be equally important.
  • three key roles in online learning: the student, the instructor, and the facilitator. The ‘instructor’ is the person responsible for the online community, while the ‘facilitator’ is the person responsible for the peer community.
  • recent MOOCs offered by companies like Coursera and Udacity have commercialized course brokering
  • a model that the K-12 community has employed for any number of years
  • where is the French-language community itself?
    post from Half an Hour: excellent explanation of how connectivist moocs work, what the difference is between them and x or wrapped moocs and what open is In this presentation Stephen Downes addresses the question of how massive open online courses (MOOCs) will impact the future of distance education. The presentation considers in some detail the nature and purpose of a MOOC in contrast with traditional distance education. He argues that MOOCs represent the resurgence of community-based learning and will describe how distance education institutions will share MOOCs with each other and will supplement online interaction with community-based resources and services. The phenomenon of 'wrapped MOOCs' will be described, and Downes will outline several examples of local support for global MOOCs. 
traffic backlink

Social Media Backlink Check | Funtaztic Free Backlinks and Free Traffic Center - 0 views

    Social Media Popularity checker
Ihering Alcoforado

Transcribe: An Awesome Chrome App for Transcribing Audio - 24 views

    " your left/right keys to browse storiesNext story Previous story Like us on FacebookFollow us on TwitterFollow us on Google+ Channels Apps Daily Dose Design & Dev Entrepreneur Gadgets Insider LifeHacks Media Shareables Social Media Editions Africa Asia Australia Canada Europe India Latin America Middle East UK Companies Apple Facebook Google Microsoft Twitter Languages France Nederland Polska Portugal Romania Russia Transcribe: An awesome audio-transcription Web app for Chrome 4TH AUGUST 2012 by PAUL SAWERS If you ever have a need to transfer an audio recording into text format, you'll likely love this little Chrome Web app. Aimed at journalists, students or anyone with a need to convert interviews and such like to the written from, Transcribe does exactly as it says on the tin. And it's so incredibly simple to use. You can either access the app through the Chrome Web Store, or simply go straight to the webpage (, bookmark it and add it to your toolbar for easy access. Transcribe is geared towards Google Chrome because because the Web app requires the HTML5 functionality. It's also worth noting that Transcribe works entirely offline - which allayed my initial fears that this tool would be heavily restricted by a dependence on connectivity."
George Roberts

NIBIPEDIA : Together We Learn - 0 views

    Interesting social bookmarking inside multimedia timelines. What might this do to McFOB/Synnote project?
Mike Chelen

Diigo Blog » Announcing "Diigo Educator Accounts" - 0 views

    Diigo Educator Accounts, a suite of features that makes it incredibly easy for teachers to get their entire class of students or their peers started on collaborative research using Diigo's powerful web annotation and social bookmarking technology.
qualitypoint Tech

Latest Articles for learning Web Development using php, mysql, javascript and ajax - 0 views

    Find below the latest articles for learning web development. These articles are getting displayed here by combining the data from different social bookmarking sites such as Digg. This articles list will be updated automatically using yahoo pipes and feedburner.
web2write Idensen

Diigo - Web Highlighter and Sticky Notes, Online Bookmarking and Annotation, Personal L... - 14 views

    • web2write Idensen
      tolle kollaboratives note-application!
    tolles kolloboratives toll zum notizen anlegen!
Graham Atttwell

Connect@NMC: Social Bookmarking 2.0 with diigo | nmc - 0 views

    recording of talk to diigo co-founder and Vice President Maggie Tsai who will share the features diigo offers for teachers and students, and give us some clues about what may be coming in terms of new features.
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