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27 More Top eLearning & Workplace Learning Blogs | Upside Learning Blog - 0 views
www.upsidelearning.com/...rning-workplace-learning-blogs27 more top elearning blogs 27 more top workplace learning blogs 74 top elearning blogs top elearning blogs
shared by Abhijeet Valke on 25 Sep 09 - Cached
After we posted a list of the Top 47 eLearning & Workplace Learning Blogs last month, we have received several more recommendations for adding more blogs to that list. Apart from these, we've discovered a few more blogs worth following - and these have been added to the list. A total of 27 blogs have been added to the original list. 1. Occasional Rants 2. Mind Leaders 3. Social Enterprise Blog 4. Discovery Through eLearning 5. Mission to Learn 6. Virtual Learning 7. Brandon Hall Analyst Blog - Janet Clarey 8. Speak Out 9. The Leadership Compass by Dr. Michael O'Connor 10. eLearning Roadtrip 11. Nancy White's Full Circle Blog 12. Business of Learning by Doug Howard 13. Aaron Silvers 14. Emerging Internet Technologies for Education 15. Langevin - Blog 16. Learning Technology Learning 17. PsyBlog 18. ZaidLearn 19. eLearning Acupuncture 20. Daan Assen's Learning 21. E L S U A 22. Electronic Papyrus 23. aLearning Blog 24. Lars is Learning 25. Writers Gateway 26. Free as in Freedom 27. Instructional Design: On the road to learning
Buy Wechat Account - SmmTopMarket - 0 views
smmtopmarket.com/...buy-wechat-account-2best 5-star 5 google Buy Elite Yelp Reviews Facebook Star Ads Accounts resources EDTECH E-learning tools web2.0 TECHNOLOGY eLearning learning education teaching
shared by google5star74 on 29 Aug 23 - No Cached
Buy Wechat Account Introduction Wechat accounts are used for a variety of purposes, from transferring and entering dispatches and making calls to using the mobile payment service, Wechat Pay. Purchasing a Wechat account is a simple process, and one that can be done online. When buying a Wechat account, you'll need to give the account's unique ID number, as well as your own particular information, similar as your name and dispatch address. Once the account is registered, you'll be suitable to use it to communicate with your connections and access the features of Wechat. When buying a Wechat account, make sure you read the terms and conditions and read up on the security measures the account provider has in place to insure your data is kept secure. Companies can use. client service WeChat can be used to give client service to guests, responding to inquiries and furnishing support. Marketing Companies can use WeChat to produce juggernauts, post updates, and announce products and services. Payment WeChat allows companies to accept payments directly from guests through its mobile portmanteau. Content creation Companies can produce and partake blogs, papers, and other content on WeChat. Brand structure Companies can use WeChat to make their brand by connecting with guests and creating a sense of community. Recruiting Companies can use WeChat to retain new workers and share job rosters. Deals Companies can use WeChat to promote their products, services, and specials. Events Companies can use WeChat to host virtual events and promote them to their followers. Buy Wechat Account Are you looking for a way to market your business? Then wechat account is an excellent choice WeChat is a popular social media platform in China that allows druggies to shoot dispatches, make payments, share prints, and more. It's a great way to reach out to implicit guests and make your brand in the Chinese request. With WeChat, you can produce juggernauts, run contests, and offer
- ...7 more comments...
Buy Wechat Account Introduction Wechat accounts are used for a variety of purposes, from transferring and entering dispatches and making calls to using the mobile payment service, Wechat Pay. Purchasing a Wechat account is a simple process, and one that can be done online. When buying a Wechat account, you'll need to give the account's unique ID number, as well as your own particular information, similar as your name and dispatch address. Once the account is registered, you'll be suitable to use it to communicate with your connections and access the features of Wechat. When buying a Wechat account, make sure you read the terms and conditions and read up on the security measures the account provider has in place to insure your data is kept secure. Companies can use. client service WeChat can be used to give client service to guests, responding to inquiries and furnishing support. Marketing Companies can use WeChat to produce juggernauts, post updates, and announce products and services. Payment WeChat allows companies to accept payments directly from guests through its mobile portmanteau. Content creation Companies can produce and partake blogs, papers, and other content on WeChat. Brand structure Companies can use WeChat to make their brand by connecting with guests and creating a sense of community. Recruiting Companies can use WeChat to retain new workers and share job rosters. Deals Companies can use WeChat to promote their products, services, and specials. Events Companies can use WeChat to host virtual events and promote them to their followers. Buy Wechat Account Are you looking for a way to market your business? Then wechat account is an excellent choice WeChat is a popular social media platform in China that allows druggies to shoot dispatches, make payments, share prints, and more. It's a great way to reach out to implicit guests and make your brand in the Chinese request. With WeChat, you can produce juggernauts, run contests, and offer
Buy Wechat Account Introduction Wechat accounts are used for a variety of purposes, from transferring and entering dispatches and making calls to using the mobile payment service, Wechat Pay. Purchasing a Wechat account is a simple process, and one that can be done online. When buying a Wechat account, you'll need to give the account's unique ID number, as well as your own particular information, similar as your name and dispatch address. Once the account is registered, you'll be suitable to use it to communicate with your connections and access the features of Wechat. When buying a Wechat account, make sure you read the terms and conditions and read up on the security measures the account provider has in place to insure your data is kept secure. Companies can use. client service WeChat can be used to give client service to guests, responding to inquiries and furnishing support. Marketing Companies can use WeChat to produce juggernauts, post updates, and announce products and services. Payment WeChat allows companies to accept payments directly from guests through its mobile portmanteau. Content creation Companies can produce and partake blogs, papers, and other content on WeChat. Brand structure Companies can use WeChat to make their brand by connecting with guests and creating a sense of community. Recruiting Companies can use WeChat to retain new workers and share job rosters. Deals Companies can use WeChat to promote their products, services, and specials. Events Companies can use WeChat to host virtual events and promote them to their followers. Buy Wechat Account Are you looking for a way to market your business? Then wechat account is an excellent choice WeChat is a popular social media platform in China that allows druggies to shoot dispatches, make payments, share prints, and more. It's a great way to reach out to implicit guests and make your brand in the Chinese request. With WeChat, you can produce juggernauts, run contests, and offer
Buy Wechat Account Introduction Wechat accounts are used for a variety of purposes, from transferring and entering dispatches and making calls to using the mobile payment service, Wechat Pay. Purchasing a Wechat account is a simple process, and one that can be done online. When buying a Wechat account, you'll need to give the account's unique ID number, as well as your own particular information, similar as your name and dispatch address. Once the account is registered, you'll be suitable to use it to communicate with your connections and access the features of Wechat. When buying a Wechat account, make sure you read the terms and conditions and read up on the security measures the account provider has in place to insure your data is kept secure. Companies can use. client service WeChat can be used to give client service to guests, responding to inquiries and furnishing support. Marketing Companies can use WeChat to produce juggernauts, post updates, and announce products and services. Payment WeChat allows companies to accept payments directly from guests through its mobile portmanteau. Content creation Companies can produce and partake blogs, papers, and other content on WeChat. Brand structure Companies can use WeChat to make their brand by connecting with guests and creating a sense of community. Recruiting Companies can use WeChat to retain new workers and share job rosters. Deals Companies can use WeChat to promote their products, services, and specials. Events Companies can use WeChat to host virtual events and promote them to their followers. Buy Wechat Account Are you looking for a way to market your business? Then wechat account is an excellent choice WeChat is a popular social media platform in China that allows druggies to shoot dispatches, make payments, share prints, and more. It's a great way to reach out to implicit guests and make your brand in the Chinese request. With WeChat, you can produce juggernauts, run contests, and offer
Buy Wechat Account Introduction Wechat accounts are used for a variety of purposes, from transferring and entering dispatches and making calls to using the mobile payment service, Wechat Pay. Purchasing a Wechat account is a simple process, and one that can be done online. When buying a Wechat account, you'll need to give the account's unique ID number, as well as your own particular information, similar as your name and dispatch address. Once the account is registered, you'll be suitable to use it to communicate with your connections and access the features of Wechat. When buying a Wechat account, make sure you read the terms and conditions and read up on the security measures the account provider has in place to insure your data is kept secure. Companies can use. client service WeChat can be used to give client service to guests, responding to inquiries and furnishing support. Marketing Companies can use WeChat to produce juggernauts, post updates, and announce products and services. Payment WeChat allows companies to accept payments directly from guests through its mobile portmanteau. Content creation Companies can produce and partake blogs, papers, and other content on WeChat. Brand structure Companies can use WeChat to make their brand by connecting with guests and creating a sense of community. Recruiting Companies can use WeChat to retain new workers and share job rosters. Deals Companies can use WeChat to promote their products, services, and specials. Events Companies can use WeChat to host virtual events and promote them to their followers. Buy Wechat Account Are you looking for a way to market your business? Then wechat account is an excellent choice WeChat is a popular social media platform in China that allows druggies to shoot dispatches, make payments, share prints, and more. It's a great way to reach out to implicit guests and make your brand in the Chinese request. With WeChat, you can produce juggernauts, run contests, and offer
Buy Wechat Account Introduction Wechat accounts are used for a variety of purposes, from transferring and entering dispatches and making calls to using the mobile payment service, Wechat Pay. Purchasing a Wechat account is a simple process, and one that can be done online. When buying a Wechat account, you'll need to give the account's unique ID number, as well as your own particular information, similar as your name and dispatch address. Once the account is registered, you'll be suitable to use it to communicate with your connections and access the features of Wechat. When buying a Wechat account, make sure you read the terms and conditions and read up on the security measures the account provider has in place to insure your data is kept secure. Companies can use. client service WeChat can be used to give client service to guests, responding to inquiries and furnishing support. Marketing Companies can use WeChat to produce juggernauts, post updates, and announce products and services. Payment WeChat allows companies to accept payments directly from guests through its mobile portmanteau. Content creation Companies can produce and partake blogs, papers, and other content on WeChat. Brand structure Companies can use WeChat to make their brand by connecting with guests and creating a sense of community. Recruiting Companies can use WeChat to retain new workers and share job rosters. Deals Companies can use WeChat to promote their products, services, and specials. Events Companies can use WeChat to host virtual events and promote them to their followers. Buy Wechat Account Are you looking for a way to market your business? Then wechat account is an excellent choice WeChat is a popular social media platform in China that allows druggies to shoot dispatches, make payments, share prints, and more. It's a great way to reach out to implicit guests and make your brand in the Chinese request. With WeChat, you can produce juggernauts, run contests, and offer
Buy Wechat Account Introduction Wechat accounts are used for a variety of purposes, from transferring and entering dispatches and making calls to using the mobile payment service, Wechat Pay. Purchasing a Wechat account is a simple process, and one that can be done online. When buying a Wechat account, you'll need to give the account's unique ID number, as well as your own particular information, similar as your name and dispatch address. Once the account is registered, you'll be suitable to use it to communicate with your connections and access the features of Wechat. When buying a Wechat account, make sure you read the terms and conditions and read up on the security measures the account provider has in place to insure your data is kept secure. Companies can use. client service WeChat can be used to give client service to guests, responding to inquiries and furnishing support. Marketing Companies can use WeChat to produce juggernauts, post updates, and announce products and services. Payment WeChat allows companies to accept payments directly from guests through its mobile portmanteau. Content creation Companies can produce and partake blogs, papers, and other content on WeChat. Brand structure Companies can use WeChat to make their brand by connecting with guests and creating a sense of community. Recruiting Companies can use WeChat to retain new workers and share job rosters. Deals Companies can use WeChat to promote their products, services, and specials. Events Companies can use WeChat to host virtual events and promote them to their followers. Buy Wechat Account Are you looking for a way to market your business? Then wechat account is an excellent choice WeChat is a popular social media platform in China that allows druggies to shoot dispatches, make payments, share prints, and more. It's a great way to reach out to implicit guests and make your brand in the Chinese request. With WeChat, you can produce juggernauts, run contests, and offer
Buy Wechat Account Introduction Wechat accounts are used for a variety of purposes, from transferring and entering dispatches and making calls to using the mobile payment service, Wechat Pay. Purchasing a Wechat account is a simple process, and one that can be done online. When buying a Wechat account, you'll need to give the account's unique ID number, as well as your own particular information, similar as your name and dispatch address. Once the account is registered, you'll be suitable to use it to communicate with your connections and access the features of Wechat. When buying a Wechat account, make sure you read the terms and conditions and read up on the security measures the account provider has in place to insure your data is kept secure. Companies can use. client service WeChat can be used to give client service to guests, responding to inquiries and furnishing support. Marketing Companies can use WeChat to produce juggernauts, post updates, and announce products and services. Payment WeChat allows companies to accept payments directly from guests through its mobile portmanteau. Content creation Companies can produce and partake blogs, papers, and other content on WeChat. Brand structure Companies can use WeChat to make their brand by connecting with guests and creating a sense of community. Recruiting Companies can use WeChat to retain new workers and share job rosters. Deals Companies can use WeChat to promote their products, services, and specials. Events Companies can use WeChat to host virtual events and promote them to their followers. Buy Wechat Account Are you looking for a way to market your business? Then wechat account is an excellent choice WeChat is a popular social media platform in China that allows druggies to shoot dispatches, make payments, share prints, and more. It's a great way to reach out to implicit guests and make your brand in the Chinese request. With WeChat, you can produce juggernauts, run contests, and offer
Buy Wechat Account Introduction Wechat accounts are used for a variety of purposes, from transferring and entering dispatches and making calls to using the mobile payment service, Wechat Pay. Purchasing a Wechat account is a simple process, and one that can be done online. When buying a Wechat account, you'll need to give the account's unique ID number, as well as your own particular information, similar as your name and dispatch address. Once the account is registered, you'll be suitable to use it to communicate with your connections and access the features of Wechat. When buying a Wechat account, make sure you read the terms and conditions and read up on the security measures the account provider has in place to insure your data is kept secure. Companies can use. client service WeChat can be used to give client service to guests, responding to inquiries and furnishing support. Marketing Companies can use WeChat to produce juggernauts, post updates, and announce products and services. Payment WeChat allows companies to accept payments directly from guests through its mobile portmanteau. Content creation Companies can produce and partake blogs, papers, and other content on WeChat. Brand structure Companies can use WeChat to make their brand by connecting with guests and creating a sense of community. Recruiting Companies can use WeChat to retain new workers and share job rosters. Deals Companies can use WeChat to promote their products, services, and specials. Events Companies can use WeChat to host virtual events and promote them to their followers. Buy Wechat Account Are you looking for a way to market your business? Then wechat account is an excellent choice WeChat is a popular social media platform in China that allows druggies to shoot dispatches, make payments, share prints, and more. It's a great way to reach out to implicit guests and make your brand in the Chinese request. With WeChat, you can produce juggernauts, run contests, and offer
Buy Wechat Account Introduction Wechat accounts are used for a variety of purposes, from transferring and entering dispatches and making calls to using the mobile payment service, Wechat Pay. Purchasing a Wechat account is a simple process, and one that can be done online. When buying a Wechat account, you'll need to give the account's unique ID number, as well as your own particular information, similar as your name and dispatch address. Once the account is registered, you'll be suitable to use it to communicate with your connections and access the features of Wechat. When buying a Wechat account, make sure you read the terms and conditions and read up on the security measures the account provider has in place to insure your data is kept secure. Companies can use. client service WeChat can be used to give client service to guests, responding to inquiries and furnishing support. Marketing Companies can use WeChat to produce juggernauts, post updates, and announce products and services. Payment WeChat allows companies to accept payments directly from guests through its mobile portmanteau. Content creation Companies can produce and partake blogs, papers, and other content on WeChat. Brand structure Companies can use WeChat to make their brand by connecting with guests and creating a sense of community. Recruiting Companies can use WeChat to retain new workers and share job rosters. Deals Companies can use WeChat to promote their products, services, and specials. Events Companies can use WeChat to host virtual events and promote them to their followers. Buy Wechat Account Are you looking for a way to market your business? Then wechat account is an excellent choice WeChat is a popular social media platform in China that allows druggies to shoot dispatches, make payments, share prints, and more. It's a great way to reach out to implicit guests and make your brand in the Chinese request. With WeChat, you can produce juggernauts, run contests, and offer
Insightful videos on "Interview Preparation" by 26+ professionals - 0 views
shared by Antwak Short videos on 02 Apr 21 - No Cached
Here's the step by step guide for Data Science Interview Process The Interview process begins directly from the point you begin investigating the various job positions that allure you. Furthermore, it goes up to the stage of in-person (face to face) interviews. Remember that this is a crucial interview procedure. You probably won't need to experience every single step in your interview procedure. Comprehend and follow the Different Roles, Skills and Interviews Update your Resume and Start Applying! Telephonic Screening Clearing the Assignments In-Person Interaction(s) Post-Interview Steps The above-mentioned steps will be helpful all through your Interview preparation! Know about different Roles, Skills and Interviews in Data Science The main thing you need to comprehend is that there are many jobs in the data science environment. An average data science project has a life cycle. A data scientist is just one part of an effective data science project. Let's check out a quick run-through of different data Scientist job roles. Data Scientist Business Analyst Data Analyst Data Visualizer Analyst Data Science Manager Data Architect AI Engineer PC Vision Engineer You need to have great correspondence and critical thinking skills. You need not know Python and technicals skills. A data architect will probably be tested on his/her programming skills. Get prepared as per the company's expectations. Prepare for the interviews- Create your Digital presence Over 80% of employers we addressed revealed that they check an applicant's LinkedIn profile. Recruiters need to crosscheck and assure the claims made in the resume are genuine or not. You ought to have a LinkedIn profile. It ought to be updated and enhanced by the role(s) you're applying for. Make a GitHub account. Writing computer programs is a crucial task in the data science job role. Transferring your code and ventures to GitHub helps the recruiters see your work directly. Regularly
How to do almost anything with Posterous - 20 views
There are no forms to fill in; you simply send an email to post@posterous.com. Whatever you put in this email becomes the first post for your new blog.
When posting via email, the Subject line is the post’s title and any text or attached files also become part of the post, either embedded or as a download. The way Posterous handles media is seriously impressive. Images will display in the post, for example, while MP3s and videos are playable directly in the page. Even other files, such as PDFs and Word documents, are viewable directly from your blog.
Kidblog.org - Blogs for Teachers & Students - 0 views
Set up a blog for your whole class in just a few seconds. Safe and easy to use blogging for children, with a post approving function via email to make sure only suitable things go public. Each student is gives their own thread and the site supports text, images, audio and video postings. Decide whether your blog is visible to just the class or to all the web. It's the blogging site I use with my class. http://ictmagic.wikispaces.com/ICT+%26+Web+Tools
E-Link Box The Blog Press - 0 views
www.elinkbox.inadvertising Affiliate blog Book Business car Company Computer day Finance give Good Great Health & Fitness Home Family Important information Internet isnare link lot make Marketing Money Online People Product Program... Search Security Service sites Softw
shared by rajue s on 25 Feb 11 - No Cached
Welcome to E-Link Box - The Blog Press!!! E-Link Box is a growing up community in particular to help out Bloggers, Content Writers, Authors, Online marketers, Affiliates and web masters. E-Link Box brings writers, authors, readers, affiliate marketers, webmasters, reviewers and ezine publishers together with social networking capabilities. E-Link Box provides a platform to communicate within the members to share and get assisted by each other. Registered members can create, edit, publish and submit their blog, contents, reviews and articles on topics that suite all types of audience in internet. E-Link Box is the place to blog your ideas, techniques, thoughts, knowledge, tips and stuff. It is free and easy. You have to register an account and submit your content. Members can create and mange their own groups, invite friends, start a post or discuss a topic in inbuilt forum and lot more tool. Any one who loves to write, submit articles, post content, to create high quality backlinks etc can register free with E-Link Box. Increase your exposure to search engines and boost your traffic by submitting your articles post and content as a registered member. Free updated latest web content rss feeds for all webmasters, ezines and newsletter publishers.
Top 10 Free Online Tutoring Tools for 2012 | Edudemic - 40 views
Top 10 Free Online Tutoring Tools for 2012 Topics: education, free tools, guest, technology, technology for tutoring, tutoring resources, tutoring tools inShare Share 462 The Internet provides a wealth of resources for teachers, tutors, and students to go well beyond classroom learning. Whether you're a teacher preparing for tomorrow's lecture, a professional tutor working with one or two students, or you just want to help your cousin in Alabama with some trig homework, these free tools will help you interact with your student(s) sans the confines of the classroom. Skype with Idroo Idroo is an online educational whiteboard used in combination with Skype. Use it with as many students or fellow teachers as you want for tutoring sessions or meetings, as the whiteboard's "only limitations" are Internet connection speed and how fast everyone involved absorbs the material. All writing and drawing done on the whiteboard is visible to participants in real time, making it a true virtual classroom. It also allows for remote math tutoring with its professional math typing tool. Gchat Anyone with a gmail account can access Gchat. Teachers, tutors, and students can talk to one another in real time, as well as send and receive files instantly. Save chats for referral purposes in your gmail account, or download the Google Talk application for voice conferencing with multiple parties. WizIQ Teachers, students and organizations can create free accounts on WizIQ, another online education portal. Students have the option to attend online classes, download free tutorials, use free practice tests, or find teachers with certain expertise. Online classes are not free, however. Teachers and organizations can offer recorded classes through WizIQ or those in real time, create online tests, use live audio and video chat, and distribute course work in any standard format. Teachers must pay per month for this service, though WizIQ offers easy teacher payment collection from stu
Professor: Web 2.0 an awkward fit for the academic world - 0 views
Martin Weller is Professor of Educational Technology at OU-UK, and was instrumental in developing its first e-learning initiatives. He blogs at The Ed Techie, but his essay was part of a special edition of the education journal On the Horizon. Authors contributing to the special edition (which isn't yet available) were asked to contribute a blog post describing their articles in a condensed form; Weller's post appeared at the editor's blog.
Record by phone with Gabcast.com - 0 views
"# record using your phone or VoIP Recording audio has never been easier! Simply call us using a touch-tone telephone or a VoIP client. No microphone or audio editing software required. VoIP recording is FREE! Telephone recording is just $0.10/min - there are no other costs involved. # create podcasts Are you an audiophile? No. Then why concern yourself with the complexities of podcasting? Let us do the heavy lifting. Yes. Upload your studio produced episodes. Each of your channels can be subscribed to by an RSS client like iTunes, IE7, Firefox or any number of web-based portals. # post audio to your blogs Post audio content to your blogs! We integrate with popular blogging software like Blogger, TypePad, WordPress and more! # create audio greetings Create audio greetings to welcome users to your website! Or use a greeting as an audio avatar or signature in an email! # host conference calls Connect with colleagues and friends in conference calls! # tell me more "
Learning or Management Systems? « Connectivism - 1 views
The shortcomings of these approaches rest in their lack of integration and the control required by many universities. The experience of many educators parallels my own—learners are very active with technology, but once in an LMS space, they seldom do more than the minimum required (a particular concern in courses where dialogue and theory are important to explore). This may be a function of students taking on “the student role”—defaulting to passive behaviour—once in an academic environment. It may also be due to the change in behaviour expected by educators—where learners must leave their tools behind and adopt tools with limited functionality. For an individual used to Skyping, blogging, tagging, creating podcasts, or collaboratively writing an online document, the transition to a learning management system is a step back in time (by several years).
Jon Mott recently published an article in EDUCAUSE Quarterly on Envisioning the Post-LMS Era. Jim Groom captures the reactions of individuals who have been exploring the link between learning management systems and personal learning environments. There is a sense - and I'll admit I felt it as well in reading the article - that many long-time contributors to the discussion were not referenced in the article. In theory, the review process should draw attention to important omissions of literature. However, most reviewers would likely not see the spaces (blogs) where much of the conversation happens before it jumps into mainstream as good sources. I've posted below that I wrote while at University of Manitoba addressing the LMS/PLE issue. I'm not sure how long an archive of their copy will exist, so posting it here might give it a bit more of an existence.
BLOG USING GR8 WEB 2.0 TOOLS AND APPS IN XXI CENTURY EDUCATION by Lucian http://xeeme.c... - 0 views
shared by LUCIAN DUMA on 20 Jan 12 - No Cached
#curation is #socialmedia king . Top 10 #edtech20 tools who will change research in #education20 this year . I invite you to subscribe free to our monthly newstelller http://bitly.com/edtech20newsteller . This post was made after 1 year research in #edtech20 #socialmedia #curation project . If you are agree that #curation is #socialmedia king leave a comment and share with #PLN . Also I invite to read every week on this blog about gr8 tools . Also all my blog post are now on scoopit http://bitly.com/edtech20projectresearch
About us | Cosas que encuentro para clase - 4 views
cosasqueencuentroparaclase.wordpress.com/abouttools resources teaching collaboration technology professionaldevelopment
shared by Carlos Martín on 18 Feb 12 - No Cached
Spin-off from the Facebook group with the same name which some teachers created last year. Most of us are teachers at Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas, and we like to share ideas, links and debate in Facebook, but we thought that all these posts would be better organized if we had a group so they wouldn't be lost among other entries in our personal Facebook wall. When the group started to grow (there are 92 of us already), we realized that we were missing some kind of categorization, so we thought a blog would do the trick. And here we are. We choose the ideas that are more popular among the posts in our group in Facebook and write a post here.
Flexknowlogy - 0 views
"George Siemens posts frequently and with clarity on his blog elearnspace, and often I find myself nodding my head as I read or questioning my assumptions or bouncing around to other web sites as I hunt down reinforcing or contradicting information. Today I challenged a couple claims made in his posting, Explaining leads to information, which examines the past, present, and future roles of universities."
BLOGGING 2.0 IN XXI CENTURY EDUCATION: I wish you a Christmas with peace my friends and... - 0 views
teacherluciandumaweb20.blogspot.com/...u-christmas-with-peace-my.htmlChristmas Nativity #edtech20 education web2.0 tools technology blog twitter collaboration teaching classroom20live liveclass20
shared by LUCIAN DUMA on 25 Dec 10 - No Cached
I wish you a Christmas with peace my friends and my #edtech20 PLN ; the Birth of Son of God , the reason for Christmas . I invite you to join #edtech20 facebook page has a new look . Do you like ? If you like please post useful information for teachers related to integrating eSafety of new technologies web 2.0 and social media in education 2.0 . Using #edtech20 hastag http://www.facebook.com/pages/Caransebes-Romania-Dear-members-please-free-to-share-/Web-20-and-new-tehnologies-in-education-still-2010/103495893021586?v=app_186663019975 All the posts will appear on the main page . Let's collaborate and share knowledge toghether also when you join eSafety in #edtech20 PLN http://web20ineducation2010.ning.com/
Diigolet | Diigo - 0 views
Este mundillo tiene su propio lenguaje. Algunos términos relacionados con el concepto Web 2.0 … Algunos de los conceptos básicos que debemos conocer sobre las bitácoras….. Blog, weblog, bitácora, son algunas de las distintas denominaciones de este recurso. Podcast, simplificando sería la versión sonora de las blog. Agregador, es lo que nos va a servir para mantenernos "al día" de las actualizaciones de nuestros blog favoritos. RSS , formato de datos, tipo de lenguaje usado en las blog. Post, es cada una de las entradas o artículos de un blog. Pedablogia: Uso pedagógico del blog. Sindicación: No busco los contenidos, ellos llegan a mí Wiki Y algunos más… ¡que iremos descubriendo sobre la marcha!
5 Benefits for Creating a Classroom Environment for Student Blogs - 9 views
Benefits for creating a classroom environment for student blogging begin with establishing a foundation for their success. Why is this important? Integrating blogs transforms a classroom into a learning community where students become self-directed learners and thinkers. This in turn, causes students to use higher order thinking skills as they create and post entries in their blogs, along with commenting on other student's blogs.
Online Moderation Services: Smart Moderation For Real-Time Posting « Onlinemo... - 1 views
onlinemoderation.wordpress.com/...deration-for-real-time-postingpoll web service service blogging advertising ajax articles viral Real-Time online moderation services posting blog business press media centers design mobile sms support education web2.0 learning tools Elearning technology e-learning resources twitter te
shared by New Media Services on 19 Jul 11 - No Cached
Omvärldsbloggen » Blog Archive » Virtuell värld under utveckling - 0 views
Barnen kan inte se varandra eller kommunicera direkt med någon inne i Adventure Rock, eftersom BBC är måna om att skapa en säker miljö utan mobbing och övergrepp. Istället blir de hjälpta av en vänlig “robot” som ger dem ledtrådar och ser till att de hamnar rätt. Barnen kan dock kommunicera med varandra på en anslagstavla som är tillgänglig på webben.
50 Years of the Kirkpatrick Model | Upside Learning Blog - 0 views
www.upsidelearning.com/...years-of-the-kirkpatrick-modelKirkpatrick Model Learning Design Learning Management Learning Talent
shared by Abhijeet Valke on 24 Sep 09 - No Cached
In the fifty years since, his thoughts (Reaction, Learning, Behavior, and Results) have gone on to evolve into the legendary Kirkpatrick’s Four Level Evaluation Model and become the basis on which learning & development departments can show the value of training to the business. How has the model evolved over fifty years, is it still relevant? As designers of learning, have we applied the model with Don’s intent?
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