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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Gianto Widianto

Gianto Widianto

What to learn: 'core knowledge' or '21st-century skills'? - - 0 views

  • Partnership for 21st Century Skills, or P21
  • since the P21 push began seven years ago, they're pushing back.
  • "It's an ineffectual use of school time,"
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • He calls the P21 movement "a fragmented approach with uncertain cognitive goals"
  • Core Knowledge holds that an explicit, grade-by-grade "core of common learning" is necessary for a good education.
  • all of the industrialized countries the USA is competing with "are pursuing both content and skills."
  • Do kids learn to think by reading great literature, doing difficult math and learning history, philosophy and science? Or can they tackle those subjects on their own if schools simply teach them to problem-solve, communicate, use technology and think creatively?
  • While kids may enjoy working together on projects, for instance, the amount of knowledge they get often ends up being shallow.
Gianto Widianto

The Educator's Reference Desk: Lesson Plans - 0 views

  • This collection contains more than 2000 unique lesson plans which were written and submitted by teachers from all over the United States and the world. These lesson plans are also included in GEM, which links to over 40,000 online education resources. Search the Lesson Plan Collection!
Gianto Widianto

Welcome to the Gateway to 21st Century Skills and GEM. - Gateway to 21st Century Skills - 0 views

  • Join educators sharing and networking with other educators. Our focus is on the community discussion surrounding learning resources facilitated by Web 2.0 technologies.   Make suggestions, highlight best practices, add academic standards correlations, give helpful hints and more.
Gianto Widianto

Home - ESL & TEFL Printable Handouts - - 0 views

  • Ready-to-print TEFL handouts for overworked teachers! is a general English language site, specializing in ESL (English as a Second Language) with a wide range of resources for learners and teachers of English, and has been running since the beginning of 2008. Different varieties of English are used; there are contributors from the United States, Canada, Britain and non-native speakers.With many years experience of EFL in a variety of Asian countries, the members of AZQQ know what makes good supplementary material, what works in a classroom and what may not, as well as the pressures of teaching that often require 'easy to teach' lessons with minimum preparation.
Gianto Widianto

Education Week: Backers of '21st-Century Skills' Take Flak - 0 views

  • Broadly speaking, it refers to a push for schools to teach ยญยญยญcritical-thinking, analytical, and technology skills, in addition to the โ€œsoft skillsโ€ of creativity, collaboration, and communication that some experts argue will be in high demand as the world increasingly shifts to a global, entrepreneurial, and service-based workplace.
Gianto Widianto

Memorizing facts and figures a waste of time for Google generation, says expert - 0 views

  • children these days should not be forced to memorise facts and figures that are readily available on the Internet, insisting that it would be a waste of time.
  • kids be encouraged to think creatively so that they could learn to interpret and apply the knowledge available online.
  • "Children are going to have to reinvent their knowledge base multiple times. So for them memorising facts and figures is a waste of time,
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • designed for the industrial age.
  • it doesn't deliver for the challenges of the digital economy,
  • handling multiple tasks
Gianto Widianto

Cool Cat Teacher Blog: Kicking off the school year: Web 2.0 Style w/ Cell Phones - 0 views

  • taking a look at the Microsoft parody of The Devil Wears Prada
  • taking a look at the Microsoft parody of The Devil Wears Prada
  • taking a look at the Microsoft parody of The Devil Wears Prada
Gianto Widianto

Google generation has no need for rote learning - Times Online - 0 views

  • A far better approach would be to teach children to think creatively so that they could learn to interpret and apply the knowledge available online.
  • A far better approach would be to teach children to think creatively so that they could learn to interpret and apply the knowledge available online.
  • A far better approach would be to teach children to think creatively so that they could learn to interpret and apply the knowledge available online.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • to teach children to think creatively
  • to teach children to think creatively
  • Memorising facts and figures is a waste of time for most schoolchildren
  • Memorising facts and figures is a waste of time for most schoolchildren
  • to teach children to think creatively so that they could learn to interpret and apply the knowledge available online.
  • to teach children to think creatively so that they could learn to interpret and apply the knowledge available online
    belajar hapalan
Gianto Widianto

Best Practices - 0 views

  • the first great thing about Diigo is that your bookmarks follow you wherever you go.
  • the first great thing about Diigo is that your bookmarks follow you wherever you go.
  • the first great thing about Diigo is that your bookmarks follow you wherever you go.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • the first great thing about Diigo is that your bookmarks follow you wherever you go.
  • social bookmarking
  • social bookmarking
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