"Design Thinking (IDEO - Framework) for better UX" by professionals - 0 views
Antwak Short videos on 03 Mar 21Design thinking is an act of creative problem-solving. Design thinking has a human-centred core. It uplift organizations to focus on the targeted audience, which conducts better products, services, and internal processes. While creating a solution for a business need the first question must be what's the human need behind that? The six phases of a design process: Six Steps of a design thinking process Six Steps of a design thinking process Observation: This phase is about noticing the end-user, learning, and being unlocked to creative possibilities. Here the goal is to understand the target audiences Ideation: In this phase, you start analyzing ideas with your team based on what you gathered from phase Rapid prototyping: Here you are going to rapidly put up a simple prototype of your plan. This builds it real and provides you with something to try out with the end-user. The aim of this phase is not to generate the perfect solution but to make sure the solution is on target User feedback: This is the censorious phase where without input from the end-user, you won't know if your solution is on target or not, and you won't know how to evolve your design Iteration: Once the feedback is received from the end-user, you can proceed with the changes of your design using that information. Keep repeating, testing, and combining user feedback until you've adjusted your solution Implementation: Here you have confirmed the functionality of your solution with the end-user and acquired your design just right, now it's time to get your ideas into functionality IDEO design thinking process: IDEO (https://designthinking.ideo.com/) developed a unique process which came to be known as IDEO design-thinking frame-work. IDEO Design thinking process Design thinking process by IDEO By their own admission, IDEO did not invent design thinking, but they have become known for practicing it and applying it to solving problems small and large. It's f