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Antwak Short videos

"Design Thinking (IDEO - Framework) for better UX" by professionals - 0 views

    Design thinking is an act of creative problem-solving. Design thinking has a human-centred core. It uplift organizations to focus on the targeted audience, which conducts better products, services, and internal processes. While creating a solution for a business need the first question must be what's the human need behind that? The six phases of a design process: Six Steps of a design thinking process Six Steps of a design thinking process Observation: This phase is about noticing the end-user, learning, and being unlocked to creative possibilities. Here the goal is to understand the target audiences Ideation: In this phase, you start analyzing ideas with your team based on what you gathered from phase Rapid prototyping: Here you are going to rapidly put up a simple prototype of your plan. This builds it real and provides you with something to try out with the end-user. The aim of this phase is not to generate the perfect solution but to make sure the solution is on target User feedback: This is the censorious phase where without input from the end-user, you won't know if your solution is on target or not, and you won't know how to evolve your design Iteration: Once the feedback is received from the end-user, you can proceed with the changes of your design using that information. Keep repeating, testing, and combining user feedback until you've adjusted your solution Implementation: Here you have confirmed the functionality of your solution with the end-user and acquired your design just right, now it's time to get your ideas into functionality IDEO design thinking process: IDEO ( developed a unique process which came to be known as IDEO design-thinking frame-work. IDEO Design thinking process Design thinking process by IDEO By their own admission, IDEO did not invent design thinking, but they have become known for practicing it and applying it to solving problems small and large. It's f
Nigel Coutts

Moving beyond linear plans for learning - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    An important part of the role of any educator is that of planning learning sequences. Perhaps you are tasked with designing curriculum or more likely you are translating a mandatory curriculum into workable units of learning. The task is complex and there are multiple arrangements. The goal is to design units that connect students with learning in ways that are meaningful and relevant. A well-designed unit of learning fits seamlessly alongside other learning opportunities and the overall sequence of learning should match the learners developing expertise. As we plan units of learning we must consider a great variety of factors which impact the learning we design. Our knowledge of our students and where they are with their learning is crucial and a strong place to start. We also need to know what it is we are required to teach and have a grab bag of pedagogical moves that bring this content alive.
Antwak Short videos

Data Science | AntWak FREE micro-videos - 1 views

    Home > Data Science > How to learn Data Science in 2021? Data Science (DS) is a great, promising, and most demanding career. But are you confused about being a beginner and wanna know the Right Way to Learn DS? Technology is more into digitisation and due to this extensive transformation, huge data is expected to be produced in the coming future. To make use of such big data we need data scientists who can layout, design and filter the data in an organized way. All things considered, with a huge number of options available choosing the correct curriculum program and admission to the right institute is important. Besides all this, the course and institute to be suitable for your requirement are extremely difficult. While online courses are an incredible path for some to upskill, good opportunities from top colleges and universities are the platform for data scientists to test their knowledge in their field. Here are the five essential guidelines to turn into an expert in Data Science: Get a Data Science certificate or similar degree To get an opportunity as an entry-level data researcher, one would require a four-year certification in DS, math, insights and software engineering. Degrees can likewise give temporary job openings. All things considered if you have just secured a 4 yr certification in a different background through online e-courses or basic boot camps and workshops. The focus should be given to mastering the skills required for DS. Take a look at this course from AntWak on Data Engineering delivered by top global experts. Take comprehensive courses and devote time to learning You can become a top-class data researcher by taking a full course at a time. It will be the skill and instruments needed to turn into a data researcher, many critical projects and coaching help. A variety of such courses are available online that offer top to bottom analysis of subjects, for example, data scratching, AI, big data analysis and many more. To begin your learning
Ihering Alcoforado

Learning Online with Games, Simulations, and Virtual Worlds: Strategies for ... - Clark... - 12 views

    Learning Online with Games, Simulations, and Virtual Worlds: Strategies for Online Instruction Clark Aldrich 1 Resenha John Wiley & Sons, 02/10/2009 - 144 páginas Jossey-Bass Guides to Online Teaching and Learning Learning Online with Games, Simulations, and Virtual Worlds Strategies for Online Instruction Clark Aldrich Learning Online with Games, Simulations, and Virtual Worlds The infusion of games, simulations, and virtual worlds into online learning can be a transforming experience for both the instructor and the student. This practical guide, written by education game expert Clark Aldrich, shows faculty members and instructional designers how to identify opportunities for building games, simulations, and virtual environments into the curriculum; how to successfully incorporate these interactive environments to enhance student learning; and how to measure the learning outcomes. It also discusses how to build institutional support for using and financing more complex simulations. The book includes frameworks, tips, case studies and other real examples, and resources. Praise for Learning Online with Games, Simulations, and Virtual Worlds "Clark Aldrich provides powerful insights into the dynamic arena of games, simulations, and virtual worlds in a simultaneously entertaining and serious manner as only he can. If you are involved with educating anyone, from your own children to classrooms full of students, you need to devour this book." -- Karl Kapp, assistant director, Institute for Interactive Technologies, Bloomsburg University "At a time when the technologies for e-learning are evolving faster than most people can follow, Aldrich successfully bridges the perceptual gap between virtual worlds, digital games, and educational simulations, and provides educators with all they really need to use this technology to enhance and enrich their e-learning experiences." -- Katrin Becker, instructor, Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, Mount R
Abhijeet Valke

27 More Top eLearning & Workplace Learning Blogs | Upside Learning Blog - 0 views

    After we posted a list of the Top 47 eLearning & Workplace Learning Blogs last month, we have received several more recommendations for adding more blogs to that list. Apart from these, we've discovered a few more blogs worth following - and these have been added to the list. A total of 27 blogs have been added to the original list. 1. Occasional Rants 2. Mind Leaders 3. Social Enterprise Blog 4. Discovery Through eLearning 5. Mission to Learn 6. Virtual Learning 7. Brandon Hall Analyst Blog - Janet Clarey 8. Speak Out 9. The Leadership Compass by Dr. Michael O'Connor 10. eLearning Roadtrip 11. Nancy White's Full Circle Blog 12. Business of Learning by Doug Howard 13. Aaron Silvers 14. Emerging Internet Technologies for Education 15. Langevin - Blog 16. Learning Technology Learning 17. PsyBlog 18. ZaidLearn 19. eLearning Acupuncture 20. Daan Assen's Learning 21. E L S U A 22. Electronic Papyrus 23. aLearning Blog 24. Lars is Learning 25. Writers Gateway 26. Free as in Freedom 27. Instructional Design: On the road to learning
Tesseract Learning

The ARCS Model of Motivational Design - Tesseract Learning - 0 views

    When it comes to the efficacy of learning, other than course content and instructional design elements, what matters a lot is learner motivation. Well, you cannot control the learners' motivation but you can influence their levels of motivation for sure. You can either motivate the learners to learn or entirely kill their interest. As a learning experience designer, your influence is unlikely to be neutral. In this article, we will look at motivational design and specifically the ARCS model of motivational design.
Vanessa Vaile

MOOC - The Resurgence of Community in Online Learning - 0 views

    • Vanessa Vaile
      or other social bookmarking, feed reader, aggregator. the main purpose is collect/collate, tag or label, annotate (time permitting) and curate
  • Feeding Forward - We want participants to share their work with other people in the course, and with the world at large
  • Sharing is and will always be their choice.
  • ...31 more annotations...
  • even more importantly, it helps others see the learning process, and not just the polished final result.
  • The Purpose of a MOOC
  • Coursera, for example, may want to support learning, but it is also a company that wants to make money at the same time
  • Organizations offer MOOCs in order to serve other objectives.
  • MOOCs serve numerous purposes, both to those who offer MOOCs, those who provide services, and those who register for or in some way ‘take’ a MOOC.
  • The original MOOC offered by George Siemens and myself had a very simple purpose at first: to explain ourselves.
  • there are different senses of learning
  • creating an open online course designed in such a way as to support a large (or even massive) learning community.
  • The MOOC as Community
  • Although we learn what we learn from personal experience, we usually learn what we learn from other people. Consequently, learning is a social activity, whether we immerse ourselves into what Etienne Wenger called a community of practice (Wenger, Communities of Practice: Learning, meaning and identity, 1999), learn what Michael Polanyi called tacit knowledge (Polanyi, 1962), and be able to complete, as Thomas Kuhn famously summarized, the problems at the end of the chapter. (Kuhn, 1962)
  • So online communities form around offline activities
  • With today’s focus on MOOCs and social networking sites (such as Facebook and Google+) the discussion of community per se has faded to the background.
  • Online educators will find themselves building interest based communities whether they intend to do this or not
  • Learning in the community of practice takes the form of what might be called ‘peer-to-peer professional development activities’
  • The MOOC is for us a device created in order to connect these distributed voices together, not to create community, not to create culture, but to create a place where community and culture can flourish,
  • The peer community by contrast almost by definition cannot be formed over the internet
  • created through proximity
  • online communities depend on a topic or area of interest
  • Community Access Points
  • This was a project that did more than merely provide internet access, it created a common location for people interesting in technology and computers (and blogs and Facebook)
  • The MOOCs George Siemens and I have designed and developed were explicitly designed to support participation from a mosaic of cultures.
  • It is worth noting that theorists of both professional and social networks speak of one’s interactions within the community as a process of building, or creating, one’s own identity.
  • danah boyd, studying the social community, writes, “The dynamics of identity production play out visibly on MySpace. Profiles are digital bodies, public displays of identity where people can explore impression management.
  • ecause imagery can be staged, it is often difficult to tell if photos are a representation of behaviors or a re-presentation of them
  • In both of these we are seeing aspects of the same phenomenon. To learn is not to acquire or to accumulate, but rather, to develop or to grow. The process of learning is a process of becoming, a process of developing one’s own self.
  • We have defined three domains of learning: the individual learner, the online community, and the peer community.
  • Recent discussions of MOOCs have focused almost exclusively on the online community, with almost no discussion of the individual learner, and no discussion peer community. But to my mind over time all three elements will be seen to be equally important.
  • three key roles in online learning: the student, the instructor, and the facilitator. The ‘instructor’ is the person responsible for the online community, while the ‘facilitator’ is the person responsible for the peer community.
  • recent MOOCs offered by companies like Coursera and Udacity have commercialized course brokering
  • a model that the K-12 community has employed for any number of years
  • where is the French-language community itself?
    post from Half an Hour: excellent explanation of how connectivist moocs work, what the difference is between them and x or wrapped moocs and what open is In this presentation Stephen Downes addresses the question of how massive open online courses (MOOCs) will impact the future of distance education. The presentation considers in some detail the nature and purpose of a MOOC in contrast with traditional distance education. He argues that MOOCs represent the resurgence of community-based learning and will describe how distance education institutions will share MOOCs with each other and will supplement online interaction with community-based resources and services. The phenomenon of 'wrapped MOOCs' will be described, and Downes will outline several examples of local support for global MOOCs. 
Glenn Hoyle

Interaction Equivalency in Self-Paced Online Learning Environments: An Exploration of L... - 0 views

  • This exploratory study sought to examine the experiences and preferences of adult learners concerning the various interactions that they encounter in a self-paced online course. The following four primary research questions guided data collection and analysis efforts: 1. What forms of interaction do adult learners engage in most in self-paced online courses? 2. What forms of interaction do adult learners value most in self-paced online courses? 3. What forms of interaction do adult learners identify as equivalent in self-paced online courses? 4. What impact do adult learners perceive interaction to have on their self-paced online learning experience?
  • Deep and meaningful formal learning is supported as long as one of the three forms of interaction (student–teacher; student-student; student-content) is at a high level. The other two may be offered at minimal levels, or even eliminated, without degrading the educational experience. High levels of more than one of these three modes will likely provide a more satisfying educational experience, though these experiences may not be as cost or time effective as less interactive learning sequences. (Anderson, 2003)
    • Mike Fandey
      The perception of high level is key. If a single interaction approach is selected and the learner opts not to engage, then "high level interaction" is not achieved.
  • Participants further noted that they engaged most actively with the instructor and course content, commensurate with findings of previous research pointing to the necessity of such fundamental interactions (Gallien & Early, 2008; Heinemann, 2003; Pawan, Paulus, Yalcin, & Chang, 2003; Perry & Edwards, 2005; Stein, Wanstreet, Calvin, Overtoom, & Wheaton, 2005). The results of this study further strengthen the literature calling for the development of specific competencies not only for those designing online learning but also for those who facilitate online learning experiences of various formats (Klein, Spector, Grabowski, & Teja, 2004; Varvel, 2007).
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Research Question 2: What forms of interaction do adult learners value most in self-paced online courses?
  • Participants hailed the blogging and social bookmarking activities as integral to the quality of the overall learning experience, noting the synergy of formal and informal interactions that such activities fostered.
  • Participants noted that although they enjoyed the interactions with other learners and often wished for more, they conceded that in the self-paced, online learning environment such interactions are challenging.
  • informal learning environment that was crafted placed maximum control with the learners. Such informal learning environments provide an open venue for learners to connect with others interested in the same concepts either in a different course section or at a different stage of the course (Rhode, 2006).
  • Participants identified interaction with the instructor and content as very nearly equivalent in a self-paced online course. Participants pointed out that quality interaction with content is indispensable in the self-paced learning environment and can not in any way be replaced. They also indicated that interaction with the instructor could potentially be diminished and compensated for through increased quality interactions with content or learners. Participants further noted that while interaction with other learners is desirable within the self-paced learning environment, the self-paced nature of the course makes such interactions challenging. Therefore, learners were willing to forgo interpersonal interactions deemed by some as tangential in exchange for the flexibility afforded by the self-paced learning approach.
  • In a granular analysis of the various interaction activities, participants generally reported the activity of blogging as equivalent or superior to asynchronous discussion via the discussion board in Blackboard. Such findings add to the burgeoning body of research supporting the pedagogical possibilities of blogging as a flexible asynchronous communication alternative to threaded discussion via a restricted learning management system
  • This mixed methods study explored the dynamics of interaction within a self-paced online learning environment. It used rich media and a mix of traditional and emerging asynchronous computer-mediated communication tools to determine what forms of interaction learners in a self-paced online course value most and what impact they perceive interaction to have on their overall learning experience. This study demonstrated that depending on the specific circumstance, not all forms of interaction may be either equally valued by learners or effective. Participants differentiated among the various learning interactions available and indicated that informal interactions were as important as formal interactions in determining the quality of the online learning experience. Participants also reported the activity of blogging as being equally valued and in some ways superior to instructor-directed asynchronous discussion via the discussion board in a learning management system.
    Learning takes place through active engagement rather than passive transmission.
Abhijeet Valke

eLearning Company | Learning Solutions - Upside Learning - 0 views

    Upside Learning - Delivering effective Learning Solutions for enhanced performance. Upside Learning is a leading provider of award winning learning solutions to the global market. We have four core service and product offerings: - Custom content design and development - UpsideLMS: An off-the-shelf Learning Management System - Learning technology solutions design, development, and maintenance - A wide range of catalog courses Our solutions can help your employees re-skill, up-skill, and develop, both professionally and personally. They can help you effectively administer, manage, and evaluate learning across your organization.
Kangdon Lee

Instructional design models | Instructional design model | Instruction models - 0 views

    Instructional design models | Instructional design model | Instruction models instructional "instructional design" design models instruction web2.0 Education learning technology resources e-learning
Leo de Carvalho

Computer-supported collaborative learning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Other learning theories that provide a foundation for CSCL include distributed cognition, problem-based learning, cognitive apprenticeship, and situated learning. Each of these learning theories focuses on the social aspect of learning and knowledge building. Each theory recognizes that learning and knowledge building involve inter-personal activities including conversation, argument, and negotiation.[4]
  • The theory suggests that learning is not a matter of accepting fixed facts, but is the dynamic, on-going, and evolving result of complex interactions primarily taking place within communities of people.
  • Collaboration theory proposes that technology in support of CSCL should provide new types of media that foster the building of collaborative knowing; facilitate the comparison of knowledge built by different types and sizes of groups; and help collaborative groups with the act of negotiating the knowledge they are building. Further, these technologies and designs should strive to remove the teacher as the bottleneck in the communication process. In other words, the teacher should not have to act as the conduit for communication between students or as the avenue by which information is dispensed. Finally, collaboration theory-influenced technologies will strive to increase the quantity and quality of learning moments via computer-simulated situations.[12]
    Computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) is a pedagogical approach wherein learning takes place via social interaction using a computer or through the Internet. This kind of learning is characterized by the sharing and construction of knowledge among participants using technology as their primary means of communication or as a common resource.[1] CSCL can be implemented in online and classroom learning environments and can take place synchronously or asynchronously.
Antwak Short videos

AntWak | Short videos from real people with real insights - 0 views

    One such effort to address the continuous learning needs of professionals is AntWak AntWak is a "Social Learning Platform" which believes that the knowledge professionals painstakingly accumulate by years of industry experience is invaluable. Early professionals can benefit immensely from this "Experiential Knowledge" to become better professionals and chart more rewarding careers for themselves AntWak has recently been recognized by multiple EdTech platforms as one of the most promising platforms for professionals
Christopher Pappas

Free Webinar Camtasia Studio 8 for e-Learning Case Studies - 0 views

    FREE Webinar "Camtasia Studio 8 for e-Learning Case Studies" Exclusive Offer for Members Tuesday, September 25th - 4 PM Eastern Forever it seems that Articulate and Captivate have been known as the first choice tools for E-learning. When Instructional Designers thought of Camtasia Studio they would most likely thing of linear software demos but not any more. With the arrival of Camtasia Studio 8 the is now a third option that is not only much less expensive than the competitors but also allow for a rich media experience along with a crystal clear screen capture engine and a vast array of outputs. This is content you don't want to miss! "Camtasia Studio for E-Learning- 4 Case Studies" Next Tuesday, Sept. 25th--> 4:00 p.m EST/1:00 p.m PST REGISTER FOR THE LIVE WEBINAR:
    FREE Webinar "Camtasia Studio 8 for e-Learning Case Studies" Exclusive Offer for Members Tuesday, September 25th - 4 PM Eastern Forever it seems that Articulate and Captivate have been known as the first choice tools for E-learning. When Instructional Designers thought of Camtasia Studio they would most likely thing of linear software demos but not any more. With the arrival of Camtasia Studio 8 the is now a third option that is not only much less expensive than the competitors but also allow for a rich media experience along with a crystal clear screen capture engine and a vast array of outputs. This is content you don't want to miss! "Camtasia Studio for E-Learning- 4 Case Studies" Next Tuesday, Sept. 25th--> 4:00 p.m EST/1:00 p.m PST REGISTER FOR THE LIVE WEBINAR:
Antwak Short videos

"Introduction to Data Science & AI/ML" by + professionals - 0 views

    Most business Entrepreneurs and Data Scientists can disclose how to triumph with (AI) and ML, yet rarely anyone can share to fail with such technologies. While the innovation is solid and publicised   there is a lot of ways to fall flat with AI. Let's talk about nine innovative approaches to censure any AI startup to bankruptcy. #1 Cut R&D expenses AI requires heavy expenditure in cutting-edge research, experimentation, advanced computing, and computing infrastructure. Any AI startup willing to create helpful AI innovations needs to spend a lot of money on innovative work (R&D). To scale down expenses in this area, cutting R&D expenses will rapidly make way to failure. #2 Technology Bubble operation Technology is confined to the social condition in which it is created. Technology never sustains itself but other various important aspects. AI has failed a few times since the commencement of computer science not for technical reasons but as a result of an absence of social need and interest at that point. Experience has taught that AI advancements can't be made in isolation from the social conditions that make them important (like medical care, Health analysis, and money). It is quite crucial to first engineer people to persuade them. Before designing the actual technology, visionaries and business visionaries convince them to suspend their questions and embrace the novelty and utility of disruptive ideas. Working in a bubble and overlooking the current necessities of society is a certain way to failure. #3 Prioritize Technology over business technique Only technology isn't enough to make progress, regardless of how strong it is. In the end, Tech startups also need a great strategy to succeed in being a business entity. Any startup that comes up short on a technique for recognizing objective business sectors, generating sales, and viably allotting and spending resources, yet gives need only to their technical resources, is destined to fail rapidly.
Nigel Coutts

Taking time to design programmes for understanding - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    Identifying what our children need to learn is one of the most important processes within education. For the teacher this is the question they engage with as they design their teaching and learning units. By no means is this an easy task and the teacher must balance multiple factors to ensure that the programmes they design provide their students with the learning they require. Even the most effective sequence of lessons is of little value if what it sets out to teach has little importance in the lives our learners are likely to lead. 

Buy Verified Revolut Account - 100 Safe & USA,UK Verified - 0 views

    Buy Verified Revolut Account Introduction If you're looking to buy a verified Revolut account, then we've got what you need. With our Verified Revolut Account Service, you can buy a verified bank account with us and get it delivered within 24 hours. Our service is fast, easy and 100% guaranteed. So don't wait any longer! Buy your Verified Revolut Account today! What is Revolut? Revolut is a digital banking alternative that allows you to send and receive money, shop online and exchange currency at the interbank rate. It's been designed to be a global account that can be used anywhere in the world. The company has been operating since 2015 in 26 countries across Europe, Asia and America, and aims to expand globally in 2019. Revolut Account Revolut is a digital banking alternative to traditional banks. It offers a pre-paid debit card, with a MasterCard or Visa logo, and an app that allows you to make payments in any currency. Buy Revolut Bank Accounts 100% Verified Accounts 202 Buy verified revolut account Buy verified twitter account reddit Buy verified facebook account Buy verified instagram account Buy verified youtube channel How to buy Bitcoin with Revolut. To buy Bitcoin with your Revolut card, you'll need to download the Revolut App and create a new account. Once you've done this, it's time to start buying some cryptocurrency! To do so: Open the App and log in with your card details Select 'Buy/Sell Coins' from the menu at the top of your screen (this will appear after clicking "Banking", which is located on the top right of every page) You can also find this option by tapping "Buy/Sell Coins" directly underneath "Deposit & Withdrawal Options". Buying Ethereum with Revolut. To buy Ethereum with Revolut, you'll need to be in a country that has been supported by Revolut since their launch. If you're not in one of these countries, your bank may charge extra fees for transferring funds between currencies. To use the Ethereum
  • ...7 more comments...
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    Buy Verified Revolut Account Introduction If you're looking to buy a verified Revolut account, then we've got what you need. With our Verified Revolut Account Service, you can buy a verified bank account with us and get it delivered within 24 hours. Our service is fast, easy and 100% guaranteed. So don't wait any longer! Buy your Verified Revolut Account today! What is Revolut? Revolut is a digital banking alternative that allows you to send and receive money, shop online and exchange currency at the interbank rate. It's been designed to be a global account that can be used anywhere in the world. The company has been operating since 2015 in 26 countries across Europe, Asia and America, and aims to expand globally in 2019. Revolut Account Revolut is a digital banking alternative to traditional banks. It offers a pre-paid debit card, with a MasterCard or Visa logo, and an app that allows you to make payments in any currency. Buy Revolut Bank Accounts 100% Verified Accounts 202 Buy verified revolut account Buy verified twitter account reddit Buy verified facebook account Buy verified instagram account Buy verified youtube channel How to buy Bitcoin with Revolut. To buy Bitcoin with your Revolut card, you'll need to download the Revolut App and create a new account. Once you've done this, it's time to start buying some cryptocurrency! To do so: Open the App and log in with your card details Select 'Buy/Sell Coins' from the menu at the top of your screen (this will appear after clicking "Banking", which is located on the top right of every page) You can also find this option by tapping "Buy/Sell Coins" directly underneath "Deposit & Withdrawal Options". Buying Ethereum with Revolut. To buy Ethereum with Revolut, you'll need to be in a country that has been supported by Revolut since their launch. If you're not in one of these countries, your bank may charge extra fees for transferring funds between currencies. To use the Ethereum
    Buy Verified Revolut Account Introduction If you're looking to buy a verified Revolut account, then we've got what you need. With our Verified Revolut Account Service, you can buy a verified bank account with us and get it delivered within 24 hours. Our service is fast, easy and 100% guaranteed. So don't wait any longer! Buy your Verified Revolut Account today! What is Revolut? Revolut is a digital banking alternative that allows you to send and receive money, shop online and exchange currency at the interbank rate. It's been designed to be a global account that can be used anywhere in the world. The company has been operating since 2015 in 26 countries across Europe, Asia and America, and aims to expand globally in 2019. Revolut Account Revolut is a digital banking alternative to traditional banks. It offers a pre-paid debit card, with a MasterCard or Visa logo, and an app that allows you to make payments in any currency. Buy Revolut Bank Accounts 100% Verified Accounts 202 Buy verified revolut account Buy verified twitter account reddit Buy verified facebook account Buy verified instagram account Buy verified youtube channel How to buy Bitcoin with Revolut. To buy Bitcoin with your Revolut card, you'll need to download the Revolut App and create a new account. Once you've done this, it's time to start buying some cryptocurrency! To do so: Open the App and log in with your card details Select 'Buy/Sell Coins' from the menu at the top of your screen (this will appear after clicking "Banking", which is located on the top right of every page) You can also find this option by tapping "Buy/Sell Coins" directly underneath "Deposit & Withdrawal Options". Buying Ethereum with Revolut. To buy Ethereum with Revolut, you'll need to be in a country that has been supported by Revolut since their launch. If you're not in one of these countries, your bank may charge extra fees for transferring funds between currencies. To use the Ethereum
    Buy Verified Revolut Account Introduction If you're looking to buy a verified Revolut account, then we've got what you need. With our Verified Revolut Account Service, you can buy a verified bank account with us and get it delivered within 24 hours. Our service is fast, easy and 100% guaranteed. So don't wait any longer! Buy your Verified Revolut Account today! What is Revolut? Revolut is a digital banking alternative that allows you to send and receive money, shop online and exchange currency at the interbank rate. It's been designed to be a global account that can be used anywhere in the world. The company has been operating since 2015 in 26 countries across Europe, Asia and America, and aims to expand globally in 2019. Revolut Account Revolut is a digital banking alternative to traditional banks. It offers a pre-paid debit card, with a MasterCard or Visa logo, and an app that allows you to make payments in any currency. Buy Revolut Bank Accounts 100% Verified Accounts 202 Buy verified revolut account Buy verified twitter account reddit Buy verified facebook account Buy verified instagram account Buy verified youtube channel How to buy Bitcoin with Revolut. To buy Bitcoin with your Revolut card, you'll need to download the Revolut App and create a new account. Once you've done this, it's time to start buying some cryptocurrency! To do so: Open the App and log in with your card details Select 'Buy/Sell Coins' from the menu at the top of your screen (this will appear after clicking "Banking", which is located on the top right of every page) You can also find this option by tapping "Buy/Sell Coins" directly underneath "Deposit & Withdrawal Options". Buying Ethereum with Revolut. To buy Ethereum with Revolut, you'll need to be in a country that has been supported by Revolut since their launch. If you're not in one of these countries, your bank may charge extra fees for transferring funds between currencies. To use the Ethereum
    Buy Verified Revolut Account Introduction If you're looking to buy a verified Revolut account, then we've got what you need. With our Verified Revolut Account Service, you can buy a verified bank account with us and get it delivered within 24 hours. Our service is fast, easy and 100% guaranteed. So don't wait any longer! Buy your Verified Revolut Account today! What is Revolut? Revolut is a digital banking alternative that allows you to send and receive money, shop online and exchange currency at the interbank rate. It's been designed to be a global account that can be used anywhere in the world. The company has been operating since 2015 in 26 countries across Europe, Asia and America, and aims to expand globally in 2019. Revolut Account Revolut is a digital banking alternative to traditional banks. It offers a pre-paid debit card, with a MasterCard or Visa logo, and an app that allows you to make payments in any currency. Buy Revolut Bank Accounts 100% Verified Accounts 202 Buy verified revolut account Buy verified twitter account reddit Buy verified facebook account Buy verified instagram account Buy verified youtube channel How to buy Bitcoin with Revolut. To buy Bitcoin with your Revolut card, you'll need to download the Revolut App and create a new account. Once you've done this, it's time to start buying some cryptocurrency! To do so: Open the App and log in with your card details Select 'Buy/Sell Coins' from the menu at the top of your screen (this will appear after clicking "Banking", which is located on the top right of every page) You can also find this option by tapping "Buy/Sell Coins" directly underneath "Deposit & Withdrawal Options". Buying Ethereum with Revolut. To buy Ethereum with Revolut, you'll need to be in a country that has been supported by Revolut since their launch. If you're not in one of these countries, your bank may charge extra fees for transferring funds between currencies. To use the Ethereum
    Buy Verified Revolut Account Introduction If you're looking to buy a verified Revolut account, then we've got what you need. With our Verified Revolut Account Service, you can buy a verified bank account with us and get it delivered within 24 hours. Our service is fast, easy and 100% guaranteed. So don't wait any longer! Buy your Verified Revolut Account today! What is Revolut? Revolut is a digital banking alternative that allows you to send and receive money, shop online and exchange currency at the interbank rate. It's been designed to be a global account that can be used anywhere in the world. The company has been operating since 2015 in 26 countries across Europe, Asia and America, and aims to expand globally in 2019. Revolut Account Revolut is a digital banking alternative to traditional banks. It offers a pre-paid debit card, with a MasterCard or Visa logo, and an app that allows you to make payments in any currency. Buy Revolut Bank Accounts 100% Verified Accounts 202 Buy verified revolut account Buy verified twitter account reddit Buy verified facebook account Buy verified instagram account Buy verified youtube channel How to buy Bitcoin with Revolut. To buy Bitcoin with your Revolut card, you'll need to download the Revolut App and create a new account. Once you've done this, it's time to start buying some cryptocurrency! To do so: Open the App and log in with your card details Select 'Buy/Sell Coins' from the menu at the top of your screen (this will appear after clicking "Banking", which is located on the top right of every page) You can also find this option by tapping "Buy/Sell Coins" directly underneath "Deposit & Withdrawal Options". Buying Ethereum with Revolut. To buy Ethereum with Revolut, you'll need to be in a country that has been supported by Revolut since their launch. If you're not in one of these countries, your bank may charge extra fees for transferring funds between currencies. To use the Ethereum
    Buy Verified Revolut Account Introduction If you're looking to buy a verified Revolut account, then we've got what you need. With our Verified Revolut Account Service, you can buy a verified bank account with us and get it delivered within 24 hours. Our service is fast, easy and 100% guaranteed. So don't wait any longer! Buy your Verified Revolut Account today! What is Revolut? Revolut is a digital banking alternative that allows you to send and receive money, shop online and exchange currency at the interbank rate. It's been designed to be a global account that can be used anywhere in the world. The company has been operating since 2015 in 26 countries across Europe, Asia and America, and aims to expand globally in 2019. Revolut Account Revolut is a digital banking alternative to traditional banks. It offers a pre-paid debit card, with a MasterCard or Visa logo, and an app that allows you to make payments in any currency. Buy Revolut Bank Accounts 100% Verified Accounts 202 Buy verified revolut account Buy verified twitter account reddit Buy verified facebook account Buy verified instagram account Buy verified youtube channel How to buy Bitcoin with Revolut. To buy Bitcoin with your Revolut card, you'll need to download the Revolut App and create a new account. Once you've done this, it's time to start buying some cryptocurrency! To do so: Open the App and log in with your card details Select 'Buy/Sell Coins' from the menu at the top of your screen (this will appear after clicking "Banking", which is located on the top right of every page) You can also find this option by tapping "Buy/Sell Coins" directly underneath "Deposit & Withdrawal Options". Buying Ethereum with Revolut. To buy Ethereum with Revolut, you'll need to be in a country that has been supported by Revolut since their launch. If you're not in one of these countries, your bank may charge extra fees for transferring funds between currencies. To use the Ethereum
    Buy Verified Revolut Account Introduction If you're looking to buy a verified Revolut account, then we've got what you need. With our Verified Revolut Account Service, you can buy a verified bank account with us and get it delivered within 24 hours. Our service is fast, easy and 100% guaranteed. So don't wait any longer! Buy your Verified Revolut Account today! What is Revolut? Revolut is a digital banking alternative that allows you to send and receive money, shop online and exchange currency at the interbank rate. It's been designed to be a global account that can be used anywhere in the world. The company has been operating since 2015 in 26 countries across Europe, Asia and America, and aims to expand globally in 2019. Revolut Account Revolut is a digital banking alternative to traditional banks. It offers a pre-paid debit card, with a MasterCard or Visa logo, and an app that allows you to make payments in any currency. Buy Revolut Bank Accounts 100% Verified Accounts 202 Buy verified revolut account Buy verified twitter account reddit Buy verified facebook account Buy verified instagram account Buy verified youtube channel How to buy Bitcoin with Revolut. To buy Bitcoin with your Revolut card, you'll need to download the Revolut App and create a new account. Once you've done this, it's time to start buying some cryptocurrency! To do so: Open the App and log in with your card details Select 'Buy/Sell Coins' from the menu at the top of your screen (this will appear after clicking "Banking", which is located on the top right of every page) You can also find this option by tapping "Buy/Sell Coins" directly underneath "Deposit & Withdrawal Options". Buying Ethereum with Revolut. To buy Ethereum with Revolut, you'll need to be in a country that has been supported by Revolut since their launch. If you're not in one of these countries, your bank may charge extra fees for transferring funds between currencies. To use the Ethereum
Nigel Coutts

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