Contents contributed and discussions participated by Vicki Davis
% Teachers with PhD's - 41 views
That sounds like a pretty overwhelming number to get.
Are you perhaps mixing your numbers? Do you want percentage of teachers with doctoral degrees and what COLLEGE they attended, perhaps?
This is difficult in the US, you could try to get it by looking at US Department of Education numbers, however, I'm not sure charter schools report there and know that private schools do not - you may have to segment your populations as you look at it.
Nathan Grimm wrote:
> I'm doing some research on a lot of different colleges and I'm trying to find some data on the percentage of teachers possessing doctoral level degrees by college. Does anyone know any government or other reputable data source with this information?
> Any help much appreciated,
> Nathan
WiZiQ free Virtual Classroom - 127 views
I like WiziQ, but remember, Mark, that this is a place where we share bookmarks for purposes of education -- I don't really think that this entire posting is appropriate -- just a link and suggestion would have been appropriate. The forums are really for everyone to discuss things and ask questions.
If you represent WiziQ - it would have been more appropriate to share information and then use the forum to ask people to give you feedback. However, if you're not going to interact here and check in, maybe the link would suffice.
Mark Cruthers wrote:
> I recommend the educators in this group take a look at WiZiQ's free virtual classroom platform.
> Mark Cruthers
> Link to March 17 Demo Replay.
> WiZiQ is an online teaching platform, which provides a free virtual classroom environment for teachers to interact online and teach students in real time. Teachers can also build a profile, keep an availability schedule, and maintain a content library, which is associated with their profiles, by uploading PowerPoint presentations and PDF Files.
Recommendation for this group membership setting - 105 views
We would love to be featured, just let us know when you do this, so I will be extra vigilant.
I wish there was a way to request people to send me a comment about why they want to join -- or when I am approving their membership that some basic profile would show. Or when I put my mouse over their name, that their profile popped up in a box. Moderating does take a bit of time!
Maggie Tsai wrote:
> Vicki,
> Good resources here. Would you like us to feature your group? (Note: if a group is being featured, while it gets great exposure and attracts more like-minded folks, there is also the potential downside to attract some spam as well.) Just let us know if you're interested or not. Either way is fine.
> Keep up the great work.
Tag Overload - 110 views
Just remember that we only 16 tags -- that is NOT a lot!
Also -- looking at it by NOUN is important. Who is a person -- I"m an administrator so I'd be interested in this. I found that structure really helped me in delicious.
Finally -- we need to leave room for folksonomy still -- and should understand which tags are for what -- people aren't yet selecting from the tag dictionary we're using so we're not getting the benefit of the true aggregation that we can have.
Michael Baker wrote:
> I'm hosting a virtual conversation to discuss standardized tagging at the below link. The meeting will run today from 1-2 pm EST.
> You need to leave the Room ID as southside and please enter both your first and last name in the name field. This can take a few minutes to load if you haven't used Wimba in the past. Feel free to invite anybody interested in the topic.
> MB
> Michael Baker wrote:
> > Group,
> >
> > I just posted the below in several forums. Thoughts are appreciated.
> >
> > Standardized Tagging
> > So I'd like to call for a virtual meeting to discuss tagging structures. I've had a chance to look at the tagging dictionary and the community tags work well, but my thoughts are on a system that goes one step further.
> >
> > Example: if you tag podcasting, you really are covering a lot of group. Is the site a how to, best practice or general example? What can happen quickly is that you get a list of 50+ podcasting links and you've got to sort through them to find specific content. I was Skyping Michelle Krill earlier and we brainstormed a few ideas.
> >
> > Think of file formating. Excel = .xls Word = .doc Flash = .swf, etc...
> > If we chose (Michelle's term) add-ons, we could go a long way to better organizing our resources. Example: If you find a site that is a best practice for wikis, you wouldn't tag it wikis, you would tag it wikis_bp. If you find another wiki site that shows how tos, wikis_ht. This would allow for your tags to stay together, but better sort the resources. We could start with the development of standardized tagging add-ons. Think of this as an IEEE approach to education. Who is interested in meeting to discuss?
> >
> > MB
> >
> > John Maklary wrote:
> > > I like the idea of a shared group. Should we consider some tagging standards to help with organization? Already there are a LOT of tags and I've been finding that too many tags make important links get buried quickly. Should groups be more topic specific? I guess we're all trying to get comfortable with diigo.
Understanding WHY to tag here - 89 views
Now -- IF you're using the standard tags in our tag dictionary (you have to click on the group name ) -- see
This is everything tagged best practices over here -- We are going to have some VERY useful resources put together by all of us. Note the RSS button on the top right hand side!
How to make the most of this forum - 72 views
As we see things emerge in this group -- as we start sending our bookmarks, you can set "thumbs up" or thumbs down -- you can also add your comments -- send it to your diigo bookmarks or other groups and as soon as it is populated, we'll get some fascinating things from the RSS for these tags.
Please share what you learn as we test this together.
I see that annotations are one of the most useful features as well as highlights - -we need to start considering that as we look at these sites to extract meaning.
Keeping your e-mail from being inudated - 154 views
The tags we're using - 300 views
I hope some of you will take a look at the tags-- I had to make them shorter than I use in delicious b/c of how they show up on the screen. Just testing this - we need to get these tags settled pretty quickly before they get into wide use.
When you click "send to group" a list of 16 tags pop up -- these are from the tag dictionary -- each time you send to the group, you should select at least 2-3 of those.
It lets you do this.
Does this make more sense?
Oh, and we only get 16!
1 - 9 of 9
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David Hilton wrote:
> Hi. We've got a group for history teachers, students and enthusiasts to share resources, bookmarks and ideas with each other. The focus is on helping history teachers and students share good-quality sources to improve the quality of history teaching and research. If you're a history teacher with a passion for innovation we'd love to have you along so please come and join at See you there! David.