Hulu - Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog - 0 views
Vicki Davis on 02 Mar 09This is a very viral video that a lot of the kids are talking about. (It came out LAST June but now is a hot seller on Amazon.) Neil Patrick Harris wants to join the Evil League of Evil. It is 42 minutes long. It is ironic how much of entertainment is becoming viral -- television can no longer control what gets watched - it gets "put out there" and then they see what is watched. In many ways, this viral way of video viewing is very interesting. Not saying this should be watched -- it is quite hot with many college students. I could see how much that is said would resonate with college kids. Listen to the vernacular - even though some of you may find this very napolean dynamite-ish. "I'm just trying to change the world. I don't have time for a grudge match for every poser in a parka." It grows on you -- stick with it. Oh and be warned there are few words in here. But, no rating to catch it! (not sure why not rating movies just released online.) This is sponsored by XO laptop.