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Claude Almansi

La formación permanente del profesorado, un error de diseño | XarxaTIC - 0 views

    Posted by xarxatic (Jordi Martí) on Aug. 25, 2011 "... la autoformación del docente (mediante el apoyo de una comunidad -que no se encuentra en cursos reglados-) está siendo la única capaz de crear y mejorar las capacidades docentes del profesorado (a nivel de nuevas tecnologías y mejora de praxis). Por tanto, ¿a qué esperamos para reformular esta formación "oficial" y reconvertirla en esa formación individualizada y guiada que tanto se necesita? O, ¿por qué si la realidad demuestra que la autoformación en comunidad es la que da un mejor resultado, no se intenta aprovechar por parte de la Administración ese camino?"
Ed Webb

C. Wright Mills on blogging | Savage Minds - 0 views

  • On Intellectual Craftmanship. I was amazed how clearly the reasons why scholars blog were laid out in the opening paragraphs. In what follows I have changed none of Mills’s original language except for replaced ‘journal’ and ‘file’ with ‘website’ and ‘blog’. Clearly Mills didn’t envision the files he advocates as public documents, but other than that the parallels are uncanny
David Hilton

National Council for the Social Studies - National Council for the Social Studies Commu... - 8 views

    An excellent community of social studies educators.
David Hilton

In Defense of Lecturing in the Social Studies Classroom - 8 views

    A timely defense of teacher-centred instruction. Surely the quality of instruction is more important than a fixation on its method? After having tried student-centred and me-centred teaching styles I have found overwhelmingly that the latter is more effective. I'm pretty entertaining though...
David Hilton

Talking History - 15 views

    "Over the past several years, History Matters has organized twenty-five online dialogues with leading historians and teachers about the the teaching of major topics in U.S. history--from early settlement to the Vietnam War. Those discussions are archived here and contain many useful teaching suggestions"
    Some useful tips on how to teach American history by seasoned professionals.
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