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Vicki Davis

Researchers say tooth proves T. rex was predator - - 1 views

    More science news! A duckbill dinosaur was found with a trex tooth in it. Yes - Trex was a predator, so no rewrite of Jurassic park is needed. "You see 'Jurassic Park,' and you see T. rex as this massive hunter and killer, as incredibly vicious. But scientists have argued for 100 years that he was too big and too slow to hunt prey and that he was probably a scavenger, an animal that feeds only on dead things," University of Kansas paleontologist David Burnham said. Burnham and researcher Robert DePalma got what Burnham described as his "lucky break" when they found the fossil of a duckbill dinosaur's tail with a tooth in it."
Martin Burrett

Enercities - 6 views

    This is a superb environmental game which is reminiscent of the early SimCity games. Build a wonderful town, manage your fossil fuels wisely and keep the inhabitants happy. A free sign up is required.

Resource: Paleontology Museum features 3-D Images of Prehistoric Fossils - 2 views

    3D Dinosaur Skeletons
Marie Coleman

Life in Lucy's Time - 0 views

    Houston Museum of Natural Science provides an exciting look at evolution in light of the findings of "Lucy," a 3.2 million year-old fossilized Hominid whose remains were discovered in 1974.
yc c

Journey of Mankind .swf - 15 views

    The Journey of Mankind is a virtual global journey of modern man over the last 160,000 years. The map shows the interaction of migration and climate over 160'000 years. Based on synthesis of mtDNA and Y chromosome evidence w archeology, climatology and fossil study.
carlos villalobos

coal, fossil fuel - World Coal Institute - 4 views

    COAL Coal is a valuable and plentiful natural global resource
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