NCLB "in need of improvement" - 0 views
Learning to Teach for the Future - 0 views
Give a Hoot about Reading - 0 views
Star Readers- Story Time - 0 views
iPad. In the Home. At Work. In School? - 0 views
Color Your Whiteboard- Teacher Resources - 0 views
Web Based Science Inquiry Learning Centers: Combining Online Resources with Classroom S... - 0 views
For a web-based learning to be truly effective it must be interactive. This means that it is not just a reformatted canned lesson of printed worksheets placed on the web. The web-based activity is inquiry-based and incorporates the full features available on the web - interactivity between computer and student. The learning activity must engage student critical thinking skills by using the scientific inquiry process.
Pay Attention - Teaching with Technology - 0 views
Tell Me Something….3 Storytelling Sites for Students - 0 views
Online Summer Math Programs - proven to reverse summer learning loss - 2 views
Research shows that most students lose more than 2 months of math skills over the summer. TenMarks summer math programs for grades 3-high school are a great way to reverse the summer learning loss...
Meaningful Connections: Using Technology in Primary Classrooms - TechInPrimaryClassroom... - 0 views
Most young children have had limited experiences with technology. Theyneed time and access to develop the comfort, knowledge, and skills for usinga variety of technology applications before they can use them independentlyor for a prescribed purpose.
At thesame time, adults should model the use of technology in support ofthe curriculum and learning experiences children are engaged in
Word processing and writing tools,
- ...2 more annotations...
9 Amazing Augmented Reality Apps for Teaching and Learning - Emerging Education Technol... - 0 views
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