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Luciano Ferrer

NASA prevé colapso precipitado de la civilización humana - VeoVerde - 0 views

    "El estudio realizado por el Goddard Space Flight Center de la NASA anuncia el derrumbe de la sociedad moderna en un par de décadas por factores asociados a la población, clima, agua, agricultura y energía. 4.0 K compartidos 3791 193 11 Todo sobre NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) es la agencia espacial de los Estados Unidos. Tierra La Tierra es el planeta dónde habitamos. Es el tercer planeta en distancia desde el Sol en nuestro Sistema Solar. Es el mayor de los cuatros planetas terrestres de nuestro Sistema Solar, seguido de Venus, Marte y Mercurio. Tiene un único satélite natural conocido simplemente como Luna. Es actualmente el único planeta donde se conoce la existencia de vida y al tener el 71% de su superficie cubierta de agua, también el único con este equilibrio del vital elemento. Se calcula que tiene unos 4.500 millones de años de existencia y que la vida surgió unos 1.000 millones de años después. Los seres humanos son una de las especies dominantes de este planeta, con aproximadamente 7.000 millones de individuos organizados en unos 200 estados soberanos independientes. Jamás los egipcios y romanos hubiesen pensado en que sus fuertes imperios se acabarían, o los patriarcas imaginado que el notable poder del imperio turco-otomano, o el de la monarquía rusa llegarían a su fin. Pero como dice la canción "todo termina", lo triste es que, siguiendo las citas musicales "todo lo que termina, termina mal" (según Calamaro) y el Apocalípsis comienza a escapar de la literatura fantástica para hacerse realidad. La NASA afirma que "el desgaste de los recursos debido a la tensión puesta sobre la capacidad de carga ecológica" y "la estratificación económica de la sociedad en ricos y pobres", son las razones que han jugado "un papel central en el carácter o en el proceso del colapso en los últimos cinco mil años". El estudio "humanos y la naturaleza dinámica", más conocido como Handy,
Luciano Ferrer

Using Twitter in the classroom - my firsthand experience - Mr Kemp - 0 views

    "As an educator who is addicted to Twitter I have always read about students getting introduced to Twitter and wondered how it would work. After reading and reading I have finally decided to give it a go. Here is my introduction to Twitter in my classroom. Last Tuesday, the day started like any other. Roll call, discussion, introduction to an activity and a bit of a laugh with my Year 7 and 8 Technology class. We had been discussing the importance of being an active online user and being a positive digital citizen (the students are preparing some presentations for Year 2-3 children later in the term). The conversation moved into learning environments and we discussed the small and "un-student friendly" (their words) environment that they were currently sitting in. "Take the teachable moment and run with it" my inner, energetic teacher yelled from my shoulder. So there we were talking about the "Ultimate Learning Environment", when one of my students asked me "Why is social media so big?". Good question I thought, why is it 'so big'. So we unpacked that question and broke it down. We talked about Social Media and what it was and how it worked, they gave me excellent examples and we tied it back into our discussion about digital citizenship. From this point, as a class, we decided we would use social media to help us with our learning. The students had no idea how it could work. I suggested twitter and how I use it. We pulled up my profile and saw how it worked (discussion only). The decision was then made -> Let's ask the twitterverse to help us!! On rolled Monday 5th May and in our first class (I see this group twice a week) we decided that tomorrow would be the day, we would ask twitter for their advice on "What makes a GREAT learningenvironment?". The students already have some fantastic ideas and a plan of where they want to see their environment heading but they needed some depth to their plan and some other opinions outside of
Luciano Ferrer

Twitter y educación, ejemplos de uso e ideas. También podés colaborar. Por @_... - 0 views

    1) the ways they currently implement Twitter in their teaching and learning, 2) ideas for future development of Twitter-based assignments and pedagogical practices, and 3) issues concerning the integration of Twitter and other digital media into both traditional and non-traditional pedagogies. Collaborators should feel free to add material to these pages, to comment on existing material, and to share links to relevant external readings and resources. It may be helpful to tag your contributions with your Twitter handle. Collaborators are asked to please respect this space as a forum for open and respectful dialogue and networking. Let's fill up the pages below with great ideas! Share the ways you currently implement Twitter in your teaching and learning: Students in my course New Information Technologies do an "Internet Censorship" project, focused on a specific country. I ask them to follow a journalist who tweets on that country as part of their research to understand the state of Internet freedom in the country they select. -- Lora Since shortly after Twitter was launched, I've experimented with various iterations of "The Twitter Essay," an assignment that has students considering the nature of the "essay" as a medium and how they might do that work within the space of 140 characters. -- Jesse (@Jessifer) In my fully online classes, I've started using Twitter to replace the discussion forum as the central location for student interaction. -- Jesse (@Jessifer) Show Tweets that have gotten people arrested and prompt discussion on whether it is fair that anyone be arrested for any Tweet in the US, who is likely to be arrested for their Tweets, what kinds of Tweets are likely to prompt arrest, etc. Students in my First Year Seminar course "The Irish Imagination: Yeats to Bono" developed a platform for digital annotation of Irish literature. Embedded in their platform was a twitter feed of relevant individuals/groups, makin
Luciano Ferrer

Popular News in 2017, as Seen From Space - Planet Stories - Medium - 0 views

    "Planet makes its imagery available to news organizations, NGOs, and first responders, and below we've collected imagery of the most impactful events of 2017, as seen from space (we've linked to news articles that feature these stories in the subheads)."
Luciano Ferrer

How to Start a Community Garden - 0 views

    "This type of garden is wonderful for a community. They can provide food, bring people together, and create a beautiful, productive space to be enjoyed by all. They can be a space of sharing and healing, and can be used by locals in a wide range of ways. In this article, we'll look at how to start a community garden. Though aimed at UK readers plenty of these tips will apply no matter where."
Luciano Ferrer

How to Use Mobile Apps to Spot the Space Station and Iridium Flares - 1 views

    Apps para smartphone dedicadas a localizar el paso de la ISS y de los satélites Iridium
    Aplicaciones móviles para seguir el paso de la estación espacial internacional ISS y satélites Iridium
Luciano Ferrer

How we built the International Space Station (Interactive) - 0 views

    "See how this incredible feat of engineering came together in our interactive infographic below - and discover the lesser-known events too, including the first pizza delivery and the mission where astronauts were woken up each morning by a Monty Python song."
Luciano Ferrer

Philae found! / Rosetta / Space Science / Our Activities / ESA - 0 views

    "Less than a month before the end of the mission, Rosetta's high-resolution camera has revealed the Philae lander wedged into a dark crack on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The images were taken on 2 September by the OSIRIS narrow-angle camera as the orbiter came within 2.7 km of the surface and clearly show the main body of the lander, along with two of its three legs. "
Carlos Magro

Students as Blog Leaders | - 0 views

    "the ultimate goal is not to have students blog, it is to have students improve their literacy skills and have the ability to be digital writers, and to do things that would not be possible without the technology.  It is about students creating content to hyperlink to the world, to embed photos and video with text.  It is about students publishing, and then to have the opportunity to receive feedback on their work, review, edit and republish. It is about students producing work not only for their teacher, but for the world. It is about students having their own space to be creative and connect in new ways.  It is, ultimately, about students having greater ownership of their learning."
Luciano Ferrer

Eleven Ways to Improve Online Classes - 0 views

    "It has me thinking about what it would mean to improve online classes. A few ideas come to mind: Use multiple platforms. I'm not against using an LMS as a central hub. However, I think it's valuable to experiment with the types of productivity tools you will actually use outside of a classroom. Use Google Docs to share ideas, create surveys, and ask questions. Use Google Hangouts to meet as a group. Go project-based. I haven't figured this out entirely with my first class but my hope is that we can go fully project-based in the same way that my face-to-face class is. In fact, the asynchronous nature of online classes actually means there is a better potential of creating a project-based culture that mirrors the way people actually work on projects. Make something together. I use a collaboration grid with co-creating and communicating on separate spectrums (x-axis) and multimedia and text on another spectrum (y-axis). This has been an effective way to think through collaborative tools that allow students to co-create. Embrace a synchronous/asynchronous blend: I love using Voxer because students can speak back and forth in the moment. However, if they miss it, they can listen to it later. The same is true of using a Google Hangouts On Air. Make it more connective. We tend to treat online instruction as if it is a linear process and we don't do enough to link things back and forth and connect ideas, resources, discussions and content creation in a seamless, back-and-forth nature. Incorporate multimedia. It's a simple idea, but I create a short video at the beginning of each week and I encourage students to create video and audio as well. This has a way of making things more concrete. There's something deeply human about hearing an actual human voice. I know, crazy, right? Go mobile. I don't simply mean use a smart phone. I mean assign some things that allow students to get out in the world and create videos, snap pictures, or simpl
Luciano Ferrer

Country Comparisons - A Good Life For All Within Planetary Boundaries - 0 views

    "Select a country to view its environmental sustainability and social performance relative to the "safe and just space" framework and see how it compares with other countries. Blue wedges show social performance relative to a threshold associated with meeting basic needs (blue circle), green wedges show resource use relative to a biophysical boundary associated with sustainability (green circle), while grey wedges show indicators with missing data. Wedges with a dashed edge extend beyond the chart area. Ideally a country would have blue wedges that reach the social threshold and green wedges within the biophysical boundary. See the tables below for country-specific details."
Luciano Ferrer

Una vivienda impresa en 3D gana el concurso de hábitats marcianos de la NASA - 0 views

    "Una estructura habitable creada con tecnología de impresión 3D y destinada a acoger a los primeros humanos que visiten Marte, fue seleccionada por la NASA como el mejor diseño desarrollado con tal propósito, informó el pasado lunes Ai Space Factory, el equipo ganador. El proyecto, que recibió el nombre de MARSHA, compitió contra más de 60 participantes en el marco del concurso 3D-Printed Habitat Challenge ('Desafío de hábitats impresos en 3D', en inglés), promovido por la agencia espacial estadounidense. Sus autores, establecidos en Nueva York (EE.UU.), recibieron 500.000 dólares como premio."
Luciano Ferrer

France to End Disposal of $900 Million in Unsold Goods Each Year - 1 views

    "France plans to outlaw the destruction of unsold consumer products, a practice that currently results in the disposal of new goods worth 800 million euros, or more than $900 million, in the country each year. By 2023, manufacturers and retailers will have to donate, reuse or recycle the goods, Prime Minister Édouard Philippe said on Tuesday of the measure, which the government billed as the first of its kind. "It is waste that defies reason," Mr. Philippe said at a discount store in Paris, according to Agence France-Presse, and he called the practice "scandalous." Under a new measure that will be part of a bill set to be debated by the government in July, destroying unsold goods could result in financial penalties or prison time. The practice - widespread across the retail and consumer industry as a way to free up warehouse space or prevent unwanted items from being sold at a significant discount - has received bad press in France recently. ..."
Carlos Magro

The Barriers To Using Social Media In Education (Part 1 of 2) - Edudemic - 0 views

  • n this article, we have analysed the impact of Social Media on the education sector while also empathizing with educators on their resistance to the use of it in the classroom
  • Social Media As A Key Driver of Communication
  • Let’s open up our vision from seeing social media as just another distraction to seeing it as an opportunity to build a more meaningful education system for teachers and students.
  • ...18 more annotations...
  • Why Resistance?
  • Many of us might believe that social media is a place where students impulsively reveal their private lives for the world to see. It’s not true
  • Recent survey done by Facebook reveals that the new youth is deliberate about what they post. Any impression they leave on their social network is deliberate.
  • If educators don’t pay respect to the new ways of expression of youth, they will remain defensive and less likely engaging with their teachers on social media.
  • Indeed there are some real risks attached with children using social media and it can’t be taken lightly. But there are also dangers in crossing a road. Do we tell our kids not to cross the road? No, we don’t! We hold their hand and tell them how to do it.
  • Educators must show teens a level of respect as they create their space online to express themselves as individual
  • Privacy
  • According to a 2013 Pew Research Center study, teens are taking steps to protect their privacy.
  • Students are cognizant of their online reputations, and take steps to curate the content and appearance of their social media presence.
  • Critical Thinking
  • Power of Reasoning
  • The future of education is in helping children experience curiosity, wonder, and joy through playful learning.
  • A New Generation of Communicators
  • The students of today are big communicators through emails, social media and instant messaging
  • They are more connected to the outside world than how much we were at their age
  • Social Media has bridged the gap between students and the highest quality study material they need for learning
  • Shifting Role of Educators
  • A modern school needs to be a lot more than brick and mortar of studies
Luciano Ferrer

¿Quieres montar elBulli en tu colegio? - Ferran Adrià - 0 views

    "Inspirada en la exposición 'Ferran Adrià. Auditando el proceso creativo', la guía 'Manos a la obra' implica a todo el centro educativo: los alumnos analizan, proponen y ejecutan los cambios para crear ambientes más cómodos y que potencien la creatividad; y los profesores se convierten en los conductores de la actividad y en los responsables de promover el empoderamiento de los alumnos como ejecutores de la actividad. "¿Cómo hemos llegado hasta aquí?", "Repensar el presente" y "construir el futuro". Esta guía didáctica recoge las pautas para promover el espíritu de curiosidad, autocrítica y superación creativa en el centro de estudio. Algunos colegios como el 'Estudiantes Las Tablas' o el 'Alameda de Osuna' ya han implementado el proceso creativo de Adrià en sus aulas."
Luciano Ferrer

Ya sabemos de qué tamaño tiene que ser la nave espacial si queremos viajar al... - 0 views

    "El problema de viajar a otro sistema solar, por muy próximo que esté, es que no tenemos los medios de alcanzar la velocidad de la luz. De hecho, nuestra tecnología de propulsión espacial es increíblemente rudimentaria. Da igual si usamos combustible tradicional, si nos basamos en motores de iones, si aprovechamos el impulso gravitacional de algún planeta intermedio, o si desarrollamos algún nuevo y exótico sistema de propulsión nuclear. Sea cual sea el método, el tiempo estimado de llegada a Próxima Centaury es de miles de años (entre 19.000 y 81.000 años según este interesante cálculo de Universe Today)."
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