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Luciano Ferrer

Introducing The "Natural Law/Resource-Based Economy" (or "NLRBE") Model | Law Office of... - 0 views

    "By "NLRBE," I mean core resource-based economy ("RBE") concepts, as fleshed out and expanded by Peter Joseph and his organization, "The Zeitgeist Movement" ("TZM"). *Important Reminder* Please remember that, by using this site, you agree to leave no confidential information in blog post comments or elsewhere on the site, or to rely upon anything in this post, or on this site generally, without qualified, independent, confirming research (per this site's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, which you agreed to by accessing this site). Why? Unfortunately, on this website and in my blog posts, I can and do offer nothing more than expressions of opinion and general information, which could be inadequately researched, inapplicable to your situation, out-of-date, and/or mistaken. Thus, no statement on my website or blog posts is intended to guarantee any particular outcome for you, or to constitute any kind of advice, legal or otherwise. Qualified "advice" is customized to your particular circumstances, current, accurate, and offered in direct relationship with a qualified professional. And qualified advice is critical to obtain before you take action. I do offer qualified legal advice and assurances of confidentiality, but only within the context of attorney-client relationships, which are formed exclusively via written attorney-client fee agreements, not through blog posts, blog post comments, website pages or communications, or any other means whatsoever (however, please visit my Services page to see whether or not I am currently accepting new clients). By "RBE," I mean the original economic model, as presented by Jacque Fresco and his "Venus Project" ("TVP"). My take on his RBE model is more fully explained in my last blog post, "What Do I Mean by 'Resource-Based Economy' (or 'RBE')?" Given what I heard in a recent talk by Joseph, I am now sorely tempted to begin using the term "NLRBE," rather than "RBE," to refer
Luciano Ferrer

Using Twitter in the classroom - my firsthand experience - Mr Kemp - 0 views

    "As an educator who is addicted to Twitter I have always read about students getting introduced to Twitter and wondered how it would work. After reading and reading I have finally decided to give it a go. Here is my introduction to Twitter in my classroom. Last Tuesday, the day started like any other. Roll call, discussion, introduction to an activity and a bit of a laugh with my Year 7 and 8 Technology class. We had been discussing the importance of being an active online user and being a positive digital citizen (the students are preparing some presentations for Year 2-3 children later in the term). The conversation moved into learning environments and we discussed the small and "un-student friendly" (their words) environment that they were currently sitting in. "Take the teachable moment and run with it" my inner, energetic teacher yelled from my shoulder. So there we were talking about the "Ultimate Learning Environment", when one of my students asked me "Why is social media so big?". Good question I thought, why is it 'so big'. So we unpacked that question and broke it down. We talked about Social Media and what it was and how it worked, they gave me excellent examples and we tied it back into our discussion about digital citizenship. From this point, as a class, we decided we would use social media to help us with our learning. The students had no idea how it could work. I suggested twitter and how I use it. We pulled up my profile and saw how it worked (discussion only). The decision was then made -> Let's ask the twitterverse to help us!! On rolled Monday 5th May and in our first class (I see this group twice a week) we decided that tomorrow would be the day, we would ask twitter for their advice on "What makes a GREAT learningenvironment?". The students already have some fantastic ideas and a plan of where they want to see their environment heading but they needed some depth to their plan and some other opinions outside of
Luciano Ferrer

Bike powered electricity generators are not sustainable - 0 views

    "Generating electricity is not only inefficient, it also makes pedal power less sustainable, less robust and more costly. To begin with, batteries have to be manufactured, and they have to be replaced regularly. This requires energy, which can completely negate the ecological advantage of pedal power. According to this research paper (pdf), the embodied energy of a 150Wh lead-acid battery (like the one offered with the Windstream pedal power generator) is at least 37,500 Wh, which equals 250 full charges of the battery (more sources: 1/2). In other words: if you can deliver 75 watts of power to the battery, you have to pedal for 500 hours in order to generate the energy that was needed to manufacture the battery. Because the life expectancy of a lead-acid battery can be as low as 300 discharge/charge cycles (sources: 1/2), you are basically pedalling to produce the energy required to manufacture the battery. If you also factor in the embodied energy of other electronics and parts, the ecological advantage of a pedal powered generator connected to a battery becomes rather doubtful. It might costs more energy than it delivers."
Luciano Ferrer

What's Wrong With Latin American Early Education - - 0 views

    "Back in the 1980s, a group of social workers in Jamaica visited low-income homes one hour a week for two years, bearing age-appropriate toys for the kids and advice on child rearing for the parents. Researchers tracked the outcomes, and a generation later, the results are in. The children whose homes were visited by social workers became adults who earn wages that are 25 percent higher than those earned by peers who had not been visited. Their I.Q.s are an average seven points higher, and they are less likely to resort to crime or suffer from depression. Other studies, including several recent ones in the United States, have shown similar results, contributing to a consensus on the importance of early childhood development that has led governments around the world to increase spending on the first five years of life. In Latin America and the Caribbean, a region of longstanding social and economic inequality, several countries have been especially ambitious. Brazil and Chile doubled the coverage of day care services over the past decade, while in Ecuador they grew sixfold. These investments build on historic gains in child nutrition and health. But while Latin American children are now healthier and more likely to attend preschool, they still lag far behind in learning, particularly in the areas of language and cognition, when compared with their counterparts in wealthy countries. What are we doing wrong? ..."
Luciano Ferrer

Rang-Tan's Story | Iceland's Banned Palm Oil - 0 views

    "Last year I went to West Kalimantan in Borneo to see for myself the effects of the runaway growth of the palm oil industry. I came home firm in the belief that Iceland would not continue using palm oil until companies delivered on their zero deforestation commitments. This is because palm oil has had devastating consequences for local communities, who are being displaced, and on endangered species like the orangutan (our closest relative in the wild), which are being driven close to extinction. Palm oil has many benefits, chiefly that its yields are better than the alternatives. But it is grown almost exclusively in areas of tropical rainforest, which are the 'crown jewels' of our planet's biodiversity. With 146 football pitches of rainforest being lost every hour in Indonesia alone, the urgency of the crisis cannot be overstated. And global demand is set to double by 2050. At Iceland the 1,000 tonnes of palm oil we used annually pale into insignificance compared to many of our competitors. As such a tiny player we took the decision that the only way we could create meaningful change was to shout very loudly from outside the established palm oil industry. So we decided simply to stop using palm oil until the industry cleaned up its act. It was our own decision to give consumers a choice where previously there was none. We never called for a wider industry ban, and accept entirely that a wholesale boycott of palm oil is not the right long term solution. ..."
Luciano Ferrer

Inside Alibaba's smart warehouse staffed by robots - YouTube - 0 views

    "Take a look inside Alibaba's smart warehouse where robots do 70% of the work. They can carry up to 500 kilograms above them around the warehouse floor. They have special sensors to avoid colliding into each other and they can be summoned using wifi. When they run out of battery, they can take themselves to a charging station. A five minute charge can power them for 4/5 hours."
Luciano Ferrer

Teaching climate science & action - the 4-7 year old version - 0 views

    "Teaching climate science & action can seem daunting: for university-level lecturers, teaching to younger children can be quite intimidating. For primary-level teachers, the science and scope can seem too vast and fast changing to cover. For everyone, the content can be overwhelming. As adults, how do we present this topic to children: give them the information they need without crushing them? I decided to face the challenge, and over the course of one rather sleepless night, put together some materials for my 6 year-old son's class. This post summarizes and communicates that experience, in the hope that others can take ideas and inspiration, and will be encouraged to volunteer to teach about climate in primary schools. Teaching and engagement in schools is now part of all of our work, as researchers, academics, parents, activists, advocates, so I hope this idea spreads. The 4-part lesson plan worked quite well: the topics & materials held the children's attention, gave them varied aspects to think about and interact with, and they seemed to come away with deeper understanding. The whole thing took roughly 1 hour. This is doable!"
Luciano Ferrer

Civilisation peaked in 1940 and will collapse by 2040: the data-based predictions of 1973 - 0 views

    "In 1973, near the height of the 'population bomb' panic, a computing programme called World1 offered up some predictions for the future. It anticipated a grim picture for humanity based on current trajectories. Tracing categories such as population, pollution and natural-resource usage, World1 calculated that, by 2040, human civilisation would collapse - a century after the best year to have been alive on the planet: 1940. This film was originally broadcast by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) News as part of a report on predictions for the coming decades made by cutting-edge computing technology and leading thinkers of the time. The second segment features interviews with members of the Club of Rome, an elite think tank composed of government officials, academics and business leaders focused on the future of humanity. Their view is a bit sunnier, anticipating a world where global governments are forced to cooperate to solve complex problems, people widen their cultural horizons and work fewer hours, and limited consumption - not wealth - becomes a mark of prestige. Viewed today, it makes for an engrossing artifact, raising far more questions than it answers about humanity's ability to effectively predict its future and correct its course."
Carlos Magro

Half an Hour: Connectivism as Learning Theory - 2 views

  • Connectivism as Learning Theory
  • Here is their effort to prove that connectivism is a learning theory
  • "Connectivism has a direct impact on education and teaching as it works as a learning theory. Connectivism asserts that learning in the 21st century has changed because of technology, and therefore, the way in which we learn has changed, too.
  • ...40 more annotations...
  • Not too long ago, school was a place where students memorized vocabulary and facts. They sat in desks, read from a textbook, and completed worksheets. Now, memorization is not as prevalent because students can just “Google it” if they need to know something."
  • Though this is not very accurate,
  • What is a Learning Theory
  • theories explain
  • Explaining why learning occurs has two parts:
  • They're not taxonomies, in which a domain of enquiry is split into types, steps or stages
  • Theories answer why-questions
  • They identify underlying causes, influencing factors, and in some cases, laws of nature.
  • first, describing what learning is, and second, describing how it happens
  • The question of how learning occurs is therefore the question of how connections are formed between entities in a network
  • A learning theory, therefore, describes what learning is and explains why learning occurs.
  • What is Learning?
  • According to connectivism, learning is the formation of connections in a network
  • in behaviourism, learning is the creation of a habitual response in particular circumstances
  • in instructivism, learning is the successful transfer of knowledge from one person (typically a teacher) to another person (typically a student)
  • in constructivism, learning is the creation and application of mental models or representations of the world
  • Thomas Kuhn called this the incommensurability of theories.
  • The sort of connections I refer to are between entities (or, more formally, 'nodes'). They are not (for example) conceptual connections in a concept map. A connection is not a logical relation.
  • A connection exists between two entities when a change of state in one entity can cause or result in a change of state in the second entity."
  • How Does Learning Occur?
  • They're not handbooks or best-practices manuals
  • In both cases, these networks 'learn' by automatically adjusting the set of connections between individual neurons or nodes
  • In behaviourism, learning takes place through operant conditioning, where the learner is presented with rewards and consequences
  • In instructivism, the transfer of knowledge takes place through memorization and rote. This is essentially a process of presentation and testing
  • In constructivism, there is no single theory describing how the construction of models and representations happens - the theory is essentially the proposition that, given the right circumstances, construction will occur
  • four major categories of learning theory
  • which describe, specifically and without black boxes, how connections are formed between entities in a network
  • Hebbian rules
  • the principles of quality educational design are based on the properties of networks that effectively respond to, and recognize, phenomena in the environment.
  • Back Propagation
  • Boltzmann
  • what is knowledge a connectivist will talk about the capacity of a network to recognize phenomena based on partial information, a common property of neural networks.
  • Additionally, the question of how we evaluate learning in connectivism is very different.
  • a connectivist model of evaluation involves the recognition of expertise by other participants inside the network
  • Contiguity -
  • autonomy, diversity, openness, and interactivity
  • where learning is
  • the ongoing development of a richer and richer neural tapestry
  • the essential purpose of education and teaching is not to produce some set of core knowledge in a person
  • but rather to create the conditions in which a person can become an accomplished and motivated learner in their own right
Luciano Ferrer

El trabajo ya no es necesario | En Campo Abierto - 0 views

    "Por Franco BERARDI BIFO A finales de los años 70, tras diez años de huelgas salvajes, la dirección de la FIAT reunió a los ingenieros para que introdujesen modificaciones técnicas capaces de reducir el trabajo necesario y despedir así a los extremistas que habían bloqueado las cadenas de montaje. Sea por esto o por lo otro el hecho es que la productividad aumentó cinco veces en el periodo que va desde 1970 al 2000. Dicho de otro modo, en el año 2000 un obrero podía producir lo que precisaba de cinco en 1970. Moraleja de la fábula: las luchas obreras sirven entre otras cosas para que los ingenieros consigan aumentar la productividad y para reducir el trabajo necesario. ¿Os parece bueno o malo? A mí me parece algo buenísimo si los obreros tienen la fuerza (¡y, caray, en aquel tiempo la tenían!) para reducir la jornada laboral con el mismo salario. Y algo pésimo si los sindicatos se oponen a la innovación y defienden los puestos de trabajo sin comprender que la tecnología cambia todo y que ya no hace falta más trabajo. Aquella vez los sindicatos creyeron desgraciadamente que la tecnología era un enemigo del que había que defenderse. Ocuparon las fábricas para defender el puesto de trabajo y el resultado, como se preveía, fue que los obreros perdieron todo. Pero, preguntará alguno, ¿se podía hacer de otra manera? Sí, se podía. Una pequeña minoría dijo entonces: trabajar menos para trabajar todos, y alguien más astuto dijo: trabajar todos para trabajar menos. Fueron tachados de extremistas, y algunos fueron arrestados por asociación subversiva." .... continúa
Carlos Magro

The Computer Delusion - The Atlantic - 7 views

  • IN 1922 Thomas Edison predicted that "the motion picture is destined to revolutionize our educational system and ... in a few years it will supplant largely, if not entirely, the use of textbooks."
  • William Levenson, the director of the Cleveland public schools' radio station, claimed that "the time may come when a portable radio receiver will be as common in the classroom as is the blackboard.
  • B. F. Skinner, referring to the first days of his "teaching machines," in the late 1950s and early 1960s, wrote, "I was soon saying that, with the help of teaching machines and programmed instruction, students could learn twice as much in the same time and with the same effort as in a standard classroom."
  • ...39 more annotations...
  • a bridge to the twenty-first century ... where computers are as much a part of the classroom as blackboards
  • We could do so much to make education available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, that people could literally have a whole different attitude toward learning
  • Larry Cuban, a professor of education at Stanford University and a former school superintendent, observed that as successive rounds of new technology failed their promoters' expectations, a pattern emerged
  • Today's technology evangels argue that we've learned our lesson from past mistakes
  • The promoters of computers in schools again offer prodigious research showing improved academic achievement after using their technology
  • killed its music program last year to hire a technology coordinator
  • The possibilities of using this thing poorly so outweigh the chance of using it well, it makes people like us, who are fundamentally optimistic about computers, very reticent
  • Perhaps the best way to separate fact from fantasy is to take supporters' claims about computerized learning one by one and compare them with the evidence in the academic literature and in the everyday experiences I have observed or heard about in a variety of classrooms.
  • Computers improve both teaching practices and student achievement.
  • Computer literacy should be taught as early as possible; otherwise students will be left behind.
  • To make tomorrow's work force competitive in an increasingly high-tech world, learning computer skills must be a priority.
  • Technology programs leverage support from the business community—badly needed today because schools are increasingly starved for funds.
  • Work with computers—particularly using the Internet—brings students valuable connections with teachers, other schools and students, and a wide network of professionals around the globe.
  • Connecting K-12 Schools to the Information Superhighway
  • begins by citing numerous studies that have apparently proved that computers enhance student achievement significantly
  • n the early 1980s Apple shrewdly realized that donating computers to schools might help not only students but also company sales, as Apple's ubiquity in classrooms turned legions of families into Apple loyalists
  • there is scant evidence of greater student achievement.
  • They're especially weak in measuring intangibles such as enthusiasm and self-motivation
  • Computers in classrooms are the filmstrips of the 1990s
  • Apple quickly learned that teachers needed to change their classroom approach to what is commonly called "project-oriented learning
  • students learn through doing and teachers act as facilitators or partners rather than as didacts.
  • the guide on the side instead of the sage on the stage
  • But what the students learned "had less to do with the computer and more to do with the teaching,
  • Even in success stories important caveats continually pop up. The best educational software is usually complex — most suited to older students and sophisticated teachers.
  • Part of the answer may lie in the makeup of the Administration's technology task force
  • Each chapter describes various strategies for getting computers into classrooms, and the introduction acknowledges that "this report does not evaluate the relative merits of competing demands on educational funding
  • Hypertext Minds
  • Today's parents, knowing firsthand how families were burned by television's false promises, may want some objective advice about the age at which their children should become computer literate
  • Opinions diverge in part because research on the brain is still so sketchy, and computers are so new, that the effect of computers on the brain remains a great mystery.
  • that the mediated world is more significant than the real one.
  • n the past decade, according to the presidential task force's report, the number of jobs requiring computer skills has increased from 25 percent of all jobs in 1983 to 47 percent in 1993
  • told me the company rarely hires people who are predominantly computer experts, favoring instead those who have a talent for teamwork and are flexible and innovative
  • Many jobs obviously will demand basic computer skills if not sophisticated knowledge. But that doesn't mean that the parents or the teachers of young students need to panic.
  • NEWSPAPER financial sections carry almost daily pronouncements from the computer industry and other businesses about their high-tech hopes for America's schoolchildren
  • High-tech proponents argue that the best education software does develop flexible business intellects
  • IT is hard to visit a high-tech school without being led by a teacher into a room where students are communicating with people hundreds or thousands of miles away — over the Internet or sometimes through video-conferencing systems (two-way TV sets that broadcast live from each room).
  • The free nature of Internet information also means that students are confronted with chaos, and real dangers
  • We need less surfing in the schools, not more
  • chooling is not about information. It's getting kids to think about information. It's about understanding and knowledge and wisdom
    The Atlantic covers consequential news and ideas in politics, business, entertainment, technology, health, education, and global affairs.
British School Of Languages

Coaching Institute for English Test - 0 views

    When you think about join any coaching institute for English Test, one thing come in your mind that which coaching institute is best? Don't be confused, join BSL........ We provide WhatsApp Support 24X7 hour, Audio/Video classes, Online Learning Support and Assessments, pay individual attention to each student That's create many job opportunities and make your future more strong and successful Visit here for more info: #speakenglish #englishclass #englishtips #englishteacher #english #grammar #britishschooloflanguage #englishlikeanative #englishspeakingInstitute
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