Rubistar - 6 views
Ashley Richardson on 17 May 11This free website allows teachers to create custom rubrics. It is a great tool to use if you have trouble creating rubrics and setting different criteria. You can create a rubric based on a template with the following subjects: oral projects, multimedia, math, writing, products, reading, art, work skills, science, music, and reading. You can also save your rubrics online, and export them to a word processor. This site is mostly for teachers to create a rubric. Its usability is acceptable, although the navigation takes some time to get used to. This website does not seem to be undated frequently and that copyright date says 2007-2008. Overall, this website is extremely helpful to teachers when it comes to making a rubric, and differentiating criteria. There is a tutorial available on how to use rubistar, and a contact us page for support.
Courtney Crawford on 18 May 11I LOVE this website. You can make rubrics in Spanish, too!