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Maude Caudle

Diigo vs Paper - 239 views

Has anyone had trouble getting the diigo toolbar to install in IE 8.0? Any suggestion? It installs fine in FireFox and Chrome.

alternative assignments


polyamine for paper mills - 0 views

    SINOFLOC offer a wide range of powder cationic polyacrylamide, as well as coagulants, to be used on paper mills and wastewater treatment plant. Our cationic emulsion polymer is suitable for the functions of different types of paper production: Paper retention aid Fillers, fines, fibers and minerals could be selectively retained in the sheet by optimizing retention. This approach will increase the paper quality and improving productivity. Well controlled retention will also improve dewatering and the retention of other papermaking chemicals. SINOFLOC cationic flocculant is designed to improve the water holding capacity, drainage and operation of machines.
Admission Times

UPSC NDA and NA Examination 2015 Apply Online - 0 views

    All the papers of UPSC NDA and NA are of objective type and are required to attempt various sections which include English, General Knowledge and Elementary Mathematics. Each paper will be of 100 marks. Candidates successful in the written exam are called for an interview by a Service Selection Board which evaluates a candidate's suitability for a career in the Indian Armed Forces.
Annalisa Manca - read Twitter as a daily newspaper - 0 views

  • organizes links shared on Twitter into an easy to read newspaper-style format. Newspapers can be created for any Twitter user, list or #tag. A great way to stay on top of all that is shared by the people you follow - even if you are not connected 24/7 !

Learning Technologies 2008 - papers - 0 views

    Learning Technologies Conference 2008 Abstracts for presentations are below. As the speaker's paper, blog or wiki is made available we will provide a link to each.

Paper Toys - Paper Cut-Outs - FREE at - 0 views

    Paper Toys. Cut Fold and enjoy!
    This website is the best news site, all the information is here and always on the update. We accept criticism and suggestions. Happy along with you here. I really love you guys. :-)
Allison Burrell - 40 views

    I'm excited about the possibilities this site might have for our school, especially as we're trying to be "greener" in our project choices. The booklets seem very simple to create (you're able to add images, files, backgrounds, text, video, embed code, webpages, music and your own code), are saved in the cloud, and can be published in MANY different ways, all without having to print a single sheet of paper! (actually the print function isn't available yet, but they're working on it.) For students: "Create reports, project portfolios, presentations, book reviews, papers, and more. Leverage your expertise with Internet technologies by adding multiple content elements to your project. Your teacher will appreciate the dynamic and engaging experience." For teachers: "Engage students with class newsletters, creative writing exercises, and school projects using simplebooklet. No more lost reports or "I'm almost done" excuses. A simplebooklet is stored in the cloud so you can always find it, even the half completed ones. Simplebooklet is based on the middlespot architecture, so authoring a booklet is a snap. Simple add tools allow a student to quickly upload almost anything to their booklet page. Then drag and drop tools allow for easy formatting and styling. Since each element is saved as a separately, no single element will take down the entire booklet."
    This website is the best news site, all the information is here and always on the update. We accept criticism and suggestions. Happy along with you here. I really love you guys. :-)
Sherry Markle

How Do You Cite a Tweet in an Academic Paper? - The Atlantic - 0 views

    citations for both APA and MLA are included in this blog session.
Shelly Terrell

Vol. 1, No. 4 (03/26/2012) | SCF Tech Notes - 0 views

  • This time I wanted to take the time to share in more detail the great opportunities that Google Docs presents in the classroom.   From sharing documents electronically between students and teachers to editing papers on-line and peer review, Google Docs opens up new doors to integrating technology to improve education.   Below are a series of quick tutorial videos on a couple topics that I thought would be of help when working with Google Docs.
    This time I wanted to take the time to share in more detail the great opportunities that Google Docs presents in the classroom.   From sharing documents electronically between students and teachers to editing papers on-line and peer review, Google Docs opens up new doors to integrating technology to improve education.   Below are a series of quick tutorial videos on a couple topics that I thought would be of help when working with Google Docs.
Eric Swanstrom

Check out the latest white Papers on American CIO's Look to the Cloud to Create Value - 0 views

    Using the big data research these white papers presents an overview on the Cloud Competitiveness and productivity that have spiked in interest among America's CIO's. Download your free copy of white paper.

WePapers - The world's biggest study-group - 0 views

    Upload, find, and share papers and courses with your students.
Seth Bowers

White Papers - TimeToKnow - 9 views

    This website is the best news site, all the information is here and always on the update. We accept criticism and suggestions. Happy along with you here. I really love you guys. :-)
April H.

mcloughlinc2.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 11 views

    Abstract: "This paper addresses current definitions of quality in online assessment and examines emerging expectations of what constitutes appropriate online assessment. A case study is presented of a Web-based assessment framework that is both interactive and product-oriented and involves learners in making contributions to course resources through learning activities. It is proposed that an interactive participatory model of assessment utilises the communicative features of technology while affording a motivating and authentic assessment experience."

CBSE Syllabus|CBSE sample papers|Study Material|NCRET -Teach Learn Web - 0 views

    Teach Learn Web offers CBSE Syllabus for 1-10 classes. Get CBSE online study materials, sample papers, video tutorials & NCERT solutions for Maths, Science and English.

5-Smart-Tips-to-Finish-Paper-on-Time-Swiflearn - 0 views

Darcy Goshorn

Experience with facilitating professional development and TurnItIn - 18 views

    In an environment where global economy, global collaboration, and global 'knowledge' are  the aspiration of many countries, the understanding of the complexities of plagiarism becomes  a global requirement that needs to be addressed by all educators and learners. This paper  considers a simple definition of plagiarism, and then briefly considers reasons why students  plagiarise. At Unitec NZ, Te Puna Ako: The Centre for Teaching and Learning Innovation  (TPA:CTLI) is working closely with faculty, managers, student support services and library  personnel to introduce strategies and tools that can be integrated into programmes and  curricula whilst remaining flexible enough to be tailored for specific learners. The authors  therefore provide an overview of one of the tools available to check student work for  plagiarism - Turnitin - and describe the academic Professional Development (PD)  approaches that have been put in place to share existing expertise, as well as help staff at  Unitec NZ to use the tool in pedagogically informed ways, which also assist students in its  use. Evaluation and results are considered, before concluding with some recommendations. It  goes on to theorise how blended programmes that fully integrate academic literacy skills and  conventions might be used to positively scaffold students in the avoidance of plagiarism.  Conference participants will be asked to comment on and discuss their institutions' approach  to supporting the avoidance of plagiarism (including the utilisation of PDS and other  deterrents), describe their own personal experiences, and relate the strategies they employ in  their teaching practice and assessment design to help their learners avoid plagiarism. It is  planned to record the session so that the audience's narratives can be shared with other  practitioners.
    This website is the best news site, all the information is here and always on the update. We accept criticism and suggestions. Happy along with you here. I really love you guys. :-)
Kangdon Lee

Son of Citation Machine - 0 views

    Son of Citation Machine paper article citation reference research bibliography tools apa writing education mla 
tech vedic

How to fix Web pages that print too small? - 0 views

    Most of the times you need to take the print out of the web pages. But, when the printed web pages come out too small then it is really irritating. This is generally due to "Shrink to Fit" option. According to this option, Internet Explorer squeezes all the elements of a web page by default onto a sheet of paper. Thus, go through this tutorial and fix it.
Greg O'Connor

Ways to Evaluate Educational Apps - Tony Vincent - Learning in Hand - 0 views

    "I am conducting a series of workshops in Florida and was asked to share a rubric to help teachers evaluate educational apps as part of the workshop. In 2010 Harry Walker developed a rubric, and I used his rubric (with some modifications by Kathy Schrock) as the basis for mine. (Read Harry Walker's paper Evaluating the Effectiveness of Apps for Mobile Devices.)"
Eric Swanstrom

Big Data Research Study on American CIO's Look to Indicate Cloud Competitiveness - 0 views

    The Big Data research study on 'American CIO's Look to the Cloud to Create Value' explains how the cloud can be used to predict future sales, views from IT Managers on private and public cloud, changing role of CIO's, relation between IT and cloud and how to move to the Cloud. To learn more download the free white paper from our site.
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