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Eric Swanstrom

Adopt Proper Cloud Methodologies and Utilize Cloud Applications for your Business - 0 views

    Cloud is no longer something that is an emerging trend; rather it has become a consideration that is evaluated at all levels of IT. It is also hard for companies to determine which products will truly increase their bottom line, and which will pass in time. The Cloud has allowed CIO's to utilize technology to add a greater value to the businesses they are working for. There are many different Cloud options. Read this white paper to select the right cloud methodologies and utilize cloud applications for your business.
Eric Swanstrom

10 Requirements your Cloud Provider Must Meet - 0 views

    Cloud Computing has the ability to increase uptime and accessibility, while decreasing the cost of ownership for application and server management. By using a provider's hardware, you only pay for what you use, rather than purchasing expensive equipment. In turn, this translates into an ability to scale up and down depending on your needs. Your Cloud Provider must meet 10 Requirements such as Security, Network Performance and Latency, SLA (Service Level Agreement), Network Connectivity, Available Managed Services, Customer Support, Scalability, Flexibility and Experience. With the Cloud your IT department will become a reliable, quick, and value-adding core to your business.
Eric Swanstrom

Infographic on Why Move Your Services to the Cloud - 0 views

    Check out the Infographic on "Cloud Storage and its Growing Footprint". Cloud Storage and Disaster Recovery have become integral parts of businesses today. The use of off-site cloud storage has resulted in over 1 trillion items stored remotely in Amazon and its competing Cloud Services providers such as RapidScale, Terremark and CenturyLink. It is expected that the cloud will grow to be used by over 80% of all businesses in 2014. When looking to store in the Cloud, look no further than Fastblue Networks!
Eric Swanstrom

Big Data Research Study on American CIO's Look to Indicate Cloud Competitiveness - 0 views

    The Big Data research study on 'American CIO's Look to the Cloud to Create Value' explains how the cloud can be used to predict future sales, views from IT Managers on private and public cloud, changing role of CIO's, relation between IT and cloud and how to move to the Cloud. To learn more download the free white paper from our site.

Utilizing network development software - 1 views

"Utilizing network development software" involves using specialized tools designed to assist in the design, testing, deployment, and management of network infrastructure and communication protocols...


started by modses on 30 Oct 24 no follow-up yet
Emily Johnson

Cloud Services Sustain Virtual Companies. - 0 views

Cloud Services Sustain Virtual Companies More and more companies are going virtual, which allows employees to telecommute, work from the road, and be based anywhere on the planet. This approach s...

Cloud Services Cloud Computing

started by Emily Johnson on 12 Apr 11 no follow-up yet

Top 10 Windows Cloud Storage Providers - 0 views

    Windows Cloud Storage - Looking for the best cloud storage for Windows? Check out Top 10 List & select one, or more Windows Cloud Storage Providers to cater your storage needs.

How Cloud Computing Is Emerging As First Choice For Hospitality Industry? - MyHotelLine - 0 views

    Cloud computing has revolutionized the modern technology infrastructure with its ease of adaptability and resourcefulness. Even for the Hospitality industry Cloud-based Hotel Property Management Software can easily integrate with all POS, Booking Engine and Channel Manager and provide the cohesive ability in easing the operational hazards. All the important functions, data and handling are done in the cloud allowing administrators to manage their activities from anywhere.

Ecommerce Cloud - Best Ecommerce Cloud Hosting Providers - 0 views

    With Ecommerce Cloud Hosting, get the best hosting service at lowest cost for your ecommerce website - scalable, reliable, highly secured cloud with 24 hours up-time.
Eric Swanstrom

Big Data Research on American CIO's Look to the Cloud to Create Value - 0 views

    Check out my latest upload on the Big Data research that continues to indicate that Cloud Competitiveness and productivity have spiked in interest among America's CIO's.
Eric Swanstrom

Get Data Recovery Solutions from Massive Storms and Supercells in U.S. at Fastblue Netw... - 0 views

    Recent U.S. report highlighted the Severe weather of violent thunderstorms and possibly tornadoes that hit parts of the upper Midwest. Tornado Warnings and Storm Season Might hit Your Business's Critical Data. Don't get your business harmed, keep your critical data in cloud with our Cloud Recovery Providers. Fill up the simple form and we will contact you back to discuss your requirements. To fill the form Visit-
Eric Swanstrom

Cloud Connection: The best methods for connecting to your Data Center or Cloud - 0 views

    The Data Center and Cloud computing has increased the amount of information that is being passed across the network, from one location to another. Internet connectivity has always been important, but its importance has increasingly become important, as bandwidth intensive applications have moved to the cloud. Find out the right provider which will best serve the interest of your Data Center and provide you the best speed at the best price for your needs.
Eric Swanstrom

Check out the latest white Papers on American CIO's Look to the Cloud to Create Value - 0 views

    Using the big data research these white papers presents an overview on the Cloud Competitiveness and productivity that have spiked in interest among America's CIO's. Download your free copy of white paper.

ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning System and its Take on Cloud Computing Concept | Bl... - 0 views

    When we talk of ERP or Enterprise Resources Planning Software applications, we probably are talking about those organizations or companies that have been into this segment for a long time now. Moreover, when discussions to move same applications on cloud take place.

Rackspace Cloud Hosting Review - 0 views

    Website owners trust Rackspace, the open cloud company. Get cloud, managed and hybrid hosting all backed by Fanatical Support.
Stephanie Egan

Features and Benefits of Cloud Servers for Your Business - 0 views

    Cloud Servers aim to provide high performance server solutions with reducing in-house utility expenses. It removes the need for expensive maintenance on traditional on-site servers. Cloud-based servers allow your company the flexibility, scalability, and elasticity you need to continually increase productivity even as your business grows.

How Cloud Storage Can Help You To Share And Store Your Music Files Effectively - 0 views

    Cloud storage has become the most preferred means of delivering information to different locations and it focuses primarily on providing consumers with a wide range of functionalities that includes networking, e-shopping, entertainment and protecting important digital documents and other.
Danny Nicholson

Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds - 0 views

    Wordle is a toy for generating "word clouds" from text that you provide.
Eric Swanstrom

Terremark's CloudSwitch Software Protects Your Applications and Data - 0 views

    Terremark's Enterprise Cloud with CloudSwitch software allows you to work with your applications in more cost effective ways, instead of the endless data center build out costs. It integrates your data center with Verizon's Terremark cloud computing services to deliver a gateway to the cloud.

Utilizing operating system development software - 1 views

"Utilizing operating system development software" involves using specialized tools designed to support the creation, management, and enhancement of operating systems (OS), which are the essential p...

education technology telkomuniversity

started by modses on 30 Oct 24 no follow-up yet
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