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Ced Paine

Center for Implementing Technology in Education (CITEd) - 0 views

    Welcome to the Center for Implementing Technology in Education (CITEd)! CITEd identifies evidence-based practices for integrating instructional technology to support the achievement of all students.
Ouida Myers

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: Saving and Creating Jobs and Reform... - 0 views

  • For the following programs, funds will be made available beginning in fall 2009, and will be conditioned upon receipt of further information that will be outlined in future guidance: Title I School Improvement Grants ($3 billion). Educational Technology State Grants ($650 million). The following funds will be made available beginning in fall 2009, based on the quality of the applications submitted through a competitive grant process. Guidelines for these funds will be posted shortly: Teacher Incentive Fund ($200 million). Teacher Quality Enhancement ($100 million). Statewide Data Systems ($250 million).
  • Under the $5 billion in SFSF reserved for the Secretary of Education to make competitive grants, the Department will conduct a national competition among states for a $4.35 billion state incentive "Race to the Top" fund to improve education quality and results statewide. The Race to the Top fund will help states drive substantial gains in student achievement by supporting states making dramatic progress on the four reform goals described above and effectively using other ARRA funds. $650 million of the $5 billion will be set aside in the "Invest in What Works and Innovation" fund and be available through a competition to districts and non-profit groups with a strong track record of results. Guidelines and applications for the competitive funds will be posted expeditiously. Race to the Top grants will be made in two rounds—fall 2009 and spring 2010).
  • LEAs that optimize the use of the varied funding streams provided under ARRA
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • In addition, the Department will identify technical assistance resources to help states and localities effectively implement the most promising and evidence-based reforms using all relevant federal, state, and local resources.
    From the Ed.gove Ed Tech and Race to the Top funding from the
Sherry Markle

How Do You Cite a Tweet in an Academic Paper? - The Atlantic - 0 views

    citations for both APA and MLA are included in this blog session.
John Evans

"If We Didn't Have Today's Schools, Would We Create Today's Schools?" - 0 views

    • Sharon Elin
      This analogy of equipping sailing vessels with steam engines works well as an illustration of technology being plugged into traditional classrooms.
  • We need to get the teacher into the game. The teacher needs to get in there and be part of the learning process, actively engaged in solving the problem with the students and learning with the students—not teaching but modeling learning with the students by functioning as an expert learner solving problems and constructing new knowledge with the students.
    • John Evans
      Totally agree with this. Teachers MUST be learning along with their students to continue to expand their professional repetoires.
  • modeling the learning process
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • we will get the same result if we introduce modern learning technologies in our schools but do not prepare teachers to work in this new learning environment.   If we want to take advantage of these new technologies and the billions we are investing in equipment for our schools, we have to prepare teachers very differently than we have in the past. We have to change our own model of teaching and instruction in higher education.
  • Any organization that adopts a new technology without significant organizational change is doomed to failure. You have to change the organization. You cannot just add the technology. You have to actively work on changing the roles of the teachers, the roles of the students, the roles of the parents, and the roles of the administrators, and start to work toward building new relationships and new structures
  • Trying to introduce new technologies into schools without these changes would be similar to efforts in the sailing industry during the 1800s, when steam engines were installed in wooden sailing ships.
  • We will not get out of our wooden ship schools until we use communication technologies for two-way interactivity that allows us to collaboratively construct the learning experience and new knowledge.
    CITE Journal Article
    CITE Journal Article
tech vedic

This is the One for stock Android lovers. - 0 views

    "Handset makers and wireless carriers love to load up Google's Android platform with custom overlays, user interface tweaks, and third-party programs that don't ship natively with the open source operating system. That's great for them, but most power users would prefer a clean version of Android to work with, which is why the third-party ROM community is popular. Well, following in the footsteps of Samsung and it's custom S4 that was announced at Google I/O, HTC is reportedly kicking around the idea of offering a Google Edition of its One smartphone. News of the custom HTC One comes from Russell Holly over at Citing un-named sources, Holly says the Google Edition device would be offered in the U.S. first, though it's unclear if it would be carried in the Play Store like the Galaxy S4 will be. Other details are equally light and vague, though Holly claims an official announcement could come within the next two weeks, with a release likely planned for sometime this summer." By-The Xpert Crew @
Carole Redline

Will Richardson: My Kids are Illiterate. Most Likely, Yours Are Too - 16 views

  • 16 759views HPConfig.fast_retweet_from_badge = true; document.Badges_21451659_1 = new Badges({ unique_id: "21451659_1", holder_id: "badges_v2_21451659_1", complete_callback_func_name: "", share_details_callback: false, additional_panel_classes: "", entry_params: { "id" : 750177, "url" : "", "title" : "My Kids are Illiterate. Most Likely, Yours Are Too", "created_on": 1286928300, "vertical_name": "Education", "tweet_comm_hash" : "#smarterplanet", "tweet_comm_text" : "Yes, please include commercial text from IBM.", "force_fb_like" : 1 }, global_name: "document.Badges_21451659_1" }); // filling Ad details document.Badges_21451659_1.tracking_flight_name = "ibm"; // ===================================================== // Now goes logic for every layout var show_comments = false, vertical_name = "Education", third_slice = ""; // main logic for third slice if (vertical_name.toLowerCase() == "comedy") { third_slice = "stumble"; } else if (vertical_name.toLowerCase() == "business") { third_slice = "linkedin"; } else { if (show_comments) { third_slice = "comments"; } else { third_slice = "buzz"; } } // here we could modify default behaviour for third slice if (HuffPoUtil.getUrlVar("stumble")) { third_slice = "stumble"; } if (HuffPoUtil.getUrlVar("new_comments")) { third_slice = "comments"; } if (HuffPoUtil.getUrlVar("buzz")) { third_slice = "buzz"; } if (HuffPoUtil.getUrlVar("yahoo")) { third_slice = "yahoo"; } if (HuffPoUtil.getUrlVar("tweetmeme")) { third_slice = "tweetmeme"; } document.Badges_21451659_1.setPanelBorderStyle("standard"); document.Badges_21451659_1.setSlices({ 1: "facebook", 2: "retweet", 3: third_slice }); // Finaly, launch our badges YAHOO.util.Event.onAvailable("badges_v2_21451659_1", function() { document.Badges_21451659_1.start(); }); Get Education Alerts Email Comments 23 SharePost.tracking_flight_name = "ibm"; I'm a parent, and I'm not happy
  • I'm a parent, and I'm not happy
  • I'm a parent, and I'm not happy .
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • "designing and sharing information for global communities to meet a variety of purposes
  • Nor are they "building relationships with others to solve problems collaboratively and cross-culturally
  • managing, analyzing and synthesizing multiple streams of information?"
  • I'm not at all bashing their teachers
  • foc
  •  foc used on literacy they will need to be successful in their lives instead of being focused
  • And I'm mad that the "big" conversations around "reform" in education right now all revolve around basically doing what we've been doing for the past 100 years only "better," and that we'll get there by incentivizing teachers to teach for a test.
  • Technology, specifically the Web, expands the learning opportunities our connected children and their teachers have. That's not
  • learning with two billion strangers, required to make sense of huge flows of information and creating and sharing their knowledge with the world. That is their reality; it wasn't ours
  • self-directed, participatory learner in this century
    Richardson cites the NCTE literacy standards to push for curriculum reform beyond just print literacies driven by standardized testing
    Saw Will Richardson at MICCA. He really is an excellent model of what our schools should be doing.
    This website is the best news site, all the information is here and always on the update. We accept criticism and suggestions. Happy along with you here. I really love you guys. :-)
Fred Delventhal

Agricultural Research Service Image Gallery - 0 views

  • The Image Gallery is provided as a complimentary source of high quality digital photographs available from the Agricultural Research Service Information Staff.
    US Department of Agriculture Image Library
    Oldie but a decent one from the government for images and pictures. Remember that with most government sites you are free to use the pictures but some such as NASA do require that you cite the source.

Utilizing word processing development software - 1 views

"Utilizing word processing development software" involves using tools designed to create, edit, and manage text documents efficiently, providing users with features for formatting, layout, collabor...

education technology telkomuniversity

started by modses on 30 Oct 24 no follow-up yet
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