Vol. 1, No. 4 (03/26/2012) | SCF Tech Notes - 0 views
This time I wanted to take the time to share in more detail the great opportunities that Google Docs presents in the classroom. From sharing documents electronically between students and teachers to editing papers on-line and peer review, Google Docs opens up new doors to integrating technology to improve education. Below are a series of quick tutorial videos on a couple topics that I thought would be of help when working with Google Docs.
This time I wanted to take the time to share in more detail the great opportunities that Google Docs presents in the classroom. From sharing documents electronically between students and teachers to editing papers on-line and peer review, Google Docs opens up new doors to integrating technology to improve education. Below are a series of quick tutorial videos on a couple topics that I thought would be of help when working with Google Docs.