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Around the Education Experiment Ends - 0 views

  • Content experts are a necessity, but there is no excuse to be media illiterate
  • What!? This is an ongoing debate that's been around for years. Even as content continues to be King, the question is, with content changing so rapidly and embedded in new media, aren't we as educators foolish to disregard media?
  • The connection between reading, writing, communication and new literacies is multi-modal, engaging everyone as learners as a result of its constant, transformative nature. Multiple modalities go beyond traditional ways of communicating—such as pen and paper, keyboard and mouse—to combine old literacies with new ones. This results in increased usability, increased experience that engages learners (Source). 
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • anonymous
      Which "best practices" spare the rod spoil the child?
    Can teachers continue to be content experts without being technology literate?
    See Mass New Literacies Institute at

Google+ Tips, Guides, and Resources | SocioloG+ - 0 views

    Using Google+ tips and tricks

Write Out Loud - 0 views

    Great example of 7th grade writing blog

Volume Purchasing Program Information - 0 views

    Tips on how to setup a volume purchasing account from Apple for school iPads.

Educational Leadership:Teaching for the 21st Century:Navigating the Cs of Change - 0 views

    Internet reciprocal teaching basics

Digital Citizenship Education - 0 views

  • Students interact with music, movies, software, and other digital content every day. Do they understand the rules that dictate the ethical use of these digital files, and do they understand why these issues are relevant? The Digital Citizenship and Creative Content program is a free, turnkey instructional program. The goal is to create an awareness of the rights connected with creative content. Because only through education can students gain an understanding of the relevance of and a personal respect for creative rights and grow to become good digital citizens.
    Students interact with music, movies, software, and other digital content every day. Do they understand the rules that dictate the ethical use of these digital files, and do they understand why these issues are relevant? The Digital Citizenship and Creative Content program is a free, turnkey instructional program. The goal is to create an awareness of the rights connected with creative content. Because only through education can students gain an understanding of the relevance of and a personal respect for creative rights and grow to become good digital citizens.

Inviting Student Lives into the Classroom - by Linda Christensen | Youth Voices - 0 views

  • Inviting Student Lives into the Classroom - by Linda Christensen
    An article from Rethinking School winter 1997/1998 "Inviting Student Lives intothe Classroom"

The Tempered Radical: Why Teacher Working Conditions will Never Change - 0 views

  • Why Teacher Working Conditions will Never Change
    Why teacher working conditions will never change. Even though surveys show up to 1/3 of teachers want to see improved working conditions in school, changes are not likely to happen because principals don't see any problems.

Social Media: The New Path of Economics and Marketing « Lorelle on WordPress - 0 views

  • Part of her work in developing educational standards for writing social media training materials, Liz explains that we are walking down a totally new path of economics and marketing which is returning to the “culture of a village” and changing the whole marketplace. You can watch from the outside or jump in - either way, you have to understand that this is the same as business techniques of the past while being totally different. In her words, “Can you spell paradox?”
    I am getting more and more interested in how the web is changing how we connect and from social groups. There are powerful social currents forming under our feet and if educators don't get connected to these currents we will become just foam on the surface.

Elgg, Drupal, and Moodle -- the components of an online learning environment | FunnyMon... - 0 views

  • Elgg, Drupal, and Moodle all have a role to play in providing tools for learning communities. The example outlined in this post illustrates one way these three applications can work together in an academic setting. At the outset, however, it needs to be stressed that this is one solution chosen from among many. These three applications can be used by different institutions in different ways in response to specific institutional needs.
    Elgg, Drupal, and Moodle all have a role to play in providing tools for learning communities. The example outlined in this post illustrates one way these three applications can work together in an academic setting. At the outset, however, it needs to be stressed that this is one solution chosen from among many. These three applications can be used by different institutions in different ways in response to specific institutional needs.

How Freedom Can Depress Students: More from Happiness Studies | Beyond School - 0 views

  • 1. Students given some control over the content and demonstration of their learning are happier.
  • 2. The basic structure of schools - prescribed course selection, prescribed schedules and durations, prescribed timetables for learning and moving on - are innately “depressing” for students.
  • 3. If not the norm in schools, student experience of autonomous learning under one teacher may do more harm than good.
    Another musing from Clay Burrell. Watch the TED video of Dan Gilbert.

GoogleTouring - 0 views

  • Our collection of Google Earth tours grows by the day, with many contributors adding theirs. All the sights of the world are now at your fingertips right here!
    Our collection of Google Earth tours grows by the day, with many contributors adding theirs. All the sights of the world are now at your fingertips right here!

Benefits - 0 views

shared by anonymous on 25 Jun 08 - Cached
  • After more than 10 years studying laptop computing in schools, Saul Rockman (2003) concludes that one of the most important benefits of a laptop program is an increase in 21st century skills. "Developing the ability to learn independently, collaborate with peers to accomplish work, and communicate the conclusions of your work are the core of 21st century skills, and a highly valued set of competencies in the world outside of school.
    • anonymous
      These skills are critical for students in a vocational school
  • Although laptops primarily provide students with opportunities to develop 21st century skills, their use also impacts state achievement tests.
  • A 2000 study, also by Rockman, found that teachers in laptop schools showed significant movement toward constructivist teaching.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • This is not about technology or software, it is about teaching kids."
  • Laptop schools often report a surge in parental and community involvement once laptops have been introduced.

Alon Halevy's Blog: Wikinomics - 0 views

  • The main thesis of the book is that mass collaboration changes some fundamental aspects of running a business. Three forces have recently come together to create the perfect storm that facilitates Wikinomics: (1) technology (basically, Web 2.0 where anyone can contribute to anything), (2) the Net-Gen -- the generation of people who grew up collaborating (think: kids who view email as a thing only their parents do), and (3) the global economy, where companies are forced to reach out and collaborate to produce additional value (i.e., The World is Flat).
  • Perhaps the most succint description of the principle underlying Wikinomics is a rephrasing of Coase's Law
  • Peer production:
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Ideagoras:
  • Prosumers:
  • The New Alexandrians:
  • New platforms:
    Blog about wikinomics by a computer scientist at Google

conscious competence learning model matrix- unconscious incompetence to unconscious com... - 0 views

  • The learner or trainee always begins at stage 1 - 'unconscious incompetence', and ends at stage 4 - 'unconscious competence', having passed through stage 2 - 'conscious incompetence' and - 3 'conscious competence'.
  • The conscious competence model explains the process and stages of learning a new skill (or behaviour, ability, technique, etc.) It most commonly known as the 'conscious competence learning model', sometimes 'conscious competence ladder' or 'conscious competence matrix', although other descriptions are used, including terminology relating to 'conscious skilled' and 'conscious unskilled' which is preferred by Gordon Training. Occasionally a fifth stage or level is added in more recent adapted versions. Whatever you call it, the 'conscious competence' model is a simple explanation of how we learn, and a useful reminder of the need to train people in stages.
    Here first is the 'conscious competence' learning model and matrix,
Carol Holzberg

Top News - Students want more use of gaming technology - 0 views

  • New York-based Tabula Digita makes a series of immersive educational video games, called DimensionM, designed to help students master key algebraic concepts.
    • Carol Holzberg

Wubi - Ubuntu Installer for Windows - 0 views

  • Wubi is an officially supported Ubuntu installer for Windows users that can bring you to the Linux world with a single click. Wubi allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu as any other Windows application, in a simple and safe way. Are you curious about Linux and Ubuntu? Trying them out has never been easier!
    Run both Windows and Ubuntu on your computer.

Open Source Software in Education (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | EDUCAUSE CONNECT - 0 views

  • Academia has adopted open source software for some online learning initiatives because it addresses persistent technical challenges

How to: Build a Social Media Cheat Sheet for Any Topic - ReadWriteWeb - 0 views

  • Let's say you're a butcher, a baker or a candlestick maker. You want to get up to speed on the social media activity in your market, as fast as you can. Or perhaps you want to sell things to candlestick makers online, or you're a journalist writing a story about blogging butchers, or maybe you've got some kind of weird baking fetish or academic interest. digg_url = '';digg_bgcolor = '#ffffff';digg_skin = 'normal';Is there any way to ramp up your knowledge of these fields, fast, other than the "Google and wander" method? We think there is. Below you'll find step-by-step instructions, with screen shots, for the process we use when we want to get smart about a new field in a hurry.
  • Let's say you're a butcher, a baker or a candlestick maker. You want to get up to speed on the social media activity in your market, as fast as you can. Or perhaps you want to sell things to candlestick makers online, or you're a journalist writing a story about blogging butchers, or maybe you've got some kind of weird baking fetish or academic interest. digg_url = '';digg_bgcolor = '#ffffff';digg_skin = 'normal';Is there any way to ramp up your knowledge of these fields, fast, other than the "Google and wander" method? We think there is. Below you'll find step-by-step instructions, with screen shots, for the process we use when we want to get smart about a new field in a hurry.
    Let's say you're a butcher, a baker or a candlestick maker. You want to get up to speed on the social media activity in your market, as fast as you can. Or perhaps you want to sell things to candlestick makers online, or you're a journalist writing a story about blogging butchers, or maybe you've got some kind of weird baking fetish or academic interest. Is there any way to ramp up your knowledge of these fields, fast, other than the "Google and wander" method? We think there is. Below you'll find step-by-step instructions, with screen shots, for the process we use when we want to get smart about a new field in a hurry.

Kidsnetsoft - 0 views

  • This site has been set up to assist students with various web based projects. They will be able to get many downloads to complete tasks throughout this class. Students will be able to use pictures taken from the instructor on various trips in the world. They won't have to worry about breaking any copyright laws using these images. They can access lessons and view student work by visiting the student section of this website.
    Kidsnetsoft is dedicated to advancing the students in technology. This is a middle school website, very creative
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