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Future ready learning: Reimaging the role of technology in education - 0 views

    This is the U.S. national education technology plan. 101 pages with lengthy bibliography after each section. Currently there is no Congress mandated plan scheduled so this plan will be relevant for awhile. Office of Educational Technology, U.S Department of Education (2016). Future ready learning: Reimaging the role of technology in education. Retrieved from
Lisa Bradshaw

US DOE College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education - 1 views

Similar to the Common Core, the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Vocational and Adult Education has published College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education: https://lincs.ed.go...

adult Department of Education standards

started by Lisa Bradshaw on 26 Jun 18 no follow-up yet

Understanding personal learning networks: Their structure, content and the networking s... - 23 views

    In this entry by First Monday, the article explores personal learning networks as it relates to our professional careers. They explore a model of personal professional networking for creating a personal learning network, based on an investigation through a literature study, semi-structured interviews and a survey.
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    This discusses the three primary tasks involved in developing a successful personal learning network. It is not a "how-to" for developing a personal learning network, but rather investigates the key elements that must be in place.
    I read this article awhile back and found it informative. The authors provide insight into how and why we build learning networks. The illustrations throughout the article are helpful as they summarize the narrative sections that describe the PLN model.
    This article talks about the similarities and differences of professional networks and personal learning networks. It mentions that both networks have learning as the main goal in mind, and that sometimes professional networks have formed into personal learning networks because it is more detailed and defined that that individual and what they are interested in learning.
    Understanding personal learning networks: Their structure, content and the networking skills needed to optimally use them. Authors Kamakshi Rajagopal, Desirée Joosten-ten Brinke, Dr. Jan Van Bruggen and Dr. Peter B. Sloep research how networking is a skill in supporting growth and learning. The result is a model of personal professional networking. Included in the article is the introduction, methodology, the learner as orchestrator of her personal learning network, the personal learning network model and discussion and conclusion - supporting personal networking and future research. The article begins with a definition of professional networking, "the act of making connections with other professionals, with or without the intention of making long-term ties with them." Throughout the article, the authors reference weak versus strong connections, but the definition of weak is not, not strong, rather, weak ties are sources for new information, knowledge and ideas. The personal learning network model is attitude - intention, activity and skill - building, maintaining, activating. The authors conclude with a suggestion that "further development of technology to support professionals better in identifying relevant others and in developing relations online as and when necessary."
    This source seeks to identified the finite features that make a successful PLN. It highlights factors that influence the individual's ability to build, maintain, and activate the personalized networks. The nine factors include: organization of the contact, network of a contact, reputation, benevolence, like-mindedness, real potential for collaboration, real potential for learning, and trends in work environment. Several diagrams are offered to illustrate how the success of a personal learning network for the individual is governed by the attitude of the individual towards the network and the skills displayed or put into practice on a daily basis. The text also stresses the potential of PLNs as they encounter existing and news social networking technologies that make the connection process easier and allow for greater fluidity in build professional development through the network.
    This article discusses personal learning networks (PLN). How they are structured, what content you need to add and what type of skills you need in order for them to be beneficial to you. The main questions answered is how beneficial they really are? Can you benefit from a PLN? EDTECH543 Personal Learning Network
    A detailed article on PLN's, including the PLN model with descriptions of the three stages of Buiding, Maintaining, and Activating, with factors affecting decisions during each stage.
    This article discusses the benefits of personal learning networks to help professionals learn and grow. The authors used a literature study, interviews, and survey to help determine the effectiveness of personal learning networks.
    Article discussing structure and content of PLNs and the networking skills needed to use them.
    The authors in this article first delve into the structure and purpose of networking for professionals, but then segues into how using those skills can be used in creating and utilizing a PLN. A visual to show how the PLN model looks also helps to explain the purpose and value in participating in a PLN. While the article is slightly outdated as it speaks to how technology can work best with a PLN, the basic structure and values of a PLN is well explained.
    This source is focused on PLNs. It defines them as relationships and connections that we make with other professionals. It talks about the advantages of creating networks with other professionals, and that those connections can be both intentionally or unintentionally built. It also discusses ways that professionals can create and maintain their own PLNs.
    This article looks deep into personal learning networks. It looks at learner as an orchestrator of PLN. It also looks into factors related to building, maintaining, and being active in personal learning networks.
    The author explains the benefits of PLNs to help educators get new skills and improve they ones that they already have. He also discusses how the structures of PLN are and how you can get benefits from PLNs. The illustrations of this article help to understand the stages of the networking process and an example of a personal professional networking model.
    This article presents in an interesting model for teachers to create personal learning networks. The portion about the "learner as orchestrator of a personal learning network" was particularly enlightening. While at times the article verges into "how-to" territory, the underlying theory discussed provides strong context and explanation of the mechanics involved.
    This article defines a personal professional network as "an egocentric, personally and intentionally created network of people set up by an individual specifically in the context of her professional activities," and discusses how a PLN supports an individual's growth and learning. The authors examine the strengths and benefits of PLNs and analyze how PLNs are built, created, and maintained. Studies were conducted that resulted in the finding that there are three stages of the networking process with nine factors that influence personal professional networking, concluding in the creation of a visual model of the PLN.
    I found out that both strong and weak connections make up a person's learning and that each are important for different reasons. Strong ties help you create knowledge and encourage active collaboration between you and someone else (or more than one someone.) Weak ties Give us access to new information that we wouldn't have without them. In this unit, I learned that knowledge in the future relies not as much on what we know ourselves as being able to connect with people who become receptacles of knowledge. We tap into them as needed, making it unnecessary for us to be an expert in everything. Weak ties allow us access to these sources when the need arises. I also liked this quote, because it explained a bit about how to build these PLNs. "Grabher and Ibert (2008) proposed a three-layered approach, consisting of a communality layer (strong ties), a sociality layer (weak ties) and a connectivity layer (very weak ties)."
    @Buffy Nallion I found value referencing the Personal Learning Model.
    This article explores research on professional networking resulting from a literature study, interviews, and a survey. It defines and shares the benefits of a PLN. It explores a model of personal learning networks where the learner is the builder of the network. Several factors for selecting connections are addressed including interests, influences, and attitudes of the learner. Three levels of connections are described including communality, sociality, and connectivity - moving from strong to weak connections. The article lists supporting technologies for PLNs.
    This article uses a networking model to examine how professionals manage connections and which factors push them to connect for the purpose of learning. Existing PLN technological solutions tend to focus on enhancing communication, but it is unclear if the technology affects the attitude of professionals and their intentions for network to learn.
    This article discusses professional learning networks, which is different than personal learning networks but similar in so many ways. Professional learning networks are targeted to support the individual's growth just like a personal learning network. This article presents a model of a professional network for creating a personal learning network.
    The article captured my attention by opening with " professionals need to perform flexible and independently in ever-changing environments." This makes me think of preparing students to be college and career ready! The earlier we can engage and immerse students and ourselves in PLN the more ready we will be for the ever changing future! Thanks for sharing!
    I was quite impressed with how intricate the model was with attitude converting to attention and then these governing activity and skill on the hierarchy. The part of this article that stood out to me the most was how the interviews supported that "this attitude emerges with people who a) experience the value of their network at first hand (Hamm, 2007) and/or people who b) reflect on their work and learning in a broader perspective than their day-to-day practice (Margaryan, et. al., 2009)." I appreciate how straightforward this article was in this model.
    In this article, the author explains what a PLN is and how it can be used in other work environments outside of education. The authors of the article were looking at how PLNs support different professions. The article also discusses the factors that individuals use to build and create a PLN.
Stacie Barker

Why You Need PLN's - 1 views

    Describes the value of PLN's as well as the support it provides in learning. Ways in which educators use PLN's are identified as professional development, resource sharing, mentoring, technology integration strategies.
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    I particularly like the 10 easy ways to kickstart your PLN. Most teachers and administrators feel overwhelmed with this idea, and a list of small steps that can be done one at a time probably feels very manageable. Not everyone is ready to jump into all of the tools at once!
    This video recommends building a PLN so that you have a support network of colleagues giving you broad and deep access to a help no matter where you are. PLN's are two way streets- you can't just lurk, you also need to contribute and also offer help. PLN's can help you find answers, keep up with new developments in your field, publish and share, communicate, collaborate, and learn from colleagues. Specific social networking and technology tools are suggested to support each of these areas. A PLN is only as good as the people who participate in it!
    This provides some simple reasons to develop a PLN. I love that it encourages busy teachers to create a PLN by letting them know that it will make their work easier! This page also includes a "how to", but the "why" part is a terrific resource on its own.
    This gives you 10 reasons on how to jump start your Personal Learning Network. Great tips for a beginner like myself.

PowToon - 1 views

    Used By: over 8 million members around the world Amazing videos and presentations created with PowToon! Communicate with colleagues and clients in an unexpected and refreshing way by using PowToon's Ready-Made Templates for plenty of business situations. It's as easy as making a PowerPoint presentation and as impactful as a viral video.
    PowToon is a brand new presentation tool that allows you to create animated presentations and cartoon style videos just by dragging and dropping.

Connectivism: Learning theory of the future or vestige of the past? | Kop | The Interna... - 0 views

    This article defines the learning theory of connectivism and examines it in light of preexisting, more widely accepted learning theories to see if it fits in and should be accepted as a new learning theory for the digital age. They conclude that schools aren't quite ready to accept connectivism because it's a relatively new idea that is more relevant to students than the adults who make the decisions, and many of the adults aren't comfortable with that type of environment. Connectivism isn't to the place of being accepted as a new learning theory, though it is definitely influencing educational pedagogies.

Eight Ways to Use Video With English-Language Learners - 0 views

    Larry Ferlazzo I teach English & Social Studies at inner-city high school in Sacramento,CA This blog was co-authored by Katie Hull Sypnieski. This post is excerpted from their new book, The ESL/ELL Teacher's Survival Guide: Ready-to-Use Strategies, Tools, and Activities for Teaching English Language Learners of All Levels.
Patricia Smeyers

Education World The Educator's Best Friend - 1 views

    I use this site often in my class. There are wonderful lessons which are ready to use and great technology articles and resources.
Jennifer Sevy

SMART Gallery - 0 views

    Gallery of ready-made, interactive lessons for the SMART Board.

John Dewey My Pedagogic Creed - 0 views

    I think what John Dewey said over 100 years ago about the role of a teacher and society still affect us today. Especially if you consider a teacher as part of society that teaches job ready skills.
Jasmine Quezada

PowToon - Brings Awesomeness to your presentations - 0 views

    Seriously a VERY EASY to use video creation software. A bit pricey $8 a month but that includes student accounts. Really helps guide students through some multimedia principles. Used By: over 7 million members around the world Amazing videos and presentations created with PowToon! Communicate with colleagues and clients in an unexpected and refreshing way by using PowToon's Ready-Made Templates for plenty of business situations. It's as easy as making a PowerPoint presentation and as impactful as a viral video.
Judy Blakeney

National Education Technology Plan | Office of Educational Technology - 1 views

    The National Education Technology Plan is the flagship educational technology policy document for the United States. The 2016 Plan, Future Ready Learning: Reimagining the Role of Technology in Education, articulates a vision of equity, active use, and collaborative leadership to make everywhere, all-the-time learning possible. This recently published plan provides guidance and recommendations for use of technology in education. The report is separated in sections, with the Teaching section being a wonderful place to start for teachers looking for ways to learn, as well as innovative models from other teacher-leaders.
Judy Blakeney

Educators - 0 views

    P21's reports and publications support a vision for learning to ensure 21st century readiness for every student. This link provides resources on the 4Cs: Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, and Critical Thinking.

Social Media Made Simple - 2 views

    Gould Burgess teaches in a "flipped classroom," so her students complete their "lower-level thinking" for homework, and engage in "higher-level thinking," like the marble and catapult lab, in the classroom. After watching the podcasts at home, students come to class ready to work on more advanced exercises that build on what they learned from the lectures. Check out some great tools and examples from the NEA website!!

Improving Teaching and Learning Through Communities of Practice - Future Ready Schools - 0 views

    In this site, communities of practice are defined as "groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly." This seems very encompassing. It would include a group of friends that play a simple, addicting game on their smartphone. If this group of friends hangs out and discusses tips on how to do well in the game, boom: community of practice. At this point in my research, I'm surprised that there is so much literature produced to discuss something so simple. The value of a community of practice is clear: passionate, committed people doing something and learning from each other. But this has existed throughout human history, and is now labeled. Next, I'm going to search for who coined this term.
Terisa ODowd

4 Fantastic and Free Professional Learning Networks for Teachers -- THE Journal - 2 views

    This article gives teachers 4 different PLNs they can explore for free. They have ready made networks that teachers can join and participate in free of charge. It describes each forum and how private or public each are. Along with specific topics that are being addressed.
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    This website gives 4 free Learning Networks that teachers can use on a personal level to grow professionally. It gives a summary for each of the networking websites and how that site can be used to network with other educators.
    This is a really great resource for learning about PLNs for teachers and figuring out which PLNs would work for you.
    4 Fantastic and Free Professional Learning Networks for Teachers This article provides 4 free PLN tools for teachers to help them use social media and technology to collect, communicate, collaborate, and create with other educators worldwide. While Facebook, Pinterest and LinkedIn can be used by teachers, these PLN tools are designed with teachers in mind. Covered in this article are The Teaching Channel, Digital Is, KQED Education, and Twitter.
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