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Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching 7th Edition by M.D. Roblyer - 2 views

    This textbook provides a solid foundation on integrating technology into the classroom. It provides, research-based methods, case studies, and additional resources (websites & tools) to guide educators.
    This is the textbook for the course EdTech541. The goal of this textbook is to describe how to integrate technology to it's fullest advantage using learning theory, tested teaching practices, matched learning and teaching needs, old and new strategies, and a combination of technology, pedagogy and content knowledge.

AAA Math - 0 views

    This is a free math website with no logins required. I especially like to use it for math fact practice. You can pick which facts to test, and then have students race to see how many they can do in a certain time and try to beat their personal best. I also like to put it on the Smartboard and have students compete as a class to beat the class's best time. It's very basic which makes it easy to implement.
Jennifer Frisk

icivics - 1 views

shared by Jennifer Frisk on 13 Feb 13 - Cached
    Order in the court. Hail to the chief! Roll call…yea or nay… iCivics is game, activity and resource filled Web site, founded by Justice, Sandra Day O'Conner to help young people of all ages learn about branches of government, citizenship, separation of powers, media influences on government, the budget, and the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Games can be accessed by topic or playing time. In addition to games and webquests, iCivics provides lesson plans with supporting resources for teachers. Grades 3-12. Tip: Combine curricular learning with service learning by challenging students to participate in the iCivics Impact Project.
Maylene Bowe

How I Study: Reflections of a "Digital Native" | EdSurge News - 1 views

    Gives some insight into the tools students born in the digital use everyday, and they use the tools.
    Gives some insight into the tools students born in the digital use everyday, and how they use the tools.

Math Worksheet Generator - 0 views

    Provides free, printable math worksheets for elementary grades. Customize math worksheets to practice certain facts or skills. Allows teacher to design how many problems and what type of problems.
Maylene Bowe

How to Start the Flip - Flipped Learning Journal - 0 views

    I am sure many of us have heard a lot about flipping, and may have even tried it. This article breaks down flipping in four categories, giving direction on where to start.

Science Pirates: The Curse of Brownbeard - 0 views

    An educational game centered on scientific understanding and processes and leads them to a better understanding of hand washing. The game takes students through science processes as recommended through national science standards.

Step2Step Physics: Mechanics - 0 views

    Step2Step Physics is an iPad app that was put together by a group of physics teachers as they were beginning a one to one iPad program in their school. It is a physics tutor in an app!
Maylene Bowe

Doing More with Less (and Other Practical Educational Technology Tidbits) | Edutopia - 0 views

    Relevant advice for the beginning of a new school year
Reid McLain

How The Best Web Tools Fit Into Bloom's Digital Taxonomy - 0 views

    From the intro "There are some very popular tools and apps out there. We showcase a boatload of them here on Edudemic. But there's been a growing trend of figuring out how to actually integrate all these together and how to effectively use the best web tools to enhance learning in the classroom."

Create a Timeline Using Microsoft Excel - 0 views

    A helpful video and text tutorial showing how to create a timeline from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

Sweet Search - 0 views

    A Search Engine for Students. It searches only credible Web sites approved by Internet research experts.

Flipped Classroom - 0 views

    What is the flipped classroom? A reversed teaching model that delivers instruction at home through interactive, teacher-created videos and moves "homework" to the classroom. Moving lectures outside of the classroom allows teachers to spend more 1:1 time with each student.
Jared Ritchey

Digital Games: Learning through Play - 1 views

    The author of this article references examples of studies that show educational gaming is on the rise. The article contains characteristics of good educational games and also notes that commercial games can be integrated into the classroom as well.

Super Teacher Tools - 0 views

    SuperTeacherTools provides free programs to assist teachers or anyone else looking for fun review/training/classroom management materials.
peterjhayes Flashcards - Android Apps on Google Play - 0 views

    Free flashcard app for iphone and anroid.
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