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Three Generations of Distance Education Pedagogy - 1 views

  • cognitive-behaviourist, social constructivist, and connectivist pedagogy
  • explore distance education systems as they have evolved through three eras of educational, social, and psychological development
  • requirement for distance education to be technologically mediated in order to span the geographic and often temporal distance between learners, teachers, and institutions, it is common to think of development or generations of distance education in terms of the technology used to span these distances
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  • first generation of distance education technology was by postal correspondence
  • second generation, defined by the mass media of television, radio, and film production
  • interactive technologies: first audio, then text, video, and then web and immersive conferencing
  • less clear what defines the so-called fourth- and even fifth-generation distance technologies except for a use of intelligent data bases (Taylor, 2002) that create “intelligent flexible learning” or that incorporate Web 2.0 or semantic web technologies
  • repertoire of options available to DE designers and learners has increase
  • Many educators pride themselves on being pedagogically (as opposed to technologically) driven in their teaching and learning designs
  • two being intertwined in a dance: the technology sets the beat and creates the music, while the pedagogy defines the moves
  • To some extent, our pedagogical processes may themselves be viewed as technologies
  • none of these three pedagogical generations has disappeared, and we will argue that all three can and should be effectively used to address the full spectrum of learning needs and aspirations of 21st century learners.
  • Behavioural learning theory begins with notions of learning which are generally defined as new behaviours or changes in behaviours that are acquired as the result of an individual’s response to stimuli
  • Although learning was still conceived of as an individual process, its study expanded from an exclusive focus on behaviour to changes in knowledge or capacity that are stored and recalled in individual memory.
  • The locus of control in a CB model is very much the teacher or instructional designer
  • It is notable that such models gained a foothold in distance education at a time when there were limited technologies available that allowed many-to-many communication. Teleconferencing was perhaps the most successful means available but came with associated costs and complexity that limited its usefulness. The postal service and publication or redistribution of messages was very slow, expensive, and limited in scope for interactivity. Methods that relied on one-to-many and one-to-one communication were really the only sensible options because of the constraints of the surrounding technologies.
  • Cognitive presence is the means and context through which learners construct and confirm new knowledge
  • Later developments in cognitive theory have attempted to design learning materials in ways that maximized brain efficiency and effectiveness by attending to the types, ordering, timing, and nature of learning stimulations
  • Learning was thought of as an individual process, and thus it made little difference if one was reading a book, watching a movie, or interacting with a computer-assisted learning program by oneself or in the company of other learners
  • reduction of the role and importance of the teacher further fueled resentment by traditional educators against the CB model of distance education
  • While appropriate when learning objectives are very clear, CB models avoid dealing with the full richness and complexity of humans learning to be, as opposed to learning to do
  • People are not blank slates but begin with models and knowledge of the world and learn and exist in a social context of great intricacy and depth.
  • technology became widely used to create opportunities for both synchronous and asynchronous interactions between and among students and teachers
  • Social-constructivist pedagogy acknowledges the social nature of knowledge and of its creation in the minds of individual learners.
  • Teachers do not merely transmit knowledge to be passively consumed by learners; rather, each learner constructs means by which new knowledge is both created and integrated with existing knowledge
  • The locus of control in a social-constructivist system shifts somewhat away from the teacher, who becomes more of a guide than an instructor, but who assumes the critical role of shaping the learning activities and designing the structure in which those activities occur
  • social-constructivist models only began to gain a foothold in distance education when the technologies of many-to-many communication became widely available, enabled first by email and bulletin boards, and later through the World Wide Web and mobile technologies
  • Cognitive presence also assumes that learners are actively engaged, and interaction with peers is perhaps the most cost-effective way to support cognitive presence
  • It remains challenging to apply learning where it can blossom into application and thus demonstrate true understanding
  • Social interaction is a defining feature of constructivist pedagogies. At a distance, this interaction is always mediated, but nonetheless, it is considered to be a critical component of quality distance education
  • the educator is a guide, helper, and partner where the content is secondary to the learning process; the source of knowledge lies primarily in experiences
  • teaching presence in constructivist pedagogical models focuses on guiding and evaluating authentic tasks performed in realistic contexts.
  • Constructivist distance education pedagogies moved distance learning beyond the narrow type of knowledge transmission that could be encapsulated easily in media through to the use of synchronous and asynchronous, human communications-based learning
  • learning is the process of building networks of information, contacts, and resources that are applied to real problems. Connectivism was developed in the information age of a networked era (Castells, 1996) and assumes ubiquitous access to networked technologies
  • Connectivism also assumes that information is plentiful and that the learner’s role is not to memorize or even understand everything, but to have the capacity to find and apply knowledge when and where it is needed.
  • It is noteworthy that connectivist models explicitly rely on the ubiquity of networked connections between people, digital artifacts, and content, which would have been inconceivable as forms of distance learning were the World Wide Web not available to mediate the process. Thus, as we have seen in the case of the earlier generations of distance learning, technology has played a major role in determining the potential pedagogies that may be employed.
  • learners have access to powerful networks and, as importantly, are literate and confident enough to exploit these networks in completing learning tasks
  • exposing students to networks and providing opportunities for them to gain a sense of self-efficacy in networked-based cognitive skills and the process of developing their own net presence
  • Connectivist learning is based as much upon production as consumption of educational content
  • The activities of learners are reflected in their contributions to wikis, Twitter, threaded conferences, Voicethreads, and other network tools. Further, social presence is retained and promoted through the comments, contributions, and insights of students who have previously engaged in the course and that persist as augmentable archives to enrich network interactions for current students
  • learners and teacher collaborate to create the content of study, and in the process re-create that content for future use by others
  • stress to teaching presence is the challenge presented by rapidly changing technologies
    How three theories have shaped distance learning over the years. Connectivist theory shows how learning is about forming connections with others through human and digital interaction. Developed in the digital age and assumes access to social networking technologies.
    This is a March 2011 journal article that highlights the shifts in technology and theory for distance learning. First, there was the cognitive-behaviorist with it's focus on read, watch, and recall. As the web developed, we saw constructivism shift the teachers duties from content creator to a guide through the content as students synthesized. Connectivism promotes the teacher as a "co-traveler" helping students to explore, connect, and create.
devivost | Jean Lave, Etienne Wenger and communities of practice - 9 views

    Communities of Practice are becoming an important focus in organiation development because of the learning and collaboratiave aspects of CoP. Theory and practice of CoP's are reviewed. The model of situated learning is reflected upon as CoP's are viewed as a process of engagement.
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    This is a resource on communities of practice and their positive impact on organizational development and group work. It highlights the work of Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger. It breaks down the 3 elements that differentiate a community of practice from other groups/communities and how knowledge is generated in a community. Situated learning is the model of learning that is explained as taking place in these communities of practice.
    This article gives a short history of Communities of Practice and goes on to explain what they are. It is easy to read and understand as It explains what CoP are and what they are not.
    Detailed article that describes the communities of practice philosophy that Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger developed the in the late 80's that proposes learning comes from the social interactions in our daily lives. The article further explains how the interactions with various groups causes the learning, whether it is as a core member or a bystander.
    I really liked this article because as an educator it spoke to what I believe in. Learning does not only take place in the educational setting of a school, but it also takes place outside of that environment. Learning is social, it's physical, it's interactive, it's communicating. There are so many different ways to learn and therefore people never stop learning. It states that communities of practice are all around us and most of the time we are involved in many of those groups at the same time.
    Lave and Wenger discuss communities of practice covering many topics such as the characteristics and the relationships. EDTECH543 Communities of Practice
    This article discusses Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger, who proposed that "learning involved a process of engagement in a 'community of practice'." They discuss the idea of learning as being a social experience rather than an individual one, and that people are typically involved in a number of communities of practice. The characteristics of communities of practice are described, as well as situated learning.
    This article clearly articulates what communities of practice are, examples of each (which I find the most interesting as it makes a very clear connection to what we know), and three main components. The three distinguishable ideas show how communities of practice are different than random groups. I like their ideas of these groups occurring over time around things thst matter to people. #EDTECH543
    This source discusses communities of practice and how they can be either formal or informal. Members of a community of practice are in an organized group centered around a shared idea. Communities of practice allow connectivity because learners make connections with each other as resources to acquire knowledge when needed.
    I learned about different definitions or explanations of communities of practice and how the learning happens by means of communities of practice is connected to situated learning. I also learned about different characteristics of communities of practice and how these characteristics are interconnected. I learned in detail about how the concept of communities of practice is aligned with the concept of situated learning. I enjoyed reading the examples and learning how communities of practices change over time.
    In CoPs, connections are being made. Everyone is working together to get everything that they need. I think that the main focus of this descibres the aspects of collaboration and why it is so important with CoPs. CoPs is related to situated learning and that is something new that I learned.
    "Communities of practice are formed by people who engage in a process of collective learning" A COP is joining in mutual activities.
    3 crucial elements that make a COP: Domain, Community, and Practice. A domain is a common interest among members. A community means that members engage in activities and discussions and share information to help one another. Members practice by sharing tools and something that individuals do.
    Excellent article that explains the characteristics of CoPs and how CoPs can be used in many aspects of life (both personally and professionally). This is the first article I have found that references "situational learning" as part of CoPs. The idea that learning is a social process and that we learn more from collaboration than we do independently seems to support the use and development of CoPs. Lave and Wegner illustrate that theory in the article by using examples from real-life situations.
    This article really talks about the details of CoPs without going into the how-tos that many others do. I appreciate how foundational it starts- even pointing out that learning was initially thought of as an individual activity and how that has evolved. Situated learning is discussed as it is beneficial for learners to not just learn by hearing or doing, but by learning to talk about what they are doing.
    Ariana, I loved how this article provided such great information and details.I also appreciate knowing the background of where foundations start. Thanks for the share!
    This article gives a very detailed explanation of communities of practice. The author traces the term to its origins to Lave and Wenger. Definitions of the characteristics of communities of practice are defined. Both Lave and Wenger claim that learning requires communities of practice which create authenticity beyond models to be applied to real situations
    This is an article that dives deeper into the theory and practice of communities of practice. The article hits the main components of domain, community, and practice but dives deeper into the thinking of the researchers Lave and Wenger. I appreciated how the article dives deeper into the process of these communities and how many of us join COPs as periphery learners and then as we gain competence through out interactions with the COP we move to full participation. The cornerstone of the theory being that learning not is solely acquisitional but rather a process of social participation. There are extended quotes from the researchers that provide a deeper context to their theory and more is discussed about the processes of their research.
    This article provides a great overview of the writings of Wenger and Lave on communities of practice. Their basic points are that we are all involved in communities of practice and they are valuable tools to become better educators. They also explain how our learning never ends as education continues to change. We constantly need to adapt and change our methods to fit our learners.
Chris Pontillo

The Impact of Word Processing in Education | - 0 views

    This one was written by M.D. Roblyer and A.H. Doering and talks about why word processing in education is important.
Cassie Davenport

Networked professional learning: relating the formal and the informal | Vaessen | Front... - 3 views

  • These informal networks help teachers to deal with the increasing complexity of their work
  • most of what professionals learn is learnt informally
  • Professional learning has proven to drive organisational learning and innovation
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  • In spite of the proven importance of informal networks, professional development of teachers is almost invariably approached in a largely formal manner
  • an be remedied by aligning formal and informal learning processes through networked learning.
  • both forma
  • hybrid form
  • informal learning activities are recognised and promoted 
  • We have argued the importance of informal networked learning
  •   What are the formal and informal mechanisms underlying networked professional learning, related to professional development, autonomy and management? ·         How can networked learning be positioned in the most optimal way?
  • non-linear ongoing process rather than as an outcome of linear, one-off training events
  • he way they learn
  • gate-keepers, facilitators or
  • there must be trust
  • When personal responsibility takes the form of accountability toward control from superiors or school inspection, spontaneous learning processes can be impeded
  • management gets involved
  • loss of motivation
  • School principals are important agents
  • interest t
  • as barriers
  • Learning mechanisms: what we have seen in the literature indicates that networked learning is a natural activity through which professionals develop their expertise, in addition to participating in formal learning procedures. This form of professional development is a continuous process. Networked learning is often directly related to work practices and promoting it has proven to be effective to enhance the learning process.
  • Issues of trust, freedom of choice, and willingness to share and connect are intrinsically motivated
  • how can networked learning be positioned in the most optimal way?
  • Keypoints
    This study delves into the formal and informal aspects of networks. It highlights the need for informal in a teachers' complex job, but the struggles with qualifying/managing the occurrence. It also speaks to administrations delicate roll as a "gate-keeper" or "barrier". Interesting read. 
    Nice find Cassie. While the study is lengthy to read it is full of excellent information. I believe the ladder half of the text (discussion and key points sections) is where the most valuable information lies. I always appreciative objectivity and honesty, and the authors of this study were clear that networks aren't for everyone. Everyone is a unique and distinct learner so to blanket the idea of a network as something that is a "must" for effective professional development wouldn't be fair. Yet, it does acknowledge that from a team initiative perspective, networks are a blank canvas and platform for maintaining open communication so all parties involved grow.

Education-2020 - Connectivism - 19 views

    SUMMARY: This page found on the Education 2020 Wiki details Connectivism theory and provides resources that help clarify the unique components of this theory compared to others. I found myself exploring the site more deeply and I appreciated the vast amounts of resources and clarifications available on this wiki. Feel free to get lost in it too!
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    Nice resource in that it includes an overview of the concept along with videos and slideshares.
    I love how this website breaks down connectivism with so many sources, examples, and videos.
    This wiki entry describes connectivism "a learning theory for a digital age" and links to resources created by George Siemens and Stephen Downes, promoters of this theory. It summarizes Siemen's Principles of Connectivism. Siemens suggests that learning is no longer individualistic. Rather, knowledge is distributed across networks and in a digital society the connections and connectiveness within these networks lead to learning.
    This is a great resource because it helps learners visually "witness" Connectivism in action with the "Networked Student" video.
    This Wiki Space from by Education 2020 is a great resource for all things education and learning, but includes some valuable resources regarding connectivism. The site is maintained by EduCitizenship 2020, which is an international consulting group that focuses on Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) and how they are changing traditional physical communities and creating more global and social networks.
    This article has several videos explaining what connectivism is and the relationship to personal learning. The author also includes a reminder that learning isn't done by an individual in isolation but through networked connections.
    This aritcle explains connectivism as learning within a network. Today, much if not most of our learning takes place on the internet, it states that learners recognize patterns, changes, chaos on the internet and a lot of that is out of their control. The article talks about how people are continually striving to learn more and do not focus on what they currently know.
    This site discusses Connectivism and the work of Stephen Downes and George Siemens. Connectivism is described as a "learning theory for a digital age" and looks at learning as a process that occurs through connections within networks. The site also provides a couple YouTube videos and presentations from Downes and Siemens.
    The page about connectivism on the Education 202 site thoroughly and plainly explains connectivism through text. It also includes videos (one with George Siemens in the flesh!) and presentations that help to further explain the theory and how it can be applicable to teaching and learning. This site beyond the connectivism page explains other learning theories, such as constructivism and project based learning. There are even lesson examples as well as many other excellent resources to help both learners and teachers.
    This article gives an overview of Connectivism. In our digital society, the connections and connectiveness within networks lead to learning. The article lists Siemem's principles of connectivism. This resource also includes a fifteen minute video of Siemen on Coonectivism: Socializing Open Learning, a five minute video on the Networked Student, a Slideshare on the elements of Connectivism, and a Slideshare on Connectivism and Personal Learning.
    Explains Connectivism and Siemen's Principles of Connectivism. Includes a great video of George Siemens discussing Connectivism and Socializing Open Learning. Also a very helpful video depicting a student and teacher's role in a Connectivist environment and a Slideshare describing the elements of Connectivism.
    This was a really clear article. One of the things that I became aware of is how all of these learning theories we're studying are interconnected. Connectivism has much in common with social learning, which is a constructivist concept. It seems that like a lot of things, the best approach is the "cafeteria approach;" a little constructivism, a little connectivism, a little behavioralism, etc.
    Downes & Siemens are the primary promoters of connectivism and say learning rests in the diversity of options, is a process of connecting specialized nodes, and may reside in non-human appliances. They believe that the capacity to know is more important than what is currently known and that nurturing relationships is needed to facilitate continuing education. They say the ability to see connections between fields, ideas, and concepts is a core skill. Up to date knowledge is the goal of all learning activities in this model and decision making is in itself a learning process.
    This wikispace provides a definition of what connectivism is and lists Siemen's Principles of connectivism. Sieman explains that connectivism is no longer an individual action but instead is dispersed among networks. Included in this site is various presentations to help you understand the networked student and connectivism.
    The break down on the networked students was a an eye opener. It simplifies what the students needs to do and how the teacher is important to facilitate the learning. Also the Youtube video by George Siemens- Connectivism: Socializing Open Learning was full of great points on why social network learning is important and how students can benefit more from socializing their learning rather regular structured learning.
    This wiki is a great summary of Connectivism and its principles. It explains the core ideas of Connectivism and its emphasis on network learning and continual learning. In particular, this wiki includes several informative videos from George Siemens, one of the founders of Connectivism, as well as links to Siemens and Downes's blogs. The straightforward explanations simplify Connectivism's principles and explain the importance of connection and connectedness given the current (and growing) impact of technology on learning.
    This is a wikispace dedicated the theory of Connectivism. A lengthy description followed by video and links are included. In this wikispace, connectivism is described as a group activity that is in a constant state of change. As new information is acquired by the group, old information may be altered or abandoned. It is connecting and educating in the digital age. "Whereas in the past learning was competitive, coercive and paternalistic, the new ethic of learning is collaborative, global and universal."
    This is a great resource Joanna! I really like the video of the "Networked Student" showing a great example of what connectivism could look like. I also like the list of bullets of what Siemen's Principles of Connectivism are.
    This page discusses the foundations of connectivitism and gives us a video and two slideshows of information. The principles of connectivism are outlined, and we understand how learning must be connected instead of an individual activity.
    The authors of this article explain what connectivism is and why it is so unique. Connectivism is "a learning theory promoted by Stephen Downes and George Siemens." Learning takes place through connections within networks. The information found is new, updated, and rapidly altering. The author shares Siemen's principles of connectivism, including that learning is a process of connections. Connections between fields, ideas, and concepts. Connections to facilitate learning, connections with decision-making, and maintaining and nurturing connections. Learning is the connections and connectiveness within networks.
    I found this site to be especially valuable with a wealth of information. Links to the slides and videos were an added plus.
    This article provides a detailed explanation of what Connectivism is and why it's currently relevant to learning. The article provides Siemen's Principles of Connectivism and provides supporting videos to further explain Connectivism.
    This wiki gives a short introduction to connectivism, including George Siemens 8 principles. There are 2 videos on the page concerning socializing open learning and networked students. In addition, there are 2 Stephen Downes slide presentations on the elements of connectivism and personal learning. There are also many links to other related websites. Socializing open learning, presented by George Siemens, shows that in this model, teachers are "arbiters of connection." Though he acknowledges that in stable bodies of knowledge, courses can be a part of education, he questions the validity of a "course" as the best way to foster connections. He calls grading tests, "sorting," rather than true evaluation. We've been having many conversations in my school setting about grades, so this interested me. He wants fluid, variable and contextual learning for students.
    This is a wikispace which discusses connectivism, a learning theory developed by Downes and Siemens. The author provides 7 principles of connectivism that help direct us to the idea that learning is no longer an individualistic activity. This site also provides two videos to further explain the theory of connectivism.
    General information about the theory of Connectivism, such as what it is and why it is so unique. Promoted by Stephen Downes and George Siemens, Connectivism allows learners to distribute knowledge across networks. Siemens theorizes that learning is now longer an individualistic activity and with the advent of digital resources, learners need to explore the informational chaos, network, and and self-organize. Siemens and Downes have experimented with Open Courses and both stress the importance of more open education.
    Learning takes place over networks, our learning stems from being connected. A good resource on Connectivism Theory. Has videos, slideshows, links, and other content on Connectivism.
    This was my starting point for research on Connectivism. This is a short read introducing the topic and its creator. Learning takes place when connections are made.
    This is a neat little article on connectivism. The best part is that it has a video contained within it by George Siemens that really helps you understand what this idea is getting at.
    Connectivism is learning for the digital age. This article does a great job at explaining the principles of connectivism."Learning is a process that occurs within nebulous environments of shifting core elements - not entirely under the control of the individual."

Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age - 10 views

  • The “half-life
  • of knowledge” is the time span from when knowledge is gained to when it becomes
  • obsolete.
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  • Informal learning is a significant aspect of our learning experience
  • Learning is a continual process, lasting for a lifetime.
  • These theories do not address learning that occurs outside of people
  • Learning theories are concerned with the actual process of learning, not with the value
  • of what is being learned.
  • Including technology and connection making as learning activities begins to move learning theories into a digital age.
  • Connectivism is the integration of principles explored by chaos, network, and complexity and self-organization theories.
  • Connectivism is driven by the understanding that decisions are based on rapidly altering foundations
  • Nurturing and maintaining connections is needed to facilitate continual learning.
  • Knowledge that resides in a database needs to be connected with the right people in the right context in order to be classified as learning.
  • The starting point of connectivism is the individual.
  • Personal knowledge is comprised of a network, which feeds into organizations and institutions, which in turn feed back into the network, and then continue to provide learning to individual. This cycle of knowledge development (personal to network to organization) allows learners to remain current in their field through the connections they have formed.
    A cornerstone reference for any student of connectivism. George Siemens makes his case for a modern learning theory through the examination of the limitations of current learning theory within the digital age.
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    This article, by George Siemens, describes the learning theory of Connectivism. The article begins by discussing the need for a new learning theory for the Digital Age. The author identifies some significant trends in learning and then analyzes the limitation of prior learning theories such as behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. The principles of Connectivism are described and it's implications are discussed.
    I appreciated the perspective offered in this item. There seems to be serious discussion as to whether or not connectivism is theory in and of itself, or if it is a component of learning theories that are already well established. I loved the last line in which the author emphasized the ease of access we now have to information as a result of our connections. "When knowledge, however, is needed, but not known, the ability to plug into sources to meet the requirements becomes a vital skill. As knowledge continues to grow and evolve, access to what is needed is more important than what the learner currently possesses."
    This article does an exceptional job of explaining traditional learning theories limitations in the modern world and highlighting the current need to understand connectivism. The article is summed up by stating that it isn't what you know today but what you are able to learn to do tomorrow. I found this article very direct and effective in understanding the current state of what's needed in the educational environment to prepare students for the work force.
    This work looks at what Connectivism is, especially as an alternative to the learning theories of behavioralism, cognitivism, and constructivism. It holds that the advent and integration of technology has changed learning.
    What is Connectivism? According to this article, it is a new learning theory that incorporates the constantly changing state of knowledge and the digital age. Technology is constantly updating, and they say your software is outdated within months of acquiring. According to this article, something similar can be said of knowledge acquisition. Because sources of information are changing and developing at a rapid rate, our knowledge gained has a half-life. One way to combat the "half-life of knowledge" is to stay connected (via the internet or other forms of digital networks), and view learning as a life-long process. In fact, most learning does not take place within a classroom; instead, it occurs in real-life, learner driven environments. Hence the rise of Connectivism as a viable (new) learning theory. People form connections. People use technology daily. Knowledge is constantly changing. Therefore, learning theory should also change and adapt.
    Written by George Siemens, this article outlines the necessity of a new learning theory that addresses the impact of the Web 2.0. By explaining behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism, Siemens provides the argument for connectivism in the digital world. The article is a starting point for anyone who needs a working definition of connectivism or wants to compare it to other prominent learning theories. He presents the idea that "the pipe is more important than the content within the pipe."
    What really struck me about this article was the idea that knowledge has a half-life. That is to say how long does it take before it's obsolete. According to this, knowledge now doubles every year and a half. The question becomes what do we do about that? I mentioned in the previous entry that our networks become our receptacles of knowledge. That's part of the solution that's introduced in more detail in this article. Below, you'll find a list of the principles of connectivism. It was a good refresher for me, so I included the definition plus the list: …Connectivism is driven by the understanding that decisions are based on rapidly altering foundations. New information is continually being acquired. The ability to draw distinctions between important and unimportant information is vital. The ability to recognize when new information alters the landscape based on decisions made yesterday is also critical. Principles of connectivism: ▪ Learning and knowledge rests in diversity of opinions. ▪ Learning is a process of connecting specialized nodes or information sources. ▪ Learning may reside in non-human appliances. ▪ Capacity to know more is more critical than what is currently known ▪ Nurturing and maintaining connections is needed to facilitate continual learning. ▪ Ability to see connections between fields, ideas, and concepts is a core skill. ▪ Currency (accurate, up-to-date knowledge) is the intent of all connectivist learning activities. ▪ Decision-making is itself a learning process. Choosing what to learn and the meaning of incoming information is seen through the lens of a shifting reality. While there is a right answer now, it may be wrong tomorrow due to alterations in the information climate affecting the decision.
    An introduction to why behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism, though suitable theories for their time, are no longer suitable bases for learning and teaching.
    This article refers to behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism, but discusses how these learning theories do not apply to the world today. The authors talk about the "half life of knowledge" which means the span to when knowledge is gained and the amount of time it takes for that knowledge to become obsolete. In the digital age, new knowledge is doubling every ten years. This means the style of teaching must change to keep up.
    This article deals with moving learning theories into the digital age. Tha author focuses on how the connectivism theory meets the needs of people living in the digital age. An interesting quote, "Half of what is known today was not known 10 years ago. The amount of knowledge in the world has doubled in the past 10 years and is doubling every 18 months."
Jaime Bennett

Jean Lave, Etienne Wenger and communities of practice - 1 views

  • learning involves a deepening process of participation in a community of practice has gained significant ground in recent years
  • assumption that learning is something that individuals do. Furthermore, we often assume that learning 'has a beginning and an end; that it is best separated from the rest of our activities; and that it is the result of teaching' (Wenger 1998: 3). But how would things look if we took a different track
  • 'learning is ubiquitous in ongoing activity, though often unrecognized as such
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  • Communities of practice are formed by people who engage in a process of collective learning in a shared domain of human endeavour
  • Communities of practice are groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly
  • The fact that they are organizing around some particular area of knowledge and activity gives members a sense of joint enterprise and identity
  • Rather than looking to learning as the acquisition of certain forms of knowledge, Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger have tried to place it in social relationships – situations of co-participation
  • It not so much that learners acquire structures or models to understand the world, but they participate in frameworks that that have structure. Learning involves participation in a community of practice
  • understanding of the nature of learning within communities of practice, and how knowledge is generated allows educators to think a little differently about the groups, networks and associations with which they are involved
  • Problem solving and learning from experience are central processes (although, as we have seen, situated learning is not the same as ‘learning by doing’ – see Tennant 1997: 73). Educators need to reflect on their understanding of what constitutes knowledge and practice. Perhaps one of the most important things to grasp here is the extent to which education involves informed and committed action
    Communities of practice are made of people who share a passion or interest and want to improve their knowledge of it; for real learning to occur, it must take place in a community of learners who are also interested and learning; the relationship between knowledge and practice is explored
  • ...1 more comment...
    Learning is the process of participation and does not just have a beginning and an end. Learning is ongoing and must be collective within communities. Learning is not just a form of knowledge but is co-participation and social relationships.
    This provides a nice overview of CoPs. I enjoyed the annotation feature too.
    This site gives an overview of communities of practice and discusses the viewpoints of Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger, who are well known proponents of the idea. This site provides a basic rationale for communities of practice and describes how we are all involved in them in various aspects of our lives, whether we realize it or not.
Gretel Patch

John Dewey's "Democracy and Education" - 0 views

  • Education is thus a fostering, a nurturing, a cultivating, process
  • Etymologically, the word education means just a process of leading or bringing up. When we have the outcome of the process in mind, we speak of education as shaping, forming, molding activity -- that is, a shaping into the standard form of social activity
  • A being connected with other beings cannot perform his own activities without taking the activities of others into account
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  • We might as well try to imagine a business man doing business, buying and selling, all by himself, as to conceive it possible to define the activities of an individual in terms of his isolated actions
  • he social medium neither implants certain desires and ideas directly, nor yet merely establishes certain purely muscular habits of action, like "instinctively" winking or dodging a blow
  • Making the individual a sharer or partner in the associated activity so that he feels its success as his success, its failure as his failure, is the completing step
    This 1916 Dewey classic is packed with theory. He covers the fundamental meaning of education as a collective process that involves one's own experiences and the experiences of others. No one is an island when it comes to learning and sharing experiences.

What is Community of Practice and How Can We Support it? by Christopher Hoadley - 6 views

    Christopher Hoadley defines communities of practice, explains underlying theories of CoPs, compares CoPs to other types of learning communities, and discusses the use of technology in the support and development of CoPs.
  • ...8 more comments...
    This chapter by Hoadley breaks down a community of practice (CoP) and explains the theory behind it as well as well as its history. An interesting piece of the chapter compares a CoP to other groups and how each works a bit differently. It was also interesting to read about how technology is used in successful CoPs.
    I learned the feature-based as well as the process based definition of communities of practice. I also learned how we can support a community of practice. It was valuable to learn how technology ties into communities of practices in the form or presentation or communication abilities, integration in content and context, etc. The article mentioned C4P framework, which encouraged me to take a deeper look at the C4P framework.
    This is an exhaustive article that covers the definition and history of COPs, thoughts on how to sustain COPs, and ideas on how technology can support and enhance COPs in the 21st century. It is practical, useful, and interesting. While I found it to be perhaps a little too detailed, it was nonetheless a good article.
    The concept of communities of practice has been used as both a theory to explain how learning occurs, and a "metaphor for how instruction should take place." From an anthropological view, knowledge is not completely contained within individuals, but is more often found in groups/communities. Knowledge can be "sticky" or "leaky". "Sticky" knowledge is difficult to disseminate, perhaps because it is highly technical, or because the target audience does not absorb it. "Leaky" knowledge is knowledge (like trade secrets) the disseminates despite efforts to keep it secret. Knowledge involves practice in context. One way we learn with situational learning is by peripheral, or tangential, participation. Learners should be allowed to "lurk" before participating, much as beginner social media users do. A knowledge building community and a community are practice are not the same thing. A knowledge-building community seeks to learn and build knowledge, while a community of practice wants to improve some type of work function. The learning may be the same, but the goals are different. Forced knowledge-building communities may never read the stage of community of practice depending on the level of connectedness and peripheral participation. Technology can facilitate communication and collaboration for CoPs.
    This explains what a Community of Practice is, it goes into two definitions, features-based and process-based. It also discusses how communities of practice and technology often go hand-in-hand and how this has changed and developed over time.
    This chapter provides an overview and history of communities of practice. There is a nice description of the theoretical assumptions underlying its development. The differences of communities of practice and other knowledge communities are explained thoroughly. There is an appreciation for how technology plays a role in today's communities of practice, how it can support it and how it is not less effective than face to face communication. It is explained that the key to a successful community of practice is "connections, conversations, content, and information context."
    Christopher Hoadley explains CoPs, focusing on definition and practice. Essentially, Hoadley illustrates that CoPs are informal yet highly connected, constructivist in nature, and supported by technology like social media. He states that technology supports communities of practice by "linking people with similar interests, providing a shared repository of resources, directly supporting communication, and providing awareness of various resources within the information context" (Jonassen & Land, 2012). Additionally, he goes on to express that individual learning fails when it comes to application but that group learning often creates deeper, more meaningful understanding especially when built upon authentic situations.
    This article gives two separate definitions for communities of practice, a feature based definition and a process based definition. Between the two it explains how learning through practice can be more beneficial than following a manual or example. It also states how participation is important as well as being viewed as a member of the community of practice. The article then goes into explaining how technology has played a positive role in communities and has helped with communication to allow a community of practice to function even better.
    This chapter dives deep into communities of practice. It begins with an overview of the history of CoPs and discusses theoretical underpinnings the concept is based on. The author explores CoPs in relation to other types of learning and related technology.
    In this resource, Christopher Hoadley helps to define community of practice with two approaches. The first approach to the definition is what he calls the "feature-based definition" and the other approach is the "process-based" definition. He attributes these definitions based on Lave and Wenger's book on situated learning. This resource provides a good starting point to understanding what CoP is and the theoretical approach it involves.

Connectivism as a Digital Age Learning Theory - 16 views

    Based on the connectivism theory written by George Siemens and Stephen Downes this article discusses whether it is a learning theory and how it fits in with the digital age. Excellent read!! EDTECH543 Connectivism
  • ...16 more comments...
    Article does a great job of explaining where connectivism came from and how it will continue to advance forward just as society if doing currently. We will continue to learn and mold our understandings based off of the connections we are making through a collaborative network.
    This article provides a balanced view of the arguments concerning the role of connectivism in the field of education. The authors have done a nice job of differentiating the types of theories and their roles in practice. Perhaps the strongest features of the entire article is the discussion on connectivism as it applies to the use of technology. I appreciated their description of the theory as a connecting piece between some of the more established learning theories and the new technological landscape that characterizes our learning environment. Excellent article - thanks for sharing!
    This article by Duke, Harper and Johnston is a detailed analysis of connectivism as a learning theory. Not only is technology discussed as how it's applied to this theory, but there is also discussion of learning theories and instructional theories in general. It is also a valuable read because it explains how this theory can or should not be applied to all students or content.
    This source gives a good description as connectivity and connectivity as a learning theory, and it also discusses the argument that connectivity is not a learning theory. It ends by talking about connectivity and its integration with technology and online learning.
    This article from Kaplan University explains the importance of connectivism in a digital age. They reference George Siemens and Stephen Downes and their research behind connectivism as a learning theory. They examine connectivism as a learning theory, and explain how the learner is at the center and designs their own path, essentially making their own learning.
    This article discusses Connectivism and the debate over whether it should be considered as a learning or instructional theory or as a pedagogical view. The role of Connectivism in the use of technology in education is also discussed.
    I really liked this article mainly because they clearly explained the difference between learning theories vs. instructional theories. I think that was useful in their conclusion that connectivism really is more of a tool to be used in the learning process rather than a complete learning theory.
    This article discusses the validity of Connectivism as a learning theory. It gives the very straight-forward definition as "social learning that is networked." The discussion of the importance of the Connectivism theory in today's ever increasing technical classroom is quite engaging. It has also forced educators to look at what is being done in digital education and rethink, debate, and philosophize over how each part fits.
    In this article, Duke, Harper, and Johnston discuss whether connectivism is a learning theory or an instructional theory. They begin by discussing the differences between learning theories and instructional theories. A learning theory should explain how learning occurs, while an instructional theory should explain how best to achieve the learning goals. The authors summarize connectivism as "social learning that is networked" (2013, p. 6). What a person knows is not as important as the connections the person makes that will allow further know,edge and growth. Everyone feeds into the systems of knowledge and receives greater knowledge as a result. This knowledge can be held by people, societies, or machines. Basically, everyone learns through personal learning networks. These learning networks allow people to learn through collaboration rather than by having to experience everything for themselves. Being able to tap into a large amount of knowledge allows people to understand patterns they might now otherwise see. While there are several arguments against connectivism as a learning theory, the authors argue that connectivism can be useful as an "instructional guide or theory" (2013, p. 9) to develop behaviorism, cognitivism, or constructivism for "application to a globalized and networked world." The authors conclude that connectivism is useful in the learning process or curriculum planning, but that it is not a "standalone learning theory" (2013, p. 10).
    This talks about how connectivism takes elements from behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. It discusses connectivism as a learning theory and how the use of technology ties into it.
    This article puts a focus on the debate if connectivism is "a learning theory or instructional theory or merely a pedagogical view." Instructional theory has major elements that are discussed in this article and connectivism is analyzed to see if it in fact, is a learning theory. The author recognizes that the debate will last a long time but the fact that connectivism is valuable in the educational setting will prevail. Technology is a major factor of its success. This article convinced me of the importance of allowing my students more access to technology for educational success.
    The author of this article defines learning theories vs instructional theories, connectivism, connectivism as a learning theory, and connectivism and the use of technology. Connectivism was created as a learning theory for the digital age. Siemens and Downes came up with this theory because social learning can happen through networks. In today's world technology and advancements are changing rapidly, which in turn is providing new information quickly. Educators have had to embrace this new option of networks for knowledge use in the classroom. Connectivism can be used as a tool in the learning process for instruction or curriculum.
    We are at a crucial point in history. By being educators, we must constantly be discussing and managing our definition of an educator's job. We must constantly be working through our philosophy base as new tools and ideas come to life.
    This paper outlines connectivism and analyzes whether it should be considered a learning theory, instructional theory, or pedagogical view. I found this article interesting as it has a good discussion the differences between learning theories and instructional theories. The paper is critical of Connectivism as a learning theory, which I think is important as you consider how to use its principles in the classroom.
    This article discusses a theory developed for the digital age by Siemens and Downes called connectivism. The theory has issued a debate over whether it is a learning theory, instructional theory, or a pedagogical view. In this article, the authors discuss learning in the digital age and how the theory of connectivism fits within the world today. There is a focus on connectivism being social learning that is networked.
    This article discusses whether Connectivism is a learning theory or an instructional theory or a pedagogical view. A learning theory is not whether something is true or not but if it is useful for explaining behavior. An instructional theory must list procedures to enable learning by focusing on the overall structure of the learning material and how to achieve the most successful learning experience. Connectivism is social learning that is networked. It could be a learning theory as it states how a student learns through a network. Connectivism can be categorized as a tool to be used in the learning process and not a standalone learning theory.
    In this article, the authors explain the difference between learning theories and instructional theories. As the authors are explaining what connectivism is, they make the argument that connectivism as been wrongly identified as a learning theory. The authors look at both perspectives to give the reader a better understanding how connectivism can be classified as both. However, their overall view point is that it is an instructional theory.
    This paper explores connectivism and the differences between learning theories and instructional theories. It looks at connectivism through both lenses and addresses how learning and collaboration will continue to evolve.
Katie Swanson Sathre

What Does Connectivism Mean for Education? - - 20 views

  • The theory of Connectivism provides new insight into what it means to facilitate learning in the 21st Century
  • The application of Connectivism to teaching and learning requires a thorough rethinking of the educational process and the role of the teacher, student, and technology in that process
  • diversity of opinions
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • connecting specialized nodes
  • non-human appliances
  • Capacity to know more is more critical than what is currently known
  • Nurturing and maintaining connections
  • see connections between fields, ideas, and concepts
  • accurate, up-to-date knowledge
  • Decision-making is itself a learning process
  • This learning theory is so new and revolutionary that there is little written about it. There is even less research being done on the ways in which it can be implemented and supported or about how it actually affects learners
    This adds some perspective on Siemen's core principles of connectivism and includes a nice TED talk on the power of visualization; there is little research on ways connectivism is implemented in the classroom and how it actually affects learners; requires a rethinking of education and the roles of teachers, students, and technology
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    In EdTech504, I took particular interest in Connectivism Learning Theory and its relationship to information literacy. I think this article also portrays that, although I wish the relationship would have been more explicitly stated. Thanks for posting!
    A brief blog post on connectivism and its implication and application to 21st century learning. Each of George Siemen's principles of connectivism are connected to a mode or practice of learning.
    This blog post discusses Siemens core principles of connectivism and how it relates to education, and more specifically 21st century learning. The main purpose of this blog is to show how educators need to rethink the educational process and apply connectivism in the classroom.
    I like that fact that this article breaks down principals of Connectivism into today's learning. The thing I take away from this article is that the Teacher is no longer the holder of information. Endless information is out there and our job as educators is to teach our children how to access the knowledge out there - making them life-long learners!
    I liked this article and how it appears to break down Connectivism into what appears to be a "should do" list. What the educator should do in order to connect with the student and stay connected to resources.
    This is an expansion of a previous blog by the author highlighting how connectivism can be applied to 21st century learning. Also reviews the impact of connectivism to teaching and learning applications.
    I liked this article because it went into detail about the connecting nodes component of the theory. I think there is a whole lot of value in exploring the fringe topics or seemingly unrelated knowledge and seeing what happens when these "nodes of knowledge" are put together. It's modern design thinking coming into the world of learning and education.
    This blog post breaks down Connectivism in the 21st century. Looking at students as digital natives and the impact this has on teachers, education and learning.
    This blog post discusses the impact of Connectivism on education. Marquis lists the Seimen's seven principles of Connectivism and then goes on to explain how the principles can be meshed with 21st Century learning.
    This webpage offers a few external links that are helpful in understanding the theory of connectivism. The author lays out the core principals for this theory and then explains in more detail additional principals that harden the foundation of connectivism.
    This article summarizes Siemens article on Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age. In this age where so much information is at our finger tips, it is the role of the teacher to help the learner access the best information and make sense of what they access. Dr. Marquis brings up a good point that there isn't much research to implement connectivism or what affect it actually has on learners.
    This is a great explanation of how online learning and connectivism are connected and how this is a relatively new idea and that online educators can try out a lot of the ideas. It helped me understand the theory of connectivism a little more and how it can be used in online learning.
    I like the ideas for applying connectivism principles in the classroom. The author explains the teacher's responsibility in helping students make connections that will allow them to learn now and in the future.
Gretel Patch

the social/situational orientation to learning - 0 views

  • Learning involves participation in a community of practice
  • people learn from observing other people
  • Learning is, thus, not seen as the acquisition of knowledge by individuals so much as a process of social participation. The nature of the situation impacts significantly on the process
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  • Attending to a behaviour; remembering it as a possible model or paradigm; and playing out how it may work for them in different situations (rehearsal) are key aspects of observational learning
  • It makes no sense to talk of knowledge that is decontextualized, abstract or general. New knowledge and learning are properly conceived as being located in communities
  • Learning does not belong to individual persons, but to the various conversations of which they are a part.
  • there is a need to explore the extent to which learning (or intelligence) lies in the resources to which people have access
  • while the individual is significant, psychological analysis should focus on the joint, socially mediated activity in a cultural context
    People learn from watching others and then applying that knowledge in their own experiences; learning is seen as a social process rather than an acquisition of knowledge; in order to be useful, knowledge needs to have a context within a community
Gretel Patch

Philosophy of Education (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) - 0 views

  • While not all societies channel sufficient resources into support for educational activities and institutions, all at the very least acknowledge their centrality—and for good reasons
  • While not all societies channel sufficient resources into support for educational activities and institutions, all at the very least acknowledge their centrality—and for good reasons
  • While not all societies channel sufficient resources into support for educational activities and institutions, all at the very least acknowledge their centrality—and for good reasons
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  • While not all societies channel sufficient resources into support for educational activities and institutions, all at the very least acknowledge their centrality—and for good reasons
  • within a few years they can read, write, calculate, and act (at least often) in culturally-appropriate ways
  • education also serves as a social-sorting mechanism and undoubtedly has enormous impact on the economic fate of the individual.
  • education equips individuals with the skills and substantive knowledge that allows them to define and to pursue their own goals, and also allows them to participate in the life of their community as full-fledged, autonomous citizens
  • societal perspective, where the picture changes somewhat
  • groups depend for their continuing survival on educational processes, as do the larger societies and nation-states of which they are part
  • The great social importance of education is underscored, too, by the fact that when a society is shaken by a crisis, this often is taken as a sign of educational breakdown; education, and educators, become scapegoats.
  • education as transmission of knowledge versus education as the fostering of inquiry and reasoning skills that are conducive to the development of autonomy
  • the question of what this knowledge, and what these skills, ought to be
  • how learning is possible, and what is it to have learned something—two sets of issues that relate to the question of the capacities and potentialities that are present at birth, and also to the process (and stages) of human development and to what degree this process is flexible and hence can be influenced or manipulated
  • liberal education and vocational education
  • personal development or education for citizenship
  • distinction between educating versus teaching versus training versus indoctrination
  • education and maintenance of the class structure of society, and the issue of whether different classes or cultural groups can—justly—be given educational programs that differ in content or in aims
  • whether or not all children have a right to state-provided education
  • relation between education and social reform, centering upon whether education is essentially conservative, or whether it can be an (or, the) agent of social change
  • These features make the phenomena and problems of education of great interest to a wide range of socially-concerned intellectuals, who bring with them their own favored conceptual frameworks—concepts, theories and ideologies, methods of analysis and argumentation, metaphysical and other assumptions, criteria for selecting evidence that has relevance for the problems that they consider central, and the like.
  • for although education can occur in schools, so can mis-education (as Dewey pointed out), and many other things can take place there that are educationally orthogonal (such as the provision of free or subsidized lunches, or the development of social networks); and it also must be recognized that education can occur in the home, in libraries and museums, in churches and clubs, in solitary interaction with the public media, and the like
    Education affects society as a whole; when society fails, education is often to blame; education is a social-sorting tool that affects societies and culture; social networks allow education to take place anywhere
Nate Cannon

Personal Learning Networks - YouTube - 0 views

    A brief but excellent look at the need for PLN in school.  Give a good description of why teacher's need to be involved as students develop their existing PLN's and why they need to develop their own.
    Everyone's network is going to look different. It is more of a process than just being in a room with those you interact with every day. It is an independent function that you need to engage in! We have to create our own PLN so that we can connect with our students who already have one.
    Everyone's network is going to look different. It is more of a process than just being in a room with those you interact with every day. It is an independent function that you need to engage in! We have to create our own PLN so that we can connect with our students who already have one.

ALA | Strategies and Tips for Dealing with Challenges to Library Materials (Coping With... - 0 views

shared by anonymous on 13 Oct 10 - Cached
  • School librarians play a key role in making sure that students have the broad range of resources and ideas they need to develop critical thinking skills. Challenges to materials provide a “teachable moment” that can help you build understanding and support for the principles of intellectual freedom, including First Amendment rights, student rights of access and professional ethics.
    • anonymous
      Turn a challenge into a teachable moment
  • Applying the principles of intellectual freedom Connect academic freedom with intellectual freedom. Academic freedom guarantees the teacher’s right to teach and to select classroom and library resources for instruction. Make sure everyone involved understands the right of people in a democratic society to express their concerns and that all people have the right to due process in the handling of their complaints. Explain the obligation of the school district to provide intellectual and physical access to resources that provide for a wide range of abilities and differing points of view. Define intellectual and physical access when appropriate. Intellectual access includes the right to read, receive and express ideas and the right to acquire skills to seek out, explore and examine ideas. Physical access includes being able to locate and retrieve information unimpeded by fees, age limits, separate collections or other restrictions. Emphasize the need to place the principles of intellectual and academic freedom above personal opinion, and reason above prejudice, when selecting resources. Connect intellectual freedom and access. The freedom to express your beliefs or ideas becomes meaningless when others are not allowed to receive or have access to those beliefs or ideas. Stress the need for teachers and librarians to be free to present students with alternatives and choices if students are to learn and use critical thinking and decision-making skills.
    • anonymous
      intellectual freedom
  • Protecting students and staff with a materials selection policy Update your materials selection policy. Include a formal reconsideration process for textbooks, gift materials, electronic and other resources used in classrooms, laboratories and libraries. Seek board of education approval. Be sure to include the educational goals of the school district and to relate the selection policy to these goals. Emphasize the positive role of the selection policy in clarifying the use of educational resources and in ensuring stability and continuity regardless of staff change. To ensure uniformity and fairness in dealing with complaints, delegate the responsibility for dealing with complaints and requests for reconsideration to the principal in each school. Inform all your school staff (including nurses, secretaries, cafeteria workers and custodians) about the materials selection policy and reconsideration process. Review the policy with staff at the beginning of each school year. Distribute a copy of the policy with a simple statement that explains its importance in protecting students, teachers and librarians against censorship.
    • anonymous
      Every school library needs a material selection policy. If your library doesn't, make it a priority.
Levi Fletcher

(Fletcher #1) A community of practice in action: SEDA as a learning community for educa... - 2 views

    This article describes the process of growth of the community of practice of SEDA, the Staff and Educational Development Association. Members of the community went from being on the outskirts, learning from others but not bringing anything new to the table. Then, as they grew, they later became mentors and trainers to those around them. In particular, phrases like "element of selflessness" and "stewarding knowledge" best describe the feeling and attitude of the article.
    This article describes the process of growth of the community of practice of SEDA, the Staff and Educational Development Association. Members of the community went from being on the outskirts, learning from others but not bringing anything new to the table. Then, as they grew, they later became mentors and trainers to those around them. In particular, phrases like "element of selflessness" and "stewarding knowledge" best describe the feeling and attitude of the article.

Understanding personal learning networks: Their structure, content and the networking s... - 23 views

    In this entry by First Monday, the article explores personal learning networks as it relates to our professional careers. They explore a model of personal professional networking for creating a personal learning network, based on an investigation through a literature study, semi-structured interviews and a survey.
  • ...21 more comments...
    This discusses the three primary tasks involved in developing a successful personal learning network. It is not a "how-to" for developing a personal learning network, but rather investigates the key elements that must be in place.
    I read this article awhile back and found it informative. The authors provide insight into how and why we build learning networks. The illustrations throughout the article are helpful as they summarize the narrative sections that describe the PLN model.
    This article talks about the similarities and differences of professional networks and personal learning networks. It mentions that both networks have learning as the main goal in mind, and that sometimes professional networks have formed into personal learning networks because it is more detailed and defined that that individual and what they are interested in learning.
    Understanding personal learning networks: Their structure, content and the networking skills needed to optimally use them. Authors Kamakshi Rajagopal, Desirée Joosten-ten Brinke, Dr. Jan Van Bruggen and Dr. Peter B. Sloep research how networking is a skill in supporting growth and learning. The result is a model of personal professional networking. Included in the article is the introduction, methodology, the learner as orchestrator of her personal learning network, the personal learning network model and discussion and conclusion - supporting personal networking and future research. The article begins with a definition of professional networking, "the act of making connections with other professionals, with or without the intention of making long-term ties with them." Throughout the article, the authors reference weak versus strong connections, but the definition of weak is not, not strong, rather, weak ties are sources for new information, knowledge and ideas. The personal learning network model is attitude - intention, activity and skill - building, maintaining, activating. The authors conclude with a suggestion that "further development of technology to support professionals better in identifying relevant others and in developing relations online as and when necessary."
    This source seeks to identified the finite features that make a successful PLN. It highlights factors that influence the individual's ability to build, maintain, and activate the personalized networks. The nine factors include: organization of the contact, network of a contact, reputation, benevolence, like-mindedness, real potential for collaboration, real potential for learning, and trends in work environment. Several diagrams are offered to illustrate how the success of a personal learning network for the individual is governed by the attitude of the individual towards the network and the skills displayed or put into practice on a daily basis. The text also stresses the potential of PLNs as they encounter existing and news social networking technologies that make the connection process easier and allow for greater fluidity in build professional development through the network.
    This article discusses personal learning networks (PLN). How they are structured, what content you need to add and what type of skills you need in order for them to be beneficial to you. The main questions answered is how beneficial they really are? Can you benefit from a PLN? EDTECH543 Personal Learning Network
    A detailed article on PLN's, including the PLN model with descriptions of the three stages of Buiding, Maintaining, and Activating, with factors affecting decisions during each stage.
    This article discusses the benefits of personal learning networks to help professionals learn and grow. The authors used a literature study, interviews, and survey to help determine the effectiveness of personal learning networks.
    Article discussing structure and content of PLNs and the networking skills needed to use them.
    The authors in this article first delve into the structure and purpose of networking for professionals, but then segues into how using those skills can be used in creating and utilizing a PLN. A visual to show how the PLN model looks also helps to explain the purpose and value in participating in a PLN. While the article is slightly outdated as it speaks to how technology can work best with a PLN, the basic structure and values of a PLN is well explained.
    This source is focused on PLNs. It defines them as relationships and connections that we make with other professionals. It talks about the advantages of creating networks with other professionals, and that those connections can be both intentionally or unintentionally built. It also discusses ways that professionals can create and maintain their own PLNs.
    This article looks deep into personal learning networks. It looks at learner as an orchestrator of PLN. It also looks into factors related to building, maintaining, and being active in personal learning networks.
    The author explains the benefits of PLNs to help educators get new skills and improve they ones that they already have. He also discusses how the structures of PLN are and how you can get benefits from PLNs. The illustrations of this article help to understand the stages of the networking process and an example of a personal professional networking model.
    This article presents in an interesting model for teachers to create personal learning networks. The portion about the "learner as orchestrator of a personal learning network" was particularly enlightening. While at times the article verges into "how-to" territory, the underlying theory discussed provides strong context and explanation of the mechanics involved.
    This article defines a personal professional network as "an egocentric, personally and intentionally created network of people set up by an individual specifically in the context of her professional activities," and discusses how a PLN supports an individual's growth and learning. The authors examine the strengths and benefits of PLNs and analyze how PLNs are built, created, and maintained. Studies were conducted that resulted in the finding that there are three stages of the networking process with nine factors that influence personal professional networking, concluding in the creation of a visual model of the PLN.
    I found out that both strong and weak connections make up a person's learning and that each are important for different reasons. Strong ties help you create knowledge and encourage active collaboration between you and someone else (or more than one someone.) Weak ties Give us access to new information that we wouldn't have without them. In this unit, I learned that knowledge in the future relies not as much on what we know ourselves as being able to connect with people who become receptacles of knowledge. We tap into them as needed, making it unnecessary for us to be an expert in everything. Weak ties allow us access to these sources when the need arises. I also liked this quote, because it explained a bit about how to build these PLNs. "Grabher and Ibert (2008) proposed a three-layered approach, consisting of a communality layer (strong ties), a sociality layer (weak ties) and a connectivity layer (very weak ties)."
    @Buffy Nallion I found value referencing the Personal Learning Model.
    This article explores research on professional networking resulting from a literature study, interviews, and a survey. It defines and shares the benefits of a PLN. It explores a model of personal learning networks where the learner is the builder of the network. Several factors for selecting connections are addressed including interests, influences, and attitudes of the learner. Three levels of connections are described including communality, sociality, and connectivity - moving from strong to weak connections. The article lists supporting technologies for PLNs.
    This article uses a networking model to examine how professionals manage connections and which factors push them to connect for the purpose of learning. Existing PLN technological solutions tend to focus on enhancing communication, but it is unclear if the technology affects the attitude of professionals and their intentions for network to learn.
    This article discusses professional learning networks, which is different than personal learning networks but similar in so many ways. Professional learning networks are targeted to support the individual's growth just like a personal learning network. This article presents a model of a professional network for creating a personal learning network.
    The article captured my attention by opening with " professionals need to perform flexible and independently in ever-changing environments." This makes me think of preparing students to be college and career ready! The earlier we can engage and immerse students and ourselves in PLN the more ready we will be for the ever changing future! Thanks for sharing!
    I was quite impressed with how intricate the model was with attitude converting to attention and then these governing activity and skill on the hierarchy. The part of this article that stood out to me the most was how the interviews supported that "this attitude emerges with people who a) experience the value of their network at first hand (Hamm, 2007) and/or people who b) reflect on their work and learning in a broader perspective than their day-to-day practice (Margaryan, et. al., 2009)." I appreciate how straightforward this article was in this model.
    In this article, the author explains what a PLN is and how it can be used in other work environments outside of education. The authors of the article were looking at how PLNs support different professions. The article also discusses the factors that individuals use to build and create a PLN.

Using Social Media to Teach Engineering Process - 0 views

    Includes discussion of increasing diversity by using instructional games.
Ben Moore

Real Estate Investing For Real | A BiggerPockets Investment Property Blog - 0 views

    Fantastic general real estate investment information centering around asset protection and short sale.  Allows agents and investors to collaborate and discuss changes in the market and transactional processes.
Darla Grant

A Teacher and His Colleagues Create a School-Based Social Media Site for Work Around th... - 2 views

    This blog has an entry titled: "Building School-Based Social Networks for Inquiry, in which he discusses building a social network for students named "Youth Voices." This site is for students to write and respond to each other and teach the value of peer interaction. The process of responding to each other has motivated student begin new posts.
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