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Natalie Frasure

Animation for kids - Create animation online with FluxTime Studio - 0 views

    free animation activities for children - animate and play online, share clipart and collaborate with other animators, show your animation clips in the online gallery
Melissa Getz

Biology Animation Library :: DNA Learning Center - 1 views

    Excellent animations for biological processes involved with transcription.

3-D Animated Animals Help Kindergartners Read - 1 views

  • A new reading curriculum based on augmented reality technology grabs student attention and shows them difficult concepts in a visual form. "Letters alive" uses 26 animals to help pre-kindergartners and kindergartners learn to read.
Molli Brown

Home | - 1 views

shared by Molli Brown on 11 Jul 12 - No Cached
    User and kid-friendly animation software that allows for original animations to be created easily and lets users combine their work with a host of premade props.
Ag Gaire

Movie Maker | Xtranormal - 0 views

    Xtranormal combines text-to-speech with animation, allowing you to create movies by simply choosing a scene, selecting actors, and typing in a script.
    xtra normal is a site that helps you o create and publish animated movies. There is a filtered education site so kids don't access questionable content.
Lynette McDougal

Chemical Education Research Group Simulations - 0 views

    animations and simulations

Go!Animate - 1 views

shared by kerigritt13 on 02 Aug 13 - Cached
    This is an animated video website that allows students and teachers to create free videos and animated lessons. The user can choose the characters and setting and then either narrate the video or type in text that the characters will lip sync
    I just got done with a lesson plan in my E-commerce class that used Goanimate. I also have used Powtoon which is just as user friendly for students. Good Stuff

BrainPOP - 0 views

shared by danderson0613 on 22 Jun 13 - Cached
    Animated Science, Health, Technology, Math, Social Studies, Arts & Music and English movies, quizzes, activity pages and school homework help for K-12 kids, aligned with state standards. My students love these videos!
    BrainPOP - Animated Educational Site for Kids - Science, Social Studies, English, Math, Arts & Music, Health, and Technology
Nate Cannon

RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms - YouTube - 0 views

    How our educational system was and is set up and what we could possibly do to help our educational system in the most stimulating time in our history. This is a little bit of connectivism but more about understanding the past and how it is shaping the future of our education and why we need a change!
    How our educational system was and is set up and what we could possibly do to help our educational system in the most stimulating time in our history. This is a little bit of connectivism but more about understanding the past and how it is shaping the future of our education and why we need a change!
Susan Ferdon

Build a Neighborhood - 1 views

    Part of the Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood web site, visitors choose one of four neighborhood types - suburban, construction site, farm, castle/imaginary - and build their own community. Various building types, trees, bushes, forms of transportation, and animals are included.
Ag Gaire

PowerPoint Presentations Online - Upload and Share on authorSTREAM - 2 views

    upload powerpoints and embed them in your blog/website, preserving animations and narration
Rick Hernandez - Find and Create Awesome Images - 1 views

    Make animated gifs from video for free. Make your own images with our Meme Generator or Animated GIF Generator.

Sheppard Software: Fun free online learning games and activities for kids. - 0 views

    Animal Quizzes - Hundreds of free, online, educational games for kids. But anyone interested in online learning - so many subjects - (geography, math, animals, science) and many levels, games and activities for learners of any age.
Shobhana G

Resources for edtech 541 - 39 views

My two resources for this final week of EDTECH 541 are Internet Evaluation Forms: WWW CyberGuide Ratings for Content Evaluation : A guide for rating the curriculum content on web sites. http://...

quiz nutrition teaching tools


Presentation Software | Online Presentation Tools | Prezi - 0 views

    Another great alternative to powerpoint and slideshow presentations that can be a bit uninteresting. This is a free online tool that can be used to create exciting presentations. Instead of being based on slides, the presenter is able to create a concept-map of ideas/images/text/pdf docs/etc in order to visually engage his/her audience.
  • ...1 more comment...
    Interactive, web-based presentation creator. Excellent resource for an alternative to the same old boring Powerpoints! I have created these to use in instruction and I have taught students to create their own; both were highly engaging and enjoyable for students. The only complaint I have heard is that the movement can cause motion sickness. I love Prezi!
    Presentations with zooming animations.
    Engaging presentation tool that allows a close up view as well as animated transitions.
Judy Blakeney

Make a stunning animated video. In minutes. | Adobe Voice - 0 views

    Adobe Voice is a free iOS app that lets you make an impact with an amazing animated video. Persuade, inform and inspire anyone online.
Kristen Taubman - 4 views

    In this scholarly article, Bessenyei discusses the current desire in education to decrease the alienation of traditional schools. He looks at connectivism and network theories as a way to decentralize learning into self-organizing networks. These networks allow information sharing to become more significant as students information sources are varied to include experts as well as other students from multiple institutions.
  • ...8 more comments...
    This article discusses the pedagogy and theory that is the foundation of connectivism. Discussed in detail is how connectivism impacts education in a 21sr century learning environment.
    Interesting article by I. Bessenyie if for no other reason than it was originally written in Hungarian and translated. But it does show that the idea of connectivism is making waves in educational communities around the globe and not just in the United States. This article also tackles some of the more specific elements of connectivism as related to Web 2.0 & E-learning.
    This article is a discussion of how network participation is making shared learning possible and the role of the traditional educational institutions.
    Thanks for including this article...I got confused for a second seeing the foreign language. Since connectivism seems to espouse the belief that students lead the learning, and should all be learning different things, would it mean the end of the traditional education system as we see it? Do you think connectivism sees any future for mainstream education?
    I posted a comment a few minutes ago, went away from the page, and when I came back my comment was gone. I haven't found diigo to be too comfortable to use yet. My main question was...connectivism preaches that students should be learning different things and leading their own learning experience. Does connectivism leave any room for a traditional education system?
    Hey Scott. that's a great question and a certain dilemma when it comes to implementation, For me, the real revaluation was in how I personally am a total connective learner. I access information as needed from multitudes of resources. it has changed what I am willing to embrace or not. From a teacher's perspective, implementing it is a totally different animal & considers much more of a balanced, blended approach. You have to ask the question, at what point is a student self-actualized enough to own their connectivness? it is safe to say that students are connective learners regardless of whether we are involved in that or not. I would love to find a way to harness their personal relevance in the classroom.
    This article focuses on elearning 2.0. Talks about how learning has evolved from long ago to today and how we used to learn from our elders and now we learn from "informally"
    This article discusses socialization and the accessing of information in the information age. The article claims, "A vast amount of spontaneous knowledge exchange is taking place on the interactive World Wide Web. It is on the basis of this that the theories of eLearning 2.0 and connectivism declare that network participation and access to information and to software that interprets and contextualizes information makes a completely new, cooperative, self-organising form of learning possible."
    In this article the author discusses the importance of connectivism that is dependent upon learning in a web 2.0 platform. As the influence of the web has spread so to has the importance the ability to share and distribute information to people all over the world. The premise of this article is that as costs continue to soar in education the connectivism platform offers an alternative way to disseminate learning. The web is now no longer a medium for learning, it is the platform and center for personal learning. One final point that is made is the importance in educating students how to use the available online resources to construct learning for future use because as online resources and CoP's continue to be the primary sources for information it is important to understand how to use and identify these resources for continued learning.
    Bessenyei takes an interesting look at the history of elearning as it relates to student learning requirements, societal norms and Connectivism today. The authors perspective on Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 and the policital development of elearning provides the reader with a new lens to look at the variety of social media that is used today.

PowToon - 1 views

    Used By: over 8 million members around the world Amazing videos and presentations created with PowToon! Communicate with colleagues and clients in an unexpected and refreshing way by using PowToon's Ready-Made Templates for plenty of business situations. It's as easy as making a PowerPoint presentation and as impactful as a viral video.
    PowToon is a brand new presentation tool that allows you to create animated presentations and cartoon style videos just by dragging and dropping.
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