Click on each building to learn more about places in the community: Post Office, Fire Station, Police Station, Hospital, School, Library. For each, there is a linked page with a cartoon image (Ben Franklin dressed up as each worker), a description, and some include a link for more information.
Click on the workers to learn more about their jobs: Veterinarian, Librarian, Pizza Maker, Utility Worker, Mayor, Police Officer, Firefighter, Pediatrician. For each, a series of pages includes text and images. Students can click on speaker icons to hear page text read aloud. Optional "test" questions can be answered at the end of each workers' section.
Community safety section includes links to a variety of pages: Getting Around, Hanging Out in the Neighborhood, Helping Out in the Community, Riding Right, and Safe Shopping.
Being safe in our community means being safe on the playground. This website offers an abundance of information related to safe play in the community (school, home, playground).
Locate your community then draw on Google maps. Create custom, embeddable maps, with annotation, shading, markers, etc. and save maps for future reference. "Pro" version offers more tools and save options and is free but registration is required.
Part of the Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood web site, visitors choose one of four neighborhood types - suburban, construction site, farm, castle/imaginary - and build their own community. Various building types, trees, bushes, forms of transportation, and animals are included.