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Salina V

Tablets Haven't Killed the PC Yet -- Campus Technology - - 17 views

I can see how they would replace PCs in the future. I know that my laptop replaced my desktop here in my house. While I think they would still have the items available for those who do prefer PCs,...

Jaime Villarreal

TechLearning: Involve, Prepare, Apply, and Develop: iPads in the Classroom - 14 views

    • Jaime Villarreal
      I can see how ipads in the classroom and assist teachers in differentiating instruction to meet individual student needs and allow for a more in depth understanding of skills and concepts building from each students different levels of mastery in certain skills.
    • R. Palomares
      I agree with you Jaime, Ipads in the classrooms can be very beneficial.
    • Joshua McDonald
      Jaime, I was actually given the chance to use a classroom set of iPads in the classroom last year as part of the pilot program. I can say from experience that it can be used for differentiated instruction, and it increases student engagement with the material. One thing the teacher has to make sure they do is actively monitor...the students are to good at getting to websites they are not suppose to be at if they know the teacher is not paying attention.
    • Sergio Perez
      Jaime, this is a very interesting article in how the iPad can be used for the special needs student. There are so many different apps available to help our students. It is important to make sure that the student is engaged with the lesson so learning can take place.
    I am also a big supporter of tablets in the classroom, but I have yet to justify the cost of purchasing an ipad at $500 a piece. With budget cuts as wide spread as they are now, I would think a kindle, nook or even a nexus tablet for around half the price would work just as well. What students need is a dedicated e-reader and access to the internet to look up any information on the spot. Any of the above mentioned tablets could perform these skills without the premium price tag. Since most apps are now available on both the ios operating system and the android operating system, I would imagine the apps developed by speech and language experts are also available across platforms. The second issue in dealing with ipads is the familiarity with the product. Apple is the most successful and profitable tech company in the U.S. right now, but 90% of the computers in the classroom are windows based. Teachers will be more willing to utilize a tool if it integrates easily with the technology already found in the classroom. Ipad is a name. It is the most trusted and used tablet on the market. If, however, students can receive the same benefits of an ipad at half the price, I see no reason to limit the inclusion of tablets in the classroom to an ipad. Check out this article. It has some interesting comments by Bill Gates.
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    This website gives the teacher background information needed when a teacher is planning on utilizing ipads in the classroom. It also details how ipads are beneficial for students with learning disabilities. It suggests for teachers to download applications that students can refer to when in need of help for core subjects.
    Wow Jaime, this is a very interesting article about how technology is helping students with special needs learn. The IPADS has proven to be a good technology to support curriculum and instruction for all students. I liked how they are being used to enhance learning. The only state that is not using IPADS to supplement instruction in reading and math is TX but I think as more states across the U.S. are using them, we will be next in using IPADS more abundantly in our classrooms. 
    Yes IPads are wonderful for students to use. Students should have the opportunity to be exoposed to all type of technology equipment. Through my program, we purchased Kindle Fires for the students to use when researching information and for other content area such as reading.They really love it and learn to navigated very quickly.
    Great! I am certainly going to use this website if everything goes well with the grant writing. I have seen how teacher integrate their lesson and how students are totally engaged. We have to be able to keep up with all the emerging technologies and the generation of children that are in our classes. Try:
    I think iPads will be a great tool to integrate in the classroom. They will be more focused in what they are doing using these type of tools in the classroom.
    This is awesome if we had iPads to supplement instruction in reading and math as well as to facilitate communication for students with autism spectrum disorders and others who require support through the use of communication devices. Students would be more engaged and would be able to collaborate. It would be a student centered environment where the teacher would guide the learning. Read this artlicle about ipads and how they are being used in the classroom.
    This is a great article about how the iPad can be used to help the special needs student. One of the apps mentioned in the article can help the students with their reading. By having text-to-speech, the students can practice their reading skills while they read ebooks. There are also so many apps available that the students can benefit from using an iPad in almost any subject.
    Jaime, the article sums it up using an appropriate acronym (IPAD) Involve, Prepare, Apply, and Develop to describe the innovating trend to expose student to technology. This technique is already being used in several states to allow students with communication difficulties to express themselves in group interaction using technology to enhance their education experiences. Very informative it puts techniques we are learning into perspective.
    It is amazing how much technology is available to help students in the classroom. Integrating technology into the classroom enhances teaching and learning, yet it is now a necessity, even for students with disabilities. My question is, Are facilitators aware of how technology can be used in the classroom? It seems we are still lagging behind on the use of technology in the classrooms. Here is another article that touches points to consider when designing teaching and learning activities when integrating technology into the classroom:
    Jaime, I believe the use of iPads and other related Tablets in the classroom is great way to engaged students in the concept being taught. I like how this article detailed how the iPad can be implemented in the classroom to help students with special needs. Article: 7 Strategies for iPads and iPods in the (Math) Classroom-
Janice Wilson Butler

Tablets Haven't Killed the PC Yet -- Campus Technology - 5 views

    What do you think?  Will PC sales begin to grow?  Do you think the iPad will replace the need for laptops?
    I dont' know if PC sales will go up! At the current moment the demand is for ipads and tablets! I don't think that the ipad will replace the need for laptops. Believe me I love the ipad but its just like a larger version of the iphone!! I have a macbook which I love!! I think that Mac is better but that is just my opinion, it just seems easier to us. But maybe this is because I have been using Mac for about three years now and a PC is difficult for me to use. Only certain functions like excel! Its just that mac and PC are different but both are still great!!!
Diana Cedillo

Technology Impact on Learning - 8 views

  • Children did not become social isolates. ACOT classes showed more evidence of spontaneous cooperative learning than did traditional classes.
    • Diana Cedillo
      How did technology encourage cooperative learning in this Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow project?
    • Leonila Pena
      I believe that having access to technology whenever they needed it gave the students the ability to go beyond the walls of the classroom. They didn't have to rely solely on the teacher as their learning resource. They had the tool to explore the world from their own home and the opportunity to become creators of their own learning. Through their research they most likely found other individuals that had the same interests as they did, people with whom they could share what they knew and also learn from. Many students become more confident when they see that others have interest in their work, it makes them want to show others what they know and help others enabling them to work more cooperatively with their peers.
  • The studies showed that ACOT students wrote better and were able to complete unites of study more rapidly than their peers in non-ACOT classrooms. In one case, students finished the year’s study of mathematics by the beginning of April. In short, academic productivity did not suffer and in some cases even improved.
    • Diana Cedillo
      According to this study, do you think that our students in our classrooms would have the same results if we presented them with computers as they did in their program? If so, what would we do or how would we follow this program with limited funding on technology?
  • Nineteen of the ACOT students (90%) went on to college, while only 15% of non-ACOT student sought higher education.
    • Diana Cedillo
      How has technology encouraged students to pursue higher education?
    • R. Palomares
      Technology encourages students to take more responsibility for their own learning. In addition, it creates a different attitude toward learning because they now act as active participants in their own learning. This is good information to share with other teachers. Thank you for sharing.
    • Diana Cedillo
      Yes Palomares, I agree it does encourge a student-centered learning environment. A direction we all seem to be moving towards.
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    • Diana Cedillo
      Is technology making a positive impact on education? If so, how?
    • Joshua McDonald
      I believe technology is doing what is has always done, making things happen faster, which for the most part I would say is a great thing. Specifically in education you can find a wealth of information for research in a very short amount of time, papers are easier to type then write, learning can be more individualistic, and I will stop there. So I can see lots of positive impacts in the education setting, but I can also see concerns. For instance I have noticed that for the most part my students lack the necessary skills to stop and think through a situation or a problem. If it takes to much time to solve, most of them will give up. They are used to getting things quickly. I do think the the positives outweigh the negatives in this instance.
    • R. Palomares
      I agree with Joshua, technology is indeed making a positive impact on education. There are more students using a wide variety of programs that motivate them to do better in school. Programs such as Stixty have given the students the opportunity to do book reports in a fun and interactive way. There are numerous of other examples that demonstrate how technology is making a positive impact on education. It's making positive impacts on how we (educators) collaborate and share relevant information through programs such as this social bookmarking website(Diigo).
    • Santos Alvarado
      I have to agree with Joshua and Romel, that technology does have a positive impact in the classroom. I believe technology increases the student's motivation and self esteem to learn, because they are using tools that they are use to, not just paper and pencil. It makes the students excited about coming to school. I teach 5th grade students, and when I receive the students they lack the basic knowledge how to use Microsoft word and PowerPoint, but once they leave they learn how to use stixy, and glogster for presentation purposes. I believe technology in the classroom creates a positive environment for learning and collaborating with one another.
    I think if the students get this opportunity to have a computers, they would have more access to get more resources for their studies. On the other hand, students need to be monitor when using computers to make they are using them effectively and not getting into websites that would get them in trouble.
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    This is a great study on the positive effects of technology. I can see how it could have been so successful, like any other type of program or project, consistency is the key aspect. Any type of technology that is going to be introduced into the learning setting will be effective if the accountability and full cooperation is clearly stated prior to making the commitment. This is something I have seen as an educator that becomes an issue because as Title 1 districts I am sure funds are available for Ipads or any other tablet that might be more affordable but the way things are implemented is a big aspect of how productive you will be. Many times we begin something and not follow through, I think that implementing any time of tablet into the learning process in our school is a great way to enhance learning as long as we set goals to meet and accomplish. Great information thank you for sharing.
    Marivel, I agree that districts and campuses have to be committed when introducing and executing the use of technology in the classroom. I believe errors in success occur when there's no consistency in using a technology in the classroom. Students are always more engaged. For example, this week, I did the story plot with my students in class and we retold the story of Prometheus using Toontastic ( I believe that's the name of the app) and my students were glued to the screen. It's a FREE app I encourage teachers to use. It provides the visual in the story students need so they can recall events in the story.
    Learned alot from this study!! It's amazing how much influence technology has on students. When I read that 90% of the students who were using technology went to college compared to only 15% of the non-tech students, I was shocked. It puzzles me how many school districts are not willing to make the necessary expenses to attain this same achievement. The school drop-out rate is sky rocketing here in the valley. I posted a link to a Texas drop out report. Check it out!
    Thank you for sharing the FREE app on recalling events in a story. I will try it tomorrow and hope to have great results just like you. Thank you.
    Technology is a great way of getting our students more engaged in our lessons. It was surprising to read in this article how the students in the ACOT program were college-bound unlike the other students in the same high school. Students are able to use technology to collaborate. I feel students might feel more comfortable sharing their ideas with one another through the use of technology.
    I have to agree with Joshua and Romel, that technology does have a positive impact in the classroom. I believe technology increases the student's motivation and self esteem to learn, because they are using tools that they are use to, not just paper and pencil. It makes the students excited about coming to school. I teach 5th grade students, and when I receive the students they lack the basic knowledge how to use Microsoft word and PowerPoint, but once they leave they learn how to use stixy, and glogster for presentation purposes. I believe technology in the classroom creates a positive environment for learning and collaborating with one another.
Jessica Burnias

BYOD - 5 views

    What do you think is BYOD good or bad for the classroom?
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    Due to our lack of funds or low funds; it seems like a good concept. However, many things would have to be worked out before something like this could be implemented. Like taking into consideration that working with different devices will be a challenge because some may not be compatible with certain software. If implemented appropriately BYOD could work.
    With the appropriate Internet bandwidth, policies, web 2.0 tools and software, it can be done. But like Cora mentioned it is going to be a challenge to address all of the issues associated with so many plataforms being available to students. To get started, a definite must is bandwidth. Then moving forward in setting up a wireless access point that is locked.
    My school has had a BYOD policy for the last year and a half. Well, actually they have had the students bring their own device but we really do not have a policy to go with it...yet. Many of our students bring their laptops and tablets to school but our network is HORRIBLE. The teachers can barely access the internet let alone the students. Our district says we will be getting a new network this summer (we will see), and then hopefully we can use more content on the internet. I love using what others have come up with and posted on the internet I just want to be able to get to it easily.
    I agree with what you all are saying. In my school district they implemented the BYOD for our high school and 9th grade campus. The teachers received no type of training and were basically told when school started that we would be implementing it. We are having issues with internet access and supposedly our network is up to par. The teachers on our campus have mixed feelings because they feel alot of the students are just using their phone for texting or to get on social websites. Since students with phones can get on the internet without accessing the school's internet. The most importantly alot of teachers are having issues on how to use all these different devices. Since there are so many devices it is almost impossible to know how to use them all.
    I think BOYD can be a good thing. It's not quite a good thing just yet. The district I am in created new guidelines for BYOD policies mid year last year. The reason I say it can be good thing is it's not really being implemented like I think the district thought it would. Even though we are well into the first year of the policy, students don't take advantage of it like they could. I do have a few students who bring a device almost daily to read from, but my own daughter, for instance, doesn't want to take hers out of fear of losing it. I think other share her fear; however, the fear the district had of students abusing the new BYOD policy never matierialized. In fact, it's as if less students bring devices now that they are allowed to than when it was against the rules. Figures. :)
    I can definitely see BYOD as a possibility in the middle and high school setting, but as an elementary teacher, there would be more barriers than just network speeds and compatibility issues. Most elementary students wouldn't really have access to laptops, smartphones, or tablet computers. While they might be able to use these things at home, I doubt most parents would let their 9 year old bring the family $500 iPad to class everyday. Additionally, as others have said before, there would have to be a really solid policy put in place for the use of these devices to avoid the whole plan backfiring on educators. The internet can be a dangerous and scary place for those who don't know what they're doing as well as the obvious scenario of students just browsing facebook or something similar instead of completing an assignment.
    Like many of you have pointed out, I too believe that there are lots of kinks that must be worked off before BYOD can be truly successful, but I also believe that the open-minded, willingness of the districts to integrate technology is a step in the right direction. Our district will be implementing BYOD and I am excited to see how it unfolds. I realize that teacher monitoring is crucial and planning will be key, but I think it will benefits the children in the long run,
    I did not even know what BOYD was till I saw this video. It sounds pretty interesting. I believe that any teacher who is interested in technology will "buy" in to it. My only concern is what happens to those students who don't own any tech devices they can bring to school. At the school where I am at the students are from very low income families but then again somehow, someway they find money to own these things. Yet, there are parents who refuse to buy the expensive devises. What happens to those students?
    I think that BYOD is a good thing, because the student is familiar with his/her technology device. Sometimes when I have to use the school laptops, they have different features that I need to ask questions. If I had brought my own laptop, I would have completed more work and been more comfortable using my own technology. I do agree with Juan, we do need appropriate Internet bandwidth, policies, web 2.0 tools, hardware/software in order to incorporate BYOD in your school.
    I think BYOD is a great thing, however, it's not that easy to get all parents on board, and I think it's even more difficult to get other teachers on board. Even one technology device is difficult for teachers who are not technologically inclined to prodide assistance in, and having many different devices can be overwhelming for those teachers. The concept is right on, however, there are some issues that need to be addressed first like teacher training and getting parent "buy in."
    BYOD has been implemented at our campus with the upper grades. The students enjoyed bringing their own device and were eager to share their favorite applications. The teachers were surprised to see how many students owned their own devices.
    BYOD is great idea in implementing technology in the curriculum..I think that will motivate students to learn my district they'll be implementing BYOD this coming year and I'm very excited about it. I know the students will be taught to use their own device but the right way. They will be more involved with classroom discussions and participate more, since it'll be done with their own device.
    Bring Your Own Data! Excellent, we all know that students from nowadays are in touch with all kinds of electronic devices, and why not taking advantage of it. The good think about technology is that there are lots of applications or ways to incorporate such electronic devices in the classroom. I have used a couple of times cellphones to use them as clickers, and students are amazed they can do that, if we introduced students to such things they will naturally seek for more ways to incorporate learning with their own cellphones, ipods, ipads etc.
    I would certainly do the BYOD if i did not have enough technology in my classroom. Students are really proud when they contribute and share their "toys" or devices. The pros are that they know the devices well,and will be able to download the apps needed, and navigate. Devices are usually the latest model, so we would have compatible devices, and we can learn a thing or two from them and have the troubleshooting down as well. The cons might be that we need to make sure we have permission slips with waivers for lost items, but at the same time, be sure we have a place to lock them up and keep them safe. HCISD has form that needs to be signed by parents. I know a fifth grade teacher who has implemented BYOD, and technology has become an interwoven tool that is used seamlessly. Students are not at the novelty stage clamoring to get to the tools, but deciding for themselves when they need to use to to research, or for reviewing objectives taught in class. It was a successful implementation.
Ruth Garza

Students Using iPads for Education | | CHANNEL 5 NEWS | Breaking News Breaking... - 6 views

    • Ruth Garza
      I agree Jaime!! Students need to have the necessary technology, like ipads or diifferent kinds of tablets/readers, to take advatage of the benefits of the many applications students may use. Principal Martinez, of Stillman Middle School in Brownsville, understands that students are living in a new era of technology. Students are responding well and feeling optimistic about their future. Ipads are definitely useful tools and allow students to collaborate and discover new ways of learning. Many educational sites for tutoring and wonderful videos may be the key for their success. I'm glad that a school here in the valley is taking the initiative to make a difference in the students' lives, regardless of all the misconceptions or negative responses that many people, including teachers that are stuck in their ways, may have. Check out the news report from Channel Five!
    • Alyssa Tanguma
      LOVED this article. So many people are against iPads in the classroom. They haven't taken the time to fully view and do their research on the benefits it can provide. I would love to get a class set. I am an inclusion teacher and we are going to be reading a book as a class and it would be great to have the kids read on that instead of the traditional book.
    • R. Palomares
      Wow, This is great news for Stillman Middle School students in gear up. The IPAD has many features that I know the students are going to love to learn and use. This partnership between Apple and Region One was a great opportunity to help students expand on their knowledge using Technology. They will also be better equipped on their knowledge of technology tools.
    Stillman Middle School students were issued ipads as part of the GEAR UP program.
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    This is a great way to teach, being able to have all your students working interactively while you teach. I am still hoping we get some in our district. I feel this will really help my students get motivated in their reading which will eventually help their comprehension.
    I enjoyed reading the article of Mcallen I.S.D using IPADs in their classrooms. I was a permanent sub at a middle school in McAllen and the middle school did not have IPADs but other campuses did for edcuational purposes. I heard students would log into edmodo for school assignments using their IPADs. However I also heard of numerous stories of students pawning the IPADs for money and parents being involved with the pawning scam. It's a huge risk to take investing in IPADS for students to use because of parents and students that might misuse the device.
    I agree with Mr. E.J. Martinez, Principal of Stillman Middle School. Technology is a very powerful tool. If used properly in the classroom it can catapult participation, learning and creativity. It will give students the opportunity to access information and visit virtual places. The possibilities are endless and the sky is the limit.
    WOW, thats great that Stillman were issued IPADS. IPADS or any other equipment such as KINDLE FIRE are very useful for our students in our district. Like it was mention before, technology is a powerful tool so our students need to have the access of any equipment that is out there for them. Great News!!!.
    Its great to see that more and more schools are implementing technology into the classroom. It would be great if every district had enough money to issue out educational technology tools to the students (iPads, tablets, iPods) as an instructional resource in the classroom. Here is a link to how Weslaco is providing teachers training in technology to help 21st Century learners excel with the technology they're already used to:
    I don't believe people are completely against it, i believe it's the fear of NOT KNOWING how to use it in the classroom. I'm totally up for using the ipad. I've currently started using REMIND 101. WOrks awesome. One way communication that's safe from teacher to student/parent that reminds them about certain activities or important reminders. Check it out!
    We recently were asked to fill out a survey within our district explaining why or why not to implement the use of IPADS in the classroom. Of course, I am all for it but I was surprised to see the many educators who are reluctant and don't feel it is necessary. I am already planning what to do with mine if the district decides to suit us with a class set.
Yadira Flores

Classroom Tech Learning, Education, PC, Mac, iPad, Bloom's Taxonomy - - 4 views

    • Jaime Villarreal
      Take a look at this video as you consider some of the challenges teachers will be confronted as more technology becomes available to be used in the classroom.
    • Yadira Flores
      Really liked the website because it offers many resources for educators. It offers live webinars and archived webinars that could be used by anyone to learn about integrating technology in the classroom.
    Website that provides valuable information and resources of educational technology.
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    This website offers up-to-date information of not only the latest educational tools but most importantly their impact in changing the learning environment. Please take a look at some of the best practices I have highlighted and share your views on what are some challenges you feel educators will experience as more technology is implemented in your curriculum.
    Jaime, thanks for the video. I really enjoyed how they viewed the 3-D lessons. Viewing the internal organs of the frog were neat. Our science students would be so much more engaged and have a better understanding identifying the organs by using a program like this. Again, great info to share.
    I-Pads are the newest popular gadgets in demand. I agree that their use in our schools has proven to be an efficient avenue for improving academic skills for students especially our most challenging students (e.g., special populations). The I-pads have also empowered our teachers to adapt technology to assist them and help support of the advancing students' learning. I am in agreement with Vincent that the price hinders the availabilty to all students. Perhaps we need to do more research on Vincent's comment about the use other tablets.
    I was excited to learn how 3D is being incorporated into the classroom. This 3D enhances students' learnign especially for the ADHD and dyslexic child. They are engaged in the learning and the students find it fun. The teacher was please with the ease of using the application in the classroom. Technology is truly fascinating.
Conrado Gonzalez

Teaching Coding to Middle and High School - 14 views

Loved the video Lupita. This weekend I was just talking about that with a close friend of mine. We both got into programming when we were very little but somehow didn't have the parental support at...

technology Education resources tools 21stcenturyskills techlearning

Isabel Cabrera

Deeper Learning: Defining Twenty-First Century Literacy | Edutopia - 22 views

  • Deeper Learning: Defining Twenty-First Century Literacy
  • problem solver, critical thinker, and an effective collaborator and communicator.
    • Isabel Cabrera
      Watch this video to see how this student defines deeper learning and how it has IMPACTed his life!
    • April Canales-Perez
      The video would be a great video to show students because it can be inspiring to them. He is from another country and he has struggled academically but he never gave up. I like how he picked a topic that has impacted his life and has experience in immigration. I like the name of his school "IMPACT" because I truely believe that school has impacted his and has allowed him to further his knowledge in a much deeper way than a regular school setting.
    • Isabel Cabrera
      I was also impressed with this school because it allowed the students to conduct their own research but still stay with the topic of government regulating laws. He chose a topic that was relevant and meaning to him: Immigration. He was engaged and learned a lot about U.S. laws.
    • Edna Orozco
      I saw the video, I was amazed on how the kid learn, this is a dream not only for students, but also for families and the education, Can you imagine to have schools working like this, hands on! where actually students learn and are engaged all the time!. Good article Isabel.
    • Juan Betancourt
      Problem Based Learning is a great way to take advantage of the interests the students have, it helps them take ownership of their learning and making it more relevant to them.
    • Dara Cepeda
      Wow that is something we should all consider, to create deeper learning through PBL. Very interesting to see how students can actually get engaged with a Project based lesson, it opens the door to understand problems and find possible solutions. It helps them to learn by using higher order thinking and at the same time it gives them the skills to be successful in their future career. Thanks for sharing that video with us Isabel :)
    • Isabel Cabrera
      To Edna and Juan, I could see how pbl lessons could be incorporated especially at the high school level. I could see the students using their higher thinking skills and deeper learning taking place with such topics like this, instead of textbook and worksheets. I know that in your engineering dept at PHS, you are already incorporating skills at a higher learning for these students. I think our district has already started implementing deeper learning by having the Early College and Engineering Dept.
    • Jessica Burnias
      I think it is great how problem based learning is allowing to students to relate what they are learning to real world situations. This important they are being taught more than to just pass a test. They are using critical thinking skills and collaboration which are very important to be successful in the real world. Great video.
    • Isabel Cabrera
      Problem based learning allows for them to research on a topic that is meaningful and relevant to the student. It does allow for critical thinking and independent learning.
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    • Isabel Cabrera
      Are we preparing our students for the 21st century?
    • Adam Hovde
      It is hard to forecast what the 21st century needs from the students in school today. The smart phone was developed just a few short years ago and now it seems everyone has one and can use it proficiently. What technologies do we need to prepare students to use? What are we doing in class that students can take and use for the rest of their lives? These are very hard questions to answer. One of the "skills" I try and teach in my classroom is to make each lesson relevant to every student. In the video the student was able to do a project in his AP Government class that was relevant to him and he was able to find meaning in the project. Many students today can use their smart phones, tablets or PCs to help reserach, problem solve, critical think and collaborate. How do we as educators foster the desire in the students to use these technologies to do these things. It can be a big hurdle in some school districts that do not have the technology resources that other districts have. I do not think we can every really know if we are really preparing students for the 21st century but we have to give it our best shot and hope what we teach them carries over to the real world.
    • Isabel Cabrera
      New technologies are coming out every year with new and improved features. The best thing for teachers is to expose the students to what is available out there and make them comfortable with technology. I expose my students to a variety of technologies and sometimes they are just amazed at how I created it and I tell them that is it something I learned from one of my college classes. I encourage them to continue their education after high school if they want to live in a nice house and drive a new car. If you give them the tools, we will be surprised at what they come up with and maybe they will invent something new. It is our job to make learning relevant and meaningful.
    • Heather Luna
      According to the Partnership for 21st Century Skills, students must learn the essentials for success in today's world, such as critical thinking, problem solving, communication, and collaboration. As a fifth-grade teacher, I attempt to promote these elements, but am often unable to do so because of the spotlight on standardized testing and AYP. This year I planned on integrating PBLs in the classroom, but was informed that my students would be unable to use the computer lab and/or the COW for anything except a specific program. This was very disappointing, but I made the most of it. The problem is that even if this "program" is improving my students reading ability (which seems to be the case), it not truly preparing them for the 21st century. Students are losing the ability to think critically, solve problems, and collaborate. I am confident that if given the opportunity to integrate PBLs, I would see an even greater improvement in my students reading abilities, as well as, there overall abilities. We have to move forward, but getting everyone to "buy-in" is proving to be a difficult task! I found this video on "21st Century Learning" and thought I would share, it is long, but has some great information: Enjoy!
    • April Canales-Perez
      I don't believe we are preparing our students for the 21st century. Yes there is some teachers who will take the time and integrate technology into their lessons, but if administration doesn't support this then its very challenging to do this. We as teachers have a lot on our plate and we must make sure that students pass the state assessments. Teachers and administrators lose focus on what is really important and what our students need because of state assessments. If they don't see us doing passages or word problems then we aren't doing our jobs. I do agree it is our job to make learning relevant and meaning but will we ever be given the opportunity to do this. My students are always collaborating in class and applying the knowledge they have learned to real world problems. I challenge them to think and come up with their own answers and ideas instead of me doing it for them. I know there is much more that I can do, but its a start.
    • Isabel Cabrera
      To Heather & April: The "STAAR" test I hear is very higher order thinking. It makes the students think outside of the box. The students have to analyze and internalize the data or read the stories very carefully because there are two really good answers. Unfortunately, we have a large number of students reading below level that we are trying to catch up those students. We can only try to do our best to integrate technology into the classroom.
  • Being literate means one who is advanced at reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
    • Georgina Salas
      Now should we add computer literate as well? Since this is the way we are heading. Plus the students will eventually be STAAR testing in the area of technology.
    • Isabel Cabrera
      As new technologies are coming up, I feel that teachers and students should "keep up with the Jones." The more you are familiar with computer features the more comfortable you will be with computers and be able to adapt to new technologies. A lot of the web 2.0 tools we have been using are similar in some ways. For example, Spicy Nodes and are very similar tools. It is just a matter of exploring! The creativity in students will come out as they incorporate new tools into their projects. In addition, everything is now admissions, financial aid, housing, and work study.
  • (National Council of Teachers of English), twenty-first century readers and writers need to: Gain proficiency with tools of technology Develop relationships with others and confront and solve problems collaboratively and cross-culturally Design and share information for global communities to meet a variety of purposes Manage, analyze, and synthesize multiple streams of simultaneous information Create, critique, analyze, and evaluate multimedia texts Attend to the ethical responsibilities required by these complex environments
  • But for all the amazing, valuable stuff on the Web, there's loads of misinformation, half-truths, and misquoted, useless stuff. In preparing children to be literate in today's world, it's urgent that we teach the skill of scoping websites with a critical eye. Kids need to be explicitly trained in spotting everything from blatant pseudo-facts to slightly questionable content. This ability to "filter" will be required of them in both university and work.
    • Cora Mendez
      This is so true. We need to teach our students how to use the information that is out there on the web. However, we must also teach them how and where to look for reliable data on the internet. They need to understand that not everything that is on the internet is true.
    • Isabel Cabrera
      We do need to educate our students that not everything on the web is valid, just like commercials that are just gimmicks or have a "catch" to it. We need to teach them how to look for credible sources and that anyone and even them can write something on the Internet and that doesn't mean that it is true. There are even pop ups or emails that can invite viruses or can sell your emails for scams. It can be dangerous if the wrong people get a hold of your personal information.
  • It's true that, through deeper learning, many teachers and schools are already guiding students into this new century well-equipped to think critically on their feet, problem solve, and communicate effectively.
  • It's not about the actual tech - it is about the skills needed to get accurate information.
    21st century learning skills: problem solving, critical thinking, effective collaborator and communicator
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    Are we preparing our students for the 21st century? Are we using Deeper learning by activating prior knowledge and experiences? Are the students internalizing information, researching, analyzing, generalizing material beyond the content?
    I enjoyed this video. It showed how someone not from this country chose to educate himself and look into the laws for immigration because he went through the experience. I feel that if anyone saw this video it would push them to do more with their education. I believe that if elementary, middle school, and high school students saw this it would inspire them to care more for their education and purse higher education than a high school diploma.
    We need to bring this reality into our classrooms, our students take too much for ganted, but it would be even more effective if we give them a real life driving question that involves our students helping immigrants like this one get the education they so desire. Through a pbl driven lesson, students will come up with solutions, thus helping them truly understand the problems of this particular students. Perhaps we can teach empathy as well.
    I really like the video and what they were talking about and the determination it take to educate oneself. If everone on a campus could take the time out of there busy schedula and show this video to the students it would make a difference in how they see themselves and there education.
    I enjoyed the video a lot. It is inspiring to see how students are engaged with a PBL lesson. Students were finding possible solutions to problems that pertain and are significant to them. If students feel that the problem affects them personally they will try their best to find answers to solve the problem. By using PBL students will also acquire the skills needed to be successful not only in college, but in life.
    I'm glad I work at HCISD, we're quite progressive when it comes to education and Project-Based Learning is getting a lot of attention and many efforts are being made to ensure that it's happening in our classrooms. I really liked the video especially the part on how the student made his assignment have value as immigration issues pertain to him. I think we're in the right place at the right time.
    I thought it was interesting that it was a Pbl school. It was very obvious that the student was getting a deeper understanding of the topic. He was not only learning about immigration because he had to do some research and figure out where and how it was addressed in the laws and government. He was problem solving and using critical thinking which allowed him to have a deeper understanding of his topic.
Heather Luna

From Distraction to Engagement: Wireless Devices in the Classroom (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) ... - 6 views

    • Heather Luna
      As a teacher, I see first hand how technology has offered endless opportunities for engagement. I think the issue may stem from the actual method of integration as opposed to the use of technology itself. 
    • Isabel Cabrera
      I see technology as an engagement when it is used properly and the students have a task at hand. It becomes a distraction when the student is not engaged or just trying to test you. As a teacher, you must have frequent monitoring and walking around the room. I've seen it at the high school level, you must first lay down the rules and consequences to the proper use of technology. The students need to understand that it is a privilege to use this technology to enhance their learning and if they choose to abuse it, then there will be consequences to their actions. I believe there is a time and place to incorporate technology into your lessons.
    • Edna Orozco
      It is true that having electronic devices can tend to distract students, but we as educators need to be responsible and take over our class, It will take more energy and effort but the outcome can be positive. It is the same with the PBL, it takes more planning and time to prepare for such lesson, but research has proven that it works, therefore we need to put more effort in using such electronic devices, but keeping in mind that we will have to be in control of our students and class.
    • Heather Luna
      I think Mazur said it best, technology doesn't provide any more distractions than a classroom window! 
    • April Canales-Perez
      This is so true. Technology will become a distraction if a teacher allows it to become one. Meaning using technology comes with a lot of planning. If you decide to use technology from one day to the next without really thinking or brainstorming about it then the lesson and the integration of technology will not go well. This will lead to technology becoming a distraction. You must have a very detailed plan of how you will integrate technology into the lesson and what expectations you will have for your students. With expectations students will know exactly what is being asked from them in order to get the assignment done.
    • Heather Luna
      As educators, we are responsible for taking advantage of every opportunity present, including those we may not necessarily be comfortable with.
    • Edna Orozco
      I agree with you, and I belive that the first step we need to take is to change our attitude towards technology. We need to understand that new generations are evolving towards the use of electronic devices such as tablets, touch phones, computers, ipads, etc etc. we need to evolve with them. The second step we need to do is to educate ourselves in effective applications towards technology
    The technology "buy-in" has been difficult, because not everyone can see the long-term benefits, some educators view technology as engagement, while others view it as a distraction.
    Distraction? I hope that by that they don't mean that technology is taking away the attention from the teacher-centered-classroom teacher while focusing on student interaction, and there being confusion about that. I think boring teachers are a distraction -- to education.
    I think alot of the "distraction" mentality comes from the traditional teaching where the teacher was the guru and taught direct instruction. The 21st century learner and the innovative tools that they have at their disposal has changed our world, and consequently how we all learn and teach. It is definitely a tool which places a massive amount of information at our student's fingertips. We just need to remember that they still need the foundation of how and what to select as appropriate information. I am so "for" technology devices, but am concerned with the responsiblity that has been dropped on our laps, that of teaching digital etiquette, safety on the internet, etc.
albert rodriguez

Cadre 1 The Digital Classroom - 10 views

    HCISD moved into the 21st century and created 20 digital classroom throughout the Harlingen School District and is looking at adding 65 more in 2013-2014. Question: Is this the answer for classrooms in the 21st century?
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    Yes! HCISD is setting the expections and following through with supporting and implementing Cadre 1 with 21 Century equipment. They are providing the resources and setting guidelines for a successful program.
    This is a great help to other districts to see how Harlingen is using technology. Hopefully it can inspire others by your success. Do you think you could add links to the apps you are using into the description of the video?
    Brian, in my class the students were using a Camtasia edited youtube video from School House Rock linked on Edmodo with a quiz, but aside from that, I'm not sure what the other teachers were using. I know another group of students were using Edmodo as well, but the math app where they were working on triangles of some sort, I really don't know. I'll ask the district's instructional technologist, she would probably know and I'll get back to you.
    The goal of the 21st Century classroom should be to seamless integrate technology in the classroom to enhance and promote learning. You are certainly in the right path. Support ant training would be the next items to get in line to keep the technology working properly, and continue enhancing you lessons.
    I wish my district would do something like this. We are on an IPAD for every student push right now but we are not producing lessons to go with the IPADs. I really like what you guys are doing in HCISD. Good Job!
    Albert, Wow!!! That was an awesome video showcasing how technology can be used in the classroom. In regards, to your questions! I truly believe that Harlingen has taken the right path to prepare students for the real world.
    Albert that is fantastic! I am sure that most teachers and students are very excited. In regards to your question, I would have to say yes and no. The creation of digital classrooms is definatley a step in the right directions, but it goes deeper. Teachers need to receive the proper training and then there needs to be some accountability (PDAS, etc.) to ensure that technology is being used to enhance instruction. I was recently in a meeting, where a veteran teacher continually pointed out the negatives in regards to technology: students are off task, distracted, not listening, not producing, etc. With this attitude, I believe that no matter how "digital" his classroom is, he will probably never take full advantage. I guess what I am trying to say is, the equipment is a huge step, but teacher "buy-in" can make or break the long-term success of the initiative.
    Absolutely, Heather. There are so many teachers that are resistant to technology, just like there are many who aren't but are in need of the know how. That's why it's very important for us to model, support, and encourage those who can't to do, and those who don't to want.
    Albert, I totaly agree. We have a big job ahead of us, but I am EXCITED to be part of it! Together we can all make a difference.
    This is really great, HCISD is on their way to incorporating technology in the classroom. The students were really engaged and excited about learning using their IPADS. At my daughter's school they use the Edmoto to communicate with the teacher and parents and she is only in 3rd grade. The teachers are also creating tutorial videos on objectives using You Tube and the students can go into the district website to view them. I think schools are taking a leap into the technology and having the students use it more for their learning.
    I really like the way HCISD is implementing technology tools and the "Layers of Learning" training, where administrators, principals, then librarians, and then teachers who were selected as the Digital Classrooms, are being trained, and will continue the layering until everyone is trained. Having administration understand the plan well is important. There is less of a chance that someone will have a gap of learning, and not implement the Technology initiative well. HCISD has thought this out well. In addition an elementary, middle school, and high school PBL Executive team was selected and trained through the summer. Now anyone who is a digital classroom teacher will go through that training. The tools, including mounted projectors with audio microphones, are not just placed in a classroom without the proper training. It is very exciting.
    I agree with Ana regarding training and adminstrative support. I believe this IS the answer for the 21 century classroom.This is the direction we need to be moving or we and our students will be left behind, but with so many teachers apprehensive about using technology in their lessons, success of the digital classroom will require and abundance of on going training and support. Reading the description of Isable's daughter's classroom is wonderful!
    Wow!!! Yes definitely, digital classrooms are the answer to the 21st century. We live in a digital world, kids are learning in a more interactive way. It's awesome to see when educators and administrators are open minded and are not afraid of using technology for the 21st century. It is true, allowing the students to use their own technology it teaches them to be responsible, to have a digital citizenship. Ofcourse all teachers have to be trained in order to implement these tools, a school doesn't transform into a digital school from one day to the other, it takes time and it's awesome to see Harlingen ISD is doing that. Adding more digital classrooms every year. Thanks for sharing video with us Albert!
    I agree with Dara that teachers must be trained properly on the use the technology and how to implement Web 2.0 tools. Sometimes the trainings provided are to vague and are not enough to get the teachers comfortable in using the technology or software. Teachers need to be provided with the proper training in order to be able to teach the students how to use the technology.
    I agree with technology in the classroom, I studied engineering, and it really makes a difference when you have hands on activities, and when you do research, or when you are working with a software that is relevant to what you are learning. The only question that I have is, why do they only offer these types of technologies to academies ? or to a few students at schools, why not having offer this learning in all classrooms at the school. I also believe that technology or this type of classrooms by themselves are nothing, there has to be a well trained teacher that is willing to work this way, instead of the traditional way teaching.
    Great stuff Albert! Seems like HCISD is doing great things with technology in the classroom. I was wondering how much technology does the district provide and how much do the students bring into the class? How do you all monitor what the students can see when they bring their own device?
    Albert sounds like Harlingen is doing some great things with technology. I would have to say that technology is a big part of the 21st century. If teachers and students are trained and educated properly, technology will motivate, inspire, and create critical thinkers.
    Cesar you have some great questions that I would like to know the answers to myself.
    Edna, in regards to your question. HCISD began a program called Cadre 1 where they would convert 20 classrooms throughout the district to digital classroom by giving those classroom teachers a cart with 11 IPads and headphones, 1 MacBook, an Apple TV, $50 worth of apps, and all the support necessary from a team of collaborating teachers, administrators, and even an instructional technologist. A few months in, they upgraded us to 22 ipads for those digital classrooms. Last Friday was the deadline for teachers to submit their applications for Cadre 2 next year where HCISD will be adding 64 more digital classrooms, and if I'm not mistaking, there will be 120 classrooms added in the 2014-2015 school year. This is where we are headed, and the success of the digital classrooms depends on consistently incorporating technology in our everyday routine. It's a new step, but it has made a world of difference in our classrooms with our students. Besides, it goes hand-in-hand with what we've been learning the last year and a half in the program.
    In addition to all that HCISD is doing, all the Library Media Specialists were sent to Project Based Learning as well as technology training which we have as part of our annual training. This year we attended TCEA and brought back many new apps and ideas to implement in our classrooms. We are part of the layers of learning to help support our campus teachers. The Cadre I and II digital classrooms are well supported on their campus and by the district Technology department and technicians on campus, instructional technologist, Library Director and Library Media Specialists. I know a 5th grade teacher who teaches Math and Science at Stuart Elementary who has implemented the B.Y.O.D. initiative in her classroom. She used the district form ( found on our website) to send to her parents, and students are bringing in tablets, smart phones, and any other device that accesses the internet. The devices supplement the lesson which is standard based or driven, and the teacher facilitates the learning, and monitors their use. Many times students decide when they need the devices during the lesson, or how they will use them to share with the classroom. This teacher is now ready to apply for the digital classroom, and understands that the devices still supplement a well planned Standard based lesson, and that she must facilitate and progress monitoring daily. Cesar, the district has a strong firewall, and certain websites are blocked, but the teacher uses her username and password to get through the firewall if he or she deems the website appropriate. Teachers get 30 minute time increments. Most everything that students need is available to them. Anytime an inappropriate breach happens, the technician is alerted and will come to the classroom to let the teacher know. In this particular classroom, Edmodo is used as well as other district software for Math and Science. Another idea on the use of iPads: For poetry, I used my iPads to introduce Poems, and gave studen
    Very interesting that your district has the ipads. The students are very engaged. They seem to enjoy all the technology being used in the classroom. I feel BISD needs to take a lesson from your district and start implementing ipads and more technology in the classroom.
    I am very impressed Albert! It is nice to see that you are getting the technology and training from your district. Students are enjoying this new way of learning and I have no doubt that the use of technology will improve the skills they need to be successful in the 21st century. I personally think that we should be teaching students to use technological tools in order for them to be productive and to accomplish their future goals.
Juanita R. Martinez

New Study Finds iPads in the Classroom Boost Test Scores | Techland | - 4 views

    A new study shows that students who use iPads in the classroom score better in literacy tests than those who don't. Educators in Auburn, Maine began instructing 266 kindergarteners using the iPad 2 this fall, and those who used the tablet scored higher on literacy tests and were more enthused about learning.
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    I love my iPad! I do think there's a lot more going on than just using the iPads that is causing the high achievement rates. I could give a classroom full of middle-schoolers iPads and they would be able to download apps and play lots of games. I truly believe that the teacher makes all the difference. If the teacher isn't on top of things, the iPad would be just another toy. The authors of the article gave the iPad all the credit and it's not so. Don't get me wrong, I would love it if we had iPads for our students, but teachers that know how to integrate them into the curriculum make the learning happen!
    Juanita, In the classroom, the level of expertise of the teacher knowing how to integrate the iPad into lessons will determine whether iPads are different instructional tools to engage the students in the learning process or are they just a toy for entertainment or social networking. Classroom content can be enriched by using the iPad and constant teacher monitoring when being used by the students.
    I would love to incorporate iPad's into the classroom because of the number of possibilities it has. I also, however, agree, with Adriana when it comes to the main source of the classroom. The teacher needs to know the tool, know how to incorporate to make successful lessons in order for it to be successful. If you think about it, the number of teachers in the district... then the number of teachers who are willing to incorporate it. It is a big difference! It would be great if all teachers would incorporate it, even begin training to incorporate it.
    It would be extremely interesting to see how the Ipad can boost test grades. It's also important to note that the teacher would have to familiarize herself with this technology. I think they would be an amazing tool for the classroom because they will keep students engaged and interested in doing their work. Also, it's interesting because new apps are always coming on the market and they can also be used in the classroom.
Salina V

Reading Comprehension and Technology - 29 views

Items that I have used for this is Google Docs. A co-worker and my self would work on tutorials and used this to incorporate technology in their reading. We learned that many kids prefer having th...

reading technology classroom

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