Deeper Learning: Defining Twenty-First Century Literacy | Edutopia - 22 views
Deeper Learning: Defining Twenty-First Century Literacy
problem solver, critical thinker, and an effective collaborator and communicator.
Watch this video to see how this student defines deeper learning and how it has IMPACTed his life!
The video would be a great video to show students because it can be inspiring to them. He is from another country and he has struggled academically but he never gave up. I like how he picked a topic that has impacted his life and has experience in immigration. I like the name of his school "IMPACT" because I truely believe that school has impacted his and has allowed him to further his knowledge in a much deeper way than a regular school setting.
I was also impressed with this school because it allowed the students to conduct their own research but still stay with the topic of government regulating laws. He chose a topic that was relevant and meaning to him: Immigration. He was engaged and learned a lot about U.S. laws.
I saw the video, I was amazed on how the kid learn, this is a dream not only for students, but also for families and the education, Can you imagine to have schools working like this, hands on! where actually students learn and are engaged all the time!. Good article Isabel.
Problem Based Learning is a great way to take advantage of the interests the students have, it helps them take ownership of their learning and making it more relevant to them.
Wow that is something we should all consider, to create deeper learning through PBL. Very interesting to see how students can actually get engaged with a Project based lesson, it opens the door to understand problems and find possible solutions. It helps them to learn by using higher order thinking and at the same time it gives them the skills to be successful in their future career. Thanks for sharing that video with us Isabel :)
To Edna and Juan, I could see how pbl lessons could be incorporated especially at the high school level. I could see the students using their higher thinking skills and deeper learning taking place with such topics like this, instead of textbook and worksheets. I know that in your engineering dept at PHS, you are already incorporating skills at a higher learning for these students. I think our district has already started implementing deeper learning by having the Early College and Engineering Dept.
I think it is great how problem based learning is allowing to students to relate what they are learning to real world situations. This important they are being taught more than to just pass a test. They are using critical thinking skills and collaboration which are very important to be successful in the real world. Great video.
Problem based learning allows for them to research on a topic that is meaningful and relevant to the student. It does allow for critical thinking and independent learning.
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21st century learning skills: problem solving, critical thinking, effective collaborator and communicator
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I'm glad I work at HCISD, we're quite progressive when it comes to education and Project-Based Learning is getting a lot of attention and many efforts are being made to ensure that it's happening in our classrooms. I really liked the video especially the part on how the student made his assignment have value as immigration issues pertain to him. I think we're in the right place at the right time.
I thought it was interesting that it was a Pbl school. It was very obvious that the student was getting a deeper understanding of the topic. He was not only learning about immigration because he had to do some research and figure out where and how it was addressed in the laws and government. He was problem solving and using critical thinking which allowed him to have a deeper understanding of his topic.