Spicynodes : Home - 1 views
RealtimeBoard - 3 views
"Discuss web-site or product interfaces with your team. Add visual materials and screenshots, mark-up, leave comments in mini-chat. Create simple sketches or complex infographics using shapes, texts and mark-up tools. Visualize any data and share it with others. Upload pictures and drawings of interior and exterior, discuss your design projects with your colleagues and clients using comments and chat. Plan and discuss your projects in RealtimeBoard - add your Google Docs and PDF-presentations, create mindmaps and collaborate in real time. Use business model template to structure your business activity. Add files, texts, pictures, comments and work together.
"Plan and discuss your projects in RealtimeBoard - add your Google Docs and PDF-presentations, create mindmaps and collaborate in real time"
MindMup - 5 views
Home - Creaza - 5 views
Bamboo DiRT - 3 views
"Bamboo DiRT is a tool, service, and collection registry of digital research tools for scholarly use. Developed by Project Bamboo, Bamboo DiRT makes it easy for digital humanists and others conducting digital research to find and compare resources ranging from content management systems to music OCR, statistical analysis packages to mindmapping software."
Pinball - 4 views
Pinball comes from the BBC and takes you on a 'journey' around different sections of a pinball table, helping you create and refine ideas as you go. It's a different idea for a site, and one you'll either love or hate immediately. However, there is a Help section, you're encouraged to dive straight in and use the freeform tools in whatever way you see fit. The four sections of the site all give you different ways of working through the creative process. Dot Dash allows you to quickly and easily build a Mind Map complete with images and customisable colours while Wild Reels mixes up different combinations of text and images to create new combinations. Most instantly enjoyable is Snap Shot, which allows you to quickly and easily manipulate images by drawing on them, rotating and scaling them and more.
Spicynodes : Home - 2 views
Based on a simple concept, powerful technology, and a highly intuitive interface, SpicyNodes is easy to author. In a few minutes you can make an interactive site map, or repurpose your existing content into an inviting portal with unique visual appeal. With a few clicks, you can customize your nodemap's appearance and share it with others or embed it into your web site or blog. It's also a fresh way to display information for various creative and educational uses, from concept maps, to poetry and art, to new user interfaces and visualizations.
Mind Maps in Education - 5 views
XMind - Mind Mapping and Storming - 0 views
Popplet - 7 views
Fantastic use friendly site for creating mind maps of images / information online. Works almost in fairly similar way to prezi. Very easy to learn. Free sign up. Collaborate on mind maps with other people. You can select to be emailed daily, weekly or monthly changes to the popplet. Think you only have 5 free 'popplets' though :(