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Rhondda Powling

Hubii - 7 views

    Hubii is a new website featuring a map of newspapers from around the world. Visitors can locate online newspapers by clicking on the placemarks on the map. Registered users can subscribe to the online editions of the newspapers they find. When you subscribe (it's free) to a newspaper in Hubii it is added to your Hubii Mapazine in which you can read the newspapers to which you are subscribed
John Pearce

Launch of Newspaper Extinction Timeline for every country in the world - Trends in the ... - 0 views

    "Back in August I predicted that newspapers in their current form will be irrelevant in Australia in 2022. That received significant international attention including from The Australian, The Guardian, Editor & Publisher (which called me the 'Wizard of Aussie') and many others. Part of the point I wanted to make was that this date is different for every country. As such I have created a Newspaper Extinction Timeline that maps out the wide diversity in how quickly we can expect newspapers to remain significant around the world."
John Pearce

SearchReSearch: A note about searching Google Scanned Newspaper archives - 2 views

    "As you might know, Google currently has a collection of newspaper archives that's worth knowing about.  It turns out that the Newspaper Archive search still works, it just requires a bit of special technique to actually search it out.  You can go to this URL: and it will show you a popup.  Fill in the fields the way you want, THEN do a date-restrict to the dates you want, and THEN in the "Source" field, enter the name of the newspaper you want.  "
John Pearce

newspaper map - 10 views

    A map of the world with pins indicating the location of newspapers worldwide. It also has a search function to find and translate 10,000+ newspapers 

Why does cleaning windows with newspaper work? - Dirt2Tidy - 0 views

    Have you ever wondered why cleaning windows with newspaper works so effectively? Discover the surprising science behind this time-honored method and learn how it can leave your windows streak-free and sparkling! Dive into the details and find out why this simple hack is a favorite among cleaning enthusiasts. Read more at:
John Pearce

The Tweeted Times - personal newspaper generated from your Twitter account - 0 views

    "The Tweeted Times is a real-time personalized newspaper generated from your Twitter account"
Russell Ogden


    Web 2 newspaper templates. Create and embed newspapers!
John Pearce

Mark Cuban: Will Your College Go Out of Business Before You Graduate? - 0 views

    "I've been getting a lot of questions from high school kids asking whether or not they should go to college. The answer is yes. College is where you find out about yourself. It's where you learn how to learn. It's where you get exposure to new ideas. For those of us who are into business you learn the languages of business, accounting, finance, marketing and sales in college. The question is not whether or not you should go to school; the question for the class of 2014 is what is your college plan and what is the likelihood that your college or university you attend will still be in business by the time you want to graduate? Still in business? Yep. When I look at the university and college systems around the country I see the newspaper industry."
John Pearce

Augmented reality app makes Japanese newspaper more engaging for kids | Springwise - 1 views

    "The AR News app enables kids to use their smartphones to reveal more kid-friendly versions of articles in the Tokyo Shimbun."
John Pearce

What the internet was going to be like in 1981 | John Rentoul | Independent Eagle Eye B... - 1 views

    "Everything about this 2′17″ report is wonderful: the rounded-screen computers (which remind me of my first computer, an Osborne "suitcase", in 1983); the dial phone; the handset coupler; the green capitals on lined screen; the advertising for the concept: "A world of information at your fingertips." The reporter says that there are "an estimated two to three thousand home computer owners in the Bay area". One of whom says he likes the idea of copying articles from newspapers and printing them out to save. "I think it is the future.""
John Pearce

Mobile Augmented Reality Advertising | blippar - 3 views

    "Blippar™ is the first image-recognition phone app aimed at bringing to life real-world newspapers, magazines, products and posters with exciting augmented reality experiences and instantaneous content.  The company launched in the UK in the Summer of 2011 and will be expanding globally throughout 2012. "
Tony Richards

Tablet Newspaper (1994) - YouTube - 0 views

    Look Darrel - these were around way back in 1994. Interesting video ahead of its time.
Ian Guest

ThyNews - 7 views

    "Create A Custom Online Newspaper Page" ... by bringing in RSS feeds on topics of your choice
John Pearce

Day4 - How we screwed (almost) the whole Apple community - 1 views

    "Have you heard the phrase "That's true because I saw it on TV" at some point? It was often the truth in the old days when people only had the TV or newspaper to relate to. What you saw or read was the truth, although it obviously wasn't always so. Today, thanks to the Internet, we consider ourselves much more enlightened. We can discuss and examine the source in a way that was not possible in the past. But are we really aware of all information flowing up over the net? What is really true and what's not? When someone presents a bit of loose facts on Twitter, I usually respond with something like "64% of the facts on the Internet is 48% incorrect according to 52% of respondents", completely made up numbers out of my head, but it makes people think a little extra. It is somewhat disturbing at times when the bandwagon takes of and speeds up, without people being critical. People stand up for situations that may never have happened, and spin on it which ultimately results in that it will be trated as facts, or a faktoid."
Andrew Williamson

What should students do once they can read? - Richard Olsen's Blog - 2 views

  • the only evidence presented to support the assertion that Victoria’s education outcomes are not improving is the report “Challenges in Australian Education: results from PISA 2009: the PISA 2009 assessment of students’ reading, mathematical and scientific literacy”
  • While it doesn’t seem unreasonable to want our students to be able to accurately perform these kind of tasks, these tests are not a true or accurate representation of the skills and competencies our students need in today’s technology driven world.
  • We need to understand the new social world that both our students and our teachers live and learn in.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • A world where the experts are no longer in charge, a world where autonomous self-directed learners are skilled at co-constructing new knowledge in unknown and uncertain environments
  • A world where knowledge is complex and is changing.
  • Our students need to be immersed in the modern learning, made possible by modern technology and free of the compromises that up til now our education system has been based on.
    Looking at the New Directions for school leadership and the teaching profession discussion paper, the only evidence presented to support the assertion that Victoria's education outcomes are not improving is the report "Challenges in Australian Education: results from PISA 2009: the PISA 2009 assessment of students' reading, mathematical and scientific literacy" Specifically the New Directions paper focuses on reading literacy, where in 2009, 14,251 students were given a two-hour pen and paper comprehension test. To get an idea of what types of competencies the reading test is assessing we can look at the sample test , with questions range from comprehension about a letter in a newspaper, the ability to interpret a receipt, comprehension around a short story, an informational text, and interpreting a table. While it doesn't seem unreasonable to want our students to be able to accurately perform these kind of tasks, these tests are not a true or accurate representation of the skills and competencies our students need in today's technology driven world.
John Pearce

DigitalNZ - 1 views

    Helping to make New Zealand digital content easy to find, share, and use. We aim to make New Zealand digital content more useful. This includes helping people use digital material from libraries, museums, government departments, publicly funded organisations, the private sector, and community groups. Use this site to: Find NZ digital material that is hidden or buried on the internet Search across more than 20 million digital items to discover New Zealand treasures such as amazing aerial photos, old posters and memorabilia, newspaper clippings, artworks, and publications. Items are contributed from partners including Te Papa, the Alexander Turnbull Library, Auckland Art Gallery, Te Ara, NZ On Screen and many many more.
Rhondda Powling - Free Newsletter Templates for Microsoft Word - 3 views

    This tool offers free professional looking templates for newsletters, flyers, labels, and resumes. The sites newsletter templates are categorized for education, business, family, holidays, and by month. The templates must be downloaded and are compatible for all versions of Microsoft Word. These templates can also be utilized for a class newspaper, projects or even reports.
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