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John Pearce

Google Docs Can Now Be Exported Through Takeout - 1 views

    "Google Docs can now be exported from the Google Takeout menu, thanks to Google's Data Liberation Front. Previously, users could export and import documents in various formats, but they are now available alongside data from all other Google services in Takeout. Google Takeout was unveiled in summer 2011. It allows Google users to export all their Google data to disk or just data from individual services. It's all thanks to the Data Liberation Front team, which builds tools to give Google users control over their data."
Roland Gesthuizen

Gcal2Excel - 1 views

    "Gcal2Excel is a free utility application that lets you export your Google Calendar events to Excel files. Export, convert and download all your Google Calendar events to MS Excel or CSV files. Gcal2Excel is an effective web based timekeeping system - just put all your work hours in Google Calendar and use this app to calculate hours worked."

International Spice Conference - Places In Goa - 0 views

    The All India Spices Exporters Forum (AISEF), established in the year 1987, works towards protecting the interests of the spice exporters in the country, creating a sustainable, pro-development business environment for the spice industry and its stakeholders. Places In Goa

International Spice Conference - Black Pepper & Red Chillies - 0 views

    The All India Spices Exporters Forum (AISEF), established in the year 1987, works towards protecting the interests of the spice exporters in the country, creating a sustainable, pro-development business environment for the spice industry and its stakeholders. Black Pepper & Red Chillies
John Pearce

The History 2.0 Classroom: X Evernote X Explain Everything X iPads - 3 views

    conjunction with Explain Everything, students now have the ability to publish blog posts through their existing Evernote account that can include customized images, graphics or posters. One of my favorite uses for Explain Everything is to create graphics by using the cropping image & text feature. Once the graphic is created, it can either be exported to the camera roll or uploaded directly to Evernote. Once the image is included in the Evernote note that is tagged with "published", the blog post will appear on the blog with the custom image. (If publishing directly from Explain Everything to Evernote, remember to go into the note and add the "published" tag word).
Clay Leben

Modern online presentation tool - SlideCaptain - 9 views

    An HTML5 slideshow maker. Share. Branching structure chapters. Lots of features. Share and export.
Rhondda Powling

Portal 2 Puzzle Maker - Valve Developer Community - 1 views

    "The Puzzle Maker (also known as Puzzle Creator or Editor) is an in-game puzzle editor that allows the creation, testing, and publishing (to Steam Workshop) of custom single-player and co-op test chambers. The Editor also adds new lines from Cave Johnson which, altogether, adds a story to downloaded test chambers. The DLC introduces the player to "The Multiverse" which contains an infinite number of Earths, an infinite number of Apertures, and therefore, an infinite number of test chambers. Puzzle Maker is not intended as a replacement of Hammer, which while more powerful and generalized in nature, is significantly more difficult and time consuming to use. It is possible to export a VMF from Puzzle Maker and open it in Hammer; many mappers do this to add polish or features that are not currently possible using the Puzzle Maker. Some mappers use the Puzzle Maker to quickly iterate through (and test) puzzle designs before building a chamber from scratch with Hammer. It is not possible to load a Hammer VMF file in Puzzle Maker."
Ian Guest

Piktochart - 5 views

    "Piktochart helps you create wow presentations to engage your web audience. Combine themes, shapes, icons, vectors, text, uploaded images, chart exporter (8 types of visualizations) to create the story you want."
Shelly Terrell

7th Graders Publish Their Own Textbook - 3 views

    There are some disadvantages to using iBooks author for crafting your own learning materials. The biggest issue is that iBooks Author books can only be read on an iPad in the iBooks app. You can't even read the eBook on an iPhone, iPod touch, Mac, or PC. iBooks Author will export your work as a PDF, however, the PDF will lack the interactive table of contents, photo galleries, videos, and other hands-on elements. 
John Pearce

Google Takeout from the Data Liberation Front - Good to Know - Google - 1 views

    "We believe you should be able to export your information from Google products when you want to. We have a special engineering team called the Data Liberation Front which has one goal - to make it easier for our users to move their data in and out of Google products. That's useful if you want to store a copy of your information on your own computer, or if you want to leave Google for another product and take your information to the new service. We've launched a data liberation tool called Google Takeout which makes it easier to move data in and out of Google products. It's good to know that you can use Google Takeout to move your data in and out of Google products. "
John Pearce

Wolfram Alpha Pro democratizes data analysis: an in-depth look at the $4.99 a month ser... - 1 views

    "On Wednesday, February 8th, Wolfram Alpha will be adding a new, "Pro" option to its already existing services. Priced at a very reasonable $4.99 a month ($2.99 for students), the new services includes the ability to use images, files, and even your own data as inputs instead of simple text entry. The "reports" that Wolfram Alpha kicks out as a result of these (or any) query are also beefed up for Pro users, some will actually become interactive charts and all of them can be more easily exported in a variety of formats. We sat down with Stephen Wolfram himself to get a tour of the new features and to discuss what they mean for his goal of "making the world's knowledge computable.""
John Pearce

GoSoapBox - Hear what your students are thinking. - 6 views

    "GoSoapBox is used during class to break down participation barriers, keeping students engaged, and giving teachers insight into student comprehension that was never before possible." An interesting looking backchannel tool that enables a range of interactions plus having the capability to export data only problem it does cost.
John Pearce

myHistro - 4 views

    "Create free timelines. Follow interesting stories, get updates and notifications with "Today in history". myHistro is an interactive diary and a story-flow generator for bloggers. Unlimited space, unlimited number of photos! Create as many stories as you want and export these into Google Earth (KML) or spreadsheet format (CSV)! See the story on map and timeline, read more by "manually" turning pages or see the story summary as a simple chronological list of events. Try them all! My Histro also has an app.
Ian Guest

The Little Data Book 2013 - 2 views

    "The Little Data Book 2013 is the pocket edition of World Development Indicators 2013. It is intended as a quick reference for users of the World Development Indicators database, book, and mobile app. The Little Data Book 2013 contains 55 key development indicators such as population and population growth, GNI, GDP, GDP growth, exports and imports, and gross capital formation, deforestation, water use, energy use and electricity use per capita; and more."
    Lots of real world data to interrogate in many different ways
John Pearce

How To Download All Your Personal Data From Facebook | Business Insider - 1 views

    "Storing information in the cloud is great, but sometimes it's nice to have your personal data right on your hard drive. There's a way to export your personal information from your various Google accounts, and now you can on Facebook, too. If you'd like to download a copy of your Facebook data, there's an easy way to do it. That way you can keep all your personal information - videos and pictures from your wall, for example - on your computer, without worrying about ever losing your stuff, should your account get hacked. Here's how:"
John Pearce

Gliffy Diagrams Is A Full-Featured Diagramming App Based On Chrome - 1 views

    "Gliffy Diagrams is a Google Chrome app that makes the process of creating all such diagrams a lot easier. You can not only create a vast range of diagram types, but also modify them in plenty of ways, save the output as image files, and even export it to Google Docs, presentations, or web pages."

spice trading countries - 0 views

shared by spicesboard on 08 Sep 15 - No Cached
    Decoding Spices in the 21st Century Learn this and more by being a part of this initiative, the All India Spices Exporters Forum (AISEF) and the entire Spices Fraternity of India invite you to the first ever International Spice Conference 2016 . AISEF has been working tirelessly in improving the Indian spice industry for the last 25 years. The ISC 2016 will also be a celebration of the 25 years it has devoted and contributed to the industry.

Conference-International Spice Conference 2016 - 5 views

    Learn this and more by being a part of this initiative, the All India Spices Exporters Forum (AISEF) and the entire Spices Fraternity of India invite you to the first ever International Spice Conference 2016 .
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