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John Pearce

Digital Citizenship Resources - 9 views

    This binder is an attempt to collect and organize Digital Citizenship resources by age (grade level). Often when we think of Digital Citizenship, we only think about the safety aspects of it but being a digital citizen is much more than just being safe. The nine elements of Digital Citizenship as outlined in the book Digital Citizenship in Schools by Mike Ribble and Gerald Bailey are: Digital Etiquette Digital Communication Digital Literacy Digital Access Digital Commerce Digital Law Digital Rights & Responsibilities Digital Health & Wellness Digital Security (self-protection) Source: If you would like to collaborate on this binder, please send the email address that you used when signing up with Live Binders to
Roland Gesthuizen

Generation YES » Youth & Educators Succeeding - 4 views

    "Generation YES is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) with a mission to empower students and teachers to use technology to improve education in their own school. Our school-friendly online tools and innovative project-based curriculum build a learning community where students work alongside their teachers as technology leaders, collaborators and mentors. 15 years of research experience and proven scientific results show that when schools trust and collaborate with their students to integrate technology, academic success follows."
Roland Gesthuizen

How will schools look in 10 years? | - 10 views

  • danger is if you just allow students to learn what they want to learn, they will miss out on a lot
  • There is lots of hype about how much technology will change the learning environment, but schools are resilient – we still recognise them from when we are at school. They still have rows of desks, a whiteboard and a teacher
  • We need to all consider the place of technology in the schools of the future and look at the moral debate
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • 3D digibooks will take over, but libraries will still exist though to keep old books although few new ones will be purchased
    "HOW will the way kids learn change over the next 10 years as new technology takes over in schools? Futurist expert Neil Selwyn from the Faculty of Education, Monash University, gives his predictions. "
John Pearce - 5 views

    A pdf with advice for users of shared iPads including about how to ensure that iPads are used safely.
John Pearce

The Easy Guide to Socialising Online - 7 views

    "The 'Easy Guide to Socialising Online'* provides information about the cybersafety features of different sites, including social networking sites, search engines and online games. By clicking on the logos for each site, you can learn how to adjust your privacy settings, report inappropriate content and find out more about other safety features.
Roland Gesthuizen

Zack Matere: Growing Knowledge - YouTube - 4 views

    "Zack Matere, a farmer in Soy, Kenya, searched for a way to save his dying crops. What he discovered was a desire to help local farmers and businesses access information."
Aaron Davis

The post-authentic world - Future Tense - ABC Radio National (Australian Broadcasting C... - 0 views

  • But I think all that has changed though, Antony, I think with social media is very intrusive and very persuasive and invasive, and the thing that's happening now that never happened before is that bad feedback lasts forever, it doesn't go away online, it doesn't go away on the internet
  • I think that the reality is that we make our own authenticity and that nothing is authentic without us being complicit in and almost creating this authenticity
    A great discussion about identity in the 21st Century focusing on authenticity and how the internet has changed everything.
Shelly Terrell

Manners Matter on the Web Infographic to teach digital citizenship - 6 views

    Love this! Manners Matter on the Web Infographic to teach digital citizenship
Roland Gesthuizen

Protect yourself from trolls | ACMA - 1 views

    "Being trolled? Here are five tips to protect yourself: "
Roland Gesthuizen

5 Ways That eBooks Are Better Than Paper Books - 0 views

    Recently I began to buy eBooks for the Kindle application on my iPad. While I still love paper books, the digital wiles of eBooks are looking increasingly attractive to me. Below are five eBook features that may tempt you to buy electronic books too.
Roland Gesthuizen

Why digital doesn't mean dumb ( - Internet ) - 2 views

    there's an assertion from Anna Richardson, the journalist, that I'd like to challenge. "Attention spans are much shorter" amongst "online audiences", she says. This is a common belief, but I take a different view.
Roland Gesthuizen

Why Technology Is So Addictive, and How You Can Avoid Tech Burnout - 2 views

    We're surrounded by gadgets that demand our attention, constantly fragmenting our ability to properly focus on the task at hand. Living with technology doesn't mean we have to live with an addiction, however. Here's how to beat tech burnout.
Roland Gesthuizen

Take Back Your Free Time: Establishing Boundaries Between Work and Play - 3 views

    Widespread Wi-Fi coverage, smart phones, ultra-portable computers, and other technological marvels of the 21st century blur the line between work and play more than ever. Here are a few tricks for reclaiming your time by setting boundaries between work and play.
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