Another point of view on the debate between 'poetry' and 'coding'
Hospitals aren't factories that produce well people, schools aren't factories that produce educated people. They are doing something non-market in some really foundational way and that is not subject to automation in the same way that other things are.
It's the people who get something about the tech world, and people who get something about human nature, psychology, marketing persuasion, whatever, those will be the top earners.
when people complain about getting too much email they think they are complaining about email but in fact they are complaining about getting too much information
"Call someone a 'cyber-utopian' and it's likely to be taken as an insult, according to leading media theorist Ethan Zuckerman.
But we'll meet some self-confessed utopians (of the digital variety) who are out of the closet and proud! While cyber-utopianism - that is, the idea that the internet is the ultimate empowering force - can get a little disconnected from reality, cyber-utopians say that's what they like about it.
It's a testing ground for future opportunities they say -- a way of encouraging us to think big and make the most of the Internet and new technologies."
But I think all that has changed though, Antony, I think with social media is very intrusive and very persuasive and invasive, and the thing that's happening now that never happened before is that bad feedback lasts forever, it doesn't go away online, it doesn't go away on the internet
I think that the reality is that we make our own authenticity and that nothing is authentic without us being complicit in and almost creating this authenticity
Does a sense of playfulness underpin the modern world? From information sharing to social activism to business training, the dynamics of play are increasingly important in our rapidly evolving world.