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Andrew Williamson

[rd] Digital fluency for the digital age | ACER - 4 views

    I'm not sure we need these skills to be taught as a separate subject. Technology has been changing the way people learn and interact for thousands of years. Many researchers argue that major innovations adopted by society have an effect on the structure of the human brain. There is little doubt that the Internet has changed the way people find information and the way they communicate. Changes to the way that students learn, and probably what they learn, need to follow.
Ian Guest

3 Step plan for a digital makeover - 0 views

    Some sage advice from Lisa Nielsen: The Innovative Educator. Useful links to her other posts on digital footprints and digital citizenship are also great advice
John Pearce

Are teenagers being analysed online for targeted advertising? - 18/06/2014 - 2 views

    "Google openly collects user data from its online services but not via apps for education, but there is concern that the online activity of teenagers is being analysed for targeted advertising."
Ian Guest

Otherwise Engaged - 1 views

    The perils of the status update?
John Pearce

Launch of Newspaper Extinction Timeline for every country in the world - Trends in the ... - 0 views

    "Back in August I predicted that newspapers in their current form will be irrelevant in Australia in 2022. That received significant international attention including from The Australian, The Guardian, Editor & Publisher (which called me the 'Wizard of Aussie') and many others. Part of the point I wanted to make was that this date is different for every country. As such I have created a Newspaper Extinction Timeline that maps out the wide diversity in how quickly we can expect newspapers to remain significant around the world."
Clay Leben

Web-based Digital Storytelling Tools and Online Interactive Resources | Danny Maas, Eme... - 8 views

    Blog post describes about 10 sites that offer interactive story building tools.
John Pearce

Free Technology for Teachers: 11 Good Digital Storytelling Resources - 12 views

    "Digital storytelling comes in many forms. Digital storytelling could refer to creating podcasts, creating videos, or creating multimedia ebooks to name of few of its forms. If you're considering developing your first digital storytelling project for your class, here some resources that can help you get started."
John Pearce

Keeping up e-ppearances: How to bury your digital dirt - tech - 23 February 2011 - New ... - 1 views

    "Thankfully, there are ways to restore your online reputation. While you might think that reducing your internet presence is the way to go, you'd be wrong. The key to managing your reputation is to spend more time online, not less. The advocates of this approach argue that polishing your online persona could soon join healthy eating and exercise in your arsenal of everyday life-maintenance chores. So how exactly do you go about it?"
John Pearce

ACMI Storyboard Generator - 7 views

    "Welcome to the Storyboard Generator. You can choose a script and create a storyboard. Try building your own storyboard using background location photographs. Once done, you can save and share your storyboard video with friends. Remember to register with Generator first if you would like to save your storyboard."
John Pearce

Open University research explodes myth of 'digital native' - 9 views

    "A new research project by the Open University explores the much-debated concept of "the digital native". The university does this by making full use of the rich resource which is its own highly diverse student body. It concludes that while there are clear differences between older people and younger in their use of technology, there's no evidence of a clear break between two separate populations."
Andrew Williamson

Movie Making and literacy skills | illegal harmonies - 5 views

  • But beyond that againg there is the ideas of student centered learning. The kids are creating personal, meanigful things not another task set by the teacher. The teacher is acting merely as the facilitator, guiding the learning to a deeper place. The ownership of the product gives the students motivation and a greater sense of enjoyment which always enhances learning. In my role as teacher for this project I introduced the idea, showed them some simple concepts and ten basically handed it over to them, always assisting when needed and giving guidance when appropriate
  • Creative expression is one of if not the most iportant part of life.  Humans have a desire to create and if we can use ICT to better enable children to do that while effectivly communicating their creations to others than that is fantastic.
    Awesome blog post on Movie making and literacy skills. Some great pedagogy happening with this group of students. I really like Kynan's philosophy of letting the students learn rather than intervening with teacher direction. Final cut express is a rather complicated piece of software but it looks like these kids have eaten it for breakfast
John Pearce

Henry Sibley Presents: Managing Your Digital Footprint - YouTube - 0 views

    "Published on 25 Sep 2013 Henry Sibley High School believes in educating students now for the digital realm of the future. This means being aware of the implications that today's online interaction can have down the road. This 15 minute video walks students through how to protect themselves online, and how to create and manage a positive digital footprint. Special Thanks to Azul 7, the University of Minnesota, and the Mendota Heights Police Department."
Ian Guest

Student guide to social media - 6 views

    Interactive guide introducing students to using social media in academic/professional ways.
Ian Guest

Seven Digital Deadly Sins - 3 views

    From the National Film Board of Canada & the Guardian, this interactive resource explores many of the issues associated with digital citizenship through videos, stories and questions. NB Do check it for appropriateness before using with your students!
    via @rmbyrne
John Pearce

The Ultimate Guide To Apple's New Education Initiative | Edudemic - 14 views

    "Apple has just unveiled their latest attempt to rethink an entire market. It's not a new tablet, phone, or even a device at all. Today at the Guggenheim, Apple announced how it will essentially get more school districts to buy iPads. But it's not just about the money, there's some amazing software that's rethinking the tried-and-true textbook publishing model. Below are excerpts from the world's best news sources who are live-blogging and in attendance at the event. From them you'll be able to understand exactly what the new software is, what it does, and how it will affect you and your classroom."
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