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Andrew Williamson

[rd] Digital fluency for the digital age | ACER - 4 views

    I'm not sure we need these skills to be taught as a separate subject. Technology has been changing the way people learn and interact for thousands of years. Many researchers argue that major innovations adopted by society have an effect on the structure of the human brain. There is little doubt that the Internet has changed the way people find information and the way they communicate. Changes to the way that students learn, and probably what they learn, need to follow.
Camilla Elliott

educational-origami - 21st Century Teacher - 7 views

    What about the 21st Century Teacher, what are the characteristics we would expect to see in a 21st Century Educator. We know they are student centric, holistic, they are teaching about how to learn as much as teaching about the subject area. We know too, that they must be 21st Century learners as well. But teachers are more than this.....
Darrel Branson

YouTube - Next is Now - 2 views

    A video in the line of "Did You Know"
trish dower

21st Century Collaborative | Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach | Exploring global connections as a ... - 0 views

    Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach - 21st Century teaching and learning
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